THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1907. IP fl ' ' f'll i'i'i IJ"'" - ,j mil ...i i""""""""!.' ' ' !T" " "' i i nr- -) i, , , II : If Of MAR.SHFIELD and NOR.TH BEND We Have and We Sell Electric Flat Irons, Electric Water Heaters, Electric Griddles and Broilers, and Electric Curling Iron Heaters ii We do wiring Bring in your orders--We will give you an estimate We Uoe t!e best of materials and up to date workmen If you are going to build, let us .design your wiring and lighting for you, We sell motors, We install motors, We rewire armatures, We do all kinds of repairing, Just received a nice line of ELECTRIC FIXTURES WOODCRAFT WOODEN FIXTURES, STURORE-BRUSH BRASS FIXTURES, The finest line of Fixtures between Portland and San Francisco. We install isolated. light plants, Give us your plans We will give yuu the price We want Your Business. Give us a Trial. TELEPHONE MAIN 61 NEW O'CONNELL BUILDING IV rj ni- t . i nun i " ' ' ' " '" " ' ' ' . jiju.'i'n ' .. ' VICTORIA'S LETTERS PUBLISHED TO WORLD Correspondence Published by King Edward's Leave Throws New Light on Queen. London, Nov. 9. Queen Victo ria's letters, edited by A. C. Benson and Lord Esher and published this week, are stated in the preface to form "what is probably the most ex tiaordinary series of state documents In the world." They aro a monument of industry md an enduring testimonial of devo tion to the sense of right and a pow erful stimulus to patriotism. Never before has the country been taken into tho confidence of a monarch with such frankness and lack of re straint. The letters published in these bulky volumes cover tho period of twenty-four years that elapsed be tween Victoria's accession in 1837 and tho death of her prince- consort in 1SG1. Thero aro some letters referring to tho early life in which tho writer refers to "Uncle" Leopold I, king of tho Belgians, as providing tho "brightest epoch of my otherwise raeloncholy childhood." Her Earliest Impressions as Queen. On June 19, 1837, tho then prin cess Victoria wrote to her undo, in forming him of tho imminonco of the death of William IV. In speaking of her expected accession sho sald: "I look forward to the event which it seems is likely to occur soon with calmness and quietness. I am not alarmed at it, and yet I do not sup l'oso myself quite equal to it all. I trust howover, that with good will, honesty, and courage I shall not with all events fall." This letter concluded with tho hope that "tho all powerful being, who has so long watched over tho destinies, will guido and support mo in whatever situation and station it may please Him to placo me." There aro somo naive remarks In a long description of tho coronation which tho queen wrote In her private Journal, such as: "Millions of my subjects showed good humor and excessive loyalty, and really I cannot say how proud I feel to ho queen of such a nation. When my good lord of Melbourne knelt down and kissed my hand he pressed my hand and I grasped his with my heart. "Tho archbishop had most awk s wardly put tho ring on tho wrong finger, and I had the greatest difficul ty to take it off again, which, at last, I did with great pain. "Tno crown hurt me a good deal." Her Great Love as a Wife. The day after her marriage, Feb ruary 11, 1848, the quean wrote to King Leopold from Windsor castle: "Dearest Uncle: I wrote you from here tho happiest, happiest being that ever existed. Really, I do not think it possiblo for any one in tho world to bo happier or as happy as I am. Ho is an angel, and his kindness and af fection for mo are really touching. To look in those dear eyes and dear, sunny face Is enough to mako me adore him. What I can do to make him happy will be my greatest de light, independent of my great per sonal happiness. "Tho reception wo both met with jesterday was the most gratifying and enthusiastic I over experienced. There was no end of crowda in Lon don and all along the road." Proud of Her First Child, Now King. A letter written soon after tho birth of tho present king ran as fol lows: "Our llttlo boy is a wonderfully strong and large child, with large bluo oye3 and finely formed, but with a somewhat largo nose and pretty little mouth. I hope and pray ho may bo like his dearest papa. He is to bo called Albert, and Edward is to be his second name." Queen Victoria, although sho con fessed on occasion to King Leopold that sho greatly disliked politics, closely followed every political de velopment. She thus refers to Sir Robert Peel's bill to increase tho grant to tho Roman Catholic college at Maynooth: "Buckingham Palace, April 15, 1845. My Beloved Uncle: Hero wo aro In a great state of agitation about ono of tho greatest measures ever proposed. I am sure poor Peel ought to bo blessed by all Catholics for tho manly and noble way in which ho stands forth to protect and do good for poor Ireland. But tho bigotry, wicked and blind passions it brings forth are quite dreadful and I blush for Protestanlsm. "A Presbyterian clergyman said truly that bigotry is more common than shame. . Her Iveen Political Insight. Between IS 48 and 1851 there was friction between the court and Pal merston over the conduct of foreign affairs, and finaly the latter resigned. On Dcember 3, 1S51, the queen wrote to King Leopold I: "Dearest Uncle: I have tho great est pleasure in announcing to you a piece of news which will give you as much satisfaction and relief as it does to us, and will to tho whole of tho world. Lord Palmerston Is no longer foreign secretary, and Lord Granville js already named aa his successor. Ho had become of lato really quite reckless, and in spite of tho serious admonition and caution he received only on tho 9th of November, and again at the beginning of December, ho tolls Walewki that ho entirely ap proves of Louis Napoleon's coup d'e tat when ho had written to Lord Nor mandy by my and my cabinet's deslro that ho (Lord Normandy) was to continue his diplomatic intercourse with tho French government, but was to remain perfectly passive and give no opinion." In a letter to her uncle after her visit to spithead in 1842, tho queen made the following reference to tho British navy: "I think it is in these Immense wooden walls that our real real greatness lies." Victoria's Tribute to Wellington. In another letter to tho same cor respondent ten years later she thus spoke of tho duke