MBssmz-izmmma THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1907. I w i Coos Bay Times AN I.NDFl'ENDnNT KEPI TB?APER PUDI.rHKI) EVKR.V IUV EXCHITIKQ MON DAY avd also weekly my The Coos Hay Times 1'ohuhiiiso Co. The policy of The Coos liny Times fill be Republican in ohtic8, with the independence of which President Uoose velt is the leading exKnent. Entered nt tlie postollke ntJMarshflcld, Ore Con, (or transmission through the mails) as second clas.mall matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. In Achnncc. DAILY. One year $5 00 Six months $2.59 Less than G months, per month .00 WEEKLY. One year $1.50 hostile forces to the slaughter of each other again, can not be fore told. Probably it will, for It has been repeated so frequently at Inter vals In the history of mankind, that Its recurrence is to bo expected. But it may be safely asserted that no war will ever be waged In the name of more sacred principles and no results of any war will ever excel those of the chil war in their value to humanity. Addiesa all communications to COOS BAY TIMES Marslificld. ... Oregon, NORTH BEND'S CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. Thursday evening is the night for the meeting of the North Bend Chamber of Commerce. The people of North Bend should take special pains to, attend every meeting and tihould tnke hold of every question with the largest possible vision. Coos Bay is a big thing and It is not to be expected that any small cali bre man will be able to measuro its Value or necessities. It is bigger than either North Bend or Marsh lield and bigger than all the com .munltles around It put together. The Chamber of Commerce of North Bend needs to be very active If it docs its full duty in helping to pre serve and Improve the Bay. Tho same can be said of tho Chamber of Commerce of Marshfleld. So far as industries ate concerned the effort of each one of the commercial bodies should be to interest people and cap ital to came here and locate some where on Coos Bay. Let them do their best to get the location in their own limits If they can, but if they can't then induce them to locate on tho Bay. The chambers should work together Indeed, they realize this tally and it was for that reason that tho meetings of the chambers are to too held on different evenings that of Marshfleld on Friday and that of North Bond on Thursday. It is much to be hoped that the members of the two chambers will exchange visits and it would be a good thing if the North Bend chamber inaugurated a llan of special features, such as an address on some commeicial subject at each meeting, as tho Marshfleld Ahaniber has done. It would In crease the interest of members and bring new members into the body. POSSIBILITIES. The future holds. In .ill nrnlm- bility mote astonishing marvels than have yet been dren.ued of. The present, however, is startling and in teresting enough to make tho most despondent wouU-Ijo suicide sta liis Ju nd and live, if he would only look at tho long procerslon of v jn Uors whicn might engage his alien tion. Every day gives us a wonder ant when wo have looked at it tor u while it gets commonplace in view of tho now atu actions which press in upon us. The lightning rod, the "wireless." Tho coach and four, tho Vitouiu engino, the locomotive, the trolley car, the auto and the dirigible balloon. Tho Daguerreotype, the tho photograph, moving pictures, phonograph, linotype. These are all the inventions of a short time. Now Edison tells us he will en able ua to put up three story con crete buildings in half a day. More than tills. Ho iclls us he has patents applied for whlsh will give him the &ole light to make certain types of iron moulds widen can be set up very npeedlly and into which tills concrete can be poured for the walls of buildings. Of course. Of course. "Why wasn't it done before? Its very simple. Anj body can do that after lie has been shown how. But tho Indians made uso of tho same prin ciple, long beforo white men under took to npplj it. The adobe build ing which disfigures so many of tho Mains of New Mexico and Arizona and has its counterpart in South Ainuricu, moro particulaily in Peru, was built with mtlds or substitutes for molds. But pshaw! Almost every one of our wonderful inven tions might have been suggested by sonb simple people- if wo hud been wiso enough to obscrvo thorn. It is 110 great credit to tho Chineso that Ihoy had printing betoro Ciuttonberg and gunpowder befotS tho battle of Cressy. Tho llttlo spud which the ancient Incus gavo tho world does Hot entitle thom to the ciedit re llected by the perfect Coos Bay po tato. There nro not many people in tho world who reprosont 111010 than no idea all through life, hut