The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 15, 1907, TUESDAY EDITION, Image 3

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    ""' Vltf n i ! wi itmut ns-iriK - t .
i l"M lM I II IW milllllll III iihiiib, i II i pn
- i
Line of
Misses' and
, t
ever Displayed
b the Bay.
Call and
Inspect our
Stock, it will
be Worth
your While.
Personal Notes.
Virgil Pugh was hero from Em
pire yesterday.
Hurt Harrison of Myrtle Point, Is
a Marshfleld visitor.
L. D. Kinney, of Plat P., was In the
city yesterday.
John Whohrey, a Myrtle Point citi
zen, Is In Marshfleld.
C. G. Burggraf, the architect, re
turned yesterday to Albany.
Joe Bledsoe, of Coqullle, Is in
Marshfleld for a short stay.
H. C. Dicrs, of North Bend, was a
business visitor In Marshfleld yester
day. Miss May WIckham, of Coqullle, Is
a guest of her sister, Mrs. Nels Os
mundson. Attorney B. II. Smith, of Plat B,
was transacting business In Marsh
fleld yesterday.
E. Huntley came over from Myr
tle Point yesterday and will remain
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Pratt, who
have been here for a couple of weeks,
will leave for Portland today.
Mrs. J. E. Cooper left yesterday to
spend two weeks with friends and
relatives at Albany and Portland.
Mr. Enoch Holmberg, of Minneso
ta, has accepted a position with the
C. A. Smith company as Invoice clerk.
Mrs. E. A. Beckett, who has been
with Marshfleld friends for some
time, will return to Coqullle this
Miss Elsie Hall, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Hall, is able to be
about the house after a siege of two
weeks with appendicitis.
G. M. Hallam. of New York City,
Is on the bay and will spend some
titme in looking over the country's
M?. Nelson, a Chicago bookkeeper,
has arrived here to take charge of
the books for the local trade of the
C. A. .Smith company.
Dr. A. E. Irving of Los Angeles,
and his brother, J. J. Irving, of Bel
Hngham, Wash., are here to look
over the country and perhaps locate.
Mrs. R. A. Church, of Coos Blver,
passed through Marshfleld yesterday
on her way 'iorae from a visit of
two weeks w lth her brother at North
Mr. Slmonson, of Boise, arrived
here yesterday to take charge of the
Coos Bay Gas & Electric company's
office, just established on Virginia
avenue in North Bond.
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Harvey arrived
yesterday on the Alliance. Mr. Har
vey recently wont to Grants Pass, the
home of Mrs. Harvey, where they
were married, and have since been
spending a wedding trip in Oregon
and California.
Mr. Valller, of Portland, has been
engaged on the local railway and has
rented a part of the Carleton house
for his sister and mother who ar
rived yesterday on the Alliance. Mr.
Carleton and his niece occupy a part
of the house, which formerly be
longed to Dr. Prentiss.
A. H. Eddy for plans and speci
fications of your new home.
The following report on Coos Bay
was furnished the Marshfleld Cham
ber of Commerce by Col. Roessler.
It includes data on the recent survey
made by Engineer Carroll. of tho
Coos Bay Is a tidal es"tuary on
the Pacific' coast In Oregon, about
400 miles north of San Francisco,
Cal. Except Humbolt, it is tho
principal harbor between, tho mouth
of the Columbia river and San
Francisco. Before Improvement the
obstructions consisted of tho usual
bar in the ocean at the entrance of
the bay and of shoals Inside the
bay near Its entrance formed by
sand which blows down the beach
during northwesterly winds. The
depth of the ocean bar was often
but 10 feet at low tide.
Tho original project for the im
provement of Coos bay received
the approval of the secretary of war
November 14, 1879. It provided
for tho construction of a jetty
from a point about 250 yards below
tho southern extremity of Fossil
Point, on a line toward the east end
of Coos Head, this line curving so
as to be directed at its outer end to
the head, or a little north of it,
tho structure to be of wood and
stone, or stono, as should bo found
best. The estimate cost was ?G00,
000. The amount expended on tho or
iginal project was 213,750, with
which 1,700 feet of timber crib and
rubble-stone jetty was built.
