The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 05, 1907, TUESDAY EDITION, Image 4

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In This Condition Captain
Olson Finds the People
of Catalla.
Communicated. O
Ship After Ship Undertakes to Land
nclici but in Vain Six Weeks of
the Roughest of Weather.
Tacoma, Nov. 4. Subsisting main
ly on salt pork and brought almost
to the gate of famine was the fate of
the l.GOo or 2,000 people of Catalla,
Alaska. The Alaska Coast company's
steamer Bertha, which has just ar
rived from the north and which wa3
tho steamship that took relief to the
unfortunate camp, brought down the
Tho condition was due to the un
precedented rough weather that pre
vailed all along the north Alaskan
coast for six weeks or more.
Catalla has little if any harbor,
and Its beach is practically exposed
to the pounding of Immense waves
from the open sea. During rough
weather the surf runs so high that
lighters cannot operate.
Mnny Tried to Give Aid.
For weeks prior to October IS ves
sels found it extremely difficult to
beat in close enough to shore to olfor
assistance. After anchoring, the ves
sels dragged their anchors, while it
was also found Impossible for light
ers to brave the destructive seas.
Steamboats laden with provisions
were sent out from Valdez every day
or so to Catalla, which is but 147
miles from that place, but after ar
riving off Catalla it was simply a
matter of cruising about for a num
ber of hours in the vain hope that
tho wnter would smooth sufficiently
to permit lighters to operate. By
October 1, flour, fresh meat, butter,
BUgar, oil for lighting and other
necessarys in tho line of groceries
were gone and the people faced ex
tremities. Olson Hit a Smooth Spot.
When the Bertha arrived at Val
dez Captain Olson was told of the
conditions at Catalla and asked to
do his utmost to give relief there.
Tho Valdez merchants put eighty
tons of provisions aboard his vessel
and October IS he sailed for Catalla,
whero ho arrived a clay later. Two
days before tho steamor Navigator
liad tried to land provisions there
but failed. By good fortune Captain
Olson found a smooth sea and light
ers at once camo out and in a few
hours had provisions safe ashore.
Captain Olson had no fresh moat to
give thorn but ho believes that before
this time other vessels, have found It
possible to get additional shipments
Navigators returning from Alaska
report the weather conditions In the
far northwest as unusual In severity.
Tho Bertha experienced weather such
as, Captain Olson says, ho never be-:
fore mot with In all his years of ser
vice In Alaskan waters. Hurricane'
winds kicked up mountainous sens
and brought snow and hall and beat
ing rnln storms, making voyaging
vory dangerous.
linst Const Fishing Schooner Lost In
ltccont Gales.
St. Johns, N. F Nov. 4. It Is
feared many lives were lost in tho
recent gales. Three Now Foundland
Ashing schooners are missing and
four French vessels havo not report
ed. Wreckage ashore on tho south
ern const Indicates that tho schoonor
Orion was lost with IS men.
To Whom It Mny Concern:
This is to certify that Mr. Jack
Itlco Is no longer connectod with tho
Marsden Wholosnlo Liquor IIouso,
either at Mnrshfleld or Bnndon.
Robert Marsden.
MnrshAold, Oro Nov. 2, 1907.
Hang a Negro.
Cnmoron, Tox Nov. 4. Following
nn Indictment by tho grand jury for
attempted assault, Alex Johnson, a
negro, was taken from jail and
hnngod to a troo in tho courtyard by
a mob of 500.
Mistaken Identity of Ship.
Seattlo, Nov. 4. A vessel reported
Bighted outside tho straits of Juan
do Fucn, which was supposed to bo
the Arthur Sowoll, supposed to havo
been lost in tho straits of Mngollan,
turns out to bo a sister ship of tho
Sowoll, tho Ersklno M. Pholps, which
arrived at Seattlo tonight.
Honesdalc, Pa., Oct. 26, 1907.
Editor of tho Times, Dear Sir En
closed find $l.fiO to renew subscrip
tlon. I notice that tho chambers of
commerce of Marshfleld and North
Bend are co-operating for tin gnr.
eial welfare of the whole bay. 'lint
is ns it should be. The entire pea
nlnsula should be consolidated m.
der ono name, one mayor and oil'
city government. There should h
no Jealousy between different local
ities. The peninsula Is not so large,
it will all be populated In a few de
cades, neither should there be any
jealousy between Coos Bay and
Portland. There Is room enough for
both cities in Oregon. New York
and Philadelphia are only 90 mlleh
or two hours run apart, and there
are several large cities between them.
