The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 18, 1907, FRIDAY EDITION, Image 4

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We don't want the public to get the idea that this is a "Big Fire Sale," "Below Cost Sale" or "Damaged Goods Sale." It is
not. It is just what we represent it to be, "A FORCED OUT SALE." We have no place to put our goods after November
first. To induce you to put them in your homes we are selling cheaper than you can possibly buy anywhere else on the Pa
cific Coast.
IPl )m t.
w m & m Ira $
&kisn& Jr Mis h
A Comparison of Prices Will Convince
I You
Remember another thing: These are not shop-worn goods or rejected articles. Many of
them are entirely new, just arriving, as they were shipped before we had time to counter
mand the order.
Most Elegant Dining Tables, Fine Rockers and Chairs.
Thirty Varieties of Iron Beds, Curtains, Linoleum, Cabinets, eta '
This stock Is selling like hot caSses. Make yow selections before the stock is depleted.
Don t Fnt It Off - - '
"- "rl ''WtP.'t.rOT niTwy T , f f1
Failures Follow One Another in
Rapid Succession Otto
1 i Heinze Pinched.
Directors Fear Hun, Though In
stitution Is Solvent Hamburg;
Firm Under for $7,000,000.
Butte, Oct. 17. Tho State Sav
ings bank of Butte, one of tho larg
est Institutions of Its kind in Mon
tana, closed its doors shortly after,
10 this morning. Tho proceedings
was tho result of a directors' meet
ing who posted a notico stating that
because of unsettled conditions and
unverified rumors that may cause
excessive demands by depositors
and owing to a shortago of currency,
tho bank deemed it for tho best In
terests of depositors to suspend.
"Tho bank Is solvent," tho state
ment said, and it was explained that
In tho event of a run, tho bank
would not bo In a position to pay
out all the demands any more than
any other bank in tho city. Tho
rather tight condition of money,
tho failuro of Otto Helnzo and com
pany, and tho gonoral uncertainty
prevailing In tho country, entered
into tho decision of tho directors.
It Is stated tho bank will pay out
inside of CO days. Otto Helnzo does
not owo tho bank a dollar and P. A.
Helnzo less than $300,000 which is
amply Becured. Mr. Largey, presi
dent of tho bauk, owes it $7500
and Is nblo to pay many times that
amount. Tho bank holdB on hand
about $S00,000 and has deposits of
about $3,000,000. Thero are about
C.000 depositors, and of this number,
G75 are commercial depositors, tho
others being tho savings of working
people. Tho directors nnnounco they
will proceed with tho building of tho
now bank which is neuring comple
tion and which will cost about
$200,000. Stuto Bank Examiner
Collins will tako charge of tho bank
F. Augustus Heinze resigned tho
presidency of tho Mercantile Na
tional bank of New York. The Amal
gamated Copper company at Its
meeting cut its quarterly dividend
from 2 per cent to 1 per cent. Di
rectors of the Boston & Montana
company declared a quarterly divi
dend of $G, In place of tho former
dividend of $12. The failuro of Hal
ler, Zehle & Company, prominent
brokers of Hamburg, with liabilities
that may reach $7,000,000, was an
nounced. Tho State Savings bank
of Butte, Montana, of which the
Heinzo's are principal stockholders,
suspended. As a result of these sen
sation, the market was halting and
irregular but there was an apparent
feeling that tho break of tho tit-
tempted corner In United Copper had
cleared tho atmosphere somewhat
and tho market rallied before tho
close. Tho suspension of
The Butte bank was largely con
trolled by Heinze interests. It is
said that the claims against the
Helnzo firm growing principally out
of tho attempted corner In United
Copper, may reach $2,500,000.
Washington, Oct. 17. The situa
tion at the Pacific coast naval sta
tions and yards Is such that some
means must be found to secure addi
tional skilled mechanics for not
only is there Insufficient labor to
put the battleship fleet in order
when it arrives on the coast, but
there Is actually insufficient force to
keep up with tho demand for current
Output of the State of Oregon
Growing at a Very Rapid
repairs of shins now at tho station.
OttO Tflmnnrnrv rnllAf mnv llf fnmifl It
Heinze & Company, of which firm ja hoped, by tho navy department
mux m. ocuuiizu js a siocit exenango for relaxation of rules for the em-
SeiiMitlons Follow Knell Other.
Now York, Oct. 17. Sonsntlons
followed each other In rapid succes
sion In tho financial district today
as n result of tho collnpso of tho pro
jected cornor In United Copper and
tho suspension of a prominent
brokerago firm yesterday, Tho firm
of Otto Holnzo & Company was sus
pended from tho stock exchange and
member, was based on a complaint
to tho exchange by Gross & Kleburg
who failed yesterday. This firm
charge Heinze & Company with re
fusal to accept 3211 shares of Uni
ted Copper, said to have been boncht
on tho order of tho Heinze firm.
This act. Gross & Kleberg state, was
responsible for their failure. Attor
neys for this firm stated today that
tho amount owing to tho firm from
tho Holnze firm aggregates $600.
000. Tho Helnzo firm announces it
Is perfectly solvent and all legal ob
ligations will bo mot. Attorneys say
that suspension by tho stock ex
change was accepted by tho firm in
order to give tho latter time to sift
Its logal obligations from the enor
mous claims whlc'i havo beqn made
against It, which, it Is alleged, they
aro not legallv obligated to pav. Tho
roslcnation of P A. Helnzo from tho
nresidoncy of tho Mercantile Na
tional bank. It Is said, was decided
on nt a midnight meeting at tho
homo of C. W. Morso. who Is largely
Interested in tho bank.
