The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 06, 1907, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Image 1

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VOL li.
No. 105.
ZrSmJl f2ir
H IwYh fir h
h humph
Legal Instruments- Cannot be
Executed and Much Business
Is Abandoned.
Two Oe.iiples Acidentully Clot Aivay
With Papers, but They Arc
The continuous holiday which Gov
ernor Chamberlain Is sustaining Is
going to get business matters
throughout the stato badly jumbled.
It will not be the Governor's fault
entirely, for (business men should
know what sort of business can be
done on holidays and what, cannot.
But thriv are those who do not give
proper r cognition to the importance
of obfaorviLg the hoi. days, so long as
they last, and these will tind In the
fLia. , tiH.nung that they luivo bcjn
duins t'a-nt, thoy Uiouid havj held
oft i.DlU lU'3 gala season was past.
For instance: deeds are being exe
cuted and property is changing
hands, which, according to well
posted lawyers, will all have to be
done over again. An aoKnowledg
ment, it1 Is said, Is without effect
which is taken on a holiday. The
Counfy Clerk, Mr. James Watson, is
not recording deeds and other in
struments which are issued and exe
cuted during the present succession
of holidays. He holds they are with
out standing, and, therefore, not
worth the paper they are written on.
This is the serious and more sober
side of tho difficulty. But there is
another side which, though as exas
perating, Is not so 'important. Just
at this time there seems to be more
than the usual number of swains and
maidens who would join lives and
fortunes in Coos Coimty, and they are
applying every day for tho County
Clem's permission to become mated.
But Mr. Watson meets them all with
the same statement that he can do
nothing for them, and politely asks
them to come back after the holi
days. It is pretty difficult, the
County Clerk finds, to satisfy such
persons that the Governor's procla
mation interferes with their plans,
for thoy are mostly In earnest, and
do not caro to wait. But they do not
get tho license and so leave tho of
fice disappointed, but not without
hope that the financial atmosphere
will soon clear and the Governor will
not find It necessary to keep up tho
everlasting and bothersome holidays.
According to Judge Hall, who re
turned yesterday from Coquille, two
couple got away safe and clear with
marriage licenses on Monday before
the clerk was advised of the day be
ing like others which had passed dur
ing the week then gone by. The
Judge did not explain whether Mr.
Watson had detectives out to corral
the happy quartette, but it is very
likely ho has strings out for the re
turn of the illegal instruments. Ono
man from North Bend applied for a
marriage license on Monday and was
refused. He did not ask any ques
tions, but the next day he came back
and presented himself and tho choice
of his affections, thinking probably,
that tho clerk wanted full' evidence.
Out ho met with another refusal, and
though their disappointment seemed
sore, they Bald they presumed there
was no other way out of it except to
wait or go to some state where holi
days are not so numerous and per
sistent. A man came into a local attorney's
office the other day and wanted the
attorney to make out garnishment
Papers immediately for the wages of
a man who .was Indebted to him. He
was informed that legal action could
not bo taken until the holidays were
over. He then explained that the
wages would bo paid over to tho man
that day at three o'clock, and he
would lose his money unless ho could
set quick actiin. The attorney in
formed him that that made no differ
ence in the status of the matter, and
and so it is presumed the man lost
the bill, unless tho debtor came
through without legal process.
A large number of nfen appeared
before the Board of Equalization last
week to enter protests against as
sessments, but all the satisfaction
they received was a polite hearing,
O fc .) O o ; i" c o o - o
New York, Nov. 5. The
United Statea Steel corporation
has cecured controlling interest
in the Tenneseo Coal, Iron and
Railroad company. The deal
was concluded today and was
traceable to conferences held
at the hone of J. P. Morgan
Saturday and yesterday. It is
understood tho price is a little
abovo $85 a share. The sale
will do much to relieve the pres-
ent financial stringency as large
blocks of Tonnesee were held
O as collatorc I by the local banks.
and when things are different tho
court will pass on the several objec
N. B. CuK.,(':c ...i.'.l
Secretary F. H. Uriguasi, of t"n
'orth Bend Commercial Club, has
lb .tied the loilo ii".g notice to t:i
niembei-3 of' the club:
"The board of trustees of tho
North Bend Commercial Club have
requested me to inform the member
that the club rooms will he open l'o.
their wives and lady friends of the
members on the afternoons and evi
nings of , tho flr3t and third Wednes
days of each month, commencing o"
Wednesday, the Gth of November.
