The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 12, 1907, TUESDAY EDITION, Image 1

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No. in.
Choo-Choo Wagons Will Soon
Skim the Sandy Beach From
Coos Bay Northward.
Nowhere Else Co'tild Such Be Found
Routes In to Coos Buy
. .
It is a well-known fact that the
problem of getting Into Coos Bay has
many peculiarities, to express it
mildly. The simplest, quickest and
most direct is to come by boat, from
either Frisco or Portland, also the
cheapest. But to peoplo who have a
holy horror of sea-sickness It offers
no inducements. In fact many would
not come at all if that was the only
way in here.
There are now three other ways
of getting hero that will lend all
the desired spice that would bo re
quired by the most exacting. At that,
no two of them are alike, but if you
allow yourself to be Influenced by
the wonderful stories told by some
patrons, each is worse than the other.
If you come by Roseburg via
Myrtle Point you get staging and
railroad. If you come the Coos Bay
wagon road you got staging, hand
car ride and gasoline launch (with
horse back riding over the mountains
in the winter.) If you come the
Drain road via Elkton, Scottsburg
and Gardiner, you have one added
variety. You start from Drain in a
stage. At Scottsburg you take a
steamer to Gardiner, out of Gardiner
you take the steamer for the beach
on Winchester bay. If the sea is
not too rough they land you in the
surf in row boats, when you must
take the queerest looking vehicle you
ever saw. It is built on the same
principle as a street car always
room for one more. It is on high
wheels with a tire about six inches
wide, with the cover so made that
they close it all in if the weather is
stormy, which destroys the chief
beauty of the trip. It will seat
nnrnfrirtnlllv illlOUt. Six. bllt 12 IS
about the usual load. It is twenty
miles down the coast which is as
smooth as a planed board. If you
are fortunate enough to see, it is one
of tho grandest trips in the world.
The sensation is one never to be for
gotten. After that it is a gasoline
boat up Coos Bay.
It seems that either of these routes
would furnish all the delights and
sensations that tho average man or
woman would require. Tho opto
mlst will tell you that perfection can
be Improved upon.
Messrs. D. M. Kemp, Won and An
drews are striving to improve on
perfection. If they are not they are
certainly going to add a new spice
to the mode of travel into and out
of this country, and shorten the
Within a short time, now they in
tend making connections with tho
Drain route with an automobile
line. Their proposed plan is to meet
the Drain stage at Winchester bay,
ferry tho passengers across and take
them up tho beach to Florence in
their cars, at a speed that will beat
tho S. P. At Florence you tako a
boat to Mapleton at the head of
navigation on the Siuslaw. From
Mapleton you go by stage to Eugene.
This is said to bo tho best stage road
on the Paclflc coast, and lands you
40 miles nearer Portland. In going
this route, you get a gasoline boat
ride first, then the "sand wagon,"
steamboat ride, automobile whirl, an
other steamboat ride, a stage ride
and then a train to Portland.
The ultimate object of Messrs.
Kemp, Wolf and Andrews is to
make connections with the railroad
at Yaqulna Bay on tho north
will make tho distance snorter in
time at least
Alan thor will Iia an
automobile lino from Coos Bay to
When that time comes, and It is
believed to bo in tho near future,
there will be no grander ride on
earth. It will make this coast fa
mous and have people coming from
all parts of tho globo to tako that
ride, If for no other purpose. Push
the good work along, In tho summer
time 20 automobiles would hardly
be able to carry tho people. Once
having seen the grand scenery and
the many wonderful things to he
seen nowhere else on earth, thous
ands would never leave.
Norfolk, Nov. 11. Tho Peo-
pie's Bank of Portsmouth,
which went into tho hands of a
receiver tonight on petition of
the directors, who gavo out the
statement that hank has been
mado Insolvent by defalcation
of tho cashier.
Car Arrived.
Passenger Coach Amusement Co.
will start Wednesday, at 7:30, on
Front, near Johnson's. Furniture
Store, and will run every 15 minutes
A. Smith Gives Optimistic Inter
view on the Financial Flurry
Started hi Wall Street.
