THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1907. 1 1 mimm g rogmMi wwiim w mi. -wMwwiBrTwwTwrawwriwmrBMw-wMwraiMgTWMMMMWWMMM iwiim i 1 1 mm Personal Notes. T As Walker, of Coqullle, is In Marshfleld. B. F. Wyatt was hero from North Bend yesterday. Frank Denning is out again after an attack of grip. W. S. Smith, of Myrtle Point, is a Coos Bay visitor. Mr, C. Kern, of North Bond, was a city visitor ycauMlny. Mr. Wyatt, of North Bend, was In Marshfleld Thursday. Born: To tno vuo 01 iur. ij.iymi.nrt Olson, of Empire, a son. HARRIMAN LOOKS ON THE BRIGHT SIDE Piewnt Opportunity AVIII Not Knock nt One's Door Again. Money Will Soon lie Easy. J. C. Stecklo Is building a residence In East Marshfleld. new Mr Klokas, of Beaver Hill, was In this city on business Thursday. Frank Marhoffer was- over from Bay City yesterday on business. Mr. John Stock, of Sumner, was In this city on business Thursday. Mrs. Williams, of Empire was shopping In Marshfleld yesterday. Mrs. Ed Noah, of Coos River, was In Marshfleld shopping Thursday. Mr. D. A. Brown, of Portland, Is visiting on Coos Bay for a few days. Mrs. Watson, of Coos City, spout yesterday In Marshfleld with friends. Mrs. Joe Hoilii, of C003 JUvej, spent yesterday in this citv simp ping. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Squires moved into their new homo at Bay Park yes terday. Mr. I. Johannson said Miss Anno Johannson, of the life saving station, wero city visitors Thursday. E. W. Kammerer, head salesman of the Merchant Bros, store, Is in Portland to buy new goods for the house. Engineer Brown, of the Southern Pacific, was here on Thursday from Curry county, where the surveying crew is working. Misses Emily and Kathryn Waller of Minneapolis, are visiting their aunt Mrs. A. O. Matson, of this city, for a few weeks. Mr. Geo. Kruse and Mr. Jack Mc Donald returned to this city yester day by way of Roseburg, from an extended trip to Portland. Mr. R. D. Smith, of the Bradstreet company, is on Coos Bay to inquire into your business affairs. He ex pects to spend a month in Coos county. Mr. M. C. Chappin, f San Fran cisco, is malting a business tour of this section and will remain on Coos Bay for about four days. Thence leaving for Coqullle and the river towns. His return to Marshfleld will be In about ten days. Mr. D. S. Allen, of San Francisco, while spending a few days oil Coos Bay decided to go on a fishing ex pedition, confident of returning to Itarshfield with a splendid supply of fish. His anticipation, however, waB not realized as upon his return he was he was minus the trout and also his hat. Mr. Allen Is not used to small boats and whllo on the river one day the craft capsized and a se vere ducking was the outcome of the day's search for pleasure. A. H. Eddy has been busy since coming to town. New cottage designs. COMMUNICATION. Marshfleld, Ore., 10-31-07. Editor Coos Bay Times: Since I have been in Marshfleld I havo heard the needs of tho Bay dis cussed. But I have never heard any one speak of a plaqb where our young men could spend a quiet even ing. Where can a young man go at Present? Stand on the corners, o sit around in a Baloon or pool room? Now what I think Coos Bay needs as much as anything is a Y. M. 0. A. or something on tho same order. A Newcomer. Boy wanting position of carry ing papers apply nt Times office. Fresh Crabs Dally, We also have two fishermen to supply us with Fresh Fish every day, Including deep Bed fish, mussels and clams, when they are to bo had. Tho Ellorby market, No. Front St. New York, Oct. 30. "This is the time for a man with a little money to invest It In good securities. The op portunity is fleeting and I doubt if it will over knock at his door again." So said Edward H. Harrlman this evening to a reporter who asked him lo express an opinion on the financial situation and tho outlook. "It would be selfish of mo," said tho financier, "to remain silent at this time, If any word from me would tend to aid In clearing up present conditions and In helping the anxious depositors In the banks and trust companies to see things in the light in which they should bo seen. I think the situation Is bettor now than it has been at any moment of the last two weeks. "Tho Importation of gold Is going to relieve the money stringency ma terially, but I think that the trea sury ought to deposit more gold In tho banks in order to facilitate tho importation which has been planned. The securities necessary to safeguard treasury deposits are in existence and upon their presentation