The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 20, 1907, SUNDAY EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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    ,-WWinninrc KM rafeJB
At the Churches.
Personal Notes.
L. D. Kinney waa In from Plat B
J. J. O'Noll, ot Danaon, s calling
on Marshflold friends.
Qua Peterson, of Empire, was In
MarshfleU yesterday.
Judge Querry was (here from
North Band on business matters.
A number of North Bond peoplo
attended the Tennis Club dance last
William Orlmes will leave on the
Breakwater next Monday for Ok
lahoma, whore he goes to attond
to business affairs.
Miss Annlo Flanagan, who has
lieen 111 at the home of her sister,,
Mrs. C. F. McCullom, at North
Send, is Improved.
W. C. Bradley will leave Monday
on the Breakwater for Astoria,
vhero ho will take a south bound
steamer for Eureka.
Misses Magee and WIckman, of
Empire, were in Marshfleld yester
day on the way to Beaver Hill,
where they are visiting friends over
Mr. Walter Smiley and family, of
Portland, are occupying the Mrs. G.
N. Farrin cottage in South Marsh
fleld. Mr. Smiley is superintending
the erection of the Coos building on
the corner of A and Broadway.
Nine 5-acre tracts In Lolree Park,
adjoining Bay Park, $1,000 each;
terms 25" per cent cash and 5 per cent
every three months. Being close In,
rich soil and easily cleared, makes
these lots very desirablo for small
fruit, berry and poultry fnrms. Par
ties desiring one or more of 'these lots
must not' go to sleep, but buy first
( and rest easy afterwards.
150 acres unimproved farm at Al
legany,, suitable for fruit, stock and
-potatoes; $800, easy terms.
80 acres cranberry land on North
Inlet, $750.
Choice lots on prominent business
street In Railroad Addition, $400.
Lots in Garfield and Sengstacken
Addition to East Marshfield from $40
up; easy terms.
Choice building lots In Seug
stacken's Addition to Marshfleld, 50
xlOO and 50x110, $200 up, at Title
Guarantee & Abstract Co., He"nry
Sengstacken, manager.
Methodist Church.
1-0 a. m., Sabbath school; 11a. m
sermon by Rev. Dr. Trimble of Eu
gene; 3 p. m., Junior League; 6:30
p. m., Epworth Leagne; 7:30 p. m.,
sermon by Dr. Trimble. Dedicatory
services will bo held In this church
morning and evening. A cordial In
vitation is extended to all. The evan
gelistic meetings will bo continued
nil next week. The Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor will
join In services with the Epworth
League. Mrs. R. W. Slmeral and
Mrs. Owens will sing at the League
service. W. R. Browne,
Dedication The Methodist Epis
copal church will bo dedicated to
day. Sermons will be preached by
Rev. D. H. Trimble of Eugene at 11
a. m. ana 7:ao p. m. special music
has been prepared by the choir. The
Rev. C. M. Marter will assist In the
services. A cordial Invitation is ex
tended to all to these services.
Come and help us make a great day
for Marshfield.
Morning Music.
Prelude Andante Cantablle ....
Hymn No. 1.
Anthem "My Soul Thirsteth". . .
T. E. Lockwood
Gloria Patrie . . . .Melneke
Offertoire Lysberg
Hymn No. 32.
Prelude "Sextet from Lucia"...
Hymn No. 93.
Anthem "Unto Thee Will I Cry"
Adolph Jesreal
Hymn No. 869.
Dedicatory Chorales "O Lord of
Hosts" Gabriel
Postlude "Marcho Pontificate". .
First Baptist.
10 a. m., Bible school, Alva Doll,
superintendent; 11 a. "m., sermon:
"Whose Fault Is It? or the Backslid
ers' Complaint." 2:30 p. m., services
at Mllllngton, Mr. BIdwell, superin
tendent of the Sunday school; 6:30
p. m., young people's services, Claude
Stutsman, leader; T:30, sermon:
"The Blind Men of Coos." Special
music at all services; prayer meeting
on Thursday evening at 7:30; strang
ers especially Invited to worship with
us. Those who desire to meet the
pastor are invited to the study In
church between 11 and 12 every day
except Saturday.
D. W. Thurston,
First Presbyterian Church.
The Sunday school will convene as
usual at 10 o'clock for Bible study,
but there will be no preaching ser
vices either morning or evening. The
Christian Endeavor society will meet
with the Epworth League of the M.
E. church.
St. Monica's Cntholic.
Mass at 8 and 10:30.
Christian Science Service.
Will be held in Redmen's hall Sun
day at 11 a. m., subject: "Probation
After Death." A cordial Invitation
Is extended to all.
Bandon, Oct. 19. The steamer
Bandon loft yesterday for San .Fran
cisco loaded with lumber, poles,
matchwood nnd woolen cloth from
the Bandon woolen mills. She went
out drawing 14 feet of water.