C. A. Smith, president of tho
Smith, Barnes & Strohber Co., gener
ally recognized as one of the keenest
and most observing membe'rs of the
trade and ono thoroughly familiar
with business conditions in tho West,
said to a representative of Tho Mu
sic Trades:
"I fall to see any reason why there
should be any financial break in this
country, although troublo may be
precipitated by hotheads and specu
lators. Certainly, Chicago and the
AVest need not be alarmed over the
financial distress prevailing in Wall
street for tho West long ago cleared
Itself of the debt yoke to that famous
thoroughfare. Today the West stands
securely on Its own feet; it has a
sound bottom; It Is not owing money
in the East and we might say it owns
considerable Eastern mercantile pa
per. Now, Wall street is deep In
stocks stocks up to Its eyes so that
it cannot hear well.
"Twenty years ago wo had some
thing like this condition in Chicago.
Wo thought that tho sun of prosper
ity rose and set in tho Board of
Trade; that they mado tho price of
wheat and consequently tho price of
broad. But presently wo found out,
when the speculation began to pile
up Indebtedness In carrying margins
and gambling on tho future, the
fearsome attitude of tho Board of
Trade had less and less effect upon
men who were creating values by
making goods doing useful things I
in the world's work.
"Everybody who Is anybody In the
world of business knows that good
securities have a certain value, and
always will have, but the fictitious
premiums that are put upon stocks
good stocks by daring manipula
tors are bound to bring some one to
grief. If you or I, having earned
honest money, Invest the same in a
good earning stock of one of our
Western railroads here we can af
ford to put the said stock In bank,
tako the dividends as they como
along and bo fairly contented. But
If we buy stocks, then rush off to
tho bank and persuade our friend the
banker to loan us a certain amount,
taking said stocks for security, and
these stocks, through some manipula
tion, fall below the price wo paid for
them, we not only stand the loss, but
tho banker may throw them out upon
a falling market."
The horse show which closed Sat
urday at Portland was a tremendous
success, and the Oregon animals on
display, as well as tho show Itself,
was voted by Dr. Wlthycombe as just
as good, if not as large, as the ono
in New York City.
The Portland Commercial Club's
monthly dinner tomorrow night will
discuss how Oregon is advertised. In
addition to local speakers, Mr. John
II. Hartog, just elected secretary of
the Eugeuo Commercial Club, John
H. Whyte, manager of the Astoria
Chamber of Commerce, and speakers
from several other points, accompa
nied by delegations, will be present,
In addition to prominent Portland
business men.
There will be a special excursion
of Portland business men to Mosier,
Saturday, the 16th, to attend the
meeting to bo held Saturday evening.
"Wn tako clearinc house certifi
cates" is a sign now to bo seen in
tho show windows of almost every
Portland business house. The finan
cial sky is clearing and there is every
prospect that two weeks more will
seo conditions normal.
Ono week ago last Wednesday
tickets were telegraphed to Milton S.
Bucher and wife, at Columbus, unio,
and they had to be used the day fol
lowing to be good. They started and
arrived on Coos Bay on tho Break
water Saturday morning. Mrs.
Bucher is a sister of Mrs. Cameron.
On Saturday morning Mrs. Bucher
stood on her feet for tho first time
in 17 weeks. She had been in a hos-
pital three months with a severe case
l . . - ii.
or typno a ieyer, """"","-
. liaraiyzeu muus, emu ""i""'
dailv. and expects now to bo walking
In two or three weeks. ,
Mr. Bucher Is a railroad engineer,
but Is now working for William
Noble till ho can find what he wants.
Ho thinks this is the most remark
able country ho over saw. He can
hardly as yet appreciate now buuu
fruit and vegetables can be grown.
Fdith Runs Ashoro nnd Settles on
Water Mains When Tide Ebbs.
Vancouver, B. C Nov. 11. At
high tldo last night the tug Edith
lost her bearings In a fog while go
imr throuch the first narrows and
ran aground directly off tho landing
place on tho narrows water mains.
Tho tide was going out beforo tho
vessel could get otf, the tug drop
ping down on to a secure berth di
rectly on ono of tho mans. Her
weight crushed tho pipe, which Is
one of four supplying this city with
Alliance Is Duo AVedncsday.
Agent Shaw says tho Alliance left
Portland last evening on schedule
time, and should ho in port early to
morrow morning. Sho will sail from
Cos Bay on Thursday at service of
the tide.
