A"Bi fRSDAY EDITION ! MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL II. MARSHFIELD, OREGN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1907. No. 107. EUROPE FEARS CASH FAMINE Largest Institutions Making Efforts to Stop Flow of Gold to America. DISCOUNTS ARE ADVANCED Hunkers Meet to Chuck Export of Gold Forty Million Already Engaged. New York. Nov. 7. Tko contest of European money markets to re tain their gold resources was Indi cated by the simultaneous action to day of three largo central banks of Europe, and a call for a meeting to morrow Of a fourth. The Dank of England advanced its rato to 7 per cent, a rate which had not before been reached sinco 1873.' The Bank of Franco advanced Its regular dis count rate lrum ii 1-2 to 4 per cent, and 11:. 'd the rate to answer on se currK'3 at 4 1-2 per cent. The Na t uiit.1 Bank of Belgium advanced its rato of discount from 5 1-2 to C per cent, and a mueciug tomorrow has been called of the governing board of the Hank of Germany, when It is expected the discount rato will be raised to 7 per cent. These move ments In Europe are regarded as an indication of the anxiety of New York to command gold and tho ef forts of European banks to protect themselves against tho demands. Advancing of discounts, however, are received as Insufficient to pre vent further Importation of gold into this country, in view of the large credits which are being created by shipment of wheat and cotton. Tho high rato In London is not expected to arrest shipment of gold to Amer ica, but Is to equalize tho distribu tion of metal among European money centers so as to offset losses to America by Imports from other places. Tho fact that tho Dank of Franco lias advanced its rato is rec ognition of the severity of the pres sure upon that bank's great gold re serve. The action is especially sig nificant because it is tho consistent policy of tho Bank of France to af ford commerce the benefit of a low and uniform rato of discount. Con ditions in the national money mar ket make it necessary to protect re serves. The stock market reflected the pressure for money by consider ably decreasing today. But these de creases were expected by bankers who looked upon tho rapid advance of yesterday as hardly justified by the situation. The ongagoment of gold today brought up the total im portation on tho present movement to $40,425,000. The situation re garding trust companies is gradually becoming normal. The committee of presidents of these companies Is satisfied their assets aro ample to meet all demands. NEW STORE WILL OPEN IN NORTH BEND North Bend will have a new store In ful operation about Saturday. Mr. I. S. Jennings, formerly of Portland, thinks by that time ho will be fully prepared to Bervo tho public. Tho storo room he Is occupying is on Sherman avenuo, opopsite the post office, and was built especially for him, with fine living rooms above. Mr. Jennings was ten years with Roberts Brothers in Portland, and has a thorough knowledgo of tho business. Tho store room is arranged most perfectly for handlness and per fect display of his largo lino of no tions, glassware, underwaro and a hundred and ono things carried In a store of this character. In a conversation with tho Times man yesterday Mr. Jennings ox pressed himself as being determined to beat Portland prices. English Huilroad Trouble Settled. London, Nov. 7. Richard Bell an nounced tonight that the railroad dispute is settled. Details have not been given out at a lato hour. , Moves Into Now Home. Mr. and Mrs. Stutsman moved Into the Squlrb's property this week. Mrs. Stutsman says it, Is ideal, and she Is more than pleased with It. If you want to know how much she thinks of her new home or on any other business call up Phone 76. TOM NICHOLS ELECTED VOLUNTEER CHIEF Fire Hoys Discuss Pntronngc of An nual Halls inn Decide Public Is Not Appreciative. At the meeting of tho volunteer Fire Department last evenlqg, Thomas Nichols was olocted chief In place of Ed Colgan who lately re signed. Several matters of business came before tho meeting. Tho city will have a chemical engine, which will be here about the first of Jan uary, and the boys aro looking for ward to the event with considerable Interest. Councilman Lockhart was present at the meeting, and informed the boys that the new quarters for tho Fire Department will bo ready by the first of the year, and that many conveniences aro to bo established for the fire