Considerable difficulty Is being ex
perienced by local industries in get
ting enough men to work. Tho Cody
mill Is exceptional In this regard as
their labor saving apparatus makes
It an object for men to dcslro work
A. H. Derbyshire left this morn
ing for North Bend. Ho has been
Tiero In the interests of tho Simpson
Lumber company.
Master Thomas White, the G-yea"r-old
son of Captain and Mrs. Thomns
White of this place, was seriously
Injured yesterday nfternoon by fall
ing from an elevated sidowalk Into
tho excavation for tho new Laird
hullding. His skull was fractured
and shoulder broken, and whllo ho
rotnlnod consciousness from the
first, fears for his recovery wore felt.
Captain Whlto was notified by tele
phone nnd left th regular steamer
Dispatch, of which ho is master, at
Riverton, arriving In Bnndon by a
special launch sent to meet him. Dr.
Huston is In attendance nnd tho pa
tient is reported resting easily now.
Charles Evelund of Coqulllo was
in town yostordny calling on old
friends nnd incidentally transacting
a fow matters of business.
Quito a number of Bandon peo-
Slo wont to Dalryvlllo to attond tho
nlrymen's nnnual ball there to
night. Tho members of tho Seaside
orchestra, which will furnish music,
loft today.
District Organizer Colgan is hero
organizing a local lodgo of Redmon.
Ho reports enough chnrtor members
to start tho lodgo but Is working for
a fow moro boforo starting.
Ilntl Leg Broken.
An employe of L. J. Simpson met
with nn nccldont yesterday nfternoon
which will keep him In tho Mercy
hospital for a number of weoks. Ho
was driving In North Bond, when ho
mot an nutomobllo nnd his horses be
coming frightened, tho man Jumped
from tho buggy. Ho foil in such a
manner that ono leg wns fractured
Ijotweon tho knoo nnd thigh.
Cndets Hold Yale to a Tie.
West Point, Oct. 19. In a hard
played line smashing game before
the biggest crowd of spectators ever
gathered on the military academy
grounds, West Point today held Yale
to a tie, neither side being able to
score through two exciting halves.
The cadets are Inclined to give much
of their credit for what they con
sidered a victory to Coach Forbes,
who played end on Yale last year
and who was able to teach tho
cadets many of tho tricks on which
Yalo depended to score.
Navy Gives Harvard Close Rub
Annapolis, Oct. 19. For tho first
time in the history of tho two col
leges, Harvard met tho midshipmen
at football today. The result was
Harvard C, Navy 0. The game was
fiercely fought from start to finish,
tho scoring being done on trick
plays and end runs, for though much
the heavier, the crimson was unable
to break through the Navy line for
any gains.
Close nt Ithaca.
Ithaca, Oct. 19. The state college
defeated Cornell at football 8 to 6
today. Cornell was outplayed from
tho start.
Michigan Defeats Wnbash.
Indianapolis, Oct. 19. Michigan
22, Wabash 0.
Ensy for Prlnccion.
Princeton, Oct. 19. Princeton 40,
Washington- and Jefferson 0.
Company Incorporated in Los An
geles To Reproduce An
cient Coins.
Four Arrested in Connection With
Great Robbery Whllo Moro
Are Hunted.
Los Angeles, Oct. 19. To re
produce old shekels and dispose of
them to numismatists and others
for modern coin is the purpose of
of a company, ono of the most
unique ever formed here, and Incor
porated oday with a capitalization
of $75,000. It is the Ancient Shekel
company, and the trustees are S. F.
Balla, E. D. Sheffler, O. V. Monroe,
Delia M. Corwln and Carrie E.
It is announced that ornaments
will be manufactured and emblems
of long-gone centuries coined. The
men promoting the enterprise ad
mit that present day pieces of money
appeal to them and that their prin
cipal object is to obtain a lot.
Snn Francisco Betting Men Offer
10 to O en Him Against
A Want wli: do It All.
Dawson, Y. T Oct. 19. John F.
McDonald, aDawson jeweler, was ar
rested in wliito Horso today on tho
arrival of tho steamer Selkirk from
Dawson, charged with complicity in
tho robbery of $40,000 of Tanana
gold from tho registered mall in
Dawson, July 29. This makes four
arrests in tho case first, Richard
Hall, who was taken hero; second,
Georgo Klncald, chief government
'carponter, who was arrested in Sel
kirk whllo en route out, nnd who
committed suicide; third, Tom Vaug
han, held on suspicion with a blanket
chnrgo of vagrancy against him;
fourth, McDonald. Other arrests
are expected to follow.
So far tho plot has not beon un
raveled. It now develops that Kln
cald lived at a great paco hero for
many months, spending as high as
$2000 to $4000 nightly In tho last
few weeks on wlno and women, giv
ing some men $100 at once, telling
them to hnvo n good tlmo. Klncald
was a clover building mnstor. Ho
was dressed fashionably. Ho was
searched when arrested and It is a
mystery how ho got tho poison.
