The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 07, 1907, THURSDAY EDITION, Image 4

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    ,j;m. i
Stickney Says New System of
Banks Is Necessary in
United States.
'Should Havo Hank Good Enough
for Government to Deposit
Its Money in."
St. Paul, Not. 6. President A. B.
Stickney, of the Chicago-Great West
ern Railway Company, In a published
interview, advocates a national bank,
in which the Government shall de
posit its treasury funds. He said:
"Official reports of the United States
treasury show that on last Thurs
day, October 31, there was locked
up In the sub-treasury, Idle, useless,
the enormous sum of $127,170,059
actual cash, while banks In all the
reserve cities In the United States
had suspended cash payments and the
movement of crops had stopped and
laborers were compelled to accept
checks for wages Instead of cash, all
for the want of currency, which want
of currency the New York banks are
trying to relieve by Importing about
$B0,000,000 gold or about one-quarter
the amount held In the treasury
idle and useless. Can any system of
government, banking be conceived
which would produce a more absurd
result? Let us have a national bank,
which not only Is good enough for
the people to deposit money In, but
good enough for the Government to
deposit Its money In."
Football Dance.
The Independent football team
will give a dance at the pavilion In
Simpson Park, North Bend, Satur
day evening, November 9. Music
furnished by Kaiser's Orchestra.
Report That Hnttlcships Will Con-
tinue On Across the
Washington, Nov. CT Admission
is now made that it is possible that
the Atlantic battleship fleet, or one
of its divisions, now preparing for
tho cruiso to the Pacific Coast, will
make a voyage around the world.
It has been suggested and the plans
are understood to bo favored by the
President that the ships, after stay
ing for a brief period on the Coast,
shall continuo to tho Asiatic station
and thenco back to tho United States
by way of tho Suez Canal routo. That
would bo the most notable naval
cruiso for many years, and tho long
est ever made by so many modern
war vessels.
It' is appreciated in tho Navy Do-pa-tment
that an official announce
ment of such an extension of tho
Pacific cruise will intensify the crit
icism which followed tho announce
ment of the decision to send the bat
tleships around tho continent of
South America as far as San Francisco.
A good buy on C street, 40x140
foot lot, at ?400. Fine residence
site with bay view. Title Guaranteo
& Abstract Co.
Excavation for October Reaches
Total of 1,HHH,71)2 Cubit Yards.
Dear Editor: The article entitled
"Holidays Are a Nuisance," which ap
peared In Wednesday's Issue of your
valuable paper came to the writer's
attention, and since he has recently
had occasion to give the subject of
holidays something more than n
cursory examination and therefore
foels that his opinion as to what can
or can not bo legally done on a holi
day Is ontltled to somo little con
sideration, be desires to presont it
to tho public through your columns,
as follows:
In tho first place, it should bo un
derstood that holidays and Sundays
are not synonymous as to their effect
upon business transactions, Sunday
being, primarily, at common law, a
dies non jurldlcus, while holidays
have only the sanctity attached to
them by statute, and all business
may be transacted on them except
such as, by statute, expressly forbid
den. It is true that wo have statutes
regulating the observance of the first
day of the week, commonly called
Sunday, or the Lord's day, and these
statutes are far more general in
their terms and requirements than
are the statutes regulating the proper
observance of holidays, and pro
hibit many transactions on said day
that can bo legally done and perform
ed on a holiday.
Holiday statutes usually provide
merely for the supension of judicial
proceedings, for the presentation and
protest of commercial paper on the
next secular day, and for the regula
tion of the sale of Intoxicating liquors
on certain holidays.
Inasmuch as it is tho writer's un
derstanding that all transaclo..T noi
within the statutory prohibitions
provided for any certain
holiday can be carried on upon that
holiday as upon any other day, hi
would give It as his opinion that the
Oregon statutes can be relied upon to
point out with precision the only acts
that are legally prejudiced by the
holiday proclamations of His Execl
lency, the Governor, and that. the ex
ecution and delivery of deeds and
other Instruments and Indentures are
not included in the statutory holiday
proscription. Respectfully submitted
It Wat Written by Rougot do LIL In
Ont Brief Hour.
