THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. ORF.CGX TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1907. Enn9r-3$9IT'( g iaf ckubjiw.. wygjg.,gLaj-aEcji.i.ii.AuiiiiiiiwLt iwamajj Personal Notes. Mr. and Mrs. Hope, of Ten Mile, were city visitors yesterday. Mrs. Halleran, of North Bend, was in Marshfleld yesterday. Mrs. D. L. Robinson, of Koss Inlet, was shopping In Marshfleld on Mon day. Mrs. A. Collver, of Sumner, was in Marshfleld on business Monday. Mrs. McDonald and daughter Mary, of North Lake, are visiting In Marshfleld for a week or ten days. Mrs. Nichols, of Salem, Is visiting in this city for some time, as the guest of her son, Mr. Tom Nichols. Miss Dorothy Wover, of San Fran cisco, Is visiting In Marshfleld for some time with relatives and friends. The Ladies' Art 'Club will meet with Mrs. Charlie McCullough, at her home on Farrln Heights, instead of with Mrs. Kate Lando, as mentioned in the Sunday issue of The Times. Mr. and Mrs. Van Rozen, of Los Angeles, passed through Marshfleld on their way to Bandon, where they will remain for somo time with rel atives, Incidentally attending to busi ness affairs. Upon their return to Coos Bay they will visit North Bend and Marshfleld. Mr. S. W. Bayley, of Idaho, is on Coos Bay for an indefinite period. Mr. Bayley intends making several Investments while here. Later on he will be joined by a friend, Mr. W. B. Boyle, of Seattle, and they will de part for Curry County, where they will Inspect the timber in that coun try. From there they will go down the coast to Crescent City and Eu reka. Mr. B. N. Rodgers, of Chicago, Is on Coos Bay, In view of locating If a suitable opportunity is offered. Mr. Rodgers has formerly be6n Inter ested In wholesale dealing, but de sires to enter some other busi ness less confining. If successful in his search, Mr. Rodgers will build his home and as soon as completed will bring his wifo and children to the coast. Mr. V. W. Lowis, of San Francisco, is making a business tour of this sec tion. Mr. Lowis has made many In vestments in Coos County and also some in Curry County. After mak ing a thorough sojourn of the Ten Mile country and Tioga, he will leave for Port Orford and remain about ten days. Upon his return to Coos Coun ty Mr. Lowis will remain in Baudon with friends for a few days, thence leaving for the south by way of Rose burg. Mrs. A. N. Wilson, of Salt Lake City, left Marshfleld yesterday for Wisconsin, whero she will remain for a few weeks with her son, Ralph Wil son, who was In this city during last winter. After leaving Wisconsin, Mrs. Wilson will go to Salt Lake City and make arrangements for the sale of her property In that city and then come to Coos Bay, accompanied by her husband, to make their perma nent home. Miss Ellen Rugler, of Portland, Is visiting In Marshfleld for a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. McLee. Later on she will visit friends at Ban don and Coquille. Before returning to Portland Miss Rugler will make a sojourn through California, visit ing various places of interest, among them the Santa Barbara Mission. The trip will last about three months. Mrs. F. B. Frow will Join Miss Rugler at San Mateo. A. H. Eddy for plans and speci fications of your new home. Hot Tamales and Hot Drinks at the Palm. BANDON NOTES 1 JUST TO REMIND YOU j ! i ?Um-W tfcw!