THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1907. BtVKlCT 1 TMffH J mm A . rJtggiiKjWTlt k WJMmvTTFjWKJM Personal Notes. Miss Ruth, of North Inlot, was a city visitor yesterday. Mr. J. D. Mngee, of Ten Mile, was a city visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Tower, of Empire, was in Jtarshfleld Wednesday. Miss Margaret Fox, of Maxwell, was a city visitor yesterday. Mr. 13. W. Wilson, of Portland, Is rn Coos Day for, a few days with f-leuds. , .. '"'" j i Mr. Seymour Erlckson, of, Ten Mile, paid ''this-city a 'business -visit yesterday. Miss M. A. Arllng Is visiting In Marshllold for two weeks with friends and relatives. Mrs. McKnight and Mrs. Bohlen, of this qity spent yesterday In Elli ptic with friends. Mrs. A. Johnson nnd daughter Lydla, of North Inlet, spent Wednes day In this city shopping. Miss Annie Cyron, of Astoria, Is visiting In this city for a few days with frionds and relatives. Mr. Ralph Seemour, of Chicago, is In .Marshfield and will locate In this city if business affairs can bo arrang ed satisfactorily. Miss Anita Malloy was brought home from the Mercy hospital yes terday, after having been there for several weeks receiving surgical treatment. Mr. Ray Bollen, of San Francisco, left this city yesterday for his home after having spent several days on Coos Day with relatives and also at tending to investments ho had made last spring. Miss Blanche Nellson, of Seattle, Washington, but lately of Portland, is now in our city and has accepted the position of stenographer for the chamber of commerce. Miss Nellson commences her duties today. Mr. B. A. Rogers left Marshfleld for his home in Portland yesterday after having made a business tour of Coos county. Mr. Rogers will re turn to Marshfleld the first week in December with holiday goods. Mr. Is. M. Johnson, of Minneapolis, lb on Coos Bay for an indefinite peri od. During his stay In Marshfleld he will attend to several investments and visit with relatives on Coos River. Mr. A. B. Kamas, of Portland, is In this city on a business visit and will remain for a week and at the end of that time he will leave by way of Roseburg and travel south as far as El Paso, Texas, where he will remain through the winter. Mrs. A. D. Kawn, of San Fran cisco, Is in this city accompanied by Miss Helen Wynn, of Pasadena, Cal., they will remain for some time visit ing with relatives of Mrs. Kawn. In cidentally they will spend a few days on Coos River and visit the nearby townB. Mr. N. O. Faile, of Omaha, return ed to Marshfleld today after having spent two weeks at Coqullle and Ban don. Mr. Fail Intends entering into business in this city In a few months. Ho leaves for the east tomorrow and in 111 make all arrangements neces sary for his opening. When return ing Mr, Fall will be accompanied by Ills family. BANDON NOTES ! i Stoves and ranges for coal or wood. See Ekblad & Son, Hardware. SIERRAS' POET DEFENDS CHINKS Joaquin Miller Says Submissive Ori entals Mude Railroad Possible. Oakland, Cal., Oct. 28. Joaquin Miller, poet of the Sierras, delivered a lecture at California College last night in which he made a stirring ap peal for the orientals. His subject was "Render Unto Caesar the Things That Arq Caesar's' and lie said, ?mn)ng other things, that hut for the sober and, submissive Chi nese there would have been no Pacific railroad In the nineteenth century. Poet Miller referred to tho antii oriental agitation on tho coast and declared tho, Chinese .and Japanese labor out here a necessity. A. H. Eddy for plans and speci fications of your new homo.' NORTH REND , Mr. L. A. Frey has returned from tho sand hills In pursuit of ducks. Mr. and Mrs. V. Plymale, of Med ford, Oregon, have located here. Dr. William Horsfali; "of Marsh fleld, was In the city . on business Wednesday. S. Backoy went to Marshfleld yes terday on business. ' ' Mr. Cal Wright, deputy, Earoq wart Jen, was in the city Wednesday on business. ' " Mr. C. F. McCrary, of Joplln, Mo., In here visiting his brother Don. He "will atay indefinitely. Bandon, Oct. 30 Messrs. Wells W mm ooison, wno nave been prospect ing In tho auriferous black sands of of the Pacific coast for some years, leport the outlook below Bandon a very favorable one. They have pan ned sand running more than $300 per ton and it is in great quantities. The principal difllculty is in keeping tho water from encroaching while go ing down for tho gold bearing gravel which is generally quite a way below the surface. Mr. Wells left for Port land some time ago to purchase now machinery with which the firm ex pects to accomplish a revelation in tho handling of black sand. r Quite a furor exists in Justice of tho Peace George P. Toppcndlng's court this week over an attachment case prosecuted by C. R. Wade for Langlols Bros, against tho Bandon Commercial company, T. B. Wheeler for tho defense, complaints, motions, demurrers, amended