On April 25, 1702, Rougot de Lisle,
the military onglnoor, who bad assum
ed the aristocratic prolix to beconio an
officer, was u guest at a banquot glTeu
by Baron Dietrich, first mayor of
Patriotic cxcltomcnt wan at its
height "MarchousI" "Aux urines, clto
yens!" were phrases on every lip. But
as tha champagne wont round tho la
dles grave woary and pleaded for an
other topic. Patriotic songs? A by nut
for tho army of the Rhino? Something
better than the Jingling "C Ira!" Tho
host first suggested a public competi
tion and a prlxo. Thon he turned to
Rougot d LUla and asked him to
"conipov a noblo song for the Fronch
Rougat do Lisle tried to excuse him
self. Again the champagne passed
round, and Just as the party broke up
a fellow officer about to quit Strassburg
next day begged De Lisle for a copy of
his forthcoming song.
"I make the promise on behalf of
your comrado," Dietrich replied.
Rouget de Lisle reached his lodging
dose by, but not to sleop. His violin
lny on the table. Taking It up, he
Struck n few chords. Soon a melodv
seemed to grow under his lingers. No
sooner had he put down the notes than
ho dashed off the words.
Thus having In n brief hour secured
for himself an undying name be threw
himself upon Ills bad nnd slumbered
heavily. Reader Magazine.
That We are Exclusive Paint Dealers, Wholesale and Retail;
That You Need Paint and Wall Paper:
That We have the.iargest Store and the Largest and Best
Selected Stock on the Bay; ..,.,
That Our 10, 15, 20, and 25 cent Double Roll Wall Paper
nan't be beat!
-Our Goods are the Best and Prices the Lowest;
That We Deliver Anywhere on the Bay:
That If You can not Call on Us let Us Know and We will Call
on You with Samples and Prices;
That We can Save You Money if You give Us a chance,
F. E. MONROE, Manager.
Sherman Ave. Phone 1251 North Bend, Ore.
mMtl stixsmttiKiiam vmMttwMiftem&m&k
Washington, Nov. G. While Presi
dent Roosevelt does not admit that he
has in any way contributed to the
present financial situation, ho has
become convinced that he is a very
Important factor in It, so far as It
may be improved, and the cause for
irritation and excitement removed.
That ho is deeply concerned that the
tendency to unsettle values does not
go on Is Impressed on all who have
discussed any phases of the matter
with him.
One of tho most hopeful signs Is
that there has been created already
much better feeling and a fuller un
derstanding between Roosevelt and
the great financiers of tho country.
Thi3 is regarded" here as tho most
substantial progress that has been
mado toward bettering things finan
cially. In the face of tho great danger
which was threatened week before
last much of the President's resent
ment has died out, and there are ev
idences that ho will do nothing to
keep alive the turmoil and excitement.
Caused More Often by Habit Than by
Defective Vocal Organs.
"Stammering Is often more the re
sult of habit thnn from any defect of
the vocal orguns," suya an authority.
"It Is generally. If not always, cnuecd
by a spasm of the larynx, resulting
from nervous contraction of the or
gans, thus refusing to permit a propel
How of the air current producing tone.
People rarely or never stammer when
slngiug, for then the attention is di
vided between words and music, til.
nervousness Is momentarily forgotten
and the passage of the air current
through the larynx Is continuous nnd
"Stammering very often Is the ro
suit of Imitation, sometimes Intention
al, sometimes unconscious, and the af
flictiou Is much more general than
might bo supposed. In one compara
tively small section of the city there
nre thirty-five stammerers', and every
one of them Is able to demonstrate to
his own satisfaction not only that he
docs not stammer very badly, but thnt
somo other person he knows stammers
a great deal worse than himself.
Every stammerer Is Intensely sensitive
nbout his infirmity, rarely forgives and
never does forget nuy allusion to it
which in his mind savors of ridicule."
