iiinw iHi'tiiiwiwiwutiimi n nrnwuMnjm 1 1 'f 11 1 r fi "W hiT61! w" ' "T1' " ""' ' T" ntm)i'ww r ?'- xg- !.'i THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1907. nil 1 iT, 1 1 1 1 11 ii ii !$ - YiSS M M m. 3 )i"M: .1 fs Bay Times risKDKNT nKPcn' ' M "nrs'ArBn III EVEItr IJAV EXCBPTINO MON- ALHO WKEKLY HY imm I5. Times 1'oiiLrsm.so Co. fie policy of The Cooa Bay Times i be Republican in politics, with the dependence of which President noose- It is the leading exponent. Entered at tho postofflcc at MarshflcM, Ore- ;on, for lra!ismislou through tue mails as fiecond clussmnllJmiitUT. SinSSCKU'TlOX HATES. In Aflnnce. DAIIjY. Ono year $5 00 Six months $2.50 Loss than C months, per month ."30 weekly. Ono year $1.50 Local readers 10c line first inser tion; Sc lino each succeeding inser tion. Address nil communications to COOS BAY TIMES BarsMieid. ... Oregon. A NEW CITY CHARTER. Nearly everybody in Marshfield Tocognlzes the necessity of adopting a wvr city charter. The progressive members cf tlie city government who aro certainly having some knotty problems pieseutetl for their solu iion, aro nearly all about ready to jet a new suit, so to speak, and throw aside the old suit which, in addition to being quite worn out, is altogether too stun 11 to allow the municipal lungs to expand in the ample process of breathing. But when it comes to adopting a new charter it is quite important to con fflclor a few tilings. Tiio first thing to consider is that forth Bend needs a new charter, too. Tho next thing, and far more im portant than the first, is that if Coos Bay weren't hero there 'wouldn't bo any Marshfield or North Uend, and there wouldn't need to lie any. It follows that tho first, last and everlasting thing that North Bend and Marshfield -should keep be fore them in every act which they fo, is tho well being and Improve ment of tho bay by and through an.d in account of which they live and movo and have their being. Now the Supremo Court has rendered a de cision lately which should make the peninsular cities stop and think. That decision means that tho cities of Coos Bay aro a law unto them selves nnd that Coos Bay people have no business to look beyond their own powers, to provide themselves with ihe necessary machinery to care for inefr Ilfo-giver, the Bay. In other words if Marshfield gets a now charter It should mako a mil arfcfpal harbor commission ono of its rtlef features. North Bend should So tho same. Tho charter should jirovido for tho raising of money to yrovfde towage, to improvo tho chan nel and water front, to dredge and 1o police tho harbor. It Is entirely within tho municipal powers of llarehflcld. North Bend should do alio same. But oven tho suggestion ! this all important matter shows low vital it is for these two cities to unite NOW. How absurd it is to arrango to Improvo tho harbor wlth 3n the smnll area which each can control. Tho only true policy FOE 3IARDOR PURPOSES is to consoli date all tho territory In tho vicinity tif tho navigablo waters including flirty squaro miles and mako ono xrcat district which shall exorcise .municipal powers. By doing this no kpart of tho bay can bo abused for harbor commission can control ill. IjAUCK I'OWKHS. Whatever may bo tho general -raluo of Oregon's initiative and rof vromlum In connection with stato legislation generally, it Is ono of tho raost fortunnto things concelvablo 'for tho peoplo of Coos Bay that tho constitution of tho btato has been amended in that respect. It may bo niiat tho suspicion of Coos Bay peo plo tiat Portland has been ablo In tiinou past to prevent legislation fav oring this localtt is groundlo3s, but 3f Coos Bny doesn't tako ndvantngo enf tho power which is now lodgod in "Aor hands to control her own affairs to a very largo and very Independent senee, thou sho can blanio nobody. Portland cannot control tho right of Coos Bay to loglslato for horsolf. "Yuo initiatlvo nnd referendum por KOto this dlBltict to solve its own pP'Jms of municipal control with out moking' tho nld of tho logisla tlve aiJuembly in nny rospect. Tlioy ?.ro no limit to tholr power except as tho criminal laws nnd tho consti pation of tho stato limit it. Thoy can Xa anything as cities which comes "within tho meaning of tho term "municipal powers" and thero is nothing which Coos Bay will ever need to do which exceeds such powers. In the case of Cook vs. the Port of Portland the Supreme Court of Oregon defines what municipal powers are and among them are all the powers which the Port of Port land received at the hands of the legislature in 1S91. In that case the court held that the people of the territory embraced within the dls-' trlct described could bo taxed to raise money to improvo tho navigation of the Columbia river, far beyond the limits of tho Port of Portland. This was regarded judicially as ot such great advantage to the city of Port land that It was upheld In very strong terms. But the .Coos Bay cities would have to exercise the same municipal powers as cities with charters providing for thorn. So necessary is it to undertake Ihe dredging of the harbor at once, that measures should bo taken to organ ize a city with tho municipal powers of the Port of Portland