Seattle, Nov. 11. Forty men,
women and children were injured, 26
seriously and two perhaps fatally, la
a collision between two Youngstown
street cars in a dense fog. Both cars
were smashed up and 75 'per cent of
the passengers injured. The accident
was due to an attempt of the conduc
tor and the motorman of tho inbound
car to steal tho switch of tho out
bound car. The track runs over a
trestle above the tide flats and the
fog made "It Impossible for tho men
In charge of tho cars to seo each
other until with a few feet. The
4 iinnn iEOPT,K WITHOUT '
, .
HOMliS 1 UiillJl VJIXi.. V
Iqulqul, Chile, Nov. 11. Two
lives were lost In a fire that de-
stroyed a large section of the
poorer residential quarters of
this port yesterday. Three thou-
sand people are homeless.
Clarence Barrow Spends Day in Ques
tioning Plnkerton Detective
Stood Test Well.
Spokane Nov. 11. A special to the
Spokesman-Review from Rathdrum,
Idaho, says: Most of the day in the
Steve Adams case was taken up by
Clarence Darrow in paving tho way
for argument as to the truthufulness
of Plnkerton detectives. S. C. Thiele,
assistant superintendent of the Plnk
erton Spokane office, was Darrow's
victim and from early morning until
court adjourned he battled with tho
detective, going over and over again,
step by step and thread by thread,
tho circumstances surrounding the
mnnnor tn which Adam's confession
to Thiele was made and making of
tho statement. Prior testimony
mado by Thiele was dug up by Dar
row. Drrrow Is good at this. His
caustic manner, harsh voico and
sharp tongue, tend to lay great stress
on some points where otherwise an
attorney would fail. On tho whole
Thiele made a good Impression and
while it is certain ho will bo at
tacked in the argument of tho Chica
go nttnrnnv. he did in his testimony.
J. H. Hawley, who conducted tho case
for the state at Boise, tooK mo ieuu
today, Knight retiring for the time
being. He had only one clash with
The Breakwater left Marshfield
Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock, bound
for Portland. She was one day late,
but the officers expect to make up
tho time and leave Portland for the
return trip on Wednesday evemus.
Following were the passengers:
D Forsburg, Clarence Holman,
Miss I. Mancut, Miss Paulino Nor
wood, J. A. Schtump, Geo. I. Graham,
Miss S. Wilson, L. A. Prey. W. D.
Dillon, F. L. Thomas, S. Richard, F.
D. Brown and wife, J. W. Maroney,
William Christy and wife, Orduey St.
James and wife, H. Pygall and wife,
W. J. Andrews and wife, w. H.
Short. W. W. Hills, Mrs. Poyntz, P.
A. Linsley and wife, Mrs. E. J. Ber
steg, C. E. Grldley, Al Smith, E. G.
Flanagan, Jno. Hawkinson and wife,
A. G. Blocky, W. F. McPherson, Pro
fessor Mundo, F. L. Booker, R. B.
Helt. C. B. Lawrence, Mrs. Cotter,,
Miss Davidson, M. Cotter, F. B. Wise,
L. F. Miller, Ernest Deming, Jos.
The Appointment.
The following letter and appoint
ment explains itself:
San Francisco, Cal Oct. 28, 1907.
Mr. W. S. Chandler, V. P. and G. M.
Beaver Hill Co., juarsnnuiu, ui
Dear Sir. Please issue notice
over your signature ua n.-i....
dent and general manager appoint
ing Mr. Thomas Russell, Jr., buuui
lntendenfr of the mines.
Yours truly,
Marshfield, Or., Oct. 31, 1907.
To whom It may concern. Mr.
Thomas Russell, Jr., is hereby ap
pointed superintendent of tho Beaver
Hill Coal Company. ,.
W. S. CHANDLER, V. P. & G- M.
Templars Will Institute.
Eminent Grand Commander Frank
J. Miller, of the Oregon Knigius
Templar, will arrive In today via tho, alum rnlltft for tllO DUmOSO Of
instituting tho local commandery of
that order. Tho institution win io
niM nn Wndnesdav evening, and
will be followed by a banquet. The
Tomninm are making preparations
for an excellent tlmo on tho occa
sion, and there will be a full atten
dance. Worthy Grand Matron Home Today.