Here are G, 000, 000 in these twe
cities on the railroad route of 9f
mlle3. From Portland to San Fran
clsco with a sea coast of 700 mile
you havo less than 500,000 people,
you should appoint a committee oi
about nine of the most sensible moi
you have to select a suitable nanr
and consolldato under that name and
all pull together, Mnrshneld, Empir
and North Bend will never looa-
tholr identity. Go the' center of
Philedelphia and you will see stive'
cars going to Chestnut Hill, Latin
Hill, Hestonvllle, Frankfort German-
town and many other points, all old
names of villages now incorporate,
in the great city. In Sacranton i
Is the same way. That city 13 a con
solldatlon of Sacranton with Hyd
Park, Green Ridge, Providence an
other town3 whoso local names nti'
remain within the city. You nr
used to tho name Coos Bay but, the
bay should bo omitted in naming
your city. Supposing New York wa'
named New York Bay, or Boto
was named Boston Harbor, would it
not be absurd? But no more so than
for you to stick tho word bay on to
your city. Coos seems 3hort and
abrupt but better Coos than Coot
Bay, but there are a hundred termi
nations that might be added to Coos
and make a more dignified name for
your city, and for a large city it i?
better to have an entirely different
name from any other name. Port
land wishes she had a distinct name
now. In this respect Seattle and
Tacoma have the advantage of her.
Coos Is an old biblical name. The
island of Cos or Coos and the gull
Cos or Coos will ba found off Asia
Minor, east of Greece. The entrance
to the gulf of Coos Is from the west
and doubtless some old sea captain
who had seen thb gulf, in papain: the coast of the Pacific fancied
he saw a resemblance and named
Coos Bay. After It was named it
would bo very easy to havo Coos In
dians at Coos Bay, just a3 wo have
Delewaro Indians on tho Delaware
river. After that river had been so
named by tho English. You have
Capo Blanco nearby how would
Coosablanco do or Coosadena? I am
not anxious to suggest a name, but
a place that Is destined to be a great
city should havo a solid sensible
namo selected, not by tossing up a
penny, but by a committee of com
mon sense people. But what is
everybody's business in nobody's
business and the chambers of com
merce of tho two cities can do more
to restoro order out of chaos than
all tho individuals of to two cities
acting separately can ip. Yours truly,
It. M. rswCKEIt
A good buy on C G;rcot 10x140
foot lot at ?400. Flno l-p-lde- co site
with uny view. Tltlo Guara iteo &
Abstract, Co.
. O
Mr. William Cribblns, of Myrtle
Point, was horo yesterday on busi
ness. Mr. Buss Johnson, of Coqullle,
was a visitor In this city Monday.
Mr. G. Horn, who has been con
fined to his bed for tho past ten
days with pneumonia, Is again able
to bo on tho streets.
Mr. C. L. Hudson, of Detroit,
Michigan, is in tho city look'
around for n location.
Miss Anna E. Jacobson returned
from Haynes Inlet yesterday whero
sho has been visiting frionds tho
past week.
Mr. Bonjamln Roberts, of Temple
ton, was a business visitor Monday
In this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Bonobrnko,
of Grungoville, idnho, are in the
city visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Four dollars for tho first hour
nnd reduced ratps for a longer time.
See Mr. Androw3 at tho Coos Bay
Transportatloa office. A street dock.
His automobile la for hire.
Queer Marriage Custom Among the
Quebec French Canadians.
A singular mnrrlngo custom prevails
among the French Canadians in Que
bec. After the morning marriage serv
ice in tho church the bridal party in
cnlecho or cnrriole make a tour of calls
upon relatives and friends during tho
dny nnd then return again to church
for vespers.
Before the evening dance at the
bride's new home conies the supper.
When the company rise from the table
the bride keeps her seat, and some one
asks with great dignity: "Why does
mndam wait? Is sho so soon in bod
She replies: "Somebody hns stolen
my slipper. I cannot wnlk."
