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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1907)
riw- j-yjiiiwww-'jo"MWiKJwawiwJj t JSfc THE DAH-Y CQOS'BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1907. 41 ' il -.1 n.ii m& tmv n-nraer A Hj This is a bona-fide proposition, and the first in the history of Marshfield We are compelled to do it not because we need the money, not because our goods are damaged, but because we are compelled to ...MOVE OUT.... A Large Discount . on every ' piece of goods in the house We must vacate by the first of November If you want a Genuine Bargain with no strings to it come and see us "THE PLACE THAT SAVED YOU MONEY" -Frank Tucker, Captured at Sumpter, Says Miner Killed ex-Sheriff. Wilson had about $700 on his per son, and offered me $100 to help him. I left Baker City for fear Wil son would kill me. I think Wilson has escaped to Colorado. Ho was raised in Linn CQynty." Tucker too is a member of the Western Federation of Miners. He Is slightly under medium height, light complexioned and aged about 30. He is being taken to Baker City. ' )iSife9j!pB NITRQ-GLYCERIN WAS USED Guilty Mnn Has Made His Escape- Formerly Lived in Linn County. Sumpter Or.. Oct. 11. Frank "Wilson, born and raised in Linn county, Oregon, and now a member of the Westorn Federation of Minors is the probable assassin of ex Shorlff Harvoy K. Brown, of Baker City, according to a confession mado this morning by Frank Tucker. Tucker Is the laboring man arrested yesterday at Granlto becauso of statements made while drunk. Wilson, Tucker says, asked him i to assist in tho assassination of Brown. Tho motive was alleged enmity on Brown's part toward the federation. Tuckor says ho rofnsod, though offored ?100. Yesterday, however, ho is quoted as saying ho was within 40 yards of Brown's homo when the bomb was sot off; that tho oxplosivo used was njtro Klycerluo, and that after the explo sion ho fled to tho depot and mado his way up tho Sumpter Valley lino to Austin und Granlto. Today ho says ho left Baker City directly nftor tho alleged offer of Wilson and before tho assassination, "I mot Wilson at Huntington, bo foro tho killing of Brown, and wo camo togothor to Baker City," said Tuckor this morning. "Wo campod near tho railroad for two or threo days, and Wilson asked mo to help put Brown out of tho way. I re fused. "Then I got frlghtonod and loft town. I passed through Sumpter to Austin, thon wont to Granlto. Later I hoard of tho killing. "I think Wilson did It. H0 said Brown was an onemy of tho Western ;JfiedlerUon and should bo killed. Special matinee this afternoon at tho Crystal for women and child ren at 3:30. WILL II Consul for Oregon, Washington and Idaho Says He Will Resign Consulship. GERMANS LOSE OCEAN SUPREMACY AGAIN Now York, Oct. 11. New York welcomed tho reoord breaking Lus ltanla as she swung into her dock bearing tho title of "Queen of the Seas," wreste'd from her German rivals. Threo hundred and twenty three firemen, under orders to work to their limit, fed Into th0 furnaces between 950 and 1,000 tons of picked British Navy Welch coal each day in order that this result might bo obtained. On Tuesday night, tho officers gave each fireman a bottle of alo In appreciation of their efforts. The next day tho Lusltania broko all records by reeling off G27 knots and mado an hourly record of 21.7G knots. CHICAGO WINS THE THIRD GAME TROUBLE SEEMS LOCAL RICH OLD-TIMER'S SON A MURDERER Charlie Churchill Quarrels With liny Zlegler, Gets Gun, Kills. Portlaixl Chinese Would Force IUs Itctiremcnt New Minister Not Friendly. Detroit Seemingly Outclassed, ns She Yet To Wiu a Game. Detroit, Oct. 11. In tho first game of tho series on their own grounds, tho Detroit American Leaguo team was beaton this after noon by a score of C to 1. It was a well deserved victory for tho Chicago team ns they played superior ball throughout tho game. It was anything but baseball weather, tho tomporaturo ranging between 4C nnd 50. Sovornl showers foil durlnc tho Bamo, one heavy enough to cnuBo a 1C minutes' intermission. TJio nttondnnco was 11,300. Thoro aro threo games to playcmfwypcmf nro throo moro games to play. De troit bus lost throe and tied one. WANTED Strong boy to learn tho printing business on night work. Apply to Haley, this office. Portland, Or., Oct. 11. Moy Back Hin, Imperial Chinese consul for Washington, O.regon and Idaho, announced that ho will tender his resignation. Moy states that it i,s tho custom when a change