and the ini tiative and referendum should be in voked to accomplish so necesary a purpose. UNCLE SAM WILL DIG HIS OWN COAL Wnr Department Sending Party to Detelop the Island Deposits. San Francisco, Oct. 7. Uncle Sam is to undertake the mining of coal on his own account from deposits found on one of the southern Islands In tho Philippine group, and that fuel will form tho naval supply for a coaling station at or near Manila. Ralph John MacKenzie, mining ex pert for tho war department, is at the Fairmont hotel on his way to the Philippines. He will embark on the transport Sherman next Sat urday noon, accompanied by Mrs. MacKenzie, a beautiful San Francisco girl, and his staff of engineers. "These coal mines," said MacKen zie yesterday, "aro on the island of Batuan, about 200 miles to the northward of Manila. The coal is bituminous. Thero is one six foot seam and it is supposed to be a very cheap working proposition to mine it. I am going down there to open up the mine. We'll use Chinese and Japanese labor under American su pervision. ' "The government is shipping out a lot of machinery. It will go across on the next transport. My work will include tho opening and development of tho mine and the construction and Installation of the necessary landing places and buildings. I suppose it will bo two years before I return. "This is tho first time the govern ment has over undertaken tho min ing of Its own coal. We rather ex pect an additional appioprlatlon of $750,000 to establish a fine plant and Its accessories." STABBED TO DEATH IN PUBLIC STREET Sergeant Mclvniglit Killed in Se attle By Unknown Assassin. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 10 William McKnight, a Sergeant in tho United States Infantry, stationed at Fort LaWfon, was murdered this morning by a man or men, so far unknown to tho police. The assassin attacked McKnight with a knife while he was walking with Lizzie Bailey, and he had no chance to defend himself. Tho attack occurred near tho corner of Rainier boulevard and Atlantic btreet a few minutes before 4 o'clock this morning. McKnight died in the W.iysltlo Hospital at 9 o'clock this morning. Tho police are now mak ing a search for tho woman and Mc Knight's assailant. McKnight, In his nnto-morten statomont, said ho met tho woman at First Avenuo and Jackson street and was walking homo with her. At tho corner of Rainier boulevard and Atlantic street ho said two men who looked llko Italians approached him from tho rear. Ono of them without warning buried a knlfo in Mc Knlght's shoulder. Then as the sol dier turned around ho was stabbed In tho neck, nnd ns ho fell ho was stab led in tho loft side. To test advertising, a discount of ton per cont given Saturday and Monday on all purchases at Prentiss & Co.'s. to customers mentioning this ad. TO WED MAN SHE HAS NEVER SEEN Pasadena Wcimiiu Starts for Cana da to Mci'omo Wife of Stranger, Pasadena, Octobor 7. Mrs Esther Michener, a well-known woman nnd sister art U D. Paluter, proprietor of tho Iloutei La Plutoroscn, Btarted to- day for Ontario, Canada, where she Is to become the bride of a myster ious man she has never seen. Sho has corresponded with him for years, but his name only is known to her and members of the ramlly, and they have nothing to say about him except that he Is worthy of the trusting woman, who, without looking upon his face, Is willing to cross tho con tinent to give herself to him. The romance is said to be an extraordi nary one. Mr. and Mrs. Painter accompany her, and her sister, Mrs. Dr. J. C. Michener, also of this city, awaits her in Ontario to attend the wedding. Mrs. Michener Is a widow, her hus band having been killed some years ago in a railroad accident. Notice. Since tho first of the month Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cooper have taken charge of tho Garfield. The house has been thoroughly renovated and refitted throughout. MARKSMEN TO HOLD TELEGRAPHIC SHOOT Teams Consisting of Ten Crack Shots From Each Department to Be picked Distance 20 Yards. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 7. Sergeant Williams, captain of the crack police team of pistol marksmen, re ceived a letter today from J. A. Addleman, of Portland, Or., but formerly of this city, asking that arrangements be made for a tele graphic pistol shoot between a team of ten crack shots of the Cincinnati department and the same number of the Portland police force. Addleman writes that there are some crack shooters of the Portland force, who are anxious to lock horns with 10 good shooters of the Cin cinnati police force. Chief Milllken has given his consent and will com municate with Colonel Moore, Ore gon's Chief of Police. Sergeant will pick the 10 best shots In the depart ment to compete. The match will probably be at 20 yards and 20 shots to the man, or 200 shots In all. Would Sell Epidermis. New York, Oct. 7. Having lived for five weeks on a penny's worth of milk a day and tried in vain to And work that would enable her to sup port her baby, Mrs. Marguerlta Pas quan who said her husband had been secretary of the Italian Embassy in Vienna, today went to the Bellevue Hospital and offered to sell her skin for grafting