Then they carry her, chair nnd nil.
Into tho middle of the room, while n
loud knocking announces n grotesque
ragged vender of boots nnd shoes. He
kneels beforo the sllpporless bride nnd
tries on a long succession of old boots
nnd shoes of every variety and size
until at last ho finds her missing shoo.
The groom redeems It for n good
price, which is spent In treating 'the
company. If the groom Is not watch
ful they steal her lint and cloak, which
ho redeems in the same, way. and they
hnvo been known to steal the bride,
for which there must bo liberal pay.
The event of the evening Is a good jig
In which n guest volunteers to out
dance tho bride. If successful the vis
ltor demands a prize from tho groom.
rearson's Weekly.
1 III It h HnrlrAV
5t I
The Queer Joke That Eugene Field
Played on a Printer.
When Eugene Field wast city e.litor
of the Kansas City Times lie found
great amusement in annoying one of
tho characters employed on the paper.
Forguson was one of the "makeup's"
on tho paper, and In Wyandotte. whre
he resided, just over tho line from
Kansas City, he was the leader of a
local temperance society. For over a
year Field, on coming down to tho pa
per to go to work, would write a per
sonal concerning Ferguson. Generally
it ran like this: "Mr. John re-guson,
the well known 'makeup' of the Times
composing room, appeared for work
yesterday evening in his usual beastly
state of Intoxication." This entertain
ing bit Field would send down In a
bundle of copy, nnd the others pf the
composing room would set It up nnd
say nothing.
Poor Ferguson knew that this nwful
personal was in their midst and ev
ery night would go carefully over ev
ery galley for the purpose of locating
and killing it. It gave him vast trou
ble. Every now nnd then Field would
not write his personal about Forguson,
and then tho bewildered Ferguson was
worse off than ever. As long as he
could not find it It might still bo there.
It almost drove the poor man off tho
paper. Now and then It escaped his
eagle eye and was printed. On such
occasions Ferguson's burdens were be
yond the power of even a Christian
spirit to boar.
Old Medicine.
The following are among some of
the fantastic cures presented by tho
medical authorities of early times, as
given by Dr. Hugo Magnus In his book,
"Superstition in Medicine."
Remedy Against Bollynche: "Take
the heart from the living heart nnd
wear It as an amulet nt the left thigh."
Alexander of Tralles.
Remedy Against Epilepsy (advised
by tiie Physician, Moschion. Dlortho
tes, Alexander of Traljes, Book I,
Chapter XV, page 070): "The forehead
of an ass tied to the skin of the pa
tient nnd worn."
" 'Gather iris, peonies and night
shade when the moon is in the wane,
pack them into linen nnd wear ns an
nmulet.' Advised by the magician
Osthnnes, Alexander of Tralles, Book
I, Chapter XV, page CGO.
The Australian Natives.
An English author writes of tho Aus
tralian natives: "Between tribe nnd
tribe war for purposes of territorial
nggrandiz6ment Is unknown. They
mny light nbout women or in the blood
feud, for, as nobody is supposed to dlo
a natural death, every death is thought
to be caused by hostile magic. Fights
are not now resolutely wnged, but
merely to draw first blood, as a rule,
and, ns there aro no conquests, there
are no slaves and very little material
progress. There aro no hereditary
chiefs, though among some socially ad
vanced tribes a kind of magistracy or n
'moderatorship' of local groups In tho
tribal general assembly Is hereditary in
tho mnle lino,"
A Good Word For Tobacco.
A nobleman that was cxtreamly fat
was redue'd to nu ordtnnry Size by
chewing Tobacco, which also does good
In nn Asthma. 'Tls of great use la
Camps, where there is many times
Scarcity of Vitunls nnd Chollcks nnd
the Ukp.-"Conipioat Herbal," 1G54.
Understood of Slippers.
Slippers play nn Important part in
tho life of almost ovory man. iu child
hood they are laid on him: In manhood.
Just after bo hns been married, they
aro thrown after hlni, and for n con
siderable part of tho rest of his life
they aro under him.
m v
(This is no nickname
nor is it a joke.)
t,"l... mlff .it- -. I
( 5.t - -A- -
fl IU
Wo Aro Going to Surprise You
While This Sale Lasts by Giving You
i A M
Disco K
Our Mattresses Have a (Jood Tick,
J Well Killed (33 lbs.), EvccMor and
Cotton Top tho lles,t Bargain That
Has Ever Been Offered on the Coast.
