e THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1907. 3 SHH5H5 " """ ' -1 ' ' WJgfTWWJ'WJJ" Jl' ' ' .''' l1"'nr1'"' ' ' WATCH POR SNAPS CISC HANSEN ROBERT MARSDEN COOS BAY AGENT A)i "$Xi wsptpirt. .-1 in the Window of the Big Piano House. A NEW ONE EVERY DAY. The only place in Marshfield where you can buy Pianos and Talking Machines on Easy Payments. Come in and hear our Latest Records, TAYLOR'S PIANO HOUSE BROADWAY ft$$flv Personal Notes. Mrs. Kruso was a city visitor Friday. Miss Nash was shopping in this city yesterday. Mr. F. Pederson was here on busi ness yesterday. Mrs. W. A. Luse, of Coos River, was a city visitor Friday. Mr. A. R. McDougal, of Ten Mile, was a city visitor Friday. Mr. A. Anderson, of North Bend, yias a city visitor yesterday. Mrs. L. J. Simpson,-1 of North Bend, spent Friday in this city with friends. Mrs. S. W. Sherman and daughters of Coos River, were city visitors yes terday. Mrs. A. J. Snyder has returned from an extended visit in Washing ton and Oregon cities. Mrs. Perry, of North Bend, Is spending a few days, at El Creo, the guest of Mrs. Robinson and family. Mr. B. Doyle, of this city, leaves to day for California, where he will re main for some time visiting Mr. John Yoakum. Miss Black passed through this city yesterday on her way to Roseburg, where she will remain for sometime visiting with relatives and friends. Mrs. C. W. Sanford passed through this city yesterday on her way to her home on Haines Inlet, after having spent a week visiting with her son at Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie, of North Da kota, have rented rooms in the Orren residence, and have begun house keeping. Mr. Leslie intends entering into business of some kind before long. Captain Peasley left Marshfield yesterday on the Alliance for his home in Seattle. Mr. Peasley has spent several weeks on Coos Bay vis iting friends and transacting business affairs. Miss Georgia Gould, of Corjullle, passed through Marshfield yesterday on her way to her home at Elk Horn Itanch, where she will remain for a week or ten days visiting with her parents. Miss Jennie Tellefson, of this city, is spending a very pleasant visit with Miss Lilly Way, of Myrtle Point. The Misses Way and Tellefson are both employes of the telephone company, and we dare say that there will bo many happy "hellos" during their Tacatlon. THAW'S ATTORNEYS WILL PLEAD INSANITY Chief Counsel for Defense Convinced Tlmt White's Slnyer Is Insane. S To Whom It May Concern. I will not bo responsible for any bills contracted by Mrs. George Elli ott. GEORGE ELLIOT r. LINDENBERGER CO. HAS FAIR PACK John Angus, of the LIndenberger Company, which operates a samon jacklng establishment in Marshfield, reports that the company has shipped four carloads of prepared fish from Marshfield during the present season. One carload was chlnook and the other three silver sides. It was thought last week that the run was over, but the present "week has been quite profitable, and the catch is considerably Increased. The LIndenberger Company expects to have another carload fov shipment before the season is over. Football Dance. Tho North Bend Football Asso ciation will glvo a dance for the ben efit of tho team, in the pavilion, Simpson Park, North Bend, Satur day evening, November 9. Tickets are on sale at Marsdon's billiard Parlor, In Marshfield and at the news store in North Bend. ' Piano tuning by J. F. O'Reilly, resident tuner. Address Box 249, Marshfield. New York, Nov. 8. Announce ment was made today that insanity is to be tho plea In the defense of Harry Kendall Thaw, whose second trial for the slaying of Stanford White will begin on December 2 next. Martin W. Littleton, chief counsel for Thaw, it is stated, has decided on this course. Ho is said to bo convinced that Thaw Is insane and has not adopted this course as merely a theory on which to conduct a successful defense, but because he feels certain of the unsound mental condition of his client. Ever since he took charge of the case, it is said, Mr. Littleton has given the question of Thaw's men tality careful study. He has traced the Thaw family tree, and, it is said, has decided that the Insanity of Thaw may have been an inheritance. In this connection it is recalled that Mrs. William Thaw, mother of the accused, emphatically denied during the last trial that in the direct line of descent there had been any trace of either epilepsy or Insanity. Seven alienists testified, however, that Thaw, in their opinion, was in sane, and had been insane for some years. Much testimony along this lino was brought out in the trial, which reached a climax when Dis trict Attorney Jerome, in tears, gave his opinion that ho was trying an insane man, and that he felt that it was wrong to proceed with the trial under those circumstances. I DRINK I V ft NATIONAL BEER I ABSOLUTELY PURE 8 BOTTLED BY Mirrasoul Bros. X PHONE 1531 &$o$$ooss$$$$oso$ OLD CROW HERMITAGE YELLOWSTONE CANADIAN CLUB JAS. E. PEPPER ATHERTON BELLE OF ANDERSON HILL & HILL OLD GRAND DAD All Bottled in Bond. Nothing but straight Whisky "Sold. All