Edi son isn't one of thoin. A houso built 3n half a day, so far as tho walls up to and including three stories nro oncornedjlBn possibility. THE PENSION' LIST. It is leported that tho pension roll of tho United States government lias decreased slnco last jear 18, GOO. This la the mobt startling reminder tho American people have had slnco tho great civil war that tho Grand Army of tho llepubllc is rapidly jmkslng away and that millions or lollnrs which tho government litis annually expended In ponsions will fcoon t-oaso to llnd their wny into ulruulution through that elmnnol. It Will not bo many ears now when the history of that great war will huvo become merely a tradition. Tho last. Iienulon check will bo signed and re celpted for In n few short years, so far us tho civil war Is concerned. "Whothor somo torrlblo catycllara will overturn tho system and bring j SALOME The Prophetess, Clarivoyant and Palmist Is now in your city. Do not fall to see her. She will tell you what the future has in store for you. She. brought happiness to thousands, why not to you? Salomo locates mines, traces lost or stolen property; she also locates missing friends, re unites the separated, tells you how to win the one you love, how to over come evil influences, in fact, puts you on the road to success. See her at once and bo convinced of her strange powors. Her celebrated flvo dollar readings for one dollar until Friday only. Office at The Garfield, Room 14. Test Circle 50 cents on Wednes day, Oct. 30, at my parlors. The Steamer M. F. PLANT Plant sails from Mnrshilcl d Frhlnv No rcscrvntio 11 will be held after tho nrrlvnl of ship unless ticket Is bought. F.S DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : : : : 1 brt V fii "ItAir Wf n vf vK'Nil ft tflii 'itriJ'M titiJ AfTVK"! I i OREGON wjrara4KMflKtM3raKiisrnra , BUY YOUR " it II i M H 3vH Because our reputation for thoroughly reliable quality is 'widely established; be cause our styles are always accepted as authoritlvely correct; because our prices are lower than you pay for suits of equal all around merit In other houses as has been proven In almost Innumerable Instances. Call and convince your self at U , IIP S. 0. 0. f. Bisildi North Front Street TheC.B.,R.&LO. and Navigation Co. THE C. B., R. E. R. R, & X. CO. TIME TABLE. Subject to change without notice. No. 1. Daily, ex. No. 2. Sunday Lv. :00a.m. Marsh'd Ar.l2:30p.m Junction Lv, 9:45a.m. Coquille Lv.ll:J0a.m Ar.l0:20a.m. Myrtle Pt Lv.l0:4ia. Trains to and from Beaver Hill dully F. A. LAI3B, Agant. r 1 rT- --'nii-i '1 UUw 1 m maamum r- ; Bank of Oregon Capital Stock fully paid up $50,000 Transacts n General Banking Business North Bend, Oregon 1 ' Notice. Notlco Is hereby given that all terra cotta, carthenwarke and sheet Iron flues or chimneys within tho cor porate limits of tho city of Marsh fleld must ho romoTod on or beforo tho first day of November, 1907, and brick or cement chimneys approved by tho fire warden substituted there for. Any and all persons using terra cotta, earthonwaro or sheet Iron flues or chimneys after said dato will bo prosecuted thorofor. Any person knowing of any fail ure to comply with tho terms of this notlco kindly roport tho samo to mo. Dated this 15th day of October, 1907. J. W. Carter, FIro Warden. Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line BREAKWATER Sails from Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Satu rdays at Service of Tide. C. F. McCollum, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - - - A. St. Dock PuUthe BELL CORD Wet Your Whistle Then Blaw J. R. HERRON, Prop. Prat Street, I t Manhfteld, Onma CURREN BROTHERS CONTRACTORS All Kinds of Work Done PHONES 543, 146 and 271 North Bend, Oregon California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. er sauce B. W. OLSON. Mnster. COOS BAY AND PORTLAND Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. P. P. Btwungarter, Agt. L. W, Shaw, Agt. Couch St. Duck. Portland, Ore, Marshlleld, Ore., Phone 441. WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKEN ADDITION BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstackcn, Manager. Wood Electric Fixtures It line become eccssary to hare wood electric light fixtures In order to hnTO your apartment in harmony. When your interior furnish- lngs nil are made to match tho effect is immense. We make them with any fin- ish, color, and can give you nny stylo or fittings yo wish. ' Tho best hemes are now being planned with tho wood electric light fixtures as they aro as cheny and snfo nud results oro as desired, besides no pollshlngs to do as on the1 metal. Yon will do well to see us or mako Inquiry of your electric supply house for plans nnd price. Wo do nil classes of special order work nud repairing. Coos Bay Furniture Co. North Bend, Oregon. tf" mmi uwjjihw : rgTTrniTl:'iaffTWatirywy7w'"gw"tTW'Ty,,t""" i i "I gvmrar Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens the best on the market absolute guarantee, fer sale at ISw -- RED CROSS -- g ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. ? Younsytlart An account in thiilant viiK M any amountyou wi3hocr$i.C0, Srndchrck, ll anJ by Murn mail you vriJ receive ycuf bank jjy a book, we pay Y0inisresini compounaii twice & year: enjune ju una ufcemocr ji i CaDttnl nnd SurnTu A ) Over $3,000,000.00 Rj TVf.l Awl K ".;-. K.