Mrs. Florence Bargelt, Worthy
Grand Matron O. E. S., of Oregon,
who has been visiting chapters
throughout tho stato ior tho past two
months, will arrive In today over the
1 Drain route.
coaches narrowly escaped toppling
over Into deep water. Tho place
where the accident occurred is sev
eral miles from Seattle on a single
track and the injured were without
medical attention or competent aid
until a special relief car arrived. A
feature of the accident was that a
number were Injured about the head
and face, duo to striking against the
cross seats. Among tho injured is
C. L. Harbaugh, traveling passenger
agent for the Pennsylvania railroad
system; C. W. Smith, assistant libra
rian of the State University, is also
a victim.
Georgetown, Ky., Nov. 11.
The fourth trial of Caleb Pow-
ers, charged with complicity in
the death of William Goebel,
was called today, but because
of the absence of the common-
wealth's witnesses, the case
went over until tomorrow.
Lewis County Medicos "Will Teach
Prevention of Coimnou
Centralia, Wash., Nov. 11. In or
der to disseminate information re
garding prevalent diseases, to discuss
preventive measures and to suggest
remedies in the early stages of the
diseases, the Medical Association of
Lewis County has organized a hygi
enic asosciation. composed of profes
sional and lay members. The first
meeting of the new asosciation will
be held in Centralia, when the sub
ject of tuberculosis will be taken up.
The members of the medical pro
fession present will present their
views regarding the steps that should
bo taken to arrest tho progress or.
this disease in its early stages.
Famous Idaho Lund Fraud Case
Ended Jury Out Hour and 20
Spokano, Nov. 11. A special to
the Spokesman-Review from Moscow,
Idaho, says: The seventh day of tho
nollar-SwIsher land fraud cases came
to an end tonight when the jury, af
ter deliberating an hour and 20 min
utes, returned a verdict of not guilty
as to both William Dollar and Arthur
F. Swisher. When tho verdict was
read Mesdames Dollar and Swisher,
who have sat beside their husbands
during the trying week, wept and
laughed with joy.
New Haven, Nov. 12. Fivo per
sons at least lost their lives as a re
sult of a fire in tho hotel Gardo this
morning, and several others were In
jured. Tho fire broke out shortly
after 1 o'clock In the servants' quar
ters on tho fifth floor, and here four
persons were suffocated. Anoiner
man lost his life by falling from a
rope he was using as a firo escape.
Tho fire was confined to tho fifth
floor and one below. Tho firo was
"out shortly before 2 o'clock.
Football Team Organized.
The football players held a meet
ing, last evening, in Bert Dlmmlck'c
office, and organized a team for tho
series "of games which they have in
sight with North Bend and ono or
two teams on tho Coqulllo side.
There was an enthusiastic attendance
and the boys will commence Imme
diate practice. Bert Dlmmlck was
elected captain and manager, and ho
accepted all challenges the team has
received. It Is planned to bavo three
games with North Bend, tno nrsi iu
take place In Marshfield on Thanks
giving. One game may bo played
with the Coqulllo boys beforo
j. hanksglving.
20 Days for a Board Bill.
John Prather was yesterday sen
tenced to 20 days in jail by Justice
r t. Ponnnck. for renudlatlng a
board bill due J. S. Edmunds of
North Bend. Prather was brought
beforo tho Justice, and said ho did
not care for an attorney. Officer
Carter will escort him to Coqulllo
this .morning and turn him over to
Sheriff Gage, where ho will get 20
days' freo board.
Notice to Mariners.
Captain Lo Bras, of tho French
bark La Tour d'Auvergno, roports
to this offlco that, on October 22,
1907, In latitude 37 30 degrees north,
longitude 123 20 degrees west, ho
sighted a ship's spar or mast about
60 feet long, with iron bands and
some small pieces of halliards at
tached, JOHN M'NULTY,
Nautical Expert In Chargo.
R. E. Moon, of Albany, Stato
Field Worker for the Christian
nhnroh niiiio School, will bo in
Marshfield and hold services at Lu
theran hall, Wednesday evening, No
vember 13j Public invuea.
Guggenhelms Muko Preparations
for Work In the
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 11. M. J.
Henoy, who built tho White Pass and
Yukon Railroad, has been given a
contract by the Guggenhelms and J.