.Tho existing project, adopted by
act of congress approved September
19, 1890, is that of a board of en
gineers dated October 27, 1889, and
It approved for obtaining and main
taining a channel 20 feet deep at
low -tide through tho ocean bar 'at
the entrance to tho hay by confin
ing the entrance between two hlgh
tldo 'rubble-stono jetties, the north
Jetty to be 9,000 feet long and tho
south jetty 4,200 feet long.
The estimated total cost of the
existing project, exclusive of tho
amount expended on tho origi
nal project, is ?2,4GG,412.20. The
amount expended thereon up to
tho close of the fiscal year ending
Juno 30, 1907, is $090,988.05, of
which $171,988.05 was for main
tenance of Improvement.
The expenditures on this im
provement to 'date have resulted In
the construction of tho submerged
Jetty" near. Fossil Point under the
Bandon, October 12.
Charles Stauff and wife of Marshy
field are Bandon visitors today.
J. S. Barton, the abstractor, was
In town yesterday on business.
E. R. Colgan Is here this week In
the Interests of the Order of Red
men, seeking to organlzo a local
James P. Olson, who recently pur
chased Ed. Rockleff's mercantile
business at Langloln, Is calling on
business associates In Bandon today.
O. A. Huston returned .yesterday
from the bay where he has been
ppendlng a short vacation.
The new steamer Bodowln, Cap
tain J. W. Maloney, left yesterday,
Mrs. Maloney and their little daugh
ter accompanied him on the jnitlal
trip. The vessel Is being towed to
San Francisco where her boilers and
machinery will be Installed.
Buy Business Establishment.
W. II. .Kennedy and J. H. Hllde-,
brant, twb of Marshfleld's enterpris
ing young men, have purchased the
Arago Soda Works and will conduct
tho business hereafter. They intend
to keep up the reputation of the es
tablishment and will add to the busi
ness as occasion demands.
Something in the Air.
A conference of several days has
been In progress between L. D. Kin
ney and F. B. Wnlte, and though
nothing it given out, It Is expected
there will be some new developments
In Plat B properties very soon.
Will Build n TTonic.
Fred Holm will soon commence
tho erection of a two story eight
room house in South Marshfleld.
Rates; ."c line first time, 3c lino
each succeeding insertion .
Try a Times want ad.
ROOMS Parties having rooms to
let can keep them occupied by giv
ing terms and location to Stuts
man Real Estate Co.
WANTED 100 cords alder wood.
Apply at Excelsior mill.
LOST Pair rimless gold glasses.
Leave at Times office.
FOR RENT Small cottage, fur
nished. Apply to Mrs. George N.
WANTED One dining room girl,
Hotel Oregon.
WANTED Carpenters, Tuesday or
Wednesday next; good wages;
steady work. Apply at office of
A. H. Eddy, architect, opposite
Blanco hotel.
WANTED Bids for building addi
tion to store. Gow Why.
FOR RENT Half a store with nice
large windows. Call at Taylor
Piano House.
LADIES wishing sowing done call on
Mrs. T. Nussel, Pine Street.
WANTED Good building lot or cot
tage. Coos Bay Auction Co.
For Sale Or exchange, a skiff.
Coos Bay Auction Co.
FOR SALE Billiard table. Apply
Bob's Billiard Parlors.
FOR RENT Elegantly furnished
housekeeping and bed rooms close
In. Reasonable. Coos Bay Auc. Co.
FOR RENT Bluo and red room,
sulto of parlors and buffet kitchen
In newly furnished and strictly
modern Arlington House. Plumb
ing of tho best. Call at Times of
fice PARTNER WANTED In gilt odgo
boarding and rooming house, guar
anteed income. Coos Bay Auc. Co.
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Mrs. H. H. McPherson.
WANTED Girl to work out of
school hours for board In small
family. Apply Times office.
WANTED Ten men for work on
First Trust & Savings building,
corner First and C streets, Marsh
fleld; ?3 per day of 9 hours.
FOR SALE Household furniture.
Inquire Times office, or phono 887.
WANTED Girls to sow ticks, etc.
Mattress Factory. Apply Coos
Bay Bedding & Upholstery Com
pany, Broadway.
FOR RENT Threo largo unfur
nished rooms. Phono 21.
