The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 09, 1907, SATURDAY EDITION, Image 4

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Train Blown Up by Dynamite
i ,KWhile Passing a Section
lis. Crew.
Takes Hunting Train Out of City
nd Wns Blown up When Ulnst
Douglas, Ariz., Nov. 8. The
death list, as a result of the Neco-
zarl explosion yesterday, Is now
placed at 14 or 15, all Mexicans, be
sides John Chrisholm, aged 13, who
was riding on the train when the
explosion occurred. The train, on a
marrow-gunge railroad to the Pilares
mine, in some way caught fire. In
the train were two cars of explosives
and the fact that a concentrator was
saved is duo to the bravery of the
Mexican engineer of the train, Jesus
Garcia. Garcia, after calling to the
Test of his crew to jump, ran the
train away from town. He had
proceeded about half a mile when
tho explosion occurred, and he was
Mown to atoms. It is reported an
other member of the train crew
Btayed with him and was killed. The
heavy death list is due to tho fact
that the" explosion occurred "just as
tho train was passing a section gang.
John E. Parrott, a well-known
resident of Coquille, has been in our
city for several days for the purpose
of Introducing material for building
purposes. Mr. Parrott was accom
panied by his brother-in-law, P. L.
Munson, formerly of Michigan. Mr.
Munson is an experienced concrete
man, and on his arrival at Coqulllo
last June immediately saw that there
was a great opening for work in his
line. Together with Mr. Perrot, they
started to make things hum and met
with success from the start. They
have manufactured something over
20,000 brick, composed of sand and
cement. The article is weatherproof
and is certainly well worthy of con
sideration. These gentleman are
also in a position to turn out hol
low concrete blocks for building pur
poses, and intend to enlarge their
plant in the Immediate future. Sam
ples of their brick are now on ex
hibition at the Chamber of Com
merce building.
Messrs. Perrot and Munson are
now engaged in laying tho founda
tion for tho Merchants' and Farm
ers' Bank, on tho Nasburg corner In
Coquille. The building when com-,
pleted will be 25x50 feet and two
stories high. Work is progressing
rapidly and tho contractors hope to
have tho work completed within a
short time.
During their conversation with
tho Times reporter tho gentlemen
stated that they were greatly Im
pressed with tho spirit of progres
slveness of tho people of Coos Bay.
While talking Mr. Perrott said:
''What is good for tho goose Is good
for tho gander. Tho building of
Coos Bay is certainly good for tho
Coquille Valley, as wo depend on tho
Bay just as you folks depend on the
Coquille. Wo aro trying to work
hand In hand, and nro meeting with
success. What wo want is goodwill
to nil and success to each and every
part of Coos County."
Tho Fearless Mexican Peccary Will
Fight Man or Beast.
A writer In the St Louis Republic
says that tho most vicious and fearless
member of tho brute creation is the
peccary, or wild hog, of Mexico. This
nnlmal seems utterly devoid of fear
and displays an intelligence in fighting
man strangely nt variance with Its ap
parently complete lack of mental at
tributes. Their ability to scent man is particu-
larly marked. Tho only thing to do
when they get after you is to run
away from them as ,fnst ns a horse
can carry you, nnd then there is no
certainty that they won't catch you.
They are nearly ns swift as a horse,
and their enduranco Is ns great as
their vlciousncss.
A friend of mino encountered a
drove of them in a. wild part of Mexico
ii lew jeurs ugu, una uis escape was
almost miraculous. Ho very foolishly
shot and wounded n numher ot them.
Then ho took refuge in a tree.
Tho pcccnrles kept him in tho tree nil
that day and through tho night. They
slrcled round the tree, grunting and
squealing their delight at tho prospect
of a feast. He soon exhausted his am
munition and brought down a peccary
at each fire, but this had no terrors for
tho beasts.
Toward morning they began to cat
those ho had killed, after which they
formed in lino nnd trotted off. If they
had not had some of their own number
to devour they would have guarded
that tree until my friend through sheer
exhaustion dropped from his porch nnd
allowed them to make a meal of him.
The wildcats and tigers that lufest
the Mexican wilds flee from tho pec
caries -with instinctive fear, and even
rattlesnakes keep out of their path.
Several Things the Philadelphia Drum
mer Didn't Know.
Where Her Great Help Was Needed
Her Heart Was Willing.
"Professor," said the fair co-ed after
n pause, "let me ask you If you ever
use tho phrase 'different thnn?' "
"Never!" exclaimed tho young pro
fessor of rhetoric nnd English litera
ture. "It exasperates me, Miss Pinkie,
whenever I see It In print."
"I am glad we have something In
common," she rejoined. "Neverthe
less, Frofessor de Purey, I cannot bo
your wife."