&&ma(0&mil Bandon, Nov. 2. J. S. Lawrence, of Coquille, has been in town a few days on business and vl3lting friends. The Bundon left for Coos Bay with part of a load of lumber. She will complete tho load at the latter port for San Francisco. Tho Halloween masque ball, given In tho Bank hall by tho Ladies' Art ,club, was a big success. Tho costumes were especially fine. A large crowd was In attendance and everything was lovely except that spectators were allowed to encroach upon the floor space more than was necessary and a few of the more timorous ones objected to the flourishing of fire arms by characters representing cow toys, clowns and burglars. The rivalry created by placing the launch Eagle on tho Coqullle-Bandon o 8 it O That We are Exclusive Paint Dealers, Wholesale -and Retail; i hat You Need rami and Wall raper: That We have the Largest Store and the Larp" M Best Selected Stock on the Bay; That Our 10, 15, 20, and 25 cent Double Roll Wall Paper can't be beat; That Our Goods are the Best and Prices the Lowest; That We Deliver Anywhere on the Bay: I hat If You can not Call on Us let Us Know and We will Coll on You with Samples and Prices; That We can Save You Money if You give Us a :'n - BAYSIDE PAINT CO. F. K. MOINRtM . TlKriarrei-. Phone 1251 North Bend, 0,-e. COOS BAY AGENT OLD CROW HERMITAGE YELLOWSTONE CANADIAN CLUB JAS. E. PEPPER ATHERTON BELLE 0F-ANDERS0N HILL & HILL OLD GRAND DAD Sherman Ave. IvA Al 4-64 &-& 44m&0 AAA0.&-W-w'XM?CrO0W ? w&ts $ ?tas?rc?t .rinAM(MxaAasimiicHi rantv 'jKMim run has resulted In the Coquille Ulver Navigation company's assign ing the steamer1 Favorite, the fastest of the fleet, to run in direct opposi tion, carrying nothing but passengers and mail. In the first race down the river yesterday the Favorite was tho winner by about 15 minutes. This is tho kind of competition that bene fits the people and Bandonlans who have had to take two days to go to tho county seat, transact an hour's business and return are glad to see it exist. Miss Esther Yaeger, who has been employed in Merchant Brothers' store in Marshfleld, arrived in Ban don yesterday. She will stay here for the future, as it is expected that the Yaeger estate, in which she is the principal party In interest, will be settled within a short time. R. D. Hume, of Rogue River, and Dr. Mann, of Langlols, are visitors In our city this week. ' R. E. Woodruff, of, Roseburg, has purchased an Interest In the Bandon Furniture company's store and here after will bo associated with N. C. Medley In tho management thereof. George E. Peoples, of Coquille, is a business visitor here today. The school report of Superintend ent Ostien for the month ending October 25, 1907, gives a total of en rollment for tho month, of ai9, with nn average dally attendance of 274, and a roll of honor of 134. Ten pu- ecmxmwmmM.vixiMviiTtirMaismsss S NEW TONS IFWiVftiQpyiffisj&n, L PALOR.S Andrew Weed, Prop. Harboring Is Like Any Other Busi ness YOU MUST KNOW HOW. Wo make a specialty of treating the w.alp to prevent the hair from falling out, guaranteeing to stop it with a very few applications. Ladles specially invited to give us a trial. Mondays and FridayB are ladles' days. FACE MASSAGE AND SHAMPOO- All Botflcd in Bond. Nothing but straight Whisky Sold. All Leading Brands of Beers and Mineral Waters. The Ins. E. Pepper Whisky cau be found on tap nt THE NUTWOOD SALOON J?Sf$$$O$540$Oi5O$OO.O$OO e First Trust ING is one of onr sieinItieR Grand Building. a&'!SiM5&5iIEBS3i READ THIS! READ THIS! To introduce our "RUSTIJHtr'Taffeto Silk Petticoats In the P. . vo will fend to tho first 1n Applicants our Booklet' vuluo One Dollar and Order Illunk, showing jon now to Proeurc lor jouncU a Taffeta Silk Petticoat, btoie ului 17.00, absolutely free, by simply distributing the cariU contained in to jour Iricnds. CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL IT TO US. To the Rustling Silk Petticoat AlfR. Co., 43 West 27th Street 'New York City. l'lvuso send mo jour'booklel and order blai.k for a Taffeta Silk" Petticoat. Kespectiull) , NAME ADDRBSS TOWN owners have united in a petition to tho Department of War to have the pils of the high school received over rock reef just