emJHMBU ;.a.J5'" " - ""THE" DAILY COOSBAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1907. : -.t-rrr,T.-JWrwsiWJi.'5i,--Jjq, ' m&u v" Jvv sv ' ' . " rf4 Vft $--J.?r$8 I- REPORT ON COOS BAY. (Continued from page 3) original project, and In completing the 9,600 foot north jetty under the present project. The jetty tram way and wharf have been entirely destroyed by teredo and wave action and the enrockment has been more or less beaten down by the seas. Since the completion of the north jetty a straight channel through tho ocean bar has been maintained, having ordinarily a least depth of from 17 to 22 feet at mean low tide. , Tho controlling depth In tho bar channel, as determined by survey now In progress, Is about 20 feet at mean lower low tide. Between tho bar and the town of Empire Is a sandy shoal on which tho least channel depth 1b 14 feet at mean lower low tide. Above Day City . there Is about 50 miles of available navigation for boats of light draft. Tho mean rlso and fall of tho tide Is 4.8 feet. The available funds are being withheld until such timo as the necessity for their expenditure is Bhown, as tho depth contemplated by the project have been obtained and fairly well maintained. The act of March 2, 1907, author ized tho construction of a areago lor use on tho coast waters of Or gon and Washington, and as this dredge will soon bo available it is recommended that the secretary of -war be authorized to apply so much of the available balance as may bo necessary to the work of dredging the Inner harbor. The river and harbor act of March 2, 1907, also authorized an exami nation and survey of tho bay and bar entrance, this survey was In progress at tho end of tho fiscal year. No work was done during tho fiscal year 1907, aside from watch ing and caring for the plant and works, and planting about 57 acres of Holland grass roots on the north spit. Improvement of Entrance to Coos Hay nnd Harbor, Oregon. For Information concerning tho approved project for the Improve ment of Coos Bay and harbor, Ore gon, attention is invited to the sum mary of this report. Operations During the Fiscal Tear 1007. No active operations were carried on during tho past fiscal year other than the planting during March and April of about 57 acres of the north spit with Holland grass (arunda arenaria.) The grass roots for this planting wero obtained from the adjacent plantations of former years. The government plant, wmch is nearly worn out, was cared for dur ing the year by a watchman. Tho entire jetty tramway and wharf have been entirely destroyed by teredo and decay. Tho jetty em bankment has been beaten down but very slightly by tho sea during tho past year. The river nnd harbor act of March 2, 1907, provided for an ex amination of Coos Bay and bar. Tho preliminary examination has been made and a survey Is now In progress under an allotment of $45,000 for that purpose. It is proposed to extend tho survey over several obstructing shoals between tho bar entrnnco and tho town of Marshfleld, with a view of deter mining tho limits of future work with tho dredge which is to be built "with funds provided by tho act of March 2, 19 07. An examination during Juno over tho bar channol at mean low 'vtido is about 20 feet nnd only about 14 feet can bo carried over tho shoals between tho cntranco and tho town of Marshfleld. Comparative Statement of Traffic. Calendar Estimated Year. Tons. Vnluo. 