Revolver cartridges, but no revolver,
woro found in his grip. What be
came of tho weapon Is a mystory.
Thr last steamer from Whlto
Horse for Dawson this year has left,
so McDonald will probably bo hold
here till tho overland stages start.
San Francisco, Oct. 19. With tho
day of tho municipal election less
than three weeks off, probabilities
strongly indicate tho election, of
Mayor Taylor and District Attorney
Langdon. Many betting men are
laying all their ready money on
Taylor at 10 to 6, and are predict
ing thnt tho odds will switch to 3
to .1 before the end of the week.
Ono well-known bettor declares he
has offered to hot all or any part of
$10,000 at 2 to 1 that Langdon will
bo elected, but has been able to
place only a few dollars. He asserts,
too, that no string Is tied to his
proposition and that he has a small
barrel to bet on Taylor at 10 to C.
The election of Langdon means the
retention of Assistant District At
torney Honey and tho continuance
of graft prosecution.' Ho has the
nomination of the Republicans, Dem
ats and Good Government parties
and his election seems a certanity.
Forty Thousand Bushels of May
Delhory Handled nt Thnt
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 19. The
heaviest price ever paid for wheat
for May delivery was tho basis of
trado yesterday In tho Merchants'
Exchange. Tho salo was distin
guished also that It was tho heav
iest over put through by tho ox
change. Tho amount was 40,000
bushels and tho price paid was $1
por bushel.
This Is tho first season since the
early history of tho exchange when
thero has been any nctlvo trading
in wheat, but this year considerable
quantities change hands daily.
Wheat nt tho present price of 94
conts per bushel, dollvered hero,
Is 40 per cent higher than at tho
corresponding tlmo last year. This
la explained both by short crops
over tho greater part of tho wheat
Exclusive Agents for Fairbanks, Morse & Co.
Messrs, Ekblad & Son, hardware dealers of Marshfleld, Oregon, have secured
from the Fairbanks, Morse Company the exclusive sale of their supplies, Ek
blad & Son are now carrying in their stock a sample of the Jack of All Trades
Vertical Gasolene Engine and are extending their business in such a way as
to include the Fairbanks, Morse complete line, Any orders for the Fairbanks,
Morse goods may be placed with the above firm,
Gas and Oil Engines.
Marine Engines.
Trucks and Barrows.
Pipe and Fittings.
Brass and Iron Valves.
Fairbanks' Standard Scales.
Fairbanks' Automatic Scales.
Eclipse and Steel Wind Mills.
It means something
to you
Come in and
Convince Yourself
Outfitters for Men.
in Sengstacken's Addition at
a bargain. Two of theso
lots aro corners. Slzo
50x100. Lots He level. Aro
easily cleared, and aro ac
cessible. Will make beautl
, ful place for a residence.
This Is an opportunity to
get a valuable pleco of prop
erty at a nominal price.
I. S. Kaufman & Co.
Opposlto Chamber ommercc
Marshfleld, Oregon, Oct,, 20-07.
My Dear Sir and Madam:
In reply to your most valued favor of the
17th inst in regard to the GABLER PIANO we
wish to state,
The ERNST GABLER PIANO possesses a
subtle tonal charm which enraptures all who
come within its spell, GABLER PIANOS are
encased in Regal woods, with soft subdued ele
gance of coloring, enriched by chaste carving
and exqusite detail work, Which appeals with
irresistible force to the most aesthetic taste,
We can show you factory receipts for the
makes of all goods seen on our floor, WE BUY
DIRECT, the RESULT is our prices are RIGHT
the same price to all,
Hoping to see or hear from you in the near
future, we beg to remain,
Very truly yours,
Phone 1441,
producing area of tho world and In
""ntributing degrees to the bull
Campnlgn, thuB far successful, of
Robert A. Patten, In tho Chicago
pit. The novel spectacle Is afforded
this year of big "crops and high
prices at the samo tlmo in the
Stato of Washington. Farmers aro
tho principal beneficiaries of tho
Patten campaign.
St. Sebastian, Spain, Oct. 19.
Twenty-sovon persons were
killed or wounded In a rail-
road wreck today at Orld, about
six miles from hero.
Fall Stock of
Wall Papei
If you havo not bought your
winter hat, this is a reminder that wo
still havo a good selection. Wo aro
also prepared to trim to order.
Clarke, Broadway and C.
Madge What did Molly mean by
saying that joining tho Audubon so
ciety was a good business proposi
tion? Mnrporlo Tho dues aro only $5,
whllo n hat with feathers on it costs
at least $20. Harper's Weekly.
Just arrived,
We have a fine assortment of specials,
Call and inspect,
Also a full line of PAINTS and WINDOW
Coos Bay Paint
and Wallpaper Co.
Second, Near C Street.
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