The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 10, 1907, SUNDAY EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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"Sell It for Less"
Golden lltilo Goods
Golden Rule Prices
Golden Rule Trent nient
Everything New. Remarkable Low Prices. Goods direct from Eastern Factories and Importers.
As a result of our connection In the past and at the present with the Great Golden Rule Syndicate of Stores in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Cal
ifornia, we are in a position to buy goods at prices which are absolutely beyond the reach of the ordinary Merchant. This enables us to sell many articles at prices
which are positively under that our competitors have to pay the Pacific Coast wholesale houses.
We are never ashamed of our prices. Everything is market! in plain figures. We have but one price for all and that price is open for the inspection of all.
On every piece of goods or article displayed in our windows you will find the price indicated, and that article is for sale at that price. It is yours if you wish it.
Below we quote some prices. These goods are just as they are represented to be. You can buy them at these prices. Why pay more?
Big savings In notions. How do these prices com
pare with what you have been paying?
Common pins, per paper '2c.
10c. Best Brass pins, per paper 5c.
100 Wire Hair Pins '. fie.
Toilet Pins, Black or White, largo cube 8c.
Same, small cube le.
2 dozen Hooks and Eyes, Warranted. . flc.
Safety Pins, small size '. 4c.
Safety Pins, largo size 5c.
Shell Hair Pins, good quality, large size, 2 for. 5c.
Small size, C for 5c.
15c. S Inch metal black Dressing Comb l()c.
35c. Goodyear rubber Comb, largo size 23c.
2Cc. 7 inch celluloid Ccmb c.
35c. S Inch celluloid Comb, extra flno 118c.
10c. Hair Pin Cabinets, 100 pins 5c.
Buttons for Underwear, 12 doz 5c.
10c. Pearl Buttons, per doz 5c.
Tooth Brushes '. 5c. to SIJJc.
40c. Scissors, Medium Size, "Razor Stel" . . . . 25c.
50 Scissors, large size 30c.
10c. Machine Oil, large bottle 5e.
10c. Embrqidery Hoops '. 5c.
Hair Brushes, good quality 15 to 28c.
75c. "Keep Clean" Hair Brush lSc.
Cord Elastic, white or black, per yard le.
Elastic, inch wide, per yard 5c.
25c. plaid Windsor TIe3 20c.
Clark's O. N. T. Lustre 5c.
Or G spools for 25c.
Clark's O. N. T. Thread .' (tc.
Visiting Cards, best quality, per bunch 5c.
Baby Ribbon, all silk, per yard lc.
15c. Infants' Supporteis He.
15c. Misses' and Ladies' Supporters 10c.
35c. Ladies' Bolt Supporters 2:ie.
50c. Ladies' Belt Supporters !50c.
Turnover Collars, values 20c. to 35c... 10c. to 23c.
10c. Collar Buttons 5e.
50c. Cuff Buttons 25c.
75c. Cuff Buttons,. warranted 50c.
35c Box Soap r 20c. and 25c.
Cologne, fine and lasting 10c.
1 doz. finest Steel Pens 5c.
10c. Toilet Paper, 1000 sheets to roll, 2 for. . .15c.
10c. Envelopes, best grade "c-.
Shoo Laces, 3 pairs 5c.
If we can't save you 50 per cent on lace curtains
then wo don't deserve your patronage.
White Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yards long,
36 inches wide, per pair. . . 00c.
3 yards long, 45 inches wide, very pretty pattern,
per pair ()5c.
3 yards long, 50 inches wide, per pair $1.10
3 M: yards long, 50 Inches wide, per pair. .. .$1.58
3 yards long, 54 Inches wide, per pair. . . .$1.08
Irish Point Curtains, 3 yards long, 45 inches wide,
very fine, per pair $2.85
3 yards long, 4S inches wide, very swell, per
pair : $3.75
Now is your time to buy laces for your Xmas work.
We have a nice line and for prices at about half
what you have bce'n paying.
Children's fine ribbed Hose, all sizes, worth 15c.
Our price 10c.
A very fine ribbed Stocking, good value at 25c.
Special price, small sizes 15c.
Large sizes 18c.
Heavy ribbed Hose for Boys and Girls. A leader,
pain 15c.
We have an extra good number in Mje3e3' Hose
at , 25c.
Misses' Cashmere Hose, sire3 7 to 0 , . Extra
value 25c.
Ladles' Hose
We will sell you a much better stocking than you
have beo'i baying tor the same money. A good'
serviceable Hose 1 fit-.
Fine Ribbed 25c.
Our Leader 25c.
Suk finished Lisle 45c.
We hope to have our wool underwear in this
5c. to 15c. per yard. You should see these.
We lime some big values In Towels, Turkish and
Linen. Come and see us.
Chillis' Water Proof Cap 23c.
35c. Child's red, bluo or brown Caps 23c.
35c. Boys' Caps 23c. and 25c.
C5c. Boys' Caps. . . v lc.
G5c. Girls Caps 48c.
