" ,JWi" " Vi r'rtnriWKr---- 4 maxwjtwgxi THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1907. wrjifrargrKrMjnijHuapMWPnp'iwtgwiKWPMWMWMiiJUiMJ 1 1 1 yPT maiMamwBfwBiBMwiitt.TMiT.riHMI n r A LrfJ Q II Cli b9 MBTOliBfla $ h o: o o Yet To 'ISpOJ We Still Retain One-Half of Our Old Store Room and the Up Stairs for a Short Time. All of These Goods Must Be Sold and Right Away. Also at a 11 i& W Ra tit ' Again We Want to Call Your Attention to the Fact That These Goods Are 1 ABSOLUTELY NEW, Some of Them Still Unpacked. Such Prices as We Are Selling at Were Never Heard of Before on Coos Bay. Our Loss Is Your Gain. We Are Not Doing Tl is Because We Want, but Because We Arc Forced To, If You Ha iZ the Remotest Idea of Buying Any Furniture, Don't Fail to Look Over Our Stock and Get Our Prices, ave ij it js Inly TV hort Ti H n 7f T w VjrtV s m y THE HOUSE OF SQUARE DEALING. WRmpmmmmmmmmmaBBmm ST ATT niTlf ill I L 8 " 1 1 Ha i R 1 1 u IfllL U!l. Ideal Capital as Proposed Will Include All Public Institutions. OWN ALL FRANCHISES Landscape Gardinors mid Engineers To Layout Grounds Sale of Lots for Revenue. Muskogee, I. T Nov. 2. Shall tho peoplo of Oklahoma- erect an Ideal capital city in which would bo group ed all tho state Institutions, or shall they bo distributed nil over tho state in separate locations as a sort of rap to each section? is a question that is now being agitated through out tho stato. Argument for tho united plan pre sents tho opportunity of building a city that would be tho only ono of its kind in tho world, where every build ing and Its surrounding grounds could bo lnld out on a plan of nb eoluto permanency and with rela tion to Its surroundings and Its con temporary stnto Institutions, This plan, It ia assertod, would save tho tax payers of tho stato $5,000,000 or $25 for each voter in tho stato. For tho other plan, It is argued that certain towns In tho stato would ba given ono institution each and tho stato would theroby divide Its proporty and cxtond a certain stato Interest to tho various countios whore such institutions wero located. Residents of cities where there cro hopes of landing somo stato bulldiug, favor tho latter plan. Tho average citizon who has no fnvorlto town, wants tho state buildings cen tralized under the Ideal city plan. Ideal Capital at Stato Center. Somo of tho strongest mon In tho Btato arc working on tho Ideal cap ital city plan. Thoy proposo to havo tho stato erect a non-partisan com mission, which shall havo ontlro charge of tho work of building this city. It Is proposed that tho stato will condemn two or threo town Bhips as a site, within fifty miles of tho exact geographical center, and then let the commission select the most advantageous city location out ot this prescribed area. Expert engineers and architects would bo employed to lay out the alto and place the grounds for each building In a general scheme with the other Institutions. Here would be located the state capitol, the pen itentiary agricultural college, some of tho experiment stations, school of mines and other Institutions sup ported or endowed by tho state. When all the land necessary for the state buildings should be seg regated, tho remainder could bo laid off in town lots and sold for resi dences or business. Lots Pay for Building. Conservative townslto men say that in this manner the stato could sell at tho first salo $5,000,000 worth of lots, which would bo avail able for tho construction of the state buildings. r!y other j lans the tax payers must pay for t'i buildings. In addition to thK .i i the city grew, "Editions could bo , M out and soM by the commi.iiInn nd the stato v iild have a big lis "j. . from these s las for jnrny jems. In P'MUIon to tho stnto bikings tho comii.'i3iou would alao control the municipal property. Tho state would own ni'd operate a street car, light, water, telephone and other municipal franchiso properties. As the streets aro laid out, water and sewer mains, telephono and tele graph wires aro to bo laid under tho streets In conduits and tho streets onco mado would seldom havo to bo disturbed. In other words, as tho city bullded, it would conform as near as possible to modern methods and requirements. Question up to Legislature. To carry this plan into effect It will bo necessary for tho legislature to call an election for tho peoplo to vote tho needed powor to a commis sion or othor body to havo charge of tho proposiiton. It is believed that tho first stato legislature will consldor such a call. Tho enabling act provides that tho stoto capital shall remain at Guthrie until 1913. This gives flvo years for a decision as to a perma nent stato capital. This would also glvo time in which this comprehen sive plan of a modol city could bo carried into offect. Episcopal. Services at Episcopal church, morning and evening at the usual hours. St. Monica's Catholic. Early mass at 6:30; mass at 10:30. Father Raymond in charge. Christian Science. Christian Science services will bo held Sunday at 11 a. m. at Red Men's Hall. Subject "Adam, and Fallen Man." A cordial Invitation to all. Methodist Church. 