P. Morgan & C. to build the Copper
River and Northwestern Railroad
from Cordova to tho upper regions of
tho Copper River. A branch road
will first be built to Behrlng Lake
coal field, where the Guggenhei'mB
aro opening veins of coal said to
equal British Columbia coal in qual
ity. Heney is Instructed to have the
first 20-mllo section, now building,
completed by January 1.
Heney started to build the Copper
River Railroad last year for John Ro
sene, selecting Cordova as the termi
nal. Later tho Guggenhelms bought
the interests of Rosene and Heney.
Another engineer selected Catalla for
a terminal, but this year's experience
shows that Catalla could not be used
without building a breakwater and
harbor at an estimated cost of $3,
000,000. For this reason Catalla
will be abandoned and Heney's orig
inal plan adopted, making the ter
minus at Cordova.
The line is to run northwest from
Cordova to Copper River, and thence
through canyons and along the river
to north of the Taznuna and Nabesna
Rivers, where are located copper de
posits discovered by the Heney-Brat-noblor
expedition two seasons ago.
Heney is sending north men and ma
terial. E. C, Haskins has resigned
as chief engineer of Harrlman's
Sound extension to become chief en
gineer of the Guggenheim road.
By J. H. Fitzgerald, Great
This order has intrinsic merit as
a society which teaches and exem
plifies the principles of friendship
and brotherly helpfulness. Its pre
cepts Inspire all with the spirit of
fraternal lovo and good fellowship,
and with the divine Idea of the broth
erhood of man, and they bring to the
service the generous impulses which
tend to pleasant and harmonious re
taliations among men. It's teachings
refine their natures, and awaken
their minds to the highest aspira
tions. It especially appeals to the
patriotic sentiments of the American
citizen because of Its origin, Its tra
ditions and its ceremonies.
The combined membership of
Tribes and Councils January 1st,
1D07, was 436,282, total net in
crease in membership in 1D06 of
20,508 and the order will show an in
crease In 1907 of at least 50,000
Wo are proud of tho Improved O. R.
M. as It Is tho oldest fraternal or
ganization, of purely American orig
in. The wonderful progress and
popularity of the Improved Order of
Redmen have won for it tho promi
nent position it occupies among tho
social and benevolent fraternities of
tho United States.
Tho secret of American llfo nnd
prosperity Is the close alllanco be
tween the citizen and tho govern
ment under which he lives and the
Interdependence and confidence such
a relationship Imposes. So, true
fraternities can exist only when man
recognizes the truth that ho is bound
unto his neighbor in tho unbroken
union of mutual dependence.
Tho stream of freedom, friendship
and charity cannot bear false gods
upon their bosom nor carry pestilence
and night to those who drink deeply
of their waters.
The pretenco once abandoned, now
seemingly renewed, that an organi
zation like ours is hostile to social,
political and religious welfare, is as
weak and Impotent as would ue tno
contention that our banner shelters
all tho banners of mankind.
Tho history of tho lives, patriot
Ism, devotion and heroism, of our
membership falsifies tho one, as
common sense repudiates tho other.
In an ago of unrest and theological
discussion, where tho pews aro re
plying to tho pulpits, whero men ap
pear to be drifting from old-time
moorings, and tho religious faith of
tho fathers is being questioned nt
a tlmo when a spirit of material
progress seems to absorb tho energies
of earth's inhabitants, our order
dares to assert tho probity and honor,
truth and fidelity, aro still factors In
a world's development; that tho
growth of human character consti
tutes the richest attribute of our
civilization, as tho practice of tho
divine precepts, that underlie this
and kindred orglnlzatlons, Is but tho
natural development of our noblest
Impulses. The primary objects of
our affiliation and patriotism, fra
ternity and benevolence. There can
bo no conflict with church or creed,
because our membership embraces all
sects and religions. That man best
serves tho Great Spirit who best loves
and helps his fellow man. No party
or sectional distinctions can bo
known among us.
Wo aro friends and brothors linked
together In am(ty,let peace abide
among us and tho Great Spirit bless
and prosper us.
Mrs. Cottell Departs.
Harry Cottell, who was arrested
and confined in tho city calabooso
last Friday night, was released on
Sunday. His wlfo, with whom it is
claimed ho had troublo whloh led to
his arrest, left on tho Breakwater. I
after disposing of thoir household J
. vi' X,yJ . ., nini,nnB until
Cottell is rather indignant
his furniture was sold and hla wlfo
had left the country. The trial for
insanity was not held.
