THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1907. NEW ADDITION THE SPLENDID TOWNSITE Situated on South Side of Coal Bank Inlet with Broadway, Running North and South through the Entire Addition, and with a Direct Face to the Main City of Marshf ield Fine View and Good Natural Drainage. Will be put on the Market TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th. i Prices of Inside Lots, $75; Corners, $ 100. Terms, 25 per cent cash, Balance $ 1 0 per Month. We want Good Live Selling Agents for this Property, and Have -No Objections to Female Rus tlers. For Particulars Apply to ABSTRACT CO., GENERAL AGENTS, HENR.Y SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER.. I TITLE GUARANTEE Ob mnwmmsfMmMm m j Personal Notes. Major Kinney was a city visitor Saturday. Mr. Chas. Thom, of North Bond, was in Marshfield yesterday. Miss Margaret Fox, of Maxwell, was a city visitor Saturday. Mrs. D. D. Pierce, of Coquille, is a city visitor for a few days. Mrs. Tower, of Empire, was shop ping in Marshfield yesterday. Mrs. Cutllp, of Coos River, was shopping in this city yesterday. Miss Bronte Jennlng spent yes terday in Marshfield shopping. Mr. F. B. Hood, of East Marsh Held, was a city visitor Saturday. Mrs1. Wren Smith, of Coos River, was in Marshfield Saturday. Mrs. Tom Lennon and son, of North Bend wero city visitors yester day. Mr. A. G. Pohl, of Myrtlo Point, is spending a few days In Marshfield attending to business affairs. Mr. W. L. Kistner, a Coquille dairyman, Is in this city for a short time with friends. Mrs. Erlckson and two sons of Ten Mile spent Saturday in this city with friends. Miss Mary Thompson, of Llbby, spent yesterday In this city with friends. Mrs. Stewart will visit for some timo at Myrtle Point, and also on Coos Bay. Mss Elslo Wells passed through this city yesterday on her way to Cocm River, where sho will remain for $, few days with friends. af-Vj and Mrs. W. C. Cotlins, of Okla loma, are In Marshfield and will later on build a home In South Marshfield. Mr. Cotlin Intends en tering into business. Mr. M. R. Zumwalt, of Port Or ford, Is a city visitor for a few days, attending to business Interests. Mr. Zumwalt has a largo farm on the Sixes, and Intends returning there the beginning of next week. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Roberts, of Myrtlo Point, came to Marshfield to day to meet Mrs. S. Stewart, a sister of Mrs. Roberts from Peterboro, 'Canada, who will spend the winter at Myrtle Point. Mr. D. B. Booe, of Portland, Is making a business tour of this sec tion. On Thursday Mr. Booo will leave for the Coquille country, and bo absent from Marshfield for about two weeks. '' SPECIAL OFFER 1 rils.. WEEK Two level-graded Lots on Baines Ave., fronting east $750 These lots nro offered at $100 below tho market price, and there is no better buy in residence .property .on tho "ay. I. S. KAUFMAN HO. NOTICE. Notice' Is hereby given that a caucus of tho legal voters of tho City of Marshfield will bo held at the I. O. O. F. hall In said city, on tho 19th day of November, 1907, at 7:30 o'clock P.,M., to nominate can didates for the offlco of Mayor for the term of two years, and two Coun cllmen for tho term of three years, and a Recorder for a term of one year. Dated this 8th day of November, 1907. J. M. UPTON, Recorder. Mrs. S. Verner, of St. Paul, but lately of Loa Angeles, Is visiting friends In this city for a short time. AL Over 300 Lots Sold in BAY PARK Out of .110 lots on tho east half of tho pint only 40 rcmnln unsold Get your choice of these this week. Lots 9 and 10 Block 12, Each. $75 Lots 9 and 10, Block 10, Each $80 The Above are Especially Choice LS. Kaufman & Co. Has Wood Poisoning. Mr. J. A. Price, tho Bandon ship builder, returned on tho Plant from San Francisco, where he had been to visit his family. While In tho city Mr. Price was attacked with blood poisoning and came near losing an arm. Ho Is practically well again, and is on his way to Bandon. Oyster cocktails today at tholls' Delicatessen. Cor- Arrangements havo beeu made with tho Marshfield Water Company to put water in Sengenstacken s Ad dition to Marshfield, tho pipe ai rived by Breakwater. Tho addition will also bo lighted with electric lights. WANTED Steady room and board with private family, by two young gentlemen. A. C, care of Tlmos, WANTED 144 fresh eggs, at B cents apleco, by Henry Sountacken, at Title Guarantee hnd Abstract Office. tt X&A000 464"$ M 9tVW W09 JUST TO REMIND YOU That We are Exclusive Paint Dealers, Wholesale and That You Need Paint and Wall Pacer; I hat- Retail: tt We have the Largest Store and the Largest and Best belected btock on the bay; That Our 10, 15, 20, and 25 cent Double Roll Wall Paper can't be beat; That Our Goods are the Best and Prices the Lowest; I hat We Deliver Anywhere on the Bay; That If You can not Call on Us let Us Know and We will Call on You with Samples and Prices; That We can Save YourMoney if You give Us a chance, tm it H tt tt tt tt g BAYSIDE PAINT CO. tt F. R. MONROE, Manager. H s Sherman Ave. Phone 1251 North Bend. Ore. Smmmmmmmmmmmttmmmimnmmmmtmmmmi WANT AD: Rates for want advertising Five cents per lino. , .Read tho Want Adds on Pago 5.. , ' ' " "I ' FOR RENT Two furnished bed rooms. Inqulro of Mrs. Spltzer, across from tho Arlington Houso. WANTED Man to cut cord wood. Apply Chas. Doono, Marshfield, Bain street. FOR SALE Lodging-house, at this office. Call FURNITURE FOR Tho furniture (used threo weeks) of a six-room house, for salo quick. House to rent. Inqulro of times. WANTED Boy or girl to strip tobacco. Inqulro at shop over Times. FOR EXCHANGE Very desirable business or residence lot at New port Beach, Cal., on electric lino, near Los Angeles, for Marshfield or North Bend property. Address O. M. NEWMAN,' Marshflold, Or. Get Your Sunday Dinner at- Cornell's Delicatessen 2nd and C Streets Phone i61 Special for Saturday nnd Sunday. Fried Chicken, Chicken, Boston Baked Beans, Oyster Cocktails Boston Brown Bread. Macaroni and Cheese. A Speolal Variety In Cake, Pies and Ico Cream. Try Our Lunches. WANTED Party with $2000 or more to take interest in local busi ness enterprise. For further par ticulars address X. D, S. care Times offlco. WANTED Board in prlvato family by a young gentleman. Address "G," care Times offlco. WANTED To notify tho pub'Io that after November 15 my price for shingling will bo ?1.25 per thous and and for hips and yalleys 5 cents per foot. This advance is made on account of rainy weather. ' - L. C. DURKEE. FOR SALE 18-foot gasollno boat. Apply to Max Tlmmerman. WANTED Waitress Hotel. at tho Blanco FOR RENT Threo nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. FOR SALE Adjustable plno dio. Cuts from to 2 inches. Mickey, North Bend. WANTED Ton men for work on First Trust & Savings building, corner First and O streets, Marsh field; ?3 per day of 0 hours. FOR SALE Lodging houso. Call at Times office. 1 i .... WANTED A competent girl to do general housework. Good wages, Mrs. J. T. McCormao.