Steam Dye Works
C Street
Lulled nmUients' gat m-ntc clean
ed or dyiM.
Philip Becker, Proprietor .
Manufacturers of Show Cnsc,
Bunk, Store mid Office Fixtures.
AVood Carving n ppeclnlty. Ite
pair work promptly nttended to.
North Bend, Oregon
You may sUrt an account In thh bant with
any amount you wiiJi over $ 1 .00. Send ehrck,
money order, expreM order or by rcjuteredleiVer
and by return mail you wi'I receive your bank
book. We pay 4c7o interest and compound it
twice a year: on June 30 and December 31.
Capital and Surplus
Over 33tOOOtOOO.OO
Tot I Afjeti
Over $12,000,000.00
Send for our Booklet on Banking by Mail
M. P. Pendergrass, Master
and 10:30 a. m., and 1:00, 2:30
and 4:00 p. m.
Leaves North Bend at 8:15,
9:45 and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45,
3:15 and 5:00 p. m.
Makes dally trips except Sun
days. Fare: One way, 15
cents; round trip, 25 cents.
Loaves Marshfleld 7:30. 9:00,
Half Hour Schedule
Rm Between Marshfleld nd North
Bend Made in 12 Minutes.
Private Lnn flings.
Fnroi Ono wuTt 15c; roimfl trip, xSt.
J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor.
and Navigation Co.
THE C. B H. & E. It. R. & N. CO.
Subject to change without notice
No. 1.
Dally, ex,
No. 2.
0: 00a.m. IMarsh'd
Lv. 9:45a.m. Coqullle
Ar.10: 20a.m. IMyrtle Pt!Lv.lO:45a.m
Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally
F. A. LAISE, Agent.
Bank of Oregon
Capital Stock fully paid up
$50,000 ,
Transacts a General Banking
North Bend,
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4" 4 4
Is now opi l for reception of
pupils. Tarlora over Taylor's
Piano Store.
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Pull the
Wet Your Whistle Then Blow
J. R. HERRON, Prop.
Pront Street, I i Mart hfleld, Orefon
.a iUiUHyiHiAiiwFiniinixsiieur4UUArrriH
miBADt Jam
One of the Largest Shipments of
Pianos Ever Landed in Marshfield, at
one time.
The Plant has n lnrge consignment of Pinnos for the Taylor
Plnno House. This will give ub the best selection of High Grade
Instruments that has ever been seen in your city at ono time.
Amongst the lot are AVebers, llurdtimns' Hobnrt M. Cable, Mni
Bhnll & Wendells, Price & Tecple, Bailey and other popular
If you are anticipating the purchase of a piano within tho
near future and will take the time to visit our store this coming
week you will be convinced at a glance that wo nro giving tho
greatest value that has ever been offered in the plnno market,
und nlso sell them on the easiest possible terms.
AVo will appreciate your call, whether you nre in tho mar
ket or not. Wo received today llSO records of tho very latest se
lections, which we arc nlwnys willing to piny for our visitors. A
full line of Victor and Columbia Talking Machines sold on easy
payments if desired.
! Taylors fiaeo House
The Coos Bay Times,
A Good Talking Machine, value . . 25.
Six Standard Records, value .... 3.60
Total Worth $33.60
All For Only $25.00
' 91.00 a week pays the cost
By subscribing to tho Coos Bay Times for ono year you can obtain
a regular $25.00 hlghgrado Talking Machine and sis records of your
own selection Included. Amount saved to you Is $7.40. This ia
tho best combination offer and the most popular over made to tho
C003 Bay readers. Open only to thoso subscribing to tho Daily,
Delivery Is .promptly made upon payment of 2.00. Thereafter
$1.00 a week until the contract, is completed. Send in your order
at once. Call, phono or write. &3
Taylor's Piano House,
Coos Bay Times Office,
Marshfiefd, Oregon.
0j3rzKarM3USi ;
Come See
We Have
e ivmhu-u-us
Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens the best on the market
absolute guarantee, for sale at the
- - RED CROSS - -
1 year . . . $ 5j
- Phone 1331
i gT-'wwffftHfl wi ikannwrr
and What
To Eat
b u vxifj
(Continued on page four.)