The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 05, 1907, TUESDAY EDITION, Image 1

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'i III 15 lH
No. 104.
3jK-jiiiGigsiiwggLtt:jiJijnsaiarsix3nK,icra vnntaurusuura&'ViiaKfrxa
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Workman Who Gave His Name
as Kelly, Disappeared
Boutin Camp Workmen Drag Inlet
Dil.ftUiitly, but Hud No
A stranger who gave Ills name as
ICel.y, ui.pii xl for work tit the Bou
tin logging camp on South Ini
Thursday afternoon and was accept
ed. He worked on Friday and on
Saturday morning was assigned to
work on the rafting, Clifford Boutin
and foreman Dell Saunders were
in company with him :
were working some distance from
him. They had talked with him
about the work and went to anotl
part of the raft. In about twenty
imam s, Bountln wished to speak to
hl-i regarding the work, and when
he turned to look for him, he could
not see him. Boutin went to the
place Uicro ho had been working
and found his pike polo, and saw his
hat floating on the water. Then he
found his coat on the bank where
he had left It when he went to work.
Putting these facts together, Saund
ers and Bountin concluded that
Kelly had fallen into tho water and
been drowned. They searched the
best they could and not finding
Kelly, went to camp, about two
miles distant and reported the cir
cumstances. Men were taken from work and
grappling hooks were employed in
searching for the man all the after
noon, but no further traco of him
could be found. The men worked
diligently all day Sunday with
out result. Every foot of the
bottom within a big radius has
been throughly dragged three or
four timc3 and still nothing
has been found of the missing man.
Mr. Frank Boutin Jr., was seen
yesterday afternoon by a Times rep
resentative and the following facts
were learned.
The part of the Inlet where Kelly
disappeared has been dredged lately
and the bottom Is very uneven,
there being large holes In some
places, while In others there are
hummocks. Mr. Boutin was asked If
ho did not believe the tide, which
was at ebb when Kelly disappeared,
might not have taken tho body out
to sea, or at least farther down the
inlet towards tho bay, a distance of
eight miles. Mr. Boutin answered
that he did not think so, for the
reason that the bottom is so rough
it would likely be impossible for
the body to float over tho uneven sur
face and away. He said there was
some uncertainty as to Kelly's iden
tity, for while ho gave his name as
Kelly, letters in his coat pocket were
addressed to E. G. Jensen. One of
the letters was from a sister, who
missing man had spent some time of
As to the part of the country from
which the missing man came, there
was no evidence on hand, though
there might be some further light
when the letters and his effects are
oxamlned more closely.
There Is a theory that perhaps the
man wa3 not drowned, but simply
disappeared in order to throw some
body off his track, but it is not given
much credence, and though the
grappling has not been productive,
it Is thought the body will yet be
From conversation with other men
at the camp, It was learned that the
mlslng man had spent some time of
late In Portland. Ho carried a card
in the Woodworkers' Union, Yes
terday, the grappling was continued,
but with what results was not
Girls Sent to Panama.
Battle Creek, Mich., Nov. 4. Miss
nose Johnson, the missionary who
spent several years at Colon, de
clared In the Purity Congress today
that American girls are being stolen
and sent to Panama for immoral pur
poses. Every Day Is a Holiday.
Salem, Nov. p. Shortly after mid
night Governor . Chamberlain issued
a holiday proclamation.
Death of Freak Cliild Provided
With Extra Toes and
, Fingers. .
Seattle, Wash., No'y. 4. Beneath
the waters of the Pacific, Ocean there
rests the body of a six-year-oid-'boy
who, had ho lived, would have made
the fortune of 'some dime museum
manager. The child was Thomas
Barker, Jr., who, for the past five
years, had been with his parents In
Nome. He was born in Seattle, and
when he was a year old he began to
grow with such rapidity ns to alarm
his parents and furnish material for
wonderment among the physicians of
tho northern city.
Tho child's appetite was voracious,
and despite all tho' efforts of his pa
rents to keep him within reasonable
bounds, he would daily devour suffi
cient food to sustain three men.