-fy rnrt rfrrtrw . , .. : ., , . .. .. IN Send tor oat dooiJet on wanting oy Alan k- IlSfllll BHraHHrV ftsmsffB gitan,TKBa.igragi!r Wk,6M MM I KONE 923 STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendergrass, Master and 10-:30 a. m andp.:00, 2:30 and 4: SO p. m. Leaves North Bend at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00 p. m. Makes dally trips except Sun days. Faro: One way, 15 cents; round trip, 25 cents. TIME TAULE. Leaves Marshfleld 7:30, 9:00, and FASTEST BOATS ON THE BAY Half Hour Schedule Rui' Uetween Marshfleld -ind Smtb Bend 'Made iu 12 Minutes. Private Landings. Fare: One vwiv 15c; roui0 trip, jJ5o. J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. Business Directory Doctors. 11. J. V. IMGIlAiU. Ph-fsicinn nnt burgeon. Office over Sengstacken's Drug Store Phones Office 1621; residence. 78J Lawyers. J. W. BENNETT, Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshfleld, .... OrogoL Francis BT. Clarko Jacob M. Blake Lawrence A. Liljcqvist CLARKE, BLAKE & LILJEQVIST, ATTORNEVS-AT-LAW Times Building, Marshfleld, Ore United States Commissioner's Office. c. f. Mcknight, Attorney at Law. Upstairs, Bennett & Walter Blocl Marshfleld, - - Oregoc COKE & COKE, Attorneys at Law. Marshfleld, .... OregoL Nashurg Block. Phone 818 J. E. OAYOU, Architect Estimates furnished for all kinds of buildings. Marshfleld, : : Oregon. A. II. Eddy Architect Modern oottnges a specialty. Ofllco opposite, Blanco Hotel, Ovor Tele phone Building. MR. ALBURT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of nil klnda Phone 1884. Steam Dye Works C Street, L ullefl'nudCientB'giu inputs clean ed or dyed. Philip Becker, Proprtetot. Announcement We wish to announce that our Marshfleld plant with all new Improved machinery Is now ready for business, and that we are In a position to glvo you prompt, as well as tho very best posslhlo service. There's no economy In try ing to do work by hand that can bo hotter done by machin ery. "Blue Monday" with its steam, soap suds and hot stovo nuisances can bo avoided, and you can save money by sending tho family washing to us. Phono 571 today. Our wagon will call. COOS BAY STEAM U UNDRY Marshfleld nud North Bend. Flanagan & Bennett Bank MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Capital Subscribed 150,000 Capital l'nld Up IO,000 Undivided l'rollls 35,000 Doox n general ImnkliiR business nnd dr&ws on the Dank ol California, San Kranclec Call!., Klrat National Bank Portland Or., First National Bank. Roeeblirg, Or., Hanover Na tional Bank, New York, N. M. Kotbcblld & Bon, London, England. Alto Bell change on nearly all tho principal cities ol Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, etifo deposit lock boxes ler rent at 6 cents a month or fb. a jear. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS QOW WHY Always has on hand a good stock of General Merchandise AT PRICES TME CHEAPEST Ail Kinds of Groceries and Clothing COOS BAY TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. II. C. Breckcnridgc, C. II. AVnltcrs. All kinds of Transferlng and Job bing. Prices reasonable and Goods handled with care. Phono CGI. ft PAnswi- -"ii' rs,2i"Hj 2s?2bsB CAB CALL SERVICE fl GOOD HEARSE and VEHICLES. HEISNER, MILLER & CO. Livery, Feed nnd Sale Stable Third and A Sts. Phono, 1201 Mnrshfloid. H mnmrnmnttttttmrnttttnttimHtrromi .i All Parts of the World jl Wc use the necessary facilities for sending money to all parts of the world, and without danger or loss. .. . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY, Marshfield, Ore. :; tmmmmmtmt::mmn:mjmw McPlierson Giiiser Co Wholesale liquor dealers Cigars and saloon tmp? plies. California Wines a Specialty 81 Front St.. Marshfield KE rjxxsmsas3aBssmsi BLACKSMITH 4th and E St. G. C. NOAH O. E. Noah has just opened n first class blacksmith shop at corner of fourth nnd E streets, South Marsh tield. Pntronngo of public respect fully solicited. Horseshoeing a specialty. o O M. R. SMITH, Agent For Charles A. Stevous CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE CHICAGO Ce. First & B St. Marshfleld Of . J'JSB ' A.t "fTMfc it.