complaint, and more demurrers with all the atten dant rulings, orders and entries, mark its way through the dockets. Tho trouble exists over the matter of costs; the amount in dispute having been settled at an early stage in the procedure. The sale of Tlmon's mine at Lampa Creek is reported to have been made to parties presumed to be In the em ploy of th Southern Pacific. Dr. Culln arrived In town yester day, called in consultation on Mrs. Chris Rasmussen. Her condition Is very critical. Little Thomas White Is reported as doing nicely, no complications having ensued as result of his accident. The steamer Bandon Is loading lumber at Cody's mill. A new restaurant and chop house Is building on tho Hartman property on First street. The crusade of the city fathers for improved streets and sidewalks Is showing results in the Improvement of Atwater street where a new plank tramway with sidewalks and railings takes the place of tho worn out bridge way, and In Columbia avenue where the street has been graded to p standard that would bo a credit to any city In the state. . ijf' k .'- lt i"?5.' COOS BAY MONUMENTAL WORKS I guarantee bettor work at lower prices', than run be hail eUewhoro. Do not order nion u mental work until you have SEEN Me f M. Stewart Corner 3d & D Sis. Phone, Main 1731 KmGIEJESS'IS2at02HSS33aj I 1&t&i&e&M9&ms0l 3H3SK3E3S22S05ISiai OKTm3snivTrascrnrtnn sznssxsssnxzss NEW TONSORJAL PALORS Andrew Wood, Prop. Barbcrlng Is Llko Any Other Rusi n ess YOU MUST KNOW HOW. , We mako a specialty of treating tho scalp to proverit tho hair from falling out, guaranteeing to stop it with a very few applications. Ladies specially invited to glye us a trial. Mondays and Fridays aro ladles' days. FACT? MASSAGE AND SIIAMPOO- ? ING is one of onr specialties. Grand Building. North Hend. READ THIS! READ THIS! READ THIS? To Introduce our "RUSTLIMa" Taffeta Silk Pettlcontiln the U.S. wo will tend to the first Uo AnDllcadtt our Ho iklet' Milne One Dollar nml Order Blank. showing jou how to nrocuro for jourself a Taffeta Silk lttlcoat, store alua K-00, nbsolutelj free, by simply distributing the Ckidi contained Id booklet to jour frlendi. CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL IT TO US. To the Rustling Silk Petticoat Mfg. Co., 43 West 27th Street, New York City. Fleaso send me your booklet and order blank for a Taffeta Silk Petticoat. ftcspectiully, MAMB . .. ADDRBSS TOWN . . . STATE.. ROBERT MARSBEN COOS BAY AGENT it r ' V) i OLD CROW HERMITAGE YELLOWSTONE CANADIAN CLUB JAS. E. PEPPER" AT.HERT0N BELLE OF ANDERSON . .HI14.&HILL' OLD GRAND iDAD All Bottled in Bond. Nothing but straight Whisky Sold, All Leading Brands of Beers and ' Mineral Waters. . The Jas. E. Pepper Whisky can bo found on tap nt THE NUTWOOD SALOON COOS BAY ACADEMY OF MUSIC Students may graduate In Voice, Piano or Pipe Organ. Rapid and thorough method for beginners. Classes in Harmony, Counterpoint, etc., vocal sight reading and piano ensemble. Singers coached In oratorio opera, or concert work by the director. ELMER A. TODD, O'Connell Bldg,, Marshfield $$$$0$$MS$$5$$da0$S The First Trust Stoves and ranges for coal or wood. See Ekblad & Son. Hardware. O MYRTLE POINT to Tells of Coos liny. (Salem Journal) The obstacles of old settlers fight has been overcome on Coos Bay. Dr. J. T. McCormac, a citizen of the bay, the past 30 years, Is the presi dent of the Marshfield chamber of commerce. While he has amassed a fortune for himself, he Is willing to see and even help others do the same. He Is not president in name only, but takes an active Interest In the chamber of commerce work. Hon. Ira Smith, who once represented Polk county In the legislature, lstha vice president whose public spirit nnd probity aro recognized wherever he is known. The management of the Coos Bay organization is In the hands of an executive committee of nine, with Dr. C. W. Tower, a citizen of high standing, as chairman. Tho lest of the committee is made up of tho wide-awake business men of the town. Among tho things accomplished by the Marshfleld chamber of commerce the past summer Is tho raising of funds for a $75,000 hotel, an Insti tution very much needed in Marsh fleld. Tho establishment of a freo ferry connecting Marshfleld -with East Marshfleld is under way and committees from the chamber are at work making arrangements for properly dredging the bay. Largely through tho chamber of commerce sectional jealousy has been eliminat ed and the project of consolidating all municipal interests on the bay in to one central government is now well under w'ay. It Is proposed to do this under the Initiative, provided by the constitution. ' , Tho Marshfleld chamber of 'com merce has a largo Jiall on the ground floor in tho business center of the town, and open house Is maintained day and night. 