Upon thebe occasions the character of
the cnterlainnmi.t to be under the di
rection of tho ladles."
Arrangements have been made for
transporting the contingent of Marsh
field ladies to the first night on the
Fiyer which will leave Marshfield at
7:45 this evening. There will be a
program consisting of music by W.
11. Hnines and solos by Marshfield
lent. The ladies' nights last sea
son were gretuiy enjojed by the
women who attended them, and the
plan Is to make the evenings on
which they have charge this year
even more pleasant.
The board of equilization set last
week in Coquille, but no decisions
were rendered owing to the holiday
proclamation. Protestants were
listened to and allowed to file their
objections or argue the matters, as
they chose. Among those who were
before the board, which consists of
Judge John Hall, County Clerk James
Watson and Assessor T. G. Thrift,
The Southern Oregon company
filed objections to its assessment on
lands south of- Empire, on the pen
insula. Tho Southern Pacific filed objec
tions to its entire assessment In the
county. Attorney Hammond, of Co
quille, handled the railroad's protest.
C. A. Smith company objected to
its assessment on lands In Townships
30, 31, 32, ronges 9 and 10 west, at
the headwaters of the south lurk of
the Coquille.
Pillsbury and Harlan filed objec
tions to lands in the same district as
that objected to by the Smith com
pany. The Flanagan & Bennett bank was
represented by B. Swanton in an ob
jection which was adjusted.
The Bank of Oregon, was repre
sonted by W. U. Douglas.
Several other parties came before
the board on the assessment of lots
in the vicinity of North Bend.
1800 Hunting Licenses Issued.
Cal Wright, deputy game warden,
informed The Times that thero have
been 1800 hunting licenses Issued In
Coos County this season. He com
pares this showing with what has
been issued in Multnomah and thinks
It pretty large for the little county
away to tho Isolated part of tho stato.
Air. Wright says he does not think
there are any persons hunting in tho
county without licenses. Tho num
ber issued in Multnomah Is 4CG2.
Returns From Germany.
Mr. T. Pothoff, who has been
visiting on tho Rhino in Germany,
slnco leaving here about two months
ago, Is back on the bay again and
Is contemplating on getting Into
business, but not In the bakery lino.
Ho thinks ho would like to live In
Germany If he had money enough,
as tho people are very sociable and
tako life easy. They don't have that
American stylo of going after the
almighty dollar, As he did not
have money enough he concluded
ho would get into the game here
again, where you can make money.
Thero is little doubt that the school
election called for Thursday evening
will not be legal If It comes off and
the day Is proclamed by the governor
as a holiday. Word received from
Salem yesterday was to the effect
that the governor would continue is
suing proclamations . daily for a
number of days, which means, of
course, the present situation Is going
to extend beyond Thursday. There
Is a question, however, which may
give It legal standing; the fact that
the election was called in good faith
before thero was any thought of a
festal season, and thi3 might be held
as having prior rights to the procla
mations. The question is one on which
every Marshfield citizen should vote,
and the Times will give the situation
further elucidation tomorrow morn
ing. Following Is the call as issued
by the board of directors:
Seven and a Half Million Arrive
on German Liner
European Discount Steadily Increas
ing Portland Arranges for More
of the Necessary.