inside the harbor re 95 per cent In from one to four sub- moved. Colonel Roessler has for- jects each. warded the petition to the proper au- Mrs. Simpson and Miss Williams, thorlties at Washington with a rec- who have been visiting the former's omendatlon that it be done. mother Mrs. Sarah Costello, of this The Athletic Club met last night place, returned to their respective for the purpose of placing the basket- homes In Portland and San Fran-' ball business for the season on a rec cisco Tuesday. ognlzed basis, they elected C. B. Hoi- Lewis Olsen, who has been jailed lopeter manager, and Ernest Boak three times recently, was sentenced captain and coach. Mr. Hollopeter to ten days In tho county jail early ' will try to arrange games with the this week, for carrying concealed various teams in the county. The weapons. Lent Reynolds, of Seattle, is visit ing his sister Mrs. Harry Morrison, j team this fall on account of tho fact Martin Roblson will present "Bel-, that efforts in the gymnasium line, cbazzer" with local talent some time j together with private business of the during the winter. It will probably , members, will demand all their time, be under the auspices of the Athletic However, we are promised a good ciul)f I basket-ball team, and look for some An exhibition athletic meet Is be- ( Interesting games. Ing planned for about the middle of j The high school boys have organ tho month bv the directors of the Ized for football and are practising ' club management was forced to dis pense with the much desired football club Attorney G T. Treadgold was In falthfuly. They are arranging for games with the different schools In Prosper yesterday Investigating tho ' the county; their team will average niipced boatlnK of a sailor by an of- about ISO pounds to tne man. fleer of one of the ships tied up there. Mrs. C. E. Hollopeter has organ ized a mandolin and glee club from among tho members of her music classes. Their work is considered splendid by all who have heard them Play. The Latter Day Saints are begin ning tho erection of a new church building, which will bo when com pleted the finest of its kind in the city. Its location is at the corner of Columbia and First streets. A now member of the medical pro fession Is reported for Bandon. Dr. J. W. Kplly, formerly of Portland, will locate hero. W. H. Harris, tho Marshfleld real estate man, was in our city yester day. He Is much Impressed with tho future of the valley as well as that oE tho bay. Harry Hunt left yesterday for Myrtle Point where he has pnrchased a ranch. He Is about to dlsposo of his home In Bandon and will make his home at tho former place. Bandon, Nov. 3. Harbor records for October show a total of 2,035,000 feet of lumber, 2,139,000 shingles, 1G4 tons manufactured broomhan dles, 11C tons cordwood, 240 tons poles, seven tons manufactured woolen goods and 50 tons miscellane ous goods shipped out, and 550 tons merchandise brought In by a total of seven arrivals and ten departures of six threo-masterB and four steamers. Shippors, sea captains and vessel The steamer Elizabeth arrived in yesterday from San Francisco with 110 tons general merchandise and machinery. She will leave about Monday with the tide. A creamery to eclipse anything on the coast Is the latest project for Bandon; San Francisco capitalists are behind the movement. Tho Oregon left today for Frisco, with lumber and shingles from Pros per and Bandon. Tho city fathers mot last night and transacted the usual routine business. Recorder C. R. Wade is Investigating some alleged wrongful encroach ments of the public on private prop erties. C. R. Barrow, of,Coquille, J. Hul ing, of Myrtle Point, and John Mars den, from the Bay, are business visi tors in Bandon today. Doctors Culln and Mingus aro In the city, called In consultation with Dr. Houston on the case of Mrs. C Rasmussen; her condition is about the same as given in last reports. The salmon season here this year is a failure, being regarded by cannery men and fishermen as the inevitable offyear; all parties interested will he losers for the season's work. Fresh Crabs Dally. Wo also have two fishermen to supply us with Fresh Fish every day, including deep sea flsh, mussels and clams, when they are to bo had. The Ellerby market, No. Front St. 8 8 81 ROBERT M 81 OT Vt ? 