When he stepped -aboard the steam
ship Umatilla to come to Seattle he
weighed 1G5 pounds and was little
moio than a walking lump of fat.
For the first day or so of the voyago
he ate with his usual hearty appe
tite, but suddenly took sick and died
within 24 hours. Tho doctor said
that death was caused by fatty de
generation of the heart. The body
was burled at gea.
In addition to his weight, the boy
was marked by having six fingers on
each hand and six toes on each foot. ,
(Eugene Register.)
One day last week Mrs. Robert
Millican was sitting alone in their
home near Willamette when all at
once a tremendous uolso in another
room, with the rattling of glass,
scared her almost out of her senses.
She at once surmised that the chim
ney had fallen down and the mantel
shelf with nil her bric-a-brac had
gone with it. She rushed into tho
room and found the chimney intact,
but a great commotion at one of the
windows from which the blind had
dropped to the bottom of the sash.
On investigating she found that n
large China pheasant rooster had
flown through the upper sash, break
ing the glass entirely out and was
struggling to get out through the
lower sash. She at once pushed the
blind to the sash above and captured
tho beautiful bird alive. After she
had secured tho Mongolian, etlH
hearing queer noises on the outside,
sho went out and found that four
other pheasants were perched on tho
comb of the roof, wondering what
had become of their comrade. Of
course they flew away at seeing her,
but had sho known they were there
it would have been an ensy matter to
have shot others of the flock.
Timber Supply of United States Will
He Exhausted in 20 Years, Ac
cording to Forester.
Washington, Nov. 4. Glfford Pin
chot, government forester, who has
just returned from a 10,000 mile
tour of Inspection, today made tho
statement that In 20 years the tim
ber supply in the United States in
governmental reserves and private
holdings at the present rate of cut
ting will bo exhausted, although it
Is possible that growth In that period
might extend the arrival of this time
another five years. Plnchot urges
that the danger of the situation can
not bo overestimated. The Forestry
out the country are sound and
Congress to push the work of refor
esting denuded timber lands.
Bearskins, Lesser Foxsklns nnd Five
Tons of Whalebone In Cargo.
San Francisco, Nov. 4. The whal
ing steamer Jeanette, Captain Hoff
man, arrived yesterday from the
arctic with a valuable catch for tho
owners. In addition to 11,000 pounds
of whalebone, the Jeanette brought
a lot of valuable furs, Including 180
fox skins and seven bear skins.
Among the skins was one of the
black fox, a specie that Is rapidly
disappearing. This particular skin
Is Bald to be worth $1000. Five
whales were killed during the cruise.
Popo .Is Well.
Rome, Nov. 4. The official Organ
of the Vatican declares the' rumors
of tho pppe's ill health are unfounded,
Secret Service Agent Walker
Killed at Durango and
Body Robbed.
Maps and Informatio'u Believed to
Have Been Cnuse for Murder
ing Detective.
Denver, Nov. 4. Joseph Vander
wlede, who shot and killed Secret
Service Agent Walker, at Durango,
and William Mason, superintendent
of the He3perus coal mine, where the
shooting occurred, were charged with
murder today. It is claimed by Walk
er's brother It would have been Im
possible for him to have been shoot
ing at both Mason and Vanderweide,
and at the same time have been
struck by the bullets which hit him.
A new phase was given to tho case
today by the discovery that a full set
of maps, plate3 and diagrams of the
Durango coal field, thestatements of
persons and Walker's own memoran
dum, which he had been gathering to
be. used in the land fraud cases, and
which were known to have been car
ried on Walker's body, are missing.
It Is admitted the government is con
siderably handicapped and perhaps
defeated by this loss, and tho hint is
thrown out that this may have been
the real reason for the constant
shadowing of Walker for the past
few weeks.
Dr. Hunter Arrested on Trlvinl
Charges Appeals to Washington.
Washington, Nov. 4. Tho State
Department has been advised by the
American Consul-General at Tegu
cigalpa of the recent arrest and im
prisonment at San Pedro, Honduras,
of an American citizen, Dr. O. B.