New York, Nov. 5. Arrival of tho
first treasure ship, laden with gold
for the relief of the present stringen
cy, was a feature of the financial sit
uation today. The Kronz Prlnzessin
Cecilie arrived about 10 o'clock this
morning, and shortly afterward was
unloading $7,100,000 of yellow metal
which will go to strengthen New
York bank reserves. The Lusltanla
will follow closely with $10,000,000,
and $14,000,000 more will follow
within the next few days. Tho action
of the Bank of France today, in buy
ing $3,000,000 In sterling bills on
London, is taken as indication that
French financiers are not only able
but willing to help London, and thus
Indirectly help America. It is hoped
this action will deter the Bank of
England from raising Its discount
rate to 7 per cent. At a meeting of
the directors on Thursday and the
Imperial German Bank from raising
its rate from G 1-2 to 7 1-2 per cent.
The presence of Secretary Cortelyou
in New York this afternoon served to
give opportunity for a conference
with bankers. The bankers who saw
Cortelyou aro convinced thero is no
intention of President Roosevelt to
call an extra session of Congress to
pass financial remedy legislation, and
it is understood the Administration
feels the situation should settle down
to a basis where proper Judgment can
be formed on various proposed
changes in the monetary laws. It
was further understood that the Ad
ministration has not definitely
shaped its planB of financial legisla
tion which it may desire to have con
sidered at the coming session of Con
gress. Europe Had n Scare.
New York, Nov. 5. George J.
Gould, who returned from Europe
today on tho steamor Kronz Prinzes
sin Cecilie, discussed the Europ6an
situation. Gould said American cred
its are In a bad way abroad, the peo
ple of Europe having received an
awful scare, and being still nervous
and afraid of our securities. He says
their view is wrong, and our country
is all right, our resources never
Btronger; railroads never busier and
industry everywhere humming.
Asked as to his opinion of the cause
of this uneasiness, Gould said It was
the sentenco Imposed upon the, Stand
ard Oil Company, which to tho peo
ple of Europe look .like pqnflscatlon,
Gould said the securities In this coun
try are sound, and we are on the way
to restore confidence.
r hhh hall n mill M 10
iiflfi asinnjrn tut n rnTinii
m MHriltfril inr r rl UN
Special School Meeting.
Notice is hereby given to tho legal
voters of School District No. 9, of
Coos County, Stato of Oregon, that a
special school meeting of said Dist
rict will be held at the public school
house in said District on the 7th day
of November, 1907, at 7:30 o'clock
in the afternoon, for the following
First: To vote upon the question
as to whether a district high school,
with four years' course, shall bo es
tablished in said district, also,
whether or not the district shall pur
chase a bull-ling site for another
school building.
Dated this ISth day of October, A.
iD. 1907. Attest: John F. Hall,
'District Clerk. R. Williams Chair
man Board of Directors.
-' -Ti'.'T.ship Provf.!ls i;
San Francisco Do;.....
Ticket Successful.
! Mnssachuesetts "Republican liy 75,-
())( Rhode Island Elects Demo
cratic Governor
New York, Nov. 5. Elections held
throughout the country today passed
off In comparative quiet. Returns
from various states show the fol
lowing results: Massachusetts re
elects an entire Republican state
ticket, headed by Governor Guild;
Pennsylvania elects John O. Sheatz,
Republican, head of ticket, for State
Treasurer; New York State elects E.
T. Bartlett and Wlllard Bartlett joint
candidates of the Republican and
Democratic tickets for Justices of
Court of Appeals, over the candidates
of tho Independence League
(Hearst). New York City elects Tam
many candidates by considerable ma
jorities ' over the Independence
League and Republican candidates.
New jersey is claimed by both sides.
The Maryland contest for Governor
ship is In doubt, owing to lateness of
the returns. The chairman of the
Democratic state committee claims
the stato by 12,000, while conserva
tives place the figures at G000 to
Good Government for San Francisco.
San Francisco, Npv. G. At one
o'clock this morning a total of the
partial returns indicates the election
of almost the entire good government
city and county ticket, including may
or, district attorney, board of super
visors, city attorney, sheriff, coroner
and police judges. Tho union labor
may savo auditor and county clerk.