of Wellington. "I am sure you will mourn with us over tho loss wo ami tho wholo na tion have experlencec In tho death of the dear and great old duko of Wel lington. Ho was tho prldo and tho bon genie as It were, of this country. He was tho best man tho country ever produced, and the most devoted and loyal subject, and tno stanchest sup porter tho crown ever had. Ho was to us a true, kind friend, and a most valuable adviser. To think that all this Is gone; that this great Immortal man belongs now to history and no longer to tho present Is a truth which wo cannot realize." Thero aro many letters referring to tho Crimean war. Ono speaks of the "dreadful and Incalculable con sequences of war weighing upon my heart." Another quotes Shakes peare's words, "Beware of entrance to a quarrel; hut being" in, bear't that the opposed may beware of thee," as being deeply engravee on the hearts of all Englishmen. Three years later, in 1S57, there is this reference to tho Indian mutiny: "Wo are in sad anxiety about India which engrosses all our attention. Troops cannot be raised fast or large enough, and tho horrors committed on poor ladles, women, and children aro unknown in these ages and make one's blood run cold. Altogether, the wholo is so much more distress ing than tho Crimea, where thero was glory and honorable warfare, and where poor women and children were safe. Grief of Her Widowhood. The' book ends with the death of the prince consort. Tho queen pours out her whole soul to her second father, Leopold I, in her anguish as she had dono in her joy: "Osborne, 20th Dec, 18G1. My Own, Dearest, Kindest Father: For as such have I ever loved you. The poor, fatherless baby of 8 months Is now utterly broken hearted and crushed widow of 42. My life as a happy ono i3 ended. Tho world is gone for me. If I must live on and I will do nothing to mako mysolf worse than I am It is honceforth for our poor fatherless children, for my unhappy country, which has lost all in losing him, -and in only doing what I know and feel ho would wish; for ho is near mo; his spirit will guido and insplro me. "But, O, to be cut off In tho prime of lifo, to see our puro, happy, quiet domestic life, which alono enabled mo to 'bear my much disliked posi tion, cut off at 42, when I had hoped with such instinctive certainty that God would never part us, and would let us grow old together. "Although ho always talked of tho shortness of life It Is too awful, too cruel, and yet Jt must bo for his good, his happiness. His "purity was too great, his aspirations too high for this poor, miserable world. His great soul is not only enjoying that for which it was worthy, and I will not envy him, only pray that mlno may bo perfected by it, and fitted by him eternally for which blessed mo mont I earnestly long." , Tho book has been copyrighted by tho king In Great Britain and de pendencies. . We Civilize Them. i'Tliey doapise ua, yea, Uioy despise us," said tho American woman who lives much among foreign residents of New York, "but great as Is tho contempt of tho German, tho French man, and the Italian for everything American, each nationality looks to us to civilize tho emigrants from other European countries. Only yes terday I heard a German who has lived hero for many years character ize as pernicious the American gov ernment, the American industrial system, American schools, and the American climate. Tho next minute his eye lighted upon a group of par ticularly well-dressed Italians. "They are a pretty tough lot now," ho said, "but after they have lived here for a few years and have sent their children to school here they will learn how to behave." Later I heard a Frenchman de clare that the wholo United States was given up to rowdyism, yet In tho same breath he expressed tho convic tion that a number of Germans whom ho regards as impossibly "Dutchy" at present would become civilized af ter a few years' resldenco in Now J York. I don't just see tho force of that reasoning. If wo aro all heath en, how can association with us possi bly improve anyone? Yet that is tho miracle that all our foreign friends aro confidently expecting to bo performed. Fall Masquerade Ball, at Sumner, November 23. Good music. An Inevitable Downpour. A New York man who had been summering in the White mountains, on his return to town, told of an on counter with a New Hampshlro farm er. It was lato in September, and It was almost timo for tho Equinox or "lino storm," as the natives call it. Tho city man was planning a certain trip on his motor cycle, but tho morn ing on which ho had been intending to start was bo gray and overcast that ho felt somo hesitation about setting out. Ho was trying to per suado himself out of this feeling even though his better judgment was against him, Tho mountains wore veiled in wreaths of mist and cloud that had Bottled down almost to their bases. Ho was getting his wheel ready, when ono of tho nearby farm ers camo up and leaned over tho fence, watching him. "1 s'poso yo don't mind gottin' somo wot," ho finally insinuated. "Oh, I don't believe its going to rain," answored tho optimist, Jaunti ly. ' "It looks llko a bit threatening, but I think it will clear up by noon, aro now on exhibition at this stores Always aiming to lead in thd matter of new ideas, wo can show you tho greatest stock of up-to-dato suits, cravonottes and overcoats for men and young men over brought to this city. You will find hero tho nowest conceptions, in fall clothes a class of apparel which no other storo can show you. Wo feature Collegian Clothes and tho styles for fall it car nrc in n class by themselves. s Wo can also supply you with FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO SUITS Sacchl's Huilding, 2nd Street. so I'm going to start just tho same." Tho farmer was silent a moment, thon ho pointed solemnly toward tho clouds, which had entirely shut out from view tho mighty mountain four miles away. "Young man," ho said impressive ly as ho pointed, "Look thar. Whoa tho clouds settles down over Koar sargo, God Almighty couldn't stop tho raiu!" Miner Injured at Libby. W. Dowosso, a miner at tho Libby Coal Mine, was injured' yesterday while at work by a quantity of coal falling on him. Whon the coal was romovod It was found ono leg was broken, This Is tho eecond ttmo within a fow years that Mr. Doweesa has sustained n broken leg.