"Mr. Koopong," asked the young wo
man, with downcast eyes, "now that I
happen to think of It, do you ever uso
the phrase 'different than?'"
"I certainly do not," said tho enam
ored capitalist. "It is not only Incor
rect, but utterly absurd."
"I am glad to hear you say so. Still,
Mr. Koopong, It is useless to urge mo.
I never can bo anything more to you
than a friend."
of us think wo know the law
pretty well," said tho Philadelphia
drummer, "but I had n little experi
ence to show mo that there hro sev
eral things in tho statute books that
I don't know. I was in a New Eng
land town nnd dropped Into a barber
shop 'to get shaved. There was only
one barber, and he didn't look as If he
knew putty. He turned out to bo a
pretty good shnvcr, however, nnd as
I bad had n drink just before entering
the shop I fell asleep in tho chair.
I slept for half an hour, and -when I
awoke he was through with me. Tho
first thing I missed on getting out of
the chnlr was my roll of money, next
my watch, next my overcoat, next and
lastly my scarfpln. I went for that
barber for all I was worth, but he
denied robbing me, nnd his face wore
a smile. Then I got a gait on mo and
went to a lawyer's office.
"'Can you prove by a credlblo wit
ness that you had ?00 'In cash when
you entered tho barber shop?' he asked.
"I couldn't
" 'Can you prove thnt your watch
was taken In the shop instead of be
ing lost on the street?'
"I couldn't
" 'Are you sure that you had your
pin on as you opened the door to
"I wasn't
" 'As to your overcoat,' continued the
lnwyer, 'have you a bill of sale of It.
or was any one with you when you
bought It? In other words, enn you
swear to tho ownership In law of any
particular overcoat?'
"I couldn't
" 'Then I can do nothing for you,' he
said, and I went to a second lawyer to
be told the same 'thing. I had left the
hop without paying for my shave.
nnu i was even toiu mat tue uarocr
could arrest me for beating him out
of 15 cents and have mo fined $3. I
believe I can quote Shakespeare cor
rectly and distinguish between tea and
sugar, but when it comes down to the
law I am not In it It's too kinky."
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.
That We are Exclusive Paint Dealers, Wholesale and Retail;
That You Need Paint and Wall Paper;
That We have the Largest Store and the Largest and Best
Selected Stock on the Bay;
That Our 10, 15, 20, and 25 cent Double Roll Wall Paper
can't be beat;
That Our Goods are the Best and Prices the Lowest;
That We Deliver Anywhere on the Bay;
That If You can not Call on Us let Us Know and We will Call
on You with Samples and Prices;
That We can Save You Money if You give Us a chance,
F. E. MONROE, Manager.
Phone 1251 North Bend. Ore.
Sherman Ave.
Bank of Oregon
Capital Stock fully paid up
TraiuacU a General Banking
Bnsinesi '
North Bend, Oregon
"Let mo nsk you one question, Mr.
Tnoodles," she said. "Do you evor use
tho phrase 'different than?"
"Why cr I presume I have used it
carelessly sometimes, Miss P-Piukle,"
stammered tho embarrassed youth.
"But now that you have called my at
tention to it I shall bo careful to say
'different from' hereafter."
"Claude," she exclaimed, clasping her
hands ecstatically and gazing nt him
with soulful eyes, "my answer Is yes
yes! You poor, dear boy, you need a
helpmate, and I'll bo tho helpmate!"
Chicago Tribuue.
Philadelphia Traveling Man Slays
Friend of Family by Shooting
Through Door.
Tho shooting affair, in which
Harry Forreo, of this city, was
Icilled last Tuesday night by Andrew
J, Dotsch, in tho lattor's homo,
whero Forreo boarded, was inquired
into todny by a coroner's inquest,
and Descli was committed to jail.
Forreo wns found lying In tho hall
outsldo tho bedroom occupied by
Dotsch and his wife Detsch claimed
that ho mistook Forreo for a burglar
nnd shot through tho door, but
among Forreo's effects woro found
mnny endearing letters from
Dotsch's wife. When confronted
with these, Mrs. Dotsch confessed
lior relations with Forreo, nud said
her husbarid had learned of thorn.
Dotsch, howover, maintains ho mis
took Ferroo for a burglar, and did
not know of his wife's rolntlons
with Forreo. Tho polico nro work
ing on tho theory that Dotsch, who
Is a traveling salesman, learned of
Ills wife's conduct, and compelled
lior to luro Forreo to her room, and
thon shot him as ho was about to
open tlio door, i , f
Mental Medicine.