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
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complete line at the Red Cross Pharmacy.
Regardless of Ordinary Cost
Wo will dispose of one certain line of our goods.
These goods were bought at a -bargain and wo
speak advisedly when wo say you cannot dupli
cate them for tho money anywhere.
These goods cannot be bought at wholesale today
for the money wo are offering them to you. Wo
Intend closing this line out, and
At Prices Thai Will "Surprise You
This sale will last only a short time, as tho prices
will sell them.
Comedy In a Back 8treet.
About 10 o'clock one morning two
men met und begun threatening and
calling each other names. One finally
called tho otber a liar, and the two
men were about to grapple when a
woman opened the door nnd said,
"Gentlemen, aro you nbout to fight V
"Wo aro!" they unswered together.
Then havo the kindness to wait a
moment," she continued. "My hus
band has been sick for weeks and is
now Just able to sit up. no Is very
downhearted this morning, and if
you'll only wait till I can draw him
up to the window I know he'll be very
grateful to both of you."
She disappeared Into the house, nnd
after ono look Into each other's face
the men smiled, shook hands and de
parted together. London Telegraph.
Washington, Nov. 5. The en
gineers of tho Panama canal con
tinue to increaso the amount of ex
cavation each month, according to a
cablegram received today at the can
al ofllco from Chief Engineer Goet
hals, on tho Isthmus. The total ex
cavation for October reached tho un
precedented figure of 1.8S8.729 cubit
yards, ns compared with 1.4S1.307
cubit yards for Septombor. For tho
corresponding month of October, last
year, tho total excavation was 53S,
254 cubit yards.
Motornmn Stabbed.
San Francisco, Nov. 5. Motorman
Mlchnol Bouchlllndor, of tho Unltod
Railroads, wns stabbed through tho
lung at an early hour this morning
by nn unknown assassin, during a
dlsturbauco on Twenty-third streot,
nnd died at tho omergency hospital.
Tho pollco aro lopking for tho as
sailant. c .ViSS
Albany, Nov. G. Governor
Chamberlain, shortly after mid-
night, this (Thursday) morn-
lng, issued a holiday proclanm-
tlon for today. ,
Flyer, With Wife Living
Marries Actress Then
Los Angeles, Cal Nov, G. The po
lice were notified today that C. M.
Berkeley, wanted by tho polico of this
city, had been arrested In New Or
lans on a chargo of uttering worth
less currency.. Barkloy Is said by tho
pollco to havo lived at a rapid rato
in this city during last September.
Ho is accused of having issued worth
less checks amounting to sovoral hun
dred dollars, and of having gone
through a ceromony of marrlago with
an actress whllo his wife was living
In this city. lie disappeared about a
week after tho alleged marriage.
An Up Stroke
Sometimes lightning strikes up In
stead of down, If we are to' believe a
story told many years ago of n party
of men standing on the porch of a
church far up on the side of a lofty
mountain In Styrla. They wero look
ing down Into tho vulley below, where
n great oloctrlcal storm was ooglug,
and, with tho sun shining upon them
at their altitude, were enrapt My the
strange sensation. Suddenly n bolt
came up from tho valley and killed sev
en of the purty. Circle.
Bank of Oregon
Capital Stock fully paid up
TronMoU a Ccnoral Banking
iNorlh oend, Uregon
..? ar
Many a so-called dull scholar Is .so
bcauso of some defect of the eyea.
Don't neglect the eyes of your
children. Bring them in .mid If
there Is no error wo will tell yon
f. J. HAYES, Optsmettfst
Central Hotel Block Marshfleld, Oregon
. Esaisaiag!fi3ftagg!i as&stt&tf&s&iesa
M. R. SMITH, Agent For 0
Charles A. Stevens
O Cor. First & B. St., Marshfleld
abou r ""mat mn eat
Knowing this, and also having studied what buIU
the average taste, wo have Instilled theso points
into our business. Therefore when you buy any
thing of us you can rest assured of getting
When you try our goods compare them with any
other product over made hero or elsewhere. We
are not afraid of the test. '
10 C. A LOAF
Wo especially recommend this bread, believing you
will say it Is the best bread you over ate.