27th Annual Convention of
American Federation of La
bor in Session.
Jamestown First Exposition Built
Entirely by Organized Labor
Workliigmen Patriotic.
Norfolk, Nov. 11. Tho first sea
slon of tho American Federation oC
Labor, which began its Twentyscv
enth annual convention at tho
Jamestown Exposition today, was do
voted to speechmaklng and reading;
of reports. When adjournment
came tonight, President Gompers
Secretary Morrison and Treasurer
Leanon had submitted their reports
and a partial report of the commit
tee on credentials had been heard In.
response to an address of wplcomo
by Governor Swanson and Expo
sition President Tucker, Gompera
paid a trlbuto to tho exposition and,
to Virginia. He pointed to tho fact
it is the first exposition built entire
ly by organized labor Ho confined hla
remarks to general matters, except
toward the end when alluding to tho
trip of the Atlantic squadron ta
Pacific waters, he took occasion to
say that he knew of no organization
that makes so little pretense of pat
rlsm but In which true patroltism
prevails to such extent as In organiz
ed labor. Ho said he did not know
what might bo the result of thla
cruise, but whether It bo for fun or
frolic or fight that organized labor
"would be there." Fully 500 mom
bers and delegates attended tho
opening session. Many men promi
nent In organized labor had seata
on tho stage beside prominent stato
and exposition officials. At tho after
noon session, Gompers read his an
nual report.
Dates for Meeting November 10 audi
UO Banquet to Close Con
vention. Tho Oregon Stato Bar Association
will hold its seventeenth annual
meeting, in Portland, November 1ft
and 20. It is tho desire of tho com
mittee that the attorneys of tha
state be generally represented at thia
meeting and to that end have ar
ranged that tho Circuit Court for
Multnomah County and the Federal
Court shall tako a recess thosd two
days. With tho same end In vUw an
excursion rate of ono and one-thirdl
times tho regular single trip faro
hns been arranged with the
of the Southern Pacific Company.
This rate applies to all attorneys at
tending tho meeting, incluuTrtig their;
families, provided 50 first-cla33 sin
gle trip tickets aro sold on tha rail-,
roads in the state.
Tho mornings of tho two days will
be devoted to tho business of tha as
sociation, election of members and"
tho election of ofifcers for tho ensil
ing year. Tho afternoon sessions wH
bo devoted to addresses from prom
inent members of tho bar of th.a
stato and of Washington, and among
tho number there may bo announced)
at this time the Hon. J. H. Easter
day, Tax Commissioner of tho State
of Washington; Hon. C. B. Altchlson,
Railroad Comimssloner of tho Stata
of Oregon, and Hon. Oliver P. Mor
ton, United States Reclamation At
torney. Tho meeting will terminate
with a dollar dinner, at the Commer
cial Club, in Portland, at 6:30 P. M.,
Novomber 20.
Jury in Kline Inquest Question Sam
uel II. Jones on Several
Goldfleld, Nov., Nov. 11. At tho
Inquest today on tho death of V. L.
Kline, who was shot while robbing,
tho Bank of Nevada Goldflold Re
duction Works, Samuel H. Jones,.
night watchman at the works, saia
that Ralph Gipple, Kline's accom
plice, had confessed to him that ho
holped rob tho Gardner mine. Jonea
was sharply questioned by tho,
jurors who wanted to know why
Grlpplo, whom Jones said ho knowfr
so slightly as not to know his name,,
should havo confessed that ho rob-
bed this mlno and should havo pro-
posed tho robbery of tho reduction
works. Jones said GlppTo had told;
him they had secured $800 from tho
Gardner mlno, hut that ho did nob
Implicate Kline In tho robbory.
John Siewurt's Case Dismissed.
In the caso of Mr. Redding, of Plati
B, against John Stowart, whom ho
charged with ombozzlemont, tho juryi
in Justlco Pennock's court yesterday
found no cause of action. J. M. Up-
ton appeared for tho defenBo and;
Deputy Attorney E. L. C. Farrln ton
tho state.
All members of Dorlo Chapter,
No. 53. aro requested to bo present
at the rogular meeting this evening
at 7:30.
Dv "der of Worthy Matron.