A somewhat eccentric physician who
recently died would order patients to
take walks, say dally, on tho left side
Of tho street, returning by tho other
side; another ho would order to nrlso
each morning at a certain hour and
cat cheese with ginger beer; another to
take supper precisely at midnight and
eat only apples, or ho would Instruct
tho patient to put just so many grains
of salt on tho egg ho was to eat and
part his hair in a different way each
day. His object was to got tho mind
of tho patient on something elso thnn
symptoms, nnd this scheme worked
well In many cases, especially when
the patient was suffering from melan
cholia. Now York Times.
Muskrat Skin Cure.
"Tho skin of a muskrat taken nnd
W'orn next to tho chest will euro any
caso of asthma In the world," said a
Louisville man. "I had nn undo who
suffered a thousand deaths with asth
ma and tried everything that could bo
bought In tho way of medicine. Final
ly ouo day an old time friend told him
of tho muskrat skin, nnd ho tried It
In two months ho was as well as ho
had over boon. Just how tho skin
works about a euro Is n mystery, but It
will do It" Jfnshvlllo Tennessecan.
The Comparison.
Lesec and Lemalgre, who wero both
as thin as laths, wcro discussing a mu
tual friend.
Lesec I met our friend Durnnd this
morning. Ho has grown so thin.
Lemalgre Ilcally! And ho was so
Lesec Yes, It is dreadful, no Is
thinner than both of us put together
now. Polo Mele.
One Luxury This Man Will Have When
He Gets Rich.
"If ever I get really rich," said the
man with a toothache, "I shall have a
private dentist. What do I want of a
private dentist? Well, I'll tell you.
"It's bad enough nuyway to suffer
from your teeth, but to me this suffer
ing is made doubly distressing' by tho
circumstances attendant upon my visit
to tho dentist's office.
"I arrive there to find the dentist
working away upon tho teeth of some
patient in his chair, and that always
sort of disturbs ino to find somebody
elso being worked over and cared for
while I wait In distress. I think I am
entitled to all tho care nnd sympathy.
And maybe I find somebody, elso wait
ing, perhaps a friend of the person In
tho chair, or somebody waiting his
turn, como ahead of time, and that
disturbs me, for I like to wait with my
pain In solitude.
"But tho dentfst gets through with
tho patient in the chair on time for me,
nnd I take my place under his hands.
And I don't doubt thnt I got his con
centrated and complete attention and
skill while ho Is operating upon me,
but I can't get away from tho Idea that
ho Is working as rapidly as he can so
as to be ready for the next patient.
"And then, with all my pain, I can't
forget either that person In the waiting
room waiting his turn after me, and
wnltlng without n particle of sympa
thy for me, and, in fnct, rather Impa
tient of my presence and thinking of
himself alone. This Is rather wounding
to my self esteem.
"In fact, however I regard It, a visit
to the dentist's ofUce Is always a Jar
ring experience. My dentist is a man
of the highest professional skill, and,
ns I said, I am suro I get his best care,
but still all theso familiar things that
I have mentioned to you Jar me, and
I would nvold them all If I could. So
when I get real rich I shall certainly
have a private dentist" Washington
The Dull Scholar
Many a so-cnlled dull scholar is so
because of some defect of tho eyes.
Don't neglect tho eyes of your
children. Bring them in and if
there is no error wo will tell you
P. J. HAYES, Optometrist.
Goods at Portland Prices
Compare These Prices With tho Best You Ever Bought nt.
LACE CUltTAINS 3 yds long and 1 1-2 yds wide, 75c SI
SI. 25.
Nottingham 3 1-2 yds long and worth ?8, for $1.
Wool Underwear Extra flno$1.15 per garment, $2.30 per
suit. Fine natural wool, Cue.
Men's Workshirts Heavy black sateen, 05c.
We have other bargains just as good. Como and see us and
wo feel confident of convincing you that our prices are as good
if not lower than Portland.
S. S. JENNINGS, Sherman Ave., opposite Postofficc, North Bend.
M. It. SMITH, Agent For
Cliarlcs A. Stevens '
Cor. First & B. St., Marshfield
The C B., R. & E. R. R.
and Navigation Co.
THE C. B., H. &E. It. R. & N. CO.
Subject to change without notice.
No. 1.
v. 9:00a.m.
Lv. 9:45a.m.
Daily, ex,
Myfttle Pt
No. 2.
Trains to and from Beaver Hill daily.
F. A. LAISE, Agent.
Steam Dye Works
C Street,
Ladles' nnd Gouts' Garments
Cleaned or Dyed'
Philip Becker, Propriclor.
Andrew Wood, Prop.
Borbering Is Like Any Other Bnsl
Wo make a specialty of treating the scalp to prevent tho hoir from
falling out, guaranteeing to stop it with a very fow applications.