the govern ment should act immediately. While tho gold is on the otherside and In transit It is impossible for shippers to sell their bills here. Consequently treasury deposits would fill in and enable the shippers to realize on their good paper credits. s "The demands of the manufactur ing and commercial elements are go to shrink shortly, and In my opinion, before the next GO or 90 days, money will bo easier than It has been for years. Those who have been with drawing their deposits from tho banks and trusts will then be as eager to get It back as they have been to take it out. "Let mo tell you again that this la the time for a man with a little money to invest it in good securities. The opportunity is fleeting, and I doubt if It will ever knock at his door again. Good securities have never'heen so low. The man or wom an with savings of a few hundred dol- las have never had such a chance to better themselves or use their mite to the advantage which now exists. My reason for saying this is based on the underlying conditions. Every thing is sound because of our hav ing had such a surplus of crops, and this year this is true, not so much In quantity, as In value. "I am optimistic. The tide of re cent disturbances has begun to drop. All that Is needed to hasten tho descent Is more gold, and that to be ubed principally in the scheme of buying shippers' bills and thus en abling the movement of the Idle grain and cotton crop." ZSZZ te n IT'S UP TO YOU If you want to sell anything, whether it be in the Real Estate Line or House hold Goods, Horse, Buggy, Piano or : ' : : Sewing Machine : : : That Little "Want Ad" Does It ONLY 5 CENTS A LINE N THE DAILY T TRY IT. a . srssSasieSimagml Rates for want advertising Five cents per line. WANTED At Once. Bids for clear ing streets In Bay Park. I. S. Kaufman & Co. WANTED Help Hotel. at the Marshfleld WANTED Competent lady stenog rapher, desires employment; either permanent position or piece work. Address V. H. care of Times Office. FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. CARPENTERS WANTED Two first class carpenters. Best of wages; 8 hours. Apply at office of Blanco Hotel. WANTED Party with .$2000 or more to take Interest In local busi ness enterprise. For further par ticulars address X. D. S. care Times office. WANTED Timber claims. To buy timber claims. Location no objec tion. Address P. O. Box 142, Marshfleld, Ore. ROBERT MARSBEF4 COOS BAY AGENT OLD CROW HERMITAGE YELLOWSTONE CANADIAN CLUB JAS. E. PEPPER ATHERT0N BELLE OF ANDERSON HILL & HILL OLD GRAND DAD All Bottled in Bond. Nothing but straight Whisky Sold. All Leading Brands of Beers and Mineral Waters. The Jus. E. Pepper Whisky can bo found on tap nt THE NUTWOOD SALOON V4 or OOO)9tO0fiOOOO(. f$OS$$$ WANTED G wheeler teams, $G.50 per day. Apply J. J. Burns, Marshfleld. WANTED Ten men for work on First Trust & Savings building, corner First and C streets, Marsh field; $3 per day of 9 hours. Boy wanting position of carry ing papers apply ut Times office. Stoves and ranges for coal or wood. See Ekblad & Son, Hard ware. , HENRWILLE items. Mr. Meadows and Mr. Wllber wore In Marshfleld Tuesday. Mr. W. S. Chandler was in Henry villo visiting, Monday. Johnie Martin, of Beaver Hill, was visiting at Maxwell Sunday. Mr. M. J. Bowron was in Marsh fleld Wednesday. A number of people from Marsh fleld wero fishing up the Isthmus Sunday. The diamond drill at Honryvllle Is down G40 feet A. H. Eddy for plans and speci fications of your now home. Son Born nt Eureka. Ira Chapman, who has been re ceiving congratulations from friends here on tho arrival of a baby son, left for his home in Marshfleld Sun day on tho steamer Roanoke. Mrs. Chapman and son will follow in about Ave weeks. Exchange. Will Become State November 10. Washington, D. C Oct. 30. Presi dent Roosevelt will proclaim Okla homa a state, on Saturday, November 10.