It was announced this morning,
Helnzo at tho samo timo giving out
n statement In which ho said that
his resignation was duo to the fact
that ho wished to dovoto all his time
to stralchtenlng out his brother's
firm. Ho stated positively that he
has not diRnosod of his holdtntrt In
the bank and that control would rp
maln whore It had been and that ho
would continue as a director.
United States Controller of the
Currency Ridgoly has been tendered
tho office of president of tho bank,
but has not yet decided whether ho
will ncoept.
Tho low price of refined Conner,
which dronpod evon lower today,
and tho disorganized condition of
metal In tho market, Is the reason
clven for reduction of tho dividends
of tho connor companies. Tho an
nouncement of a quarterly dividend
of 1 por cont came as a surprise.
Palluro of tho Hamburg firm and
tho Butto bank both followed closely
on the news of tho suspension of the
Heinze firm on the etook exchange
ployment of labor in the navy yards
so as to permit applicants for sucli
work to file their applications by
mail Instead of presenting them In
person as Is now required. And, a
soon as congress assembles, the case
will be carried before that body
with tho recommendation that legis
lation may be had to secure a force
of labor sufficient to meet tho needs
of tho Pacific coast yards, not only
for tho present but for tho future.
Wreck on Locnl Railroad.
A logging train yestorday forenoon
plied up in a promiscuous heap about
nine miles south of Marshfleld and
five cars were wrecked. Tho noon
train from Coquillo encountered tho and the nuts produced are not only
Ferrou to Tt'ra.n "Shleh had b tBd tUS M la Ul SUth'
sent out from the local yards to,out experts pronounce them to bo
According to tho most prominent
handlers who havo received local
samples of late, tho state of Oregon
is destined to bo in absolute control
of the walnut market of the Pacific
coast which means the U. S.,
ter class of tress had been set out
because at this time California con
trols much the larger per cent of
the trade.
Walnut growing In Oregon Is not
yet on a very extensive basis but
the output is showing a very tre
mendous Increase. It has only been
a few years since the growing of
walnuts attracted commercial at
tention in this state. Most of the
first nuts grown here wero of small
size and of rather Indifferent quality
and for awhile producers felt that
climate conditions were not proper
for the raising of walnuts on a
commercial basis in competion with
Of recent years, however, a bet
ter clas of trees has been set out
bring them in.
Holland Anderson Nearly Well.
Holland, better known as Mazook
Anderson, who has been in tho Mercy
hospital for several weeks, Is great
ly Improved and will bo discharged
within n weok. He had a serious
complication and only the best of
medical attention preserved him to
his friends.
Seattle Next.
Norfolk. Oct. 17. Tho American
Association of traveling passenger
agonts in tho 34th annual session
today solected Seattlo as tho next
placo of meeting and M. J. Roche of
Portland, Oregon, was elected presi
dent. Plim-iundst 111.
Goorge Erlckson, tho popular
elork at tho MeArthur pharmacy, has
been qulto ill for several days, which
forces genial Mac into early and late
Mr. Fitzgerald's Side.
J. E. Fitzgerald was fined $50, and
$9.80 cost for catching salmon with
a not for family use on north Coos
River, In Justice court of Marshflold
on Wednesday.
iur superior 10 tuoso grown any
other place. They say that not
only does tho walnut reach tho size
of those grown In the southern state
but the nuts aro genorally of better
color; tho meat Is firmer and tho
oil is more abundant and richer.
This Is causing many to go Into tho
culture of walnuts as a regular busi
ness. It has been shown that walnuts
aro one of tho most proiltablo crops
to produce oven in California where
tho dry weather in many seasons
interferes with n largo crop. Here
in Oregon tho exports say thero can
hardly bo a failure to produce a
good crop
Likes Coos Ray Country.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Hnnrahnn, of Van
couver, Wash., aro spending u short
vacation on C003 Bay. Mr. Hauia
han Is an employe of tho Woye-haeu-ser
Lumber compnny, but his visit to
Coos Bay Indicates nothlmr mora
than a vacation. Ho is greatly im
pressed with tho county and will in
vestigate It throughly before return
ing north.
OCT., 21, 1907
The First Trust and
Savings Bank of Coos
Will open for business In its temporary banking office on Broad
way, opposite its now building now In course of construction. It
will maintain fully equipped commercial banking, savings and
trust departments. Patrons will be accorded overy facility and
courtesy consistent with sound banking.
Capital $100,000.00
Officers and Directors
JOHN S. COK E, President.
DR. O. W. TOWER. . M. O. IIORTON, Vice Pres. O
rRISP AND JUICY there are no imperfections in Preferred
y Stock Olives, in glass. Every one is selected and sound i
the most delicious relish possible with oysters, fish, meats, in
salads, etc. Olives have recently been acknowledged as among
the most wholesome of foods and a fine tonic to digestion.
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
Ficktd Wbtrtrar li Beit tr drown
Represent the finest obtainable. In Spain, climate and'eenturics
of experience and skill combine togrowand prepare better, more
delicious olives than have ever been produced elsewhere, hence
Ireferred Stock Olives are imported each season from Spain.
They are in seven sizes, from fifteen cents to two dollars a bottle.
tor Matt Uccaiions and Every Day Preferred Stock
at jaur urocer t
A1XEK Llwrt. Wttltult OiMn, NKT11HD, OBIOOH, U.S.A.
jnt-J BMh
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