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Sermon by Evangelist C. M. VanMarter, subject "The Abundant Life." 3 p. m. Junior League 6:30 p. m. Ep worth League. 7:30 p. m. Sermon by Rev. C. M. VanMarter, subject, "Sowing and Reaping." i A special Invitation Is extended to all to attend these services. Lively singing and a warm wel come to all. V. R. F. Browne, Pastor. First Baptist Church. Sunday Nov. 3, 1907. 10 a. m. Bible School. Alva Doll, Supt. 11 a. m. Sermon. "The Standard of Godly Conduct." 3 p. m. Bible School at Milling ton. 7.30. B. Y. P. U. Rally and In stallation of officers. Hymn by congregation. Invocation Pastor. Duet, "Why Not Say Yes To night?" Chas. Rehfeld and Alpha Murphy. Address, "The Future of Our So ciety," Homer Mouzey. "The History of the B. Y. P. U." AHco Rehfeld. Special music by the choir under tho direction of C. J. Millie. Address and installation services by Pastor. Hymn. "Blessed be the Tlo that Binds." Strangers especially invited to these services. Bible Study Tuesday evening at 7:30. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, 7:30. Monthly and annual business meet ing Monday evening Nov. 4th at 7:30. ho Mend kJ Wo have tho largest stock of now Harness over on Coos Bay, and of the very best single and double sets in Heavy Draft or Light Harness, at prices ranging from $15 up to $60. Fine Stock of Waterproof Horse Blankets, also Whips and Materials for Wagon Covers. Our Shoe Department Is prepared to turn out as good a shoo as is made In the United States. Made to order, of tho best material, of tho very beat workmanship and in any style ordered. JUST THE THING FOR THE RANCHER, LOGGER, HUNTER KJRE5Q3&2 OR TEAMSTER. Broadway, O. O. LUND, - Marshfleld. Hot Tamales and Hot Drinks at the Palm. Mr. D. D. Dobbins, of the Ore gon Electrical Supply Co., will tako tho management of that concern at North Bond. Their ofllco is located on Virginia avenue near Sherman. A telephono will bo installed and every arrangomont made to make it a complete and up-to-date storo, and will bo fully prepared to take care of your orders on short notice and bid on your work. His company has Just mado a contract with ono of tho largest supply houoss In the country for tho Coos Bay territory. When all tho arrangements havo been completed thoy will havo tho best equipped house of that kind betweou Portland and San Francisco. With Mr. Dobbins' largo experi ence In tho business, backed up by tho strong promlso In Marshfleld, thoro Is not any doubt but what you got tho best of supplies, tho best of workmanship and prompt attention to business. May Stay on Bay. Mr. M. C. Davis, who has retired from the A Street Delicatessen, is as yet undetermined as to Just what he will do, although soveral proposi tions havo been presented to him. Whatever ho determines upon it's a mighty good guess he will carry through right. Ho Is a man of busi ness and thinks tho Bay presents apportunltles that few places on earth can. BBBmmmnmmBmmanmBBBmmr i7 i A good buy on C Street 40x140 foot lot at $400. Flno resldenco site with bay vlow. Tltlo Guarantee & Abstract Co. ELBERT HUBBARD GETS MORE ADVERTISING Los Angeles, Nov. 1. Elbert Hub bard of tho Philistine fame, in a lecture hero last night criticized President Roosovolt as "a man who needed a lot of education," despite what ho has always done toward killing the practice of rebating. "Any man who finds It necessary to go off and kill things when he feols like haying a little pleasure needs a lot of education," said Hubbard. READ THISI READ THISI .,. nl. "IroaiKoour-RUSTLINa" Taffeta Silk Pettiest h,,.,: . ,,' 00 Applicants our llo ik let' aluo Ono Dollar yff.Vff..'?.r J-L11"?" Taffeta Silk iVttkoat. mSJo .. ..., uiwuUituK lUL. csra8 continual ii booklet to READ THIS? ln tho Tl. S. wo will send to and Order Blank, showing you value $7.00. absolutely free, by jour friends. CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL IT TO US. To the Rustling Silk Petticoat Mfg. Co., 43 West 27th Street, New York City. Please scut mo jour booklet nnd order blank for a Taffeta Silk rettlcoat. Respectfully, NAME ADDRESS TOWN STATE.. Broadway plot 50x140, close to business, $1500. See McNeil & Fer guson, Times building. UNfWMfMMfMM04fe9t4i. Get Your Sunday Dinner at CortlieH's Delicatessen 2nd and C Streets Phone 561 Special for Saturday and Sunday. Fried Chicken, Chicken, Boston Baked Beans, Oyster Cocktails Boston Brown Bread. Macaroni and Cheese. A Special Variety in Cake, Plea and Ice Cream. Try Our Lunehos. imt mwmmmwmtom0fc