Wwrn mi. unn.i uwuoum i nwco, inHnnrici-u, uncuuiv, OUIVUHI , Ul lUDttl 0, i)l. E &$ 1 '-$ fas Br isi 1 w fi v X i MILLER ID LUX GOT REBATES Interstate Commerce Hearing Brings Out Fact of Cali fornia Rebating. IT INFLUENCED BUSINESS Reduction Induced Firm's Chief Ship by Southern Pacific Hearing Closed. to San Francisco, Oct. B. An un.- . . , ... successiui eiion was mauo oy Attor ney Dunno of tho Southern Pacific, to have Chief Traffic Agent Luce placed on the stand today at the close of taking testimony by Inter state Commissioner Lane. The com missioner mado Dunne's reason for doing so plain by saying: "If Mr. Luce was placed on tho stand at this time It might raise tho question of Immunity. It would be Improper and inexpedient at this time to give Luce the benefit of immunity." Dunne Bald Luco could make complete ex planation of special or Inside rates which had partly been made by J". O. Stubbs and pleaded at length that ltU.ce, bb sworn. -Commissioner Lane declined to administer the oath to Luce but said Luce could make a statement and it would be embodied In the record. Dunno would not agree to this, nor would he call the other assistant freight agents. "For," lie said, "knowledge of these mat ters alone rests In Luce." . Commissioner Lano said there were 50 or GO counts and possibly a 100 hundred involved In the inter state investigation, and criminal prosecution might ensue. Another sensational Incident ol the hearing occurred when John Bullen, one of tho. chiefs of the Miller nnd Lux com pany, asked for permission to take tho stand so as to amend his testi mony given yesterday. He then said lie got a reduction on tho published rate on local shipments since the Hepburn act. "And I must say," Jio added, "this Influenced mo to give our Interstate business to the South ern Pacific." After heaving tho evidence of their witnesses, several of whom admitted to receiving rates on shipments with in tho state, tho hearing closed. At the Churches. Methodic. Special evangelistic meetings will bo commenced in the Methodist church on Sunday evening, Oct. C. The meetings will commence every evening at 7:3U and will bo con ducted by Rev. C. M. VnnMarter, conference evangelist. The singing will be led by Rev. J. McDonald, who was one of tho Wilbur Chapman evangelists. Meetings will be con ducted every night of the week com mencing at 7:30 p. m., excepting Sat urday's. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to everybody to attend these services. First Presbyterian Chtirdi. Corner of A and Fourth streets. 10 a. m., Sunday school meets for Bible study; 1-1 a. m. morning wor ship with sermon by the pastor. Subject, "The Lost Chord;" 6:30 p. m., Christian Endeavor service con ducted by the young people. Topic, "Rally to the Work." 7:30 p. m. evening service. Good music. Preaching by the pastor, subject, "Stable Character." ' TOOKTHEGIR First Baptist. 10 a. m. Bible school, Alva Doll, superintendent; 11 a. m. sermon: "Wanted: Men;" 3 p. m. Bible school and preaching services at Mll llngton; 6:30" p. m. young people's prayer meeting, Homer Mauzey, leader; 7:30 sermon: "Remember Eternity." Special music by the choir at tho evening service Strang ers especially Invited to worship with us. Tuesday evening at 7:30 young people's Blblo study. Prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p. m. D. W. Thurston, Pastpr. Methodist Church. 10 a. m. Sabbath school; 11 a. m. sermon; 3 p. m. Junior League; 6:30 p. m. Epword League; 7:30 p. m. sermon. A special invitation Is ex tended to the public to attend these services. W. R. F. Browne, Pastor. Christian Science. Christian Science services will bo held in Rcdmon's hall Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject, "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?' A cordial invitation is extended to all. Episcopal. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; services at usual hour, both morning and evening. OF IN I L 8 DICES n ttnmmnntmtmttn mmtmtmmmttnn UIL 08 E3 Millionaire Parents Opposed Marriage, but Clarkson Was Helen's Choice. PARENTS WILL FORGIVE Thought Couple Hnvc Departed for Europe Are Equipped for Voyage. K2EE25 PLAGUE INCREASING. : San Francisco. Oct. 5".-r-To- day's health report shows the total of verified cases of plague to date as 57; deaths 32; cases discovered 2; remaining under treatment, 27. BROTHERLY LOVE GOES BY BOARD Massachusetts Democratic Conten tion Nominates Two Set of Officers for State Ticket. Now York, Oct. 5. Every mlto of the North Atlantic as far as wire less waves will reach Is being searched for a trace of Samuel Clarkson, a young Englishman and his bride, who was Miss Helen Ma loney, -daughter of Martin Maloney, the millionaire oil man. Tho couplo havo not been heard of since they came here on a shopping tour from tho summer home of tho bride's par ents at Spring Lake, N. J., two days ago. Instead of returning home tho young woman sent a message Inform ing her parents she had secretly married the man sho loved and that l when the message reached Spring Lake they would be on the water. BASE BALL SCORES. i Instantly a search for the young j woman, who is said to be one of Tacoma, Oct. 5. Tacoma 2, he richest heiresses In the world, Spokane, 3. . vas becun. Wireless