On a basis of ten per cent of tho 273
precincts with tho mission district
largely to be heard from Mayor
Taylor's plurality over the Uii.m
labor candidate P. McCarthy, sh mid
approximate 9,000; District Attorney
Langdon's plurality over M.i3om,
tho Union labor nomlneo, 1S.00U;
with Ryan tho republican canlula'o,
'.hi'd ,n the mayoralty race. It i
not likely that a full count of all tho
preclnts which may not be completed
until lato today will materially
diaugo the apparant rMinr.
Massachusetts Republican.
Boston, Nov. 5. The Republicans
won a sweeping victory In today's
election, re-electing Governor Guild
and all tho pther stato officers. Tho
Republicans will have their usual ma
jority In both branches of the Legis
lature. Tonight indicated Guild's
plurality at 75,000 or more. In Bos
ton tho feature of the election waa
tho contest for District Attorney, In
wfijch John A. Dennlst DemocrAt, and
Walter A. WelBter, Republican, op
posed the cleptlon of John B. Moran,
candidate of the Independencp
League. Moran was re-elected by a
large plurality.
.UJl-trCtLlt.JUtiMMaillBWlIWlllll.ll IHJJlUt
Shide, Isle of Wight, Nov. 5
The observatory here record-
ed an earthquake last night be-
ginning at S:42 and ending at
9:16. The point of origin Is
5, GOO miles. Tho probable dls-
turbance occurred In the Pa-
cific ocean. Another slight dls-
turbance was noted this after-
Editor Wins in Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, Nov. 5. By a decisive
plurality and possibly a clear ma
jority over all competitors, Colonel
Leopold Markbelt, the veteran Ger
man editor and former United States
minister to Bolivia, was elected may-
jor of Cincinnati on tho republican
ticket and according to early returns,
he carried with him tho entire re
publican ticket. The campaign has
been an active one. Mayor Dempsey
wa3 Markbeit's principal opponent.
Pennsylvania for G. O. 1.
Philadelphia, Nov. 5. John O.
Sheatz, of Philadelphia, Republican,
was elected treasurer over John G.
Harmon, Democrat, In today's elec
tion, by about 175,000 plurality. This
was the only state officer voted for
and a light vote was polled in nearly
every county. Returns show largo
Republican gains for treasurer all
over the state as compared with the
vote two years ago. For the first
time since 1901 there was no double
Republican ticket.
New York, Nov. 5. Sufifclently
complete returns tonight make It cer
tain the ultimate result will show the
Republican and Independence League
fusion in New York County was de
feated today by the straight Demo
cratic ticket; that the 'independence
League ticket for Associate Justice
of the Court of Appeals was over
whelmingly beaten by the identical
tickets of Republicans and Demo
crats, and that there will be a slight
change in the makeup ef tho Assem
bly. Early Count-Eavorod McCarthy.
San Francisco, Nov. 5. At 9:25
tonight, 1200 votes had been counted.
Of these, .Taylor had 134 votes nnd
McCarthy 382, Ryan 212. Langdon
for District Attorney, 7G8, McGowan
Democrat for Rhode Island Chair.
Providence, Nov. 5. Indications aro
that Governor James H. HIgglns,
democrat, has been reelected by a
slight gain over his vote at the last
Rurtou Beaten by Johnson.
Cleveland, Nov. 5. At republican
headquarters, Secretary Rodwale has
conceded the election of Mayor John-
Got Minimum Fine.
The suits for dumping sawdust in
the Bay have all been settled with
the exception of that against the
Simpson Lumber Company. Tho
North' Bend Manufacturing Company
pleaded guilty and was fined tho
minimum fine, $50. The Kruso &
Banks Shipyard appeared, and also
entered a plea of guilty. This com
pany was fined tho same. It was
learned that the case against tho
Coos Bay Manufacturing Company
was not sufficient on which to war
rant prosecution, and it was dis
missed. Tho Simpson case will bo
called when the holidays are over.
Phonograph Cfnccrt.
Mrs. J. O'Kelly is planning another
phonograph concert for Saturday
night, at the Mnrshflelf boathouse.
Tho concerts In tho past have been
popular, and Mrs. O'Kelly will uso 50
records Saturday evening.
Attendance1 Growing.