1897 115, 89G 1898 103,039 1899 11G.5G7 1900 104,294 1901 97,500 1902 122,232 1903 135,178 1904 13G.958 $3,557,9S4.00 1905 17S.945 3.901.90G.00 190G 184,455 5,900,017.00 IJst of vessels crossing tho bar at entrance to Coos liny, Oregon, dur ing tlio your ending December ill, 1000: Name. Net Dopth Tonnage. Feet. Advent 399 12. G Agnto 595 IS. 5 Albert Meyer 39S 11.9 Alcatraz 193 10. S Allianco 431 12.0 Alpha 274 9.5 Amolla 338 10.8 Andy Mahonoy 495 13.1 Annio Larson 32G 11.0 Antolopo 117 7.0 Arago 476 12.2 Bertie Minor 230 9.8 Berwick 95 7.1 Sudan' 339 10'.9 o$io$$o$$o5$$$$$$$$$o$ Why do We We have given you our reasons', now come and see if we have told the truth. ,, . : ..i .. t EKBLAD & SON THE HARDWARE MERCHANTS. v$$$ o$$$$$$$$$soe$$$$o$$$$$$ Breakwater... . 793 19.3 Casco 539 12.6 Chico 39G 18.0 Chinook 771 9.7 Churchill GOO 11.6 Columbine 212 15.0 Ivy 135 8.8 James A. Garfield 300 Jessie Minor 219 Jim Butler L. Itoscoo 75 Marshfleld 294 M. F. Plant 941 Mildred 411 North Bend 357 Northwest 489 Novelty 584 Nayo 229 Oakland 296 Oceania Vance 384 Omega 522 10. 9. 9. 10. 25. 12. 11. 13. 13. 10.5 10.9 11.3 13.5 10.9 9.G 10.0 11.2 G.8 14.1 10.9 4.5 14.0 12.8 9.0 20.0 14.3 11.0 8.3 9.0 7.4 10.5 Orient 29G Ottillle Fjord . . . 247 Perry Queen 204 Compeer 308 Corinthian 89 Czarina 793 Daring 135 Dawn 9 Encore 572 Eric 498 Esther Buhne 245 F. A. Kilburn 458 F. M. Slado 560 Gleaner 392 Glen 121 Glendalo 281 Guide 137 Harriet G 188 Heather Homer 331 17.0 Hunter 52 10.4 Ida McKay 178 S.G Ida Schmayer 204 9,4 Raymond 471 13.0 Redondo 462 11.5 Repeat 410 12.0 Reta 18 4.9 Robarts 24 6.5 Sampson 1S9 15.6 Snusalito 326 10.0 Scotia "132 9.5 Sea Rover 116 15.0 Sequoia 25S 12.0 Signal 392 13.8 Sophie Chrlstonson ...570 Tamalpals 422 Thos. L. Wand 13.4 13.0 t Traveler 72 10.7 Triumph 27 8.0 Volunteer 542 12.0 Washcaloro 303 10.0 Wawona 413 12.3 Wizard 69 11.4 Commercial Statistics. Tho .following commerce was carried by vessels across the bar at tho ontranco to Coos Bay during the year ending December 31, 1906: Articles. Inb'nd. Outb'nd. Tons. Tons. Chittlm bark 46 1,775 Coal 2 40,033 Cord wood 70 Dnlry produco .... 28 373 Eggs 7 Fish 3S9 100 Fruit 433 215 Grain 1,320 250 Hay GO 45 Laths 139 Livestock ..,...,, 3 4 Lumbor Ill 93,454 Machinery S37 Match wood Miscellaneous 26,279 270 15,2 IS 709 Piles Railroad cars 900 Railroad iron 337 Shingles Vegetables 108 Woolon goods 34 Total 30.914 153,541 Number of passcngors arrived by sea, 4.6S0; departed by sea, 4,352; total, 9,032. " , s Advertise! r I We have the goods, we have the prices, we want your business, we can satisfy you, we want you to see our stock, we bought our goods to sell, we believe in advertising, Money Statement. July 1, 1906, balance unexpended $ ZD,o01.53 Amount appropriated by river and harbor act, approved March 2, 1907 26,801.53 June 30, 1907, amount expende'd during fis cal year For works of improve ment For maintenance of improve- ' ment $1,525.54 July 1, 1907, balance 1,525.54 unexpended 25,275.99 July 1, 1907, outstand- ing liabilities 50.00 July 1, 1907 , balance available 25,225.99 July 1, 1907, amount covered by uncom plete contracts Amount (estimated) required for comple tion of existing pro ject $1,741,412.20 Amount that can be profitably ex pended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1909, in addition to the balance un expended July 1, 1907 For works of improve ment $ For maintenance of im provement $ ? Submitted in compliance with re quirements of sundry civil act of June 4, 1897, and of section 7 of the river and harbor act of 1899. Appropriations. March 3, 1897 ? 40,000.00 March 3, 1881 30,000.00 August 2, 1882 30,000.00 July 5, 1884..' 30,000.00 August 5, 1886 33,750.00 August 11, 18S8 50,000.00 Sept. 19, 1890 125,000.00 July 13, 1892 210,000.00 August 18, 1894 95,000.00 Juno 3, 1896 95,000.00 March 3, 1899 150,000.00 Juno 13, 1902 50,000.00 Received from other sources 2G4.04 Total $939,014.04 April 5, 1905, allotted to Coos River 3,000.00 Aggregato J93G.014.04 FOR RENT 3 largo unfurnished rooms, $12 month. 2 furnished bedrooms, each $5 month, phone 21. 