messages have Catholic Church. Mass at 8:00 and 10:30. Four fine residence lots on Baines avenue, a graded street, lots cleared and graded fronting run east; will sell two or four, each !3UU Two level lots on the hill in West Marshfield, front ing south on B street; cocrk each ?OU Two lots on West Marshfield hill, level, cleared and fronting east with fine bay view, both ar together $900 90x100 feet on corner Washington, splendid prop erty for residences or apartments, , . at $2,Q00 Two lots fronting east on Broadway, be- ert tween California and Oregon, each JyOO One of the best business lots on Sec- & rn. ond street 30,000 Compare these prices with others same localities, in Oct. 5. Seattle 7, been sent to all outgoing steamers, rnhlo rnpRRnirPR linvo hpon con tn WILL RECEIVE MORE SUPPLIES ON ALIANCE The Oregon Electric and Sup ply company is now comfortably located In tho O'Connell building on A street and is ready to undertake anything In tho lino of electrical work. They are carrying a largo stock of every sort of fixtures and hnvo many more novelties on tho road, an order having left Portland last night on the Alliance This company lately purchased the sup plies which the Coos Bay Gas and Electric Company were handling and took over all work connected with the installing of appllacnes for the accommodation of electricity consum-i ers. They Intend to servo tho public with tho greatest promptness and tneir advertising which will com mence in tho Times next week will explain more fuly what they aro handling. Springfield, Mass., Oct. 5. Two conventions In session here today at the same time and in the same hall, each nominating a set of candidates for state offices, presented a situa tion unknown in Democratic politics In this state. Tho trouble was over the question of credentials, tho Whitney men claiming tho state committee had refused to recognize tho delegates elected at tho pri maries. The storm broke out when tho chairman of tho state commit tee who called the convention to or der, declared a Bartlett man tho choice 'for temporary chairman. Amid tho greatest confusion each crowd nominated a full stato ticket nnd adopted a platform convention Thayer announced he would not accept tho nomination for lieutenant governor on tho Bartlett ticket. Seattle, Butte 0. bua AiiBeies, uci. o. Los v j London and telegrams havo been Angeles 2, San Francisco 1. 4 dispatched to all points In America San Francisco, Oct. 5. Port- where it is thoueht the vniine om.nl land 6, Oakland 3. may navo gone The father and mother believe the elopers havo sailed for Europe. The father of the missing girl stated today that while he opposed their marriage at first, he is satfsfied now. He said the DELEGATES DROP INTO THE CELLAR . No matter what you want, we can suit you. And DON'T FORGET o t 130 Delegates in Convention Precipi- J'ounB couple aro well equipped for tutvd Into Basement by Col lapse of Building. I a European trip and suppose thev I plan to trayei, awaiting her parents' I action. Waterbury, Conn., Oct. 5. Dur ing tho Republican meeting in the north end of the city today, the club room floor collapsed, precipi tating 150 men into the cellar of the building. By the explosion of a lamp, the building was set on flro and the crowd of men struggled in the flames and debris almost help lessly. It is feared several were fa tally injured. PIPE ORGAN FOR THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PLATT WILL FIGHT MAE C. WOOD SUIT Says Woman Who Is Suing Him for Divorce Was Never Married to Him. Now York, Oct. 5. United Stntes Senator Piatt mntlo formal donlal that ho over married Mao C. Wood, who is suing him for divorce, alleg ing sho married him Nov. 9, 1001. Denial was mado In application in court today by his attorneys asking for nuthqrlty to examine cortaiu papers In tho enso. Tho senator, In his pstition, asserted that sho never mado tho claim of Bitch a marrlngo until December 24, 190G, but had, tried to extort money from him. Moro than threo yours after tho dnto on which sho nssorts sho was married to him, tho sonntor averred, sho was threatening to suo him for u breach of promlso and retained a law firm of Richmond, Va., to act for hor. The Presbyterian people held a successful and Interesting social at the church Friday night. The at tendance was large, and the receipts of the social amounted to a goodly sum. Among tho features of the ovonlng's success was tho raising of a fund for th0 purchase of a pipe organ for tho church. Tho organ In view Is a ?2,000 Instrument and of this fund, $1700 were subscribed at the meeting Friday evening. A largo delegation went over to tho social upon closing of the Chamber of Commerce meotlng nnd aided In tho festivities and subscriptions. Waterbury, Oct. I. The flro was extinguished within an hour and when tho men were rescued from the After the cellar it was found thnt one, Harry Dean, a well known Republican worker, was perhaps fatally Injured. Among those Injured were John E. Swell, Republican candidate for mayor, who had Just concluded speaking when the building col lapsed, and Senator Irving P. Chase, one of the prominent men In the city. 'STANDARD EMPLOYED INTERFERENCE TATICS AV. S. Tarbell, Brother of Ida M. Tar bell, Gives