Leading Brands of Beers and K Mineral Waterst WANT ADS. Rates for want advertising Five cents per line. WANTED Party with $2000 or more to take interest in local busi ness enterprise. For further par ticulars address X. D. S. care Times office. A good buy on C street, 40x140 foot lot, at $400. Fine residence site with bay view. Title guarantee & Abstract Co. WANTED Board In private family by a young gentleman. Address "G," caro Times office. WANTED To lease from owner, a developed or undeveloped worka ble vein of good coal. Close to navigation. N, Times Office. WANTED To notify the pubHc that after November 15 my price for shingling will be $1.25 per thous and and for hips and valleys 5 cents per foot. This advance is made on account of rainy weather. L. C. DURKEE. FOR SALE 18-foot gasoline boat. Apply to Max Tlmmerman. WANTED Waitress at tho Blanco Hotel. FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. FOR SALE Adjustable pipe die. Cuts from Vz to 2 Inches. Mickey, North Bend. Tho Jns. E. Pepper Whisky can bo found on tap nt THE NUTWOOD SALOON WANTED Young lady to work at the Palm. WANTED Ten men for work on First Trust & Savings building, corner First and C streets, Marsh field; $3 per day of 9 hours. FOR SALE Lodging house.' Call at Times office. WANTED A competent girl to do general houseworlc. Good wages. Mrs. J. T. McCormac. EUROPEAN LUNATIC KILLS LITTLE GIRLS Belln, Nov. 8. A series of crimes resembling those of "Jack the Rip per" murders, only here the victims were little girls instead of women, has been cleared up by tho confes sion of a printer's apprentice named Paul Mlnow, an epileptic 22 years old, who recently was confined in an asylum for insane at Herzeburg. Au thorities of the institution were In formed that Mlnow had been talking in a rambling manner of murders. Suspecting him of having committed murders, they encouraged him to talk, with tho result that he freely related in a heartless manner, how he had been taunted by his mother and sister with laziness. Ho had gone out into the streets in a rage and vented his feelings by stabbing four little girls, one after another. He then rambled about the city for a while, and eventually returnod home. His mind became so disor dered that he was sent to an asylum a week later. Tho police have con firmed Minow's confession. CHICAGO POSTOFFICE COMES TO RESCUE Chicago. Nov. 8. The Chicago postofflce went to the rescue of post offices in the West in a material way yesterday as a result of the financial stringency. Postmasters in many towns were seriously handicapped by tho Jack of curency with which to pay money orders, and a hurry call wap sent to Chicago for aid. Tho ap peal will probably result in this city sending out a considerable amount of currency, a?, at Postmaster's Camp bell 'ft office It was said there was pleutv of money on hand. Services at Presbyterlnn Church. All the regular services of tho First Presbyterian Church will be resumed tomorrow. Tho church has been very tastefully renovated on tho Interior, which makes it one of the most pleasing and attractive au dience rooms in tho city. It is ex pected that a solo by Mrs. J. W. In gram will be one of tho special musi cal features of tho preaching serv ices. The pastor, the Rev. H. H. Brown, will occupy tho pulpit both morning and evening. Hot tamales and flbt drinks at the Palm. For Job Work See KRAMER frssssososssssssso 9 The First Trust and Savings Bank Will Give Special Attention To Its Savings Department paying Interest on savings, accounts and accepting deposits in amounts from $1.00 up. Statistics show the wealth of the masses of the people is largely due to accumulations In Savings banks. Wo will remain open from 5:00 to 8:00 o'clock Saturday evenings for the con venience of savings depositors. Capital $100,000.00 Officers and Directors JOHN S. COKE, President. W. S. CHANDLER, HENRY SENGSTAOKHN. WILLIAM GRIMES. STDPniSN C. ROGERS. JUDGE JOHN F. IIAXjTj. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. DR. C. W. TOWER. M. O. HORTON, Vice Pres. $ QOiOOOOiii7iiCiSO!i TIMES JOB SHOP Machinists and Woodworkers ig4tJJ$tJ$l Wo hnvo just opencd up a now Bhop iuM"4 'v't and are fully equipped to do your ro- Tf4 tfi imiring of all kinds. Our specialties ifi arc Gasoline Engine Work Wood Turning of All Kinds Porch Columns and Banisters Agents For The Rochester Gasoline Engines Give us a trial - Cavanagh & Chapman Dock foot of Queen Aye, Marshfield, 4Oregon IT'S UP TO YOU If you want to sell anything, wbether it be in the Real Estate Line or House hold Goods, Horse, Buggy, Piano or : : : 'Sewing Machine : : : That Little "Want Ad" Does It ONLY 5 CENTS A LINE IN THE DAILY TIMES TRY IT. Cook with Gas - - use - - Electric Power and Flatirons The Coos Bay Gas b Electric Co. Kf . COOS BAY ACADEMY OF MUSIC Btudentamay gradual In Volet, I'lano or I'lpo Organ, Itapld and thorough method far beginners. Classen ia Harmony, Counterpoint, etc, vocal eight reading and piano nsemblo. Singers coached In oratorio, opera, or conrt work by the director. ELMER A. TODD. O'Connell Bldg., Marshfield r