1 t. Tho management of the Crystal in tho future will have but three matinees a week Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturdays, commencing at 4 p. m. PER MONTH KEEPS YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, PRESSED AND REPAIRED. Phone 1444. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM Next door to Dow's Warehouse Front Street. Ladies' Work a Specialty. Th IKt'IIVtVm--"-'liniJmiKM.'!BtkMIIMUimtAWimAKaXBBK MAN or MAN THE HOUSE Electric Power &-3Bssm&m:i Cook Ite Electric I Marshfleld Skating Rink I I NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS I 1 L. D. AVERYManager I mtmttttttmmnjmmmtmttmmttttit HANSEN & BRENW0LD DEALERS IN HAY, GRAIN and PEED Agents for Watkins Celebrated Remedies 8 PHONE 691 f.VJI3'fiafmJLhfl&ifcJI "CRYSTAL" SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY 3:30 FOR WOMEN and CHILDREN No WO Who does not feel bet ter pleased when they get VALUE RECEIVED when they make a pur chase of any kind, That is what they al ways get when they patronize us, Try our MEN'S CLOTHING NECKWEAR SHIRTS UNDERWEAR SHOES and HATS. OF QUALITY. and Flatirons 9 & COR. 4th and QUEEN COOS BAY with Gas Bay Gas MONUMENTAL WORKS We guarantee better work at loirer prices, than can be had else-rnicre. Do not order monumental work until yon have SEEN US F. M. Stewart Corner 3d & D Sts. Phone, Main 1731 Notlco to Bidders. Notice is hereby given that bids will bo received by tho common coun. ell of tho city of Marshfleld, Coos county, Oregon, up to Wednesday, the 10th day of October, 1907, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. for tho Improve ment of that portion of Front street in E. D. Dean & Co's second addition to tho town of Mnrshlleld, Coos county, Oregon from tho north lino of D street to n point 75 feet south of tho south lino of C street, occording to tho plans nnd specifications there for prepared by tho city engineer and on fllo In tho office of the re corder. Dated this 11th day of October, 1007. J. M. Upton, Recorder. t To whom It may concern: No tlco is horeby given that tho building material department of my business has been sold to tho Murphy-Dow 'Building Material Co. All accounts duo mo previous to tho change nro payable at my office. I will pay all outstanding bills up to and Including; Oct. 5. This change In no wise af fects tho firm of P. S. Dow, coram!. slon merchant, who will still do busi ness at tho same old stand. F. S. Dow. i i ii Business Directory Doctors. DB. -. W. INGRAM Physician anf Burgeon. Offlc over Sengstncken's Drug Btor. Phone Office 1621; residence 781. Lawyers. J. W. BENNETT, Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshfleld, - Oregon Francis II. Clurko Jacob M. Blako Lawrence A. LHJcqvIst CLARICE, BLAKE & LILJEQVIST, ATTORNEiTS-AT-LA'W Times Building, Marshfleld, Oro- United States Commissioner's Offico. c. f. Mcknight, Attorney at Law. Upstairs, Bennett & Wal'er Blocte Marshfleld, - - Oregoo COKE & COKE, Attorneys at Law. Marshfleld, - - - - Oregon Nasburg Block. Phone 810 J. E. OAYOU, Architect Estimates furnished for all kinds of buildings. Marshfleld, : : Oregon. A. II. Eddy Architect Mddern cottages a specialty. Office opposite Blanco Hotel, Over Tele phono Building. MB. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds. Phone 1884, Styles are now on exhibition at this store. Always aiming to lead in the matter of now ideas, we can show you tho greatest stock of up-to-date suits, cravenottes and overcoats for men and young men ever brought to this city. You will find hero the newest conceptlons In fall clothes a class of apparel which no other store can show you. We featuro Adler's Collegian Clothes mid tho styles for full wear are In a class by themselves. Fall Planz & RoSandson . Saochl's Buildliig.'and'strwt 'j ri Ufa ijAJfaiLa.. Wg.TK' V - J.