Alliance Was Bar Bound.
Agont Shaw received word that
tho Alllanco was bar bound at As
toria, and would leavo that port yes
terday morning If the weather per
mitted. In case the rough weather
subsided tho boat will be in this
A New Barber Shop.
A new building, 14x14, Is being
orectcd on tho C. A, Smith property
on Broadway to accommodate a bar
ber shop. It Is sttuated at tho north
sldo of tho drlvoway which leads Into
tho warehouse.
Going and Coming.
"Whut's that noise?" asked the vis
itor In the upartment houso.
"Prcfbably some one In tlw dentist's
rooms on tho floor below getting a
tooth out," said his host
"But It seems to como from the floor
"Ah! Then It's probably tho Popleys
baby gottlng a tooth in." Philadelphia
The Tramp1 Excuse.
Bcnovolent Man (who has gijea a
tramp somo work) You're working
slowly, my man. Tramp I'm try tag to
spin It out. Who knows when I shall
get any more? Moggendorfer Olatter.
The Soft Answer.
"Father, do all angels havo wings?"
"No, my sou, your mother has none."
And then sho said sweetly that he
might go to the club if he wouldn't
stay late. Atlanta Constitution.
"Did ho ask her father for her hand
la marriage?"
"No. Ho ueeded $10, ami he didn't
want to ask for too much at once."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
He Had Hopes.
Young lady (owner of great estates)
As far as the eyo can reach, all the
land belongs to me. Admirer (respect
fully) I hope you aro iMt shortsighted.
Stray Stories.
Chicago, Nov, 5. Miss Ella Mc
Lean, the confessed "thief" who stole
copies of state letters from tho ofllco
of United States Attorney Sims col
lapsed in tho county jail tonight. Her
condition required medical attention.
The cause of the breakdown was the
Information suddenly told her that
Alexander Gordeo, her admirer and
alleged accomplice, had betrayed her. !
The statement was a ruse to obtain
a further confession. It failed. j
Despite her nervous prostration '
Miss McLean refused to make any
disclosures. Government detectives
have unearthed evidence which they I
declare will Involve somo of Chi
cago's most prominent citizens.
Tho names of seven attorneys,
soveral of whom havo national fame,
havo been connected with tho case.
If Miss McLean continues to pro
tect the powerful persons thought to
be conspirators In the case, the gov-l
ernmont will demand that tho beau
tiful young woman be fined ?10,
000 and sent to tho penitentiary;
soven years. The same penalty will
be asked for Gordee. The Decem
ber grand jury will Investigate the
A stixvt,
'rtf&iTV'Vfjiffif?Sxiij "t5.WMiTA'?1fT'yyw?-f.TywgjyTwgya
and Woodworkers
We havo just opened up a new shop
and are fully equipped to do your re
pairing of all kinds. Our specialties
Gasoline Engine Work
Wood Turning of AH Kinds
Porch Columns and Banisters
Agents For The Rochester Gasoline Engines
Give us a trial
- Cavanagh & Chapman
Dock foot of Queen Ave. Marshfield. Oregon
San Francisco, Nov. 6. Tho Pa
cific Coast Steamship Company's new
steamer Governor, whleh arrived late
Inst night from Victoria and Seattle,
possesses tho distinction of being the
first ship to secure a wireless bulle
tin of a prize fight by rounds. Tho
Governor received a regular bulletin
.service on the Johnson-Flynn fight.
Two Changes This Week.
Monday and Thursday
rmurmanta :ju tnd 9 p. m.
Uatisee Saturday 330.
Admiscloa Ten Cets.
Everything Electrical at
Oregon Electrical Supply Co.
New COaaaell Hllc.
-- , -xHW.'Lk-
t - J , J. ,... J ' s. .
jku 1 1' m II ,lli 1 1 1 , iWIMMWMPMWXtii rcuLiiiinnnii
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