Your Credit
y i
If You Are Broke Don't Try to Get Rich Paying Hotel Bills, but
Vuiw and Talk to Ps. We Are Always Ready to Help You Out.
V.'euAre Getting Quite a Lino of New and Up-to-I)ate Goods on Hand
Also u Rig Stock of Kitchen Goods. We Hnve n Largo Assortment of
tho Kine.-t Japanese Cliiitnivnre on th Bay and Have Just Ordered From
Eastern Manufacturers nn Elegant Assortment of Decorated Clilnawiiro fa:- tho Xnius
Don't Forget the Second-Haml Business, but Come in and Get an Article Almost as Good as New for
Half the Price, Furnish up til home,
Be Sappy and Pay as You Can.
8p223Ea2SZEESESESJ3ElEE r&aSJE3i-tS&.aiAia
'1 X H E ft IJ ti c u a 11
to i
aro now on exhibition at this store.
Always aiming to lead in tho
matter of new ideas, wo can show
you the greatest stock of up-to-date
suits, cravenettes and overcoats for
men and young men over brought to
this city. You will find hero the
nowest conceptions in fall clothes
a class of apparel which no other
storo can show you. Wo feature
a u mm.
i jaKULig$3
K Wo havo the handiest and most emiviiiinf uttmm tin. oliv.
if " "' " "-- -l-) .... A. ...u wrf .
M Leave your parcels with us and have them checked.
R Keasonablo rates for an extetuled period. Will be' forwnrded
U any point desired.
Marshfield, Ore. 1
jrr'T'Ju,.2Ijfi ft-fTif'v'fef'.y .V V 'TITVi f iAVftt :S ln MM fl fll'i'jrjitz't tei ahjj'TiJ ir,MTtA
A St. Dock
iOl flTI
and tho styles for fall wear aro in a
class by themselves.
Wo can also supply you with
Sncchi's Building, 2nd Street.
A Pleasant Frolic.
After the dissipated Duke of Whar
ton had been narrating his frolics Dean
Swift said to him: "My lord, let mo
recommend one moro to you. Take a
frolic to be good. Itely upon It, you
will flud it tho plensantet frolic you
sver engaged In."
Tho usual for.tune of complnint is to
excite contempt moro than pit'. Jihn.
The Dull Scholar
Many n so-called dull scholar is so
because of some defect of tho eyes.
Don't neglect tho eyes of your
children. Bring them iu nnd if
there is no error wo will tell you
f. J. HAYES, Optometrist
Open from 2 to 5 and 7 to p. m. week days only.
Admission Free 25c for use of skates; 15c when
you use your own. Special attention given to be
ginners in afternoons,
D. L AVERY, Manager
rank i
f ""rWT,'iimHin,rim"rw-nniiiiii' mi in minimi... .i.,.,., .,. ,. mir
ui 'in TMTTim ajna iiiimii w nil
1 66
Two Changes This Week.
Monday and Thursday
Paformanas 7:30 and 9 p. m. Matinee Satnlay 330.
AdmsssionJTen Cents.
, mttmnmmtmmnmmK:nmttmnttm4mmmmmm
Everything Electrical at
Oregon Electrical Supply Co.
Now O'Counoll Blk.
wwwwstr-twMuwKwmirommmffinutffinnffimmmtmttttttt' mammam:
Masquerade Ball at Buraner Nov.
33rd. Good Music.
Goes Homo to Vote.
Washington, Nov. 4. Tho Presi
dent went to Oyster Bay tonight to
voto tomorrow.
A good buy on C Street 40x140
foot lot at $400. Fine residence site
with bay view. Titlo Guarantee &
Abstract Co.
Double Entry Made Easy.
Our now 1907 copyrighted
"Business Course" with books,
llfo scholarship, work criti
cised and returned, complete
$8.00. G, W. Crain, Prln.
E. E. Harris, Agt.
Phono 21.
K. Iwi i' fmt 1m
i i.w. tjA -
mr tm L JiHiHK v mmt
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