boys. Among these will be a meeting place and quarters for lodging any firemen who may be re quired to be on duty at night. Each member was appointed a committee of ono to solicit new mem bers and thus swell tho department to such a membership that there will be no lack of help in cases of emergency. L. R. Robinson, W. P. Murphy and Herbert Lockhart were appointed on the committee to ar range for the annual Christmas ball. There was quite a. discussion on tho part of the volunteers with regard to tho attendance at the balls during the past two years. At neither of tho balls was there tho patronage which tho evenfn deserved, and there was a general . feeling among tho boys that tho public is not fully ap preciative of the services which tho volunteers give the city. NEW EXHIBITS AT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Kaffir corn, ripo loganberries and green oats wero the additions to tho exhibits at the Chambor of Com merce yesterday. S. D. , BIdwell, of Flagstaff, brought in the Kaffir corn. It was grown on his place. It makes good feed for chickens and the fodder is uifao utilized as feed for Btock. It is the fii&t exhibit of the Kaffir corn yet displayed at the Chamber of Commerce headquarters. Tho loganberries were grown by Mr. Rasmusscu hi Marshfield. The oats were grown- on what is known as the Sandhills, near the beach. The stalk is good size and healthy, tho head well filled and the remarkable feature is it grew from sand that ap parently is unmixed with soil. The two dozen boxes of apples prepared for display in Portland will be delivered to the transportation company today. A. E. Seaman will ue in Portland to receive them and see that they are properly displayed. Tonight, after the regular routine of business, Professor Golden, prin cipal of the public schools, will be asked for a brief address on the ben efits to be derived from the estab lishment of a full high school course, so overwhelmingly carried last night. Everybody 13 welcome to the meet ing tonight. Sailors Fight Before Crowd. Santa Barbara, Nov. 7. With tho brldgo and fighting tops crowded with nearly 1200 enthusiastic sail ors as spectators, two seamen of Ad miral Dayton's cruiser, fought today for tho welterweight championship of the fleet ou board tho flagship West Virginia. Seaman Bluden, of the West Virginia, defeated Brunn of the Pennsylvania, knocking hlra out in the fourth round. Tho winner received 75 per cent of the $400 purse. May Obtain New Record. New York, Nov. 7. Carrying ten million dollars in gold, tho swift liner Lusitanla is hurrying to Now York with some prospects of reduc ng the record from Queonstown to Sandy Hook. At her present rato of speed, 24.50 nautical miles por hour, she will reduce the record from four days, nineteen hours and 25 minutes, to four days, seventeen hours and 30 minutes. S. P. Resumes Construction. .Portland, Nov. 7. General Manager O'Brien, of the Harrlman Interests, has ordered resumption of work on the Ilwaco railroad from Ilwaco to Knappton, and completion of the new Steele bridge across the Mac kenzie river near Coburg. Mothers' Club. Tha.e will be a meeting of tho Mothers' Club. Friday, November 8, at 3 o'clock, at tho Baptist Church. All aro wfclcomo at these meetings. HIGH SCHOOL VOTE ALMOST UNANIMOUS Marshfleld will have a four-year High School course and tho citizens who made tho decision last evening may well feel proud of the vote. There was a total of 84 rotes cast, and of these every ono except a lone vote was for tho proposal of adding two years to the present course. What tho lone vote represented is unknown, but those who are favor able to tho High School believe tho person who cast it made a mistake. The matter of purchasing a site for a now school building received 74 votes, and there wero two votes BIG BOYS WILL PLAY THANKSGIVING GAME Marshfleld and North Bend to Scrumble on the Gridiron on Turkey Day. Great things will be doing in Marshfleld or North Bend on Thanksgiving day if the plans of numerous college athletes who have settled on Coos Bay materialize, for there Is a belief among such that the yearly turkey day should have some greater significance than mere ly the fact of stowing away white meat and black. Further than this, there Is a friendly rivalry which sug gests a football game between tho athletically inclined in the two cities Is something of a necessity, to say nothing of the reminiscences of ye olden times it would