- Tho president made this an nouncement today to Governor Frantz, who brought to Washington a certified copy of the new constitution. Free Graphoplione recital at tho Taylor Piano House Saturday even ing. All Invited. Masquerade Ball at Sumner Nov. 23rd. Fresh IJear Meat Friday, at Gamble's market, cor. C and Front St. This Is a fine fat, young bear, Qet your order in early. WANTED A "H" Times. cottage of 5 .rooms. WANTED Waitress Hotel. at the Blanco WANTED Man and wife, or girl. Man to work on farm, wife or girl for general housework. Apply M. B., Times office. B ank FOR SALE One 20-foot gasoline launch, 6-hp., engine brand new. 5 foot beam, ?250. Inquire Hall & Hall. FOR SALE 22-foot cabin launch. Address P. O. Box 30G, No. Bend. FOR SALE Singer Sewing Machine in good condition, $10.00. Apply to Miss A. Johannsen, phone o36. FOR SALE Best millinery store on the Bay. Will invoice about $2000. Parties must quit busi ness on account of health. Lease can be had on premises cheap. Jas. M. Conro, No, Front St. RBAD THISI READ THIS! READ THIS? To introduco our "RUSTLINO" Taffeta Silk Petticoat in the U. 8. c will tend to the first tooo Applicants our Ho klet' nluo Ono Dollar and Order Blank, showing jou how to Procure :or jourseH a Taffeta Silk Petticoat, fctorc vnlun 17.00, absolutely free, by simply distributing the cards contained Id booklet to your friend. CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL IT TO US. To the Rustling Silk Petticoat Mfg. Co., 43 West 27th Street, New Vork City. Fit use send me your booklet and order blank for a Taffeta Silk Petticoat. Bcspccttully, NAME ADDRBSS TOWN .STATE . COOS BAY ACADEMY OF MUSIC Students may graduate in Voice, Piano or Pipe Organ. Rapid and thorough method for beginners. Classes In Harmony, Counterpoint, etc., vocal sight reading and piano ensemble. Singers coached In' oratorio' opera, or concert work by the director. ELMER A. TODD, O'ConncIl Bldg., Marshfield Naming a Launch. Bert Lynch sold . his gasoline launch to T. A. Jones of tho FIxup. Tho boat has never been named and he is undecided just what to call it. It was out in tho rain last night and when ho started tho engine the water flew up his sleeve and into his face, which caused him to sit down quickly on a very wet seat. Somo of the boys t'own on the wharf said he named It then but of course that Is mere rumor. Good Fishing on Coos. Mr. Curry and Nick Strambone came In yesterday with over 100 beautiful trout and a half dozen mud hens. It wasn't a very good day for fishing either. Preparing Streets for Winter. The city will place more crushed rock on tho strotch of Front street between the warehouse and B street this weok. Tho rains have shown tho need of more material on that rart of the street and tho work will be done immediately. The half block on Front north from A was lounded up yesterday and will make a good street for the winter. This section Is made of tho burned clay, and many bellevo that it Is the best material that can bo used in this country for permanent streets. y. II. Bell Moves to Portland. Seymour H. Bell and family will depart this morning for Portland, where they will live during the win ter. Their household goods will be shipped on the Breakwater which leaves Coos Bay on Saturday. Mr. Bell concluded that Portland is the best and most convenient place for residence, since he has interests in eastern Oregon, Idaho, and on the Sound, besides those on Coos Bay. Their son is attending tho Hill Mili tary Academy in Portland. The First Trust and 9 avings Will Give Special Attention To Its Savings Department paying interest on savings, accounts and accepting deposits In amounts from $1-00 up. Statistics show the wealth of the masses of tho pooplo is largely due to accumulations In Savings banks. We will remain k open from 5:00 to 8:00 o'clock Saturday evenings for the con es venlenco of sayings depositors. Capital $100,000.00 I Officers and Directors JOHN B. OOK E, President. A W. S. CHANDLER, HENRY SENGSTACKBN. WILLIAM GRIMES. STEPHEN C. ROGERS. S JUDGE JOHN F. HAIiL. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. 8 DR. C. W. TOWER. M. O. HORTON, Vice Pres. X &ci$$$o$o$$s$$ies VSAAWVVVWSAVSAAAAAAAAVNA Come See and What Wc Have To Cat MILL ywsvAAAArvvwsvwrrVrvVrVS Saddle Rock Restaurant f Prop. u "Si ," EEB TON & HANSEN KMHkny y jrt- n Vn Wr mmr$ $ Stoves and ranges for coal or wood. See Ekblad 6z Son. Hardware. Brought Cargo of Oil. Tho Annie Larsen arrived in tho bay this week and is unloading a cargo of gasoline and keroseno at the Associated OH company's dock on tho east side. Two Operations. Dr. Mlngus reports two operations which came under his cure. One was tho case of Mrs. Henry BJorqulst, who was operated upon at the Marsh fleld General Hospital for appendici tis. Tho other was Mrs. U.' S. fahaver who underwent an operation at the Mercy Hospital for a compli cation of abdominal tumors. Both cases aro improving nlcoly. 6AXINH BKf See A. directory. E. Eddy's ad In business PuU the BELL CORD Wet Your Whlstic Then Blow J. R. HERRON, Prop, Front Street, t t JtUnbfttld, Oregon co with Gas Efectrk Power and Fiatirons The Coos Bay Gas (Sb Electric Co.