Professor Golden was seen by a re
porter yesterday just as he was going
home, after having stood treat at tho
Palm for tho High School football
team, and said tho attondanco at tha
school has reached 510.
Body Has Not Been Found.
'No further news has been galnod
respecting tho recovery of Jenson's
body, which Is supposed to be at the
botftun of South Inlet. The Boutin
employes aro still searctosing the wator
for It, however.
Repaired Dock,
Workmen hovo pmpletoii the ro
paira tq tha North Bond dock, tho
damage being caused by tho Plant
giving It a hard bump laat Saturday
on her way out.
NEW Eill "
Mauretania Beats Her Sister
Ship Lusitania by a Good
Builders Trials Show Marvelous
Speed Attainments On Run
From Tyno to Mersey.
London, Nov. 5. While the Lusit
ania was speeding eastward on the
record-breaking trip, her sister ship,
tho Mauretania, was making a
leisurely jaunt around the coast of
North Britain on her way from the
Tyne, where she was built, whence
she will sail on her maiden voyage
some time in December.
Some 500 persons had been in
vited by tho builders of this, the
greatest vessel in the world, to take
part of .the inaugral voyage. It was
not to bo expected that she would
make a very phenomenal record,
for she had been lying 12 months
in the dirty waters of the Tyne, still,
it wa3 supposed that she would reel
off 24 knots just to show what she
could do under favorable conditions.
These hopes were doomed to dis
appointment, for the highest speed
that the Mauretania made be
teween Tyne and the Mersey was 21
knots, and most of the trip was
uado at a 'speed some knots less.
The exact figures of the maximum
speed ,made on her trial trip was
less than 2G knots 25.95.
Nearly Twenty-slv Knots.
Mr. Rowan, a member of tho
firm of Rowan, Hunter & Wigham
Richardson, who built the boat, sail
that tho builders would be ampl
satisfied If the ship fulfilled the ao.
mlralty requirements of tho min
imum average of speed in crossing
tho Atlantic 24 knots. T'hat, of
course, it is confidently expected she
will do. Indeed, if she fails to
lowor tho Lusltanln's pennant with
in tho first month of her trans-Atlantic
experience a bitter disap
pointment will bo felt on the Tynq
slde, where rivalry with tho Clyde
built Lusitania is of the keenest de
scription. Tho competition between Lucy
and Mary, as tho seafarlnc popula
tion of both districts havo be
christe'ned the monster vessels, will
be watched with deep interest every
where. Though they are sister
ships, built according to tho same
general design, it is a well-known
fact that two vessels may bo de
signed and constructed nlongside of
each other in the same yard and yet
present very different results when
In tho water.
The Mauretania Is five inches deep
er than the Lusitania and 15 feet
longer. Another difference between
the Mauretania and the Lusitania
Is that In the former there Is a
greater uso of high tinsel steel,
the result of a reduction In weight
and an Increased capacity In carry
ing fuel and deadweight cargo. Th
scheme of decoration lu the two
ships is different. What makes the
most appeal to tho averago laymtm
is that In tho Mauretania ihc. vari
ous woods used retain t'flelr natural
Our trip round North Britain
gave littlo or no opportunity to
Jugde of tho seagoing qualities of
the boat. Tho weather was perft
nnd . thero was not wind enough to
blow together tho volumes of
smoko which poured out nf the
grpt funnels, nnd which trailed!
away in our wako In distant IIiicb
Rolls in Atlantic Suvll.
Even at her low speed' the vibra
tion was marked, though (h nano
meter Installed aboard rogfsthred
what Is considered to be a vpbj
slight vohratlon. When slu m. the
Atlantic swell on tho north "usl of
Scotland, tho Mnurotnnla rolled to
such an oxtont that some of her
fair passengers did not m.iko their
appearances at dinner. Fiddles,
however, were not necessary on tho
tables, and, In fact, there waa no
sea worth speaking about.
In several respects tho vessel i
not ready for service, and It Is
question whether sho can bo got
ready by November 1G, tho date fix
ed for her to be turned over to tho
Cunard company.