develop. There is good football timber In both North Bend and Mar3hfield, and the annual recurrence of the supreme effort In football circles should have as much attention on Coos Bay as elsewhere, according to Stanfleld Arnold, of our sister city, who has issued a defy to the Marshfield gridiron bunch. Mr. Arnold complains that Bert Dimmick has been carying around sundry challenges and Invitations to gather a Marshfield aggregation to contest a game on Thanksgiving without having paid due and proper notice to the importunities from the north. Mr. Dimmick wa3 seen today and asked regarding tho breach of alum ni courtesy. It was learned that ho had been too busy to give the mrtter attention, but that the reply had been mailed and It carried an ac ceptance of tho challenges. It is therefore probable that the Marsh flold contingent of the coming fray will soon be seen In constant prac tice and training tables and good habits will bo in order. Mr. Dim mick said his team would scarcely have time to grow long hair, but thdy would do the best they could in its absence. He has several men who will need considerable training for reduction of superfluous 'issue, but ho hopes to carve them down through practice until they meet I ho requirements. Mr. Arnold, who was seen, was rather modest In his claims and mado no boasts except to say that ho hoped tho North Bend players ould get a chance to show what they can do. Tho place for playing the gamo has not been decided upon, but it will likely be Marshfleld, as there should bo a better gate here for such a gamo. Gold Was Melted. Tacoma, Nov. 7. Frightened at the money situation, C. J. Atkinson, a laborer, converted his savings into gold and hid the gold in his house. Tho house burned down last night. Atkinson Is washing the ashes of his house to recover the gold. He found two ?5 gold pieces and a $20-piece melted into ono lump. Arrive From Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Oren, parents of J. E. Oren, of the G. A. Smith company, arrived yesterday on the Alliance from Minneapolis. Mr. Oren had a homo ready for them in south Marshfield and they are now residents of this city. Mr. and Mrs. August Carlson, and children also came on the Alliance to reside In Marshfleld. Mrs. Carlson Is a sl3ter of J. E. Oren. Mutineers Will Ho Shot. Vladivostok. Nov. 7. The soldiers and sailors who participated In Wednesday's mutiny are being tried by court martial today. The ring- leaders are certain to bo shot. against It. There were four votes thrown out for being defective. The High School students wero out In force, and helped gather tho crowd for the election. The boys had bolls and paraded the streets, announcing the fact of an election being on. Many expressions of satisfaction wero heard after the votes wero counted for the general unanimity of the expression was very gratify ing to the people at large and even though the vote was not Btrong tho sentiment Is undoubted, and it makes a great showing for the city. NO CLEW YET TO BROWN'S ASSASSINS Thiols, Pinkerioiis and' Private tenths Ilavo Failed to Earn the $10,000. Baker City, Or., Nov. 7. So com ple.e has been tho getaway made by the assassins of Harvey K. Brown that not even a trace has been dis covered by which the ofilcers may ascertain the identity of the crimi nals. Since Brown was blown up at his gate on the evening of September 30, several detectives have been at work on the case without any result being obtained, and officers are now -is much in the dark as they ever were. The Thiel Detective Agency wafc the first employed on the case, and Captain Swain, head of the Spokane branch, was put in charge of the work here, but failed to obtain an knowledge of tho identity or where about3 of the assassins. After the Thiol agency, tho Pinkortons were secured to try to unravel the mys tery, but, much to their chagrin and that of the citizens of Baker City, they havo "fallen down" as hard as anyone else. There have been doz ens of sleuths working on the case becauso of the reward of 510,000 of fered for the capture and conviction of the assassins. Frank Tucker, ar rested about two weeks after tho murder for having made the state ment that he knew the guilty parties, J is still confined in tho county jail, but tho ofifcers have found that his story was merely the imaginings of a liquor-crazed brain. It seems to be the general opinion that tho guil ty parties escaped immediately af ter the crime was