'Here all new-comers are met and extended cordiality of the hay and given such Information as desired. Many largo business deals have their origin in tho cham ber of commerce headquarters. On Brlday night of each week, public meetings aro held and they are at tended by 100 to 300 business men and new arrivals. Times wore never more flourish ing on Coos Bay than now. Every hotel and rooming house and resi dence Is crowded and the chamber cf commorco is advertising a guar antee of tenants for. 100 new resi dences to any one who will under take to build them. Fresh flounders, salmon, crabs, oysters, and smoked flounder At Em pire Pish Market today. Pioneer Grocery Wharf.. Mr. and Mrs. George Guerin Sr. left here with their son Wat and his wife for California. Mr. Wat Guerin has had a number of hemorrages and had to leave for a climate more suitable for him. They go to the Needles. See A. E. Eddy's ad In business directory. Peculiar Hanking. A local banker was telling yester day about a man who came to renew a note since the holiday proclamation was Issued. Ho was told by the cashier that he must wait until the holiday week expired. He was heard afterwards saying the banks have pe culiar methods, when they won't let a man renew his note. Stoves and ranges for coal or wood. See Ekblad & Son, Hardware. Simon Erlckson will appear before U. S. Land Commissioner LlUJeqvlst today and make flinal proof on his homestead In the Ten Mile country. He has as witnesses, J. D. Magee and Adolph Lindroos. Masquerade Ball at Sumner Nov. 23rd. A IJig Pumpkin. Andors Anderson, of South Inlet, brought in a Coos County pumpkin yesterday that weighed 57 pounds. It was placed on exhibition at the Chamber of Commerce. A. H. Eddy has been busy since coming to town. New cottage de- i v ' signs. Trailing for Itcdnien. J. H. Fitzgerald, of Modford, ar rived in tho city yesterday and will immediately commence work with tho Redmen In securing canlidates for the big i)Qw-wpw to be held later on. Mr, Fitzgerald Is an expert or ganizer and will get you if you don't watch out. FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. CARPENTERS WANTED Two first class carpenters. Best of wages; 8 hours. Apply at Office of Blanco Hotel. FOR SALE One 20-foot gasoline launch, G-hp., engine brand new. 5 V6 foot beam, $250. Inquire Hall & Hall. FOR RENT Blue ana Red room, suite of parlors and buffet kitchen in newly furnished and strictly modern Arlington House. Plumb ing of the best. Call at Times of fice. . WANTED Ten men for work on First Trust & Savings building, corner First and C streets, Marsh field; $3 per day of 9 hours. FOR SALE Household furniture. Inquire Times office, or phono 887. WANTED Party with $2000 or more to take interest in local busi ness enterprise. For further par ticulars address X. D. S. care Times office. WANTED Timber claims. To 'buy timber claims. Location no objec tion. Address P. O. Box 142, Marshfleld, Ore. WANTED Man and wife, or girl. Man to work on farm, wlf o 'or girl for general housework. Apply M. B., Times ofllcu. WANTED C wheeler teams, ?G.50 per day. Apply J. J. Burns, Marshfleld. avings Bank Will Give Special Attention To Its Savings Department in paying interest on savings, accounts and accepting deposits amounts from ?1.00 up. Statistics show the wealth of the masses of tho people is largely due to accumulations in Savings banks. We will remain open from 5:00 to 8:00 o'clock Saturday evenings for the con venience of savings depositors. Officers and Directors JOHN 8. OOK D, President. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL. DR. C. W. TOWER. HENRY SENGSTACKBX. STEPHEN O. ROGERS. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier., M. O. HORTON, Vico Pres. XSOOSSSSSSSSOSSSI fiASSAAAAAWASSA ! Saddle Rock Restaurant Come See and What We Have To Eat J. IV3ELL Prop. 'AVAAVNVSVWVWSVVMV iy. FOR SALE 22-foot cabin launch. Address V.- O. Boxj30G, No. Bqnd. FOR, SALE Singer .Sowing Machine In good condition, $iq0d. Appty ' to Miss A. Johannsen, phone E3G. . , . . , 1 EBB TON HANSEN M i$' AGENTS (9) WANTED Mangle glrlp a(. t,hq Coos Bay Steam Laundry, 5th and B streets. tGAZIN&t "-v WANT ADS Rates for want advertising Flvo cents per line. WANTED At Once. Bids fpr clear ing streets In Bay Park, I, S. Kaufman & Co. WANTED Help at tho Marshfleld , Hotel. WANTED Competent lady stenog rapher, desires employment; either permanent position or piece work. Address V. H. care of Times Office. FOR SALE Now 20-foot gasoline boat Call upstairs over marble works, 3d and D Sts. This Is a snap. ' r i ' - WANTED A cottage of 5 rooms. "II" Times. FOR SALE Best millinery storo on tho Bay, Will lnvolco about $2000. Parties must quit busi ness on account of health. Lease can bo had on premises qheap. Jas. M. Conro, No. Front St. PoUttto BELL CORD Wet Your Whistle Then Blow J. R. HERRON, Prop. Proot Street, I : Man hfldd, Orecsn Cook with Gas - - use - - Electric Power and Flatirons liTe Coos Bay Gas (Sh Electric Co.