THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1907. KKXt it wwiwirr ,in ji jng'ri wnMMwiriifi,1Mmi mp miriBUiqappwmm w i w3 ia If At u 0 t"i J?t3 cm 'tfftj 3 W&S& W AT THE GOING ARVEY CO. ii !" a rcf cwa Li? i3 irmiOTre MTfc r a n a m wir mw m w wvuh Km V BR IE arfl rn Ka Km iz MTB mi H KTI Kll. IiU I TV! lAi fj tv s rl kv tn Aj Bus. rr i .Mft i i!L 1S W llI W! LpOS IM C W4i v v&d-u '&'? a-j u tie raay i Of 5 sen Dres from &CL $Z I Sp44 Strength and Character Are Combined In Our Line of Desks. mj II Chairs WJ from ! n "V -J j 8 gfes? 'j33W Extension Tables from $37.50 Center Tables $1 tO $4$) We Deem It a Pleasure to Show You our Line Whether You Buy or Not $ffl5M!E3s9 CjJy' THE STORE THAT GUARANTEES TO SAVE YOU MONEY. sMiiier&siiss OBSATSSXStSSXSJXXKVIJttSavmuiV IXWVVrrrpjmnaxnrrjrseeuaiaiuixsAvaiitXS American Have Tatto Crass London Americans have gone tat too mad. Such is the inference to be drawn from the conversation I I'ave just had with Alfred South, a famous English and continental tat tooist. According to the artist, the rich have stolen tho thunder of the poor. The practice of covering tho tody with elaborate designs, which vas supposed to be the special weak ness of the sailor, has ascended tho society ladder and is not the amuse ment of the aristocracy. Certain well-known Americans, if wo are to believe South, would pre sent the apearance of animated pict ure galleries could we Bee them in the rude. Their backs, chests, legs and arms are covered with crouching ti gers, poised snakes and moro or less heautiful women. The son of one of tho largest watch manufacturers In the United States, who is many times a millionaire, had a facsimile of his father's particular brand of time Piece tattooed on his chest by South, lie had the hands showing the hour to be exactly 12 and remarked that no matter where ho was ho could re fer to it at exactly that time of day rnd correct his Infallible timepiece. Many Americans have commission ed South to tattoo copies of pictures of their favorlto artists on their shoulders, chests or backs. In this respect Charles Dana Gibson easily leads the field as the most popular American draughtsman. No less a personage than Walter Wlnans, tho American millionaire, crack rifle shot Pnd premier horse owner, Is tho Froud posessor of a "Gibson Girl" on Ms left shoulder. That' is not tho only tatoolng on the body of Wlnans, tor his form is said to be a thing of exquisite beauty from the standpoint of the devotees of the craze. It seems that many Americans have had their full names tatooed on their wrists and forearms. South says he has many American women "as customers. They are more sonti nental than tho sterner sex, accord ing to the artist, and they run to names, or the private crests of their sweethearts. Tho work is usually done on the legs, but many of the fairer sex are having elaborate de signs executed on their backs. In this, as in other walks of Hfo, fair woman has lived up to her reputa- for a chameleon-like state of sweetheart for women customers. Tho tattooing craze seems to be moro advanced In England and on the continent than in the United States. Here It seems to have touch ed even the highest rung of the so cial ladder. The Prince of Wales himself is said to have some artistic work on his arm, while tho Crown Princess of Denmark, Lady Corn wallis West and member of the royal family of Russia are said to be devotees of the craze. Somo of them are even said to have becomo adept at the art itself. Hot Tamales and Hot Drinks at the Palm. &i?s?izii&i?z.'i?Z!'ifzn n ,K50$SSS$S9CO!. First Trust and ngs oanK Fall Styles are now on exhibition at this store. Always aiming to lead in the matter of new ideas, wo can show you tho greatest stock of up-to-date suits, cravenettes and overcoats for men and young men ovpr brought to this city. You will find hero the newest conceptions in fall clothes a class of apparel which no othor store can show you. We feature avi Will Give Special Attention To Its Savings Department paying interest on savings, accounts and accepting deposits in amounts from $1.00 up. Statistics show the wealth of the masses of tho people Is largely due to accumulations in Savings banks. We will romain open from 5:00 to 8:00 o'clock Saturday evenings for tho con venience of' savings depositors. P t Officers and Directors X ft JOHN S. OOK E, President. ft & W. S. CIIANLEK, HENRY SENGSTACKBN. i Is A WIIililAM UIUIMlS. S'i.'131'IlISiN U. 11UUISK8. Jl'DGLI JOHN F. HAiJIi. 8 mi. O. W. TOWER. 5 SORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. M. C. HORTON, Vice Pros, d 8C6KSS$W'03!MO0S0$ !5!5t$0 MMWMMMMWHMWMPMMMMIMMMW LTON& HANSEN "" ! . -. - WliS AGE NTS, (9)- iW Adier5 tGAZINIS JH ABET 'S3 tion mind, for tho artiso declares he has several times changed tho name of a and the styles for fall wear are In a class by themselves. Planz& Rolandson We can also supply you with FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO SUITS. Saccul'8 Building, 2nd Street. I ROBERT MA I COOS DAY AGENT a m ik . OLD CROW HERMITAGE YELLOWSTONE CANADIAN CLUB JAS. E. PEPPER ATHERT0N BELLE OF ANDERSON HILL & HILL OLD GRAND DAD All Bottled in Bond. Nothing but straight Whisky Sold, All Leading Brands of Beers and Mineral Waters. Tho Jas. E. Pepper Whisky can bo found on tap at THE NUTWOOD SALOON 2&&?&r2i2 SDEN : rnnwuMnu ;AvAA'AAAAAyAAAA'W'A Saddle Rock Restaurant iJOVWVJVSSSO$ DRINK NATIONAL BEER ABSOLUTELY PURE BOTTLED BY Mirrasoul Bros. PHONE 1531 Xi6&tt&$$W&tt'0OW&X& Come and Sec What We Have To Eat J. MILLS Prop. yVAVVVWVVAVAAAAWA COOS BAY ACADEMY OF MUSIC Students may graduate in Voice, Piano or Pipe Organ. Rapid and thorough method for beginners. Clauses in Harmony, Counterpoint, etc., vocal sight reading and piano ensemble Singers coached In oratorio, opera, or concert work by tho director. ELMER A. TODD, CConneU Bldg,, Marshfield