committed, and are now far away from Baker City. LOOK FOR TROUBLE WITH UTE INDIANS Omaha, Nov. 7. Colonel Frank West and eight troops of tho second United States cavalry and a large quantity of supplies are being rushed to tho scene of tho Indian trouble. It now appears that the campaign against the Utes may keep tho sol diers busy all winter. Indians Aro Restless. Huron, S. D Nov. 7. James Mac bomer has arrived from the scene of the Indian trouble and says tho Ute3 are very restless and some open threats are made. A few dissatis fied Sioux have joined the Utes, and while thero Is no occasion for Immediate alarm, the matter may become serious any moment. RAILROAD TIED UP BY PERSONAL FIGHT Mexico City, Nov. 7. Tho Tam plco division of tho Mexican Central railway is completely tied up by a strike, started by a fight between the Cardenas operator and a conductor. ! When they wero arrested the entire division walked out to compel their release. Tho shopmen followed them Small Hank Failure. San Francisco. Nov. 7. Tho Citi zens State Bank, a small institution, closed Its doors today. President Rasland stated the bank had re signed from tho clearing house and suspended business until the holi days declared by Governor Glllett had passed. He also declared tho Institution is sound. Would Open Saloon E. R. Colgai Is planning. to open a sloon In tho main floor of tho Garfield, and Is circulating a petition to prent to tho City Council at Its next meeting. ALLIANCE ARRIVES WITH LARGE CARGO Rough Weather and Fog Delayed SIdp at Astoria Held Up in River. Tho steamer Alliance came over tho bar yesterday morning about 9 o'clock, having come down from As toria since Wednesday morning. Cap tain Olson was laid up part of Mon day night In tho Columbia River by fog, and when he arrived at tho bar thero was more fog and a rough sea. The ship laid over night at Astoria, and camo on her way Wednesday morning, passing out without trouble while several other ships turned back after t pproaching tho sea and finding it still rough. On Tuesday five 3teamers laid off tho bar all day. The Alliance brought two rarloads of machinery for the Smith Company and also a carload of car wheels. These will bo unloaded and the boat will leave this afternoon at 1 o'clock for Pordand. She carried all told, 39G tons of freight. Purso- Skinner Informed the reporter that he turned away at least 50 people who were desirous of coming to Coos Bay. Fol lowing Is tho passenger list: S. Jones, L. A. Mills and wife, Miss E. Demay, M. Sanburg, O. San burg, Chns. Thorn and wife, J. Ma iioney, C. H. Farward, W. G. Dorr, Mrs. II. Shlnley, C. Castle, H. Haze, J. Haze, I. Haze, L. Haze, Hattio Haze, Dora Haze, Nora Haze, Mrs. S. W. Covert, C. A. Boyce, R. S. Wagner, II. Doyle, Guy Grtcelin, J. R. Horrons, Mrs. G. J. Dunba-, J. R. Reynolds and wife and daughter, F. Frlnk, J. D. Burton, Bert Wilson, L. Porter, O. A. Nelly and wife, W. I. Holden, C. Hudlow, O. McAdams and wife, C. E. Gridley, Mrs. A. F. Bowen, C. K. Shaw, Mr3. Arra hausen and daughter, R. G. Bot.eld, G. W. Lenkford, A. L. Hath j way, H. D. Putnam, F. Leaslle, Mr3. F. Leas lie, P. A. Linsley, Fied M. CHrk and wife, Miss Casey, Jas. Fr'is'" Jno. Bain, J. I. Bridges, F. B. Wise, Mrs. E. Holcombe, J. R. Gray, C. W 01 vans, .Albert Johnson, Lew.s John son, J. R. Blackburn, J. Smith. Otto Oren and wife, August Caslon .and wife, M. Carlson, V. Carlson, C Carl son, MIttio E. Johnson, W. 1. Mc Pherson, Esther .Johnson, M McCor mick, W. A. Fraser t,nd wife, Lesllo Fraser, Andrew Tia'er, R. II. Hunt, C. F. Chase, M. G Johnson, G. R. Shoe, Mrs. Joh.-.son, Violet Johnson, Mrs. Bay and oig?i- second-elaa WERSCAN WOMEN ORGANIZE CLUB Vssoclation in Berlin to Help the Students of Music and at Universities. Berlin. Nov. 7. Practically the ntIro American colony In Boriin, In cluding American Embassador Tower and other embassy and consular of ficials, this afternoon attended the formal opening of tho new Ameri can Woman's Club, which has just established handsome quarters in tho west end of Berlin. Tho club will devote its energy primarily to the task of caring for tho army of young women who come from America to Germany for tho purpose of study ing music or taking university courses. , Tho club will endeavor to look af ter women of this class, who cau 3ecuro membership by paying $1.25 annual dues, Students who through illness or other reasons disappear rom tho view of their friends will t.o