of Chinese ministers occurs In a country for tho Chinese consul to tender their resignations. He stated ho could not say whether he will be reappointed or not.Moy Back Hln's tenure of of fice has extended over the past two years and has been fraught with dissension between himself and his followers and factions antagonistic to him. Efforts by Moy's opponents have been mado to rorce his resig nation and nt ono tim0 matters be came so threatening that in tho con sul's opinion is was necessary to ap peal to tho pollco for protection. Moy's resignation, 4n view of the efforts mado to have him ousted, Is regarded In a different light by those factions among Chinamen who oppose him, these openly declaring ho re signed to forestall his removal by Wu Ting Fang, who Moy's enemies de clare, Is hostllo toward Moy. North Yakima, Oct. 11. The shooting of Kay Zlegler by Charlie Churchill last night aroso from an ordinary barroom quarrel in the afternoon. Following this, Church Ill went home and got his gun. In the evening he met Zlegler on Front street. Zlegler had apparently for gotten the trouble In the afternoon and mado an attempt to speak to Churchill, who pulled his gun and at a distance of four or five feet, fired twice into Zlegler's body. Zlegler dropped, dying instantly. fill I11lll111 flnrl Intn 4-fm onlnnn w.iu.viwat .iu iuiu mo Daiuui. pursued oy iwo policemen, out tne fugitive escaped through the back door and vanished. An hour later he surrendered to Policeman Storey at the old Churchill home. When arrested ho shed tears and declared he fired In solf-defense, but this Is denied by a number of eyewitnesses. Churchill Is a son of tho late Al Churchill, an oldtlmer and one of tho wealthiest men of tho city In his lifetime. RAILROADS INTEND TO SEEK REVENGE Chicago, Oct. 11. After a dis cussion, it was tho consensus of opinion of transportation officers at a meeting hero today that It would bo useless to put in effect tho usual round trip fares this winter and next spring Jn an attempt to popu late tho trans-Mississippi territory. Inadequate facilities to handle the present business Is tho reason. MANAGER OF GREAT NORTHERN RESIGNS St. Paul, Oct. 11. The Dispatch says today that from a source of un questionable reliability, It is learned that General Managor Ward, of the Great Northern today tendered his resignation. It Is nlso learned that at a meeting of the board of direct ors which Is' being held at tho Great Northern headqunrters here simult aneously with tho stockholders meet ing In New York, that other import ant changes in the official register will bo made. No confirmation or denial of tho statement of tho above could bo obtained at tho Great Nor thern ofllces, but tho Information came in such a manner as to make confirmation almost unnecessary. Toys at Prentiss & Co.'s. Mulal llnflg Strengthened. Tangier, Oct. 11. The power of Mulal Haflg who has been proclaimed sultan In tho south, has been greatly strengthened In that part of Morocco by the declaration of tho Ultomas or Holy Men at Fez, that he has moro moral right to tho throno than Everybody One of the Largest Shipments of Pianos Ever Landed in Marshfield, at one time. Piano House. This will give us tho best selection of High Grade Instruments thnt has ever been seen in your city nt ono time. Amongst tho lot nro Wcbers, Hnrdmans' Hobnrt M. Cable, Mar shall & Wendells, Trice & Teeple, Bulley nnd other popular makes. . Tho Plant has n lurgo consignment of Pinnos for tho Taylor If you are anticipating tho purchase of a piano within tho near future and will take the time to visit our store this coming week you will bo convinced at a glnnco that wo nro giving tho greatest value thnt has ever been offered In the piano market, und also sell them on tho easiest possible terms. Wo will npprecinto your call, whether you aro lii tho mar ket or not. Wo received today 250 records of tho very Intcst se lections, which wo nro always willing to play for our visitors. A full lino of Victor and Columbia Talking Machines sold on easy payments if desired. Taylor's Piano House A Jk BROADWAY Abdul Azis, tho sultan of Recard. This coupled with tho approach of Mulal Hang's army upon Fez, argues speedy capitulation of tho northern capital, YOUIt DESIRES ARE BEST OBTAINED THROUGH THE MEDIUM OP A TIMES WANT AD. . i A Nl 9 M.Tk AiJk - r-3.'.'CAitoai, gjLjgjjg.gfe'jl'J''. &&!,' v. -" ' bwww wiamusammt umr- "' "MMBrMBMi "' ' Ef&h'yMr ftikdMi mTilVfa.lihttiifiw'-,- " i- lAi iLtf ( a rlgHr IUflK