Child's Tarns 25c.
Child's Tarns, better grade 0c.
Fine Ribbed Vests and Pants, good
Sizes 1G and 18, each.
Sizes 20 and 22, each.
Sizes 24 and 2G, each.
Sizes 28 and 30, each.
Sizes 32 and 34, each.
. 1 5c.
Jersey Ribbed Wool, very fine,, splendid garment,
vests and pants. "
Sizes 18, each, only 30c.
Sizes 20, each, only ,.. . . .35c.
each, only 10c.
each, only 15c.
each, only 50c.
each, only 5c.
each, only f!5c.
each, only 70c.
Misses' fine ribbed Union Suits cream color, a
very fine garment, and worth much more.
Suit 50c.
Ladles' Underwear
Sizes 22,
Sizes 24,
Sizc3 2G,
Sizes 2S,
Sizes 30,
Sizes 32,
Fine Ribbed Vests and Pants, good weight, gray
or cream color. Big value, each 25c.
"Set Snug" Vests and Pants, fine ribbed, neatly
trimmed, worth 75c. Our price 48c.
We hope our wool underwear in this week, also
other numbers of cotton.
Wo handle tho celebrated Goodman line of child
ion's and ladies' Shoes. This is tho houso that
doesn't do ono dollars worth of advertising and
yet they are not able to keep anywhere near up
with their orders for shoes, although their fact
ories are the largest by far of their class in tho
world. Their shoes aro sold solely on their merits
and at a price from 25 to 50 per cent below other
If you want a good, honest, serviceable fchon at
tho price you paid for them a number of years
ago, come and see us. '
Look at thcbe prices, Child's Shoo, kid, spring
heel, solid, lots of wear si?c3 5 to 8 (10c.
Child's Shoe, kid, cap heel, pot toe, solid, sizes
8 Vz -to 11 08c.
Children's school Shoes, kid, heavy extended sole,
cap heel, sizes 5 to S $1.15
Same, sizes 8V4 to 11 $1.35
Same, size's 11 Vz to 2 $1. 18
School Shoes, Box Calf, cap heel, heavy extended
sole, solid, none better for Wear sizes 5 to S. .$1.15
Same, sizes S Ms to 11 $1.33
Same, sizes 11 Vi to 2 $1.18
We have bold and used theso shoes for ycais. We
know that Wiey will give satisfaction.
Ladies9 Slaoes
A good serviceable Shoe for every day wear. The
equal to any $2.00 shoe, low heel, kid upper. $1.50
Tho same with heavy solo and heel Sl.75
Very fino kid, Blucher, military heel, extended sole,
a good looker and wearer $2.25
This is tho equal of any $3.00 Shoe in town. Wo
have other shoes which wo cannot list hero for
want of space.
Wo can save you money on your ribbons. Heavy
pure silk, taffeta ribbon, all staplo colors. No.
GO, 3 inches wide, other stores ask 30c. our
price, per yard 2.Jc.
The same in No. 40, 3 Inches wide, per yard. .20c.
Other widths at tho same low prices, from ic. to
18c. tho yard. .
We sell for cash. Don't ask for credit. We can't afford it. Neither can you afford to buy that way.
Remember the place.
1 I il b2& & JF 1JI&I1S III A STREET i
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KhBaCmigTOICTfSIEJWUSm '..w.yjpnas3M3agirraL''TTrk.(Jtl'IIIITTl
Ladles night at the parlors of the
North Bend Commercial Club was at
tended by tho members and frionds
from both North Bend and Marsh
Held. There was a hearty welcome
oxtonded to the Marshfield people
who attended, and they were made
to feel that there presence was well
appreciated. The musical pro
Si amine, ararnged .by W. K. Haluos,
of MarBhfield, was particularly an
cont of the eveuing. Though this
giaumie, arranged by W. R. Haines,
mado up in quality. The members
and friends who wore present to hear
the numbers by Professor Elmer A.
Todd and the Isaacson Brothers
deemed themselves fortunate to havo
heaid the selections. Professor
Todd's iuterpretatlou of B flat minor
I? S-'herzo by Chopin, au Octavo Etude,
It "From Flower to Flower, by ltui-
lak, and his transcription of the Sex
tette from Lucia de Lammernoor,
by Mills, .were all ontrancing, and
wore rendered only as audi au artist
can play. The audience received
Mr. Todd's numbers with grea.t on
thusiasm and later In the ovenlug,
by special request, ha favored them
with two more selections. The Isaac
son Brothers, two boys aged 10 and
12 years, in their mandolin duets,
fihowod fine technique find woro on
cored for five numbers.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. CHuklnboard
woro agroenbly surprised, at thoir
homo on North Coos River, on llal
lowo'on night, when about 30 of
their frionds assembled at tho land
ing, from which plnco tho party, nil
carylng llghtod Jack-o-lantorus, pro
ceeded to tho houso, whoro thoy wore
heartily wolcomed by tho host and
hostess. Tho evening was spont In
playing games and Hallowo'on magic
of all kinds was tried. Dolicious re
freshments wero served, and tho
happy party dispersed about 12
o'clock, well pleased with the "even
ing's entertainment.