systematically sought out nnd cared for. Among the prime movers n tho work aro tho wife of Consul Generai Thacker, tho wives of Cap tains Howard and Wlsser of tho American Embassy and Mrs. Julius Hutmachor, of Chicago. Medical Society Meeting. Tho Coos and Curry County Med ical Society mot in Marshfield on .Vodnesday night. Thero wero pres 3nt eight members", and tho moot ing was hold in tho office of Dr. B, M. Richardson. Among tho In- orestlne Items of tho mooting was a paper by Dr. Richardson on "Ma laria." A general discussion wns hold and tho meeting was considered a success. Drs. Culln, of Coqulllo, and Houston, of Bnndoa, wero among those piesent. HubscrllMi Mr Lumber Suit. Seattlo, Nor. 7. At a meeting of lumber and shlnglo manufacturers of tho northwest hold hero today, $1, 000, 000 was subscribed to Indem nify tho 14 original signers of se curity bonds domanded Judge Hans ford's injunction ordor against rail roads in rate case. LEFT SPOKANE HE Archie Phillips, State Witness, Frightened Away by Let ters and Dynamite.' MISSIVE FROM HEYBURN Absent Man Left Hitter Statement With Attorney Mr the Prosecution. Spokane, Nov. 7. United States Senator Heyburn was brought Into the Adams trial. Archie PhllMps, Vho. testified for tho state In tho Hrst trial, disappeared recently from Lis home in Spokane, leaving a 'otir for Henry P. Knight, attorney for Hie state, asserting his life was in dan ger and that ho had receivod threat ening letters and the week befora had found a sack containing dyna mite, caps and a fuse behind Ms house. Phillips, in this leltnr, fx pres3es disgust at the treatment 3m had receivod from the stdte, rnd says his wife Is In a state of noivons terror. He censures Heyburn for his failure to becuro his appointment ns estimator on the Coeur d'AhMW Res ervation. Phillips has a letter t'tom Heyburn to Chairman Schoimiiker, of tho Republican commUteo, in which tho Senator says Phillips Jumped 'the claim over wh'.cn the killing of Boule took place at"Mnrblo. Creek, an'd so did not appoint him. Commenting on this letter, Phillips wroto: "I think Senator Hevburn ls pretty weak whon ho Is afraid of Ap pointing mo. I suppose he thinks tic will weaken his chances for rt'-elec-tlon with tho Federation ;vhon Ihe, comes up again. However, S-jhntcr Heyburn and tho State of Ida'.j mid the job can go to hell as far nu ll am concerned." The letter was read by Knight on tho witness stand mid followed the reading of an p.ff'davlt that the state wished to put In tes timony of Phillips and wl'c given at the former trial. Counsel for tho defense objected, and after n.jument tho court took tho matter airier ad visement. Tho fate of tho eaMe niay hnng on the introduction of lid's tes timony. It is expected that 'Vd-ilna confession will bo put In som time this week. George II. Root, tin em ploye of a storo at Walla"", v i'f sensatiqnal testimony this afternoon. Ho told of meeting Adams, -who waa going' under tho name of Dickens and SImpklns, near the latter's cabin and of SImpklns introducing Adnma as being "all right." The talk at the men was how to get rid of claim jumpers. SImpklns tho witno.a 3ald, wns for running out tho jumpers. LUMBERMEN WANT TRIAL EXPEDITED Portland, Nov. 7. J. N. . Teal, general counsel for the Oregou Lum ber Manufacturers will leave for Washington In a few days to .arrange for an early hearing of the suit of the suit of the lumbermen tp restrain railroad lines from enforcing in creased freight rates on lumber ship ments to eastern terminals . Mom bers of the Oregon and Washington Lumber Manufacturers association and othor Intorested mill owners havo filed In the United States cir cuit court, tho bond of $250',000 re quired by Judge Wolverton for a temporary injunction against en forcement of tho rates. John Ilorro:i ''"tur::s Johrry Herron and Guy uravolln returned on tho Alliance todiy. Thev completed tho circu't aud 'Seventy proved a four-tlmo winner, "but hu sold him and bought anothor, and i will bo entered- in the EniOryUl& races. It was rumored thero that the, big wad Johnny was bringing baol: was tho cause of tho dolay of the Alliance. Ho bays tho boat was loaded with machinery and smoke stacks for tho C. A. Smith Co. "Tho Bay has tho world beat," is his be llof. Fulling Wall Injures Firemen. Chicago, Nov, 7 In n flro early today which destroyed the plant of Tho Holdon Shoe company; eight firemen wero Injurod l falling walla. The proporty loss . 100-000. WITNESS