Ladles specially Invited to give us a trial. Mondays, nnd Fridays
are ladies' days.
Grand Building.
ING is ono of our specialties.
North Bcud.
i Marsfifiefd Skating Rink f
Samuel Warren's Vanity.
Tho vanity of Samuel Warren, tho
author of "Ten Thousand a Year," In
his early years of authorship at least,
was remarkable, and there is a story
told of him to tho effect that on one
occaslou at a friend's houso he had to
take down to dinner n lady whom
he had not met before, nud as soon as
they were seated nf table asked her If
sho had ever heard of Samuel Warren.
"Oh, certainly," was tho reply. "My
husband prefers Warren's blacking to
any other. We always uso it" West
minster Gazette.
Glen, Built in Mnrslificld, Driven
Ashore at Unlnmk
The Picture Was Good, of Course.
Friend (to artist) Well, wero you
successful nt the salon? Artist No.
Thoy rejected my plcturo, tho wretches!
Friend-Why? Artist How should I
know? Tho oil was bad perhaps. Nos
First Old Lady What kind of n time
did you have at tho funeral? Second
Old Lady Well, I'vo enjoyed myself
moro at others. Lifo.
If you don't scalo tho mountain you
can't view tho plain. Chinese rrovcrb.
Choice of Evils.
"Well, old man," said Slnnlckson aft
er tho performance, "I certainly was
surprised to seo you in private the
atricals." "Yes," replied Brightly, "but you
seo if I didn't appear on tho stage
I'd probably bavo to sit in tho audi
ence and bo bored to death." Phila
delphia Press.
Seattle, Nov. S. Tho schooner
Glen, of San Francisco, on a voyage
with supplies to the station of tho
Pacific States Trading Company,
was wrecked at Ikltakwas, on Ikitak
Bay, Unlmak Island, September 30,
Burton Kelly, aged 19, of San Fran
cisco, was drowned while lashed to
the schooner's rigging. Tho other
seven survivors returned to Seattle
on tho steamer Yukatan. Tho Glen
drovo ashoro early In tho morning
in a southeast gale. Eight men took
to tho rigging, and Kelly, who was
a passenger, was lashed to make
him safe. During tho blackness of
tho night and confusion of tho storm
tho eight men clung for life, and
no ono knew how or when Kelly was
Open from 2 to 5 and 7 to iO p, m. week days only,
Admission Free 25c for use of skates; 1 5c when
you use your own. Special attention given to be
ginners in afternoons,
D. L, AVERY, 'Manager-
Get Your Sunday Dinner at
Corfchell's Delicatessen
2nd and C Streets Phone 561
B'su.. , Special for Saturday and Snnday.
Fried Chicken, Chicken,
Boston Baked Beans, Oyster Cocktails
Boston Brown Bread.
Macaroni and Cheese.
A Special Variety in Cako, Pies and
Ice Cream. Try Our Lunches.
Two Changes This Week.
Monday and Thursday
Admission Ten Cents.
Mother of Invention.
Talk about necessity being tho
mother of invention! No such thing, I
nssuro you. Accident Is tho mother of
invention in ulucty-nino cases out of a
huudred. Header Magazine.
A Rude Little Girl.
Maiden Auut (reading) "In heaven
thero is no marrying or giving In mar
riage" Small Mazio It must seem llko
heaven to you hero on earth, doesn't it,
auntio? Chicago News.
What is bred In tho bono will never
tomo out of tho flesh. Pilpay.
killed, although Captain Bucknam
states ho believes tho boy was 1818K8ilttHm:mtmttMmmmmtMM................. "
., - , , " ... Jl ' ...".......,H.MHJIHHJHMWtH"
utuwnuu uy jiiuiienso seas wmen
drovo over tho schooner. Kelly was
burled in tho sand of Unlmak Is
land. Tho survivors lived thero for
a week, with little food, until taken
off by n sloop and carried to Unga.
Tho Glen was a two-masted
schooner owned in San Francisco.
Sho was built in Marshfield, Ore., in
Fresh Oysters.
Received weokly at Gem Ilestnu
rant, North Bond. Served any style
and open day and night. Also every
thing elso tho market affords.
Everything ElectrlcM at
Oregon Electrical Supply Co.
New O'Coaaell Blk.
Speed Launches and Enginei Specialty
. , .AU C,1,,M cf B"1 ui Enine RPins Promptly Attended to
Stop, m tbe Trth Bend Woolen Milli North Be J, Oregon
II. R. BEV1ER, MechinicIEnXineer. c. II. ALLGEN, Bot Builder.
-3,... A jm .;
"ftf A ,,r.VJttfte,iMi-Li
. AtjtVtsSSK"