purposes. For $30, she told the superin tendent, Mrs. Armstrong, she would sell as many Inches. When she was told there were no patients In the hospitals in need of cuticle, Mrs. Pasquan was In despair. She said she had walked the streets for flvo weeks In search of work, but could find none. PHONE 923 GOOD BYES Parents Should Know It is tho duty of parents to ascertain If tho eyesight of tholr children is perfect or defective. If they aro defective it becomes criminal neglect to refuse them pro tection from strain and norvo drain. Sine tlio Pieces. Wo can duplicate any broken lens you may bring us. F. J. HAYES Optometrist, Mnibhlleld, Ore. tfi ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. You may jtarl en account in thi tank wiih any amojnt ou wuh ovct $ I .00. SrnJ check, money of der, cxprcu order or by rcgwt efrdlettr i omlliy rrturnmail ou will ircrite our ban book. We pay 4'7i wteinl and compound il Imceaycar: onjune 30 and December 3 1 , Capital and Surplui Over $3,000,000.00 Tbtal Aueta Over $12,000,000.00 Send for our Booklet en Banking by Mail The Steamer M. F. PLANT Sails from San Francisco Tuesday 1 p. m. Sails from Xortii Bend Friday Xet. Xo reservation uill lie held after the arrival of hhlp unless ticket Is bought. RS DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : Portland & Coos Bay S S Line BREAKWATER Sails for Portland and Astoria every Thursday C. F. McCollum, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - - - A. St. Dock CURREN BROTHERS CONTRACTORS All Kinds of Work Done PHONES 543, 146 and 271 North Bend, Oregon Califorrtia and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance B. W. OLSON, Master. Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Soils from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. P. P. Boumgartner, Agt. L. W, Shaw, Agt. Couch St. Dook, Portland, Ore, Marehfiokl. Ore., Phono 441. WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKEN ADDITION BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are reasonable. Jfor particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. Wood Electric Fixtures It has become necessary to linvc wood electric light fixtures in order to lmve your npartnient in harmony. When your interior furnish- ings nil aro niado to mutch the effect is immense. Wo make them with nny fin- ish, color, and can s'vo you any stjlo or fittings you wish. The best homes are now being )lauuc(l with the wood electric light fixtures ns they aro as cheap and safe and results are as desired, besides no pollslilngs to do as on the metal. You will do well to see us or make inquiry of your electric supply house for plans nnd prices. AVc do all classes of specinl order work and repairing. Coos Bay Furniture Co. North Bend, Oregon. ojjm uures ougns, voias, vivoup, j-,a unppe, Astftma, Throat The Genuine i in and Lung Troubles. PrcventsPneumonia and Consumption yell'ow packaoi RED CROSS KHAR3IACY : : : OREGON AM) HiHiri Announcement Wo wish to nnnounco that our Marshfield plant with all new improved machinery is now ready for business, nnd thnt wo are in a position to give you prompt, as well as tho very best posslblo service. There's no economy In try ing to do work by hand thnt can bo better 'done by machin ery. "Blue Monday" with its steam, soap suds and hot stove nuisances can be nvolddd, and you can save money by sending the family washing to us. Phono 571 today. Our wagon will call. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Alarslifiehl and North Itend. KuKSraXHI Flanagan & Bennett Bank MARSIIFIFLU. OREGON. Uapital Hi! bfenbed (W,000 Capltnl 1'aiil Up J40.000 Undivided I'rolllh 35,000 noon a Rencral bniikliiR hu.ilno's and dr&vra ou the Hank ot California, San Frauolso CaJtI., First National Dank Portland Or., First National Bank. Koscbtirg, Or., Hanover Na tional Hank, New York, N. M. Kothohtld A Bon, London, Kngland. Alo fell change on nearly all tlie principal cities of Europe, Accounts kept subject to check, sato deposit lock boxes for rent at D cents a month or (5. & rear. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS QOW WHY Always has on hand a good stock of General Merchandise AT PRICES THE CHEAPEST All Kinds of Groceries and Clothing COOS BAY TKANSFKK & STOItAGU COMPANY. H. C. Ilreckcnridgc, C. II. Walters. All hinds of Transferlng and Job bing. Prices reasonable and Goods handled with care. Phono G61. CAB CALL SERVICE AT ANY HOUR GOOD HEARSE and VEHICLES. IIEISNEIt, JIIIiTiEIt & CO. Livery, Feed anil Snlo Stablo Third nnd A Ste. Phone, 1B01 Marshfield. mtmmtttummmmttttttrtttt; All Paris of the World Wg use the noccssory facilities for sending money to all parts of Hie world, and without danger or loss. .. .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY, Marshfield, Ore. wmmnnttmmtmmnmttj McPlierson Ginser Co. Wholesale liquor doalers Cigars and saloon sup plies. California Wines a Specialty Front St., Marshfield BLACKSMITH 4th and E St. G. E. NOAH G. 13. Noah hns just opened n first class blacksmith 6hop at corner of Fourth and E streets, South Mnrsh ticld. Patronage of public respect fully solicited. Horseshoeing a spe cialty. CONTAINS NOr HARMFUL DRUGS -JtATawLiig'y'',k ' '! i - IM -" ,. J 1