41 A I .IT i't W ?5 ti ? (i vv " SI S3 " i) SI lv .fj - y K Vi it Tr ' ?5 1 8 & u a Ff unrwiiBip hi Mini i ii iwi i imi h in n i im wiwlu I HS k s ft ill ii North Bciitl. k g BgaBPrnmromaiJi $ s? s v I . - j READ THIS? i v 1 7 i ". :::::::;:::::::. I Capital $100 STATE $ ' I WANTAINi WW IM w B $ ft w B V TT rll 1 JnkUkJ 3 ... s Rates for want advertising Kive cents per Hue. rgayrgTOnrTOgiTgaiBsrra at the Marshfiold M "W-,, at tho Blanco 1 MitBl fcjBrrotmKixire'KWAxvTpSMWWtou muunww urn iimauwi mwiipmii ,!) jiBMgw naMMMnHaHPHMOTRM te o ank aviegrs Will Give Special Attention To Its Savings Department paying interest on Barings, accounts and accepting deposits in amounts from J1.00 up. Statistics show the wealth of the masses of tho people Is hugely duo to accumulations In Savings banks. We will remain open from 5:00 to 8:00 o'clock Saturday evenings for the con venience of savings depositors. WANTED At Once. Bids for clear ing streets in Bay Park. I. S. Kaufman & Co. Officers and Directors JOHN 8. COK E, President. W. S. CHANDLER, HENTOT SENGSTACKEN. WILLIAM GRIMES. STEPHEN O. ROGERS. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL. DORSET KREIT55ER, Cashier. DR. C. W. TOWER. M. C. HORTON, Vice Pros. '&&C&&?OSi&fi &TSXSSm!KrSSasrYS!NSESSWWKK WANTED Help Hotel. WANTED Waitress Hotel. WANTED Competent lady stenog rapher, desires employment; either permanent position or piece work. Address V. H. care of Times Office. FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. COOS BAY MONUMENTAL WORKS I guarantee better work at lower prices, than cm be had elsewhere. Do not order monumental work until you huvo SEEN Me f. M. Stewart, Prop. Corner 3d & D Sts. Phone, Main 1' anaesssn WANTED Ten men for work on First Trust & Savings building, oorner First and C streets, Marsh fleld; $3 per day of 9 hours ','-;?'.'l..VA V..VC?0 K , ' t TON; HANSEN WANTED Party with $2000 or more to tako interest in local busi ness enterprise. For further par ticulars address X. D. S. care Times office. mr$ ? W A N T E D Experienced waitress wanted C days a week, good wages. Java Coffee House. WANTED Board in private family by a young gentleman. Address "G," care Times office. LOST Shepherd pup; yellow with white collar. Return to J. H. Flanagan and receive reward. WANTED Board and room In prlv vato family. Close in. Times, A. WANTED Unfurnisher room, with running water. Close in, Caro of Times, A. Steam Dye Works C Street. Ladles' nnd Gouts' Garments Cleaned or Dyed Philip Bwter, Propririor. Hot Tamales and Hot Drinks at the Palm. Coming Homo Next Week. A telophone message yesterday from Cell Ireland, who is at Rose burg, says he wJl return to Coos Bay early next week. Mr. Ireland has been absent for a month and has been at PrinevlUo for tho greater part of the time. IJKJWJMTOCT nacrt'f,Tvg-ircajriwiCKirU,wUiTJtwigp AZIN&$ agar ff 1 with Gas so ro iectnic Power and Flatirons IF Coos Bay Gas Electric L0 COOS BAY ACADEMY OF MUSIC StudentB may graduato In Voice, Piano or Pipe Organ. Rapid and thorough method for beginners. Classes In Harmony, Counterpoint, etc., vocal sight reading and piano ensemble. Singers coached In oratorio, opera, or concert work by tho director. ELMER A. TODD, CConnell Bldg., Marshfield