The Evergreen Whist Club was en
tertained, on Saturday afternoon, by
Mrs. Lyman Noble, at her home on
Pine streot. Mrs. C. N. Tower won fii'st
prize and Mrs. B. O'Connell won the
consolation. Refreshments were
served by the bostessand a general
good Ume enjoyed by all the mem
bers. The next meeting will be held
on Saturday afternoon, at the home
of Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. O'Connell
acting as hostess.
Tho Sisters of Bethaxfy held their
regular session on Tuesday with Miss
Alice Butler. The next meeting will
bo with Mrs. Mingus.
Miss Mamie Maboney entertained
the members of the Priscilm Club
ou Friday evening. Music and cards
were enjoyed. At a late hour re
freshments were served. xMrs. In
gram will bo the hostess ou next
Friday ovenlng.
Miss Helen Rees, tho daughtor of
Mr. and Mrs. D. Rees, celebrated
her oighth birthday on Saturday
by ontertaintng a large number of
her youug friends. Games were
played and a delicious luncheon was
served towards ovenlng,
Thursday, Novembor 7, at 2 P. M.,
Mrs, Mingus reoelvod tho mombors
of tho Biographical Club. Tho his
tory of Edmond Spoucor and his
pooms woro discussod. Intorost In
tho club is vory koon, and a pleasant
nftornoon resits from thoso meetings.
Tho reception in honor of Mrs.
W. S. Chandler by tho Progress
Club will take place Tuesday aftor-
at the homo of Mrs. II, S. Songstac
ken. The hostess" will be assisted in
receiving by the ladles of tho Prog
ress Club. v
The A. N. W. Club held their reg
ular session Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. II. Wi ight, one of the members.
Needlework was continued until late
in the afternoon, when dainty re
freshments were served
Mrs. Jas. Flanagan entertained the
Five Hundred Club on Wednesday
afternoon. Thero was a general at
tendance of the members, and n de
lightful time was enjoyed by all.
Among tho outing parties last
Sunday was an excursion given by
Dr. and Mrs. J. T. McCormac, aboard
the launches Dixie and Aloha, to
Charleston Bay. Those composing
the party leaving Marshfield were
Mrs. A. P. Orron, Dr. and Mrs. Min
ugs, M. and Mrs. P. M. Wilbur, Mrs.
Elizabeth Adams, Miss Mamie Ma
honey, Mr. Jay Mahoney, Judge Tin
dolph, Mrs. Fannie Hazard, Mrs. Mc
Knight, Julius Mandel, Miss Grace
McCormack, Mri?. Llbby, Messrs. V.
A, Johnson, A. Sofgren, C. C. Noed
helser, A. 13. Guyton and August
Farley; also Mastors Duncan Doug
las, Stanley Briggs and Fred McCor
mac. At Empire tho party was joined
by Major and Mrs. Towor. and at tho
Lifosavlng Station by Captain and
Mrs. Nelson. All tho pleasures of
tho soaside woro onjoyed. Hot coffee
and lunchoon was sorvod in ono of
tho protty coves so uumorous at
Charleston Bay.
!- ---0 -&---.
The Celebrated
Llbby Cut
I have a good selection
of the finest cuts,
I am the sole agent
here and these goods
are to be had in no
other store in Marsh
field, "
If you want something
truly fine see these
Opposite Odd Fellows'
Miss Pearl Rlggs, daughtor of Mr.
and Mrs. J. N. Rlggs, entertained
100 guests on Friday evening, ,In
tho Odd Follows' hall. Sho woro a
noon, from 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock, cream tinted taffeta silk dress ro-'
lieved by soft lace trimmings. The
delicate pink roses worn in her hair
added greatly to the effect, making
a still richer appearance. Miss Rlggs
was assisted by her friend, Miss Eu
ulce Nicholls, who was becomingly
gowned in lavender silk. The oven
lng ppened with daucing, whloh was
continued until midnight, when re-
.fj-s)aients were served by Mrs. C.
W. Merchant, Mrs. J. A. Matson,
Misses Eunice Nicholls, Grace Kruse,
Eugenia Shillings and Mrs. J. W.
Rlggs. The room was tastefully dec- c
orated with large knots of Oregon
grape aim ouier evorgreens, while
the light was softened by the use of
many Chinese lanterns.
Tho Ladles Art Club 'mot at tho
rosldenco. of Mrs. Chas. Mcculloch,
on Friday aftornoon, and spom tho
afternoon sewing on fancywork. Dur
ing tho latter part of tho day re
freshments were served.
Z1 'vV'AX'iVW JJ J
These floods are All New
and of the Very Latest
IS. J J&
Our Line Is Complete and
as Handsome as You Ev
er Saw.
1 1 !3
g &
Front Street, Opposite the Central Hotel.
- Jitil
jg x mr- fe-'-lrW