Hunter, on charges of a trivial na
ture connected with tho transfer of
a piece of property. Tho Consul-General
has been Instructed to report all
the facts to the State Department,
and upon this presentation Instruc
tions will be given to the American
Minister at Honduras to Intervene in
the case.
The Independent football team
has organized and is now ready to
meet any football team in the
county, not weighing above 145
pounds. They have been corres
ponding with several teams and hope
to arrange a game soon. They are
all Marshflold boys and a good husky
lot of players. -Their line-up Is as
follows: loft end, Norman Johnson;
left tackle, Bob Kruger; loft guard.
George Davenport; center, Will Hng
len; right guard, Tom Juza; right
tackle, Jack Juza; right end, Roy
Abbott; quarterback, Hans Hansen;
right half, Phil Gangon; left half,
Erls Elrod; fullback, Morris Weaver.
Will Represent Coos Bay.
Hugh McLaln and W. P. Murphy
havo received appointments as dele
gates to tho Trans-MlsslsslppI Har
bors Congress, to be held In Okla
homa soon. The appointments came
from Governor Chamberlain, who
likes the citizens of Coos Bay, and
particularly the Irishmen. The twain
were seen yesterday and asked if
they would accept the appointments
and represent the country at tho
meeting. Both signified their Inten
tion of going, and so arguments and
information about this country and
Its harbor needs are In order.
Alliance Two Days Late.
The steamer Alllanco has been de
layed two days in Portland, and will
reach Coos Bay Wednesday morning,
having left for this port last even
ing. Mr. Shaw, agent for tho ship,
could not say what had been tho
cause of the delay, since ho received
hut the simple statement that sho
would sail last night.
Progress Club.
The Progress Club will rapet on
Tuesday instead of Thursday1,' as an
nounced 'in Sunday's Times,
Soldier Expires as Ho Pens a
Cheerful Message of
Albany, Or., Nov. 4. Mrs. Sarah
J. HI!, of this city, this morning re
ceived a letter from her son, William
A. Hill, In tho government service In
the Philippines, and halfway down
tho page the cheerful letter stopped
abruptly and a postscript In another
handwriting told her that her boy
was dead. Right below tho state
ment that her boy, whom sho had
not seen for 11 years, would soon
come home to her, was the news that
his lifeless body now rests In the
United States Military Cemetery at
Hill went to the Philippines With
the First Montana Volunteers In
180S and after the war took up other
work for the government. Recently
he has been working in the engine
room of the Omaha, a vessel of the
United States quartermaster's depart--iion.,
traveling between the different
Islands of tho Philippines, and about
two months ago he was injured in
an accident on the boat. Blood poison'
set in on a wounded nrm and Hill wa3'
placed In the Military Hospital in
On September 17 the young man
began a letter to his widowed mother
in Albany. In cheerful tones he told
how he was recovering from his In
jury and though weak was getting
along nicely. Ho said he could not
leave the hospital for probably a
month yet, but would come straight
to her when the physicians let him
travel. But bad news followed good
and right In the middle of a sentence
che letter stopped.
A nurse wrote on the bottom of the
page that while he was writing his
lungs suddenly choked up and that
ho had died that same day. His body
was burled with the honors' of a sol
dier, added the nurse, who supposed
Mrs. Hill would be officially notified
of her boy's death long before tho
letter would arrive. But this letter,
probably the most pathetic one ever
received here, conveyed the first
news of tho death to the waiting
Hill was reared in this city and
shortly before tho war went to Mon
tana, where he enlisted in tho first
call for volunteers. His father, A.
R. Hill, a local drayman, died just a
year ago this month.
Chicago, Nov. 2. John Litt, of
Chicago, called at the Kane County
Recorder's office at Geneva yesterday
and declared ho is not dead, although
he had been declared legally dead 10
years before. He had been missing
23 years.
"I am much alive," said Mr. Litt,
"I don't see how tho report got out."
"It's a little late to deny it now,"
the official observed.
Maintaining that it was better late
than never, Mr. Litt Inquired con
cerning somo property that had
passed out of his hands when the
court declared him dead. Its value
exceeds $50,000. He secured somo
data and announced ho would return
today for more.
Mr. Litt, who was formerly a res
ident of Elgin, disappeared mysteri
ously in 1SS4. Ills wife and klnfolk
searched for him high and low with
out success. Mrs. Litt died in Chi
cago in 1888, and 10 years ago, Litt
having failed to appear, his relatives
took measures to have him declared
dead legally and were successful.
They then divided tho property.
It is Mr. Litt's Intention to put In
a claim for all his property. Ho gave
no explanation for his long absence.
Likes Coos Bay.
A. J. Moffltt, of Detroit, Mich., has
accepted a position with the Coos
Bay Furniture Co., of North Bend.
He is a thoroughly practical man,
nnd was many years with tho Pack
ard Motor Car Co. Ho is much
pleased with the Bay and is looking
for a lot to build a homo on in North
Bend. Ho was brought here through
the influonco of Mr, Glazier, who
never misses an opportunity to locate
his friends well. Mr. Moffltt reports
that tho best of mechanics receive
from $1.50 to $2.50 per day at his
old homo.
Jury Completed.
Spokane, Nov. 4. A special from
Moscow, Ida., to tho Spokesman-Re-
(vlewisaysl thq Jury that will try Wll-
Jani polnr and Arthur Swlsser, of
Coehr D'Alene, for land frauds was.
secured this afternoon,
Thirty-Two Millions Gold Is
Headed Towards America
Half Million for Portland.
Senator llr.nsbruugh Asks President
lor Money to Move 50,000,000
O Stocks Unsteady. 4
New York, Nov. 4. The
S stock market had a brief attack
of nervousness today, but It
J passed quickly. The momentary
y shock caused deep inroads in
some prices, but the recovery
O carried prices in some instances
O Into the gain column.
New York, Nov. 4. The buoyancy
of the stock market today reflected
the ultimate decision that largo bank
ers will support thd Trust Company
of America nnd tho Lincoln Trust
Company, which have been subject
to severe runs the past two weeks.
The day was one of doubt and con
flicting rumors and tho fact that It
passed without adverse development
Is evidence that the worst of tho sit
uation is probably over. The com
mittee found both the Lincoln Trust
Company and the Trust Company of
America solvent. Gold engagements
since the beginning of the present
movement now amount to $32,000,
000, which would more than bridge
tho loss in the surplus reserve last
veek. That gold is being Imported
at a loss Is indication of tho deter
nlnatlon of New York bankers to
strengthen the position its fullest ex
tent. The Increase in the Bank oi
England discount rnto today, while
unexpected, was not sufficient to
check tho gold movement to this
Reports from Washington indicate
chat the national institutions through
.hroughout country are sound and
tho efforts of the comptroller to got
notes into circulation is meeting with
considerable success. Calls for bank
circulation are so numerous they aro
handled with difficulty. They aro
coming from all parts of the country
and it is believed they will aid con
siderably in relelving the local pres
sure. Dakotas Need Money.
Grand Rapids, N. D Nov. 4.
Senator Hansbrough sont the fol
lowing telegram to President Roose
velt today:. "Fully 150,000,000
bushels of grain are now ready to bo
marketed in tho two Dakotas and
Minnesota and thero is no monoy
with which to move it. The need is
therefore much greater than an)
other section of the country a J .
mands fullest consideration at t!
hands of the treasury department.
Ten million dollars placed In th
Twin City banks would raise t
embargo and start grain shipment
to Europe This would relievo the
financial stress in the east much
quicker than to deposit treasurj
funds In Now York. Tho t
relief funds should havo begun hero
where congestion Is the greatest.
Our people aro not losing their heads.
They havo no fear of panic but In
this crop now In season our business
should havo special consideration."
European Gold for Portlniul.
Portland, Nov. 4. Tho Balfour
Guthrie company, grain oporators
and Importers, havo engaged In Lon
don $500,000 In gold for shipment
to Portland. One-half of this Im
portation was shlppod on Saturday
and tho balance will be shipped Wed
nesday. It is known also that other
shipments of oven larger amounts
will bo mado from London tq Port
land within a few days, It has bo
como necessary to deal with London
dlreqt, as no satisfactory arrange
ments can bo mado In Now York.
Nelson Calls For Aid,
Washington, Nov. 4. genator Nel
son, speaking beforo a MJnnespta del
egation, of bankors of St. Paul and
MlnppapollR, said he bad word frpm
Roosevelt tonight In regard to, roller
Conditions Will Bo Worse Than in
1800 When Thousands Were
Starved to Death.
Simla, India, Nov. 4. A mora
frightful famine than that of 1899,
when thousands perished of starva
tion, Is a certainty In India this sea
son. Crop failures throughout the
country are practically complete and
tho government Is rushing relief
preparations. It Is estimated that
15,000,000 people will be wholly de
pendent on the government for food.
Relief was given to 11,000,000 In
1899 at a cost of $75,000,000.
With a cloud of revolution gather
ing against British rule in India, tho
legislative council took drastis
action to halt sedition and Insurec
tlon. It adopted a bill forbidding
free speech and empowering pro
vincial governors to prohibit public
meetings of natives. All assem
blages must first have tho approval
of the governor and any meeting
held without authority will lead to
wholesale arrests and Imprisonment.
Lord Minto, the vlcoroy, mode a
speech in support of the bill In which
he said it was Impossible to Ignore
tho warnings of recont moiuh;
the riots at Lahore, Plndl and
whore; the insults to the British and
the seditious attempts to flame racial
feeling and tamper with tno Ida
Dr. Georgo E. DIx, who lately ar
rived on the bay from Missoula,
Mont., has contracted with the C. A.
Lumber and Manufacturing Company
of Marshfleld to take charge of the
hospital, surgical and medical aid
necessary for the employes of the
company. The arrangement Is made
with the men to pay $1 per month
for attendance above described, and
It will entitle the subscriber to atten
tion for his family as well. Reports
from the mlllhands bear out tho be
lief that tho arrangement is one
which meets with general approval
and co-operation.
Night Clerk Mills, of tho Blanco
Hotel, heard some peculiar noises In
tho Blanco bar Sunday night after
Bert McCuIloch had closed the place
and gone home. Mr. Mills heard tho
glasses rattling pretty frpely sevoral
times, and as he had no key, he called
Mr. Creason. "Buckshot" was thero
Immediately, but they both thought
It best to call a night officer, and
when the door was opened a largo
rat scampered from among tho glass
ware, and tho bold burglar they ex
pected to land was not in evidence.
Out of tho Hospital.
Holland Anderson, who had been
In the Mercy Hospital, at North Bend,
for over seven weeks, was able to
leave the Institution on Saturday and
Is now in Marshfleld to complete his
convalescence. Ho expects to bo
ready for work in about two weqks.
Mr. Anderson had a hard siege, and
says he feels fortunate in being alivo
to tell tho talo.
Itedmeu for Bundon.
A new trJbo of Redmon will bo In
stituted at Bandon tonight. The pale
faces to be initiated Into tho mys
teries number 50 and tho degreo
team from Coqulllo will confer tho
three degrees. J. H. Fitzgerald,
Great Senior Sagamore for tho reser
vation of Oregon, will officiate at tho
Installation. Tho new tribo will con
sist of tho host business men of
Bandon, A largo number from Koos
Trlbp No. 33, of Marshtiold, will go
to iho initiation, starting this morn
ing on tho train.
Hands Crushed in Pulley,
C. S. tWolgan, a laborer employed
at tho ' Masters & McLaln rock
crushpr, had both hands drawn Into
a pulley block early yestorday morn
ing. Ho was roleased by follow work
mqn and taken to Dr. Mlngus for
treatment. It was, fqund no bouo3
had been broken, but tho right hand
was badly lacerated and bruised. Tho
loft hand escaped with less serious
for the grain growers of tho North
west, and it Is authoritatively stated
that Secretary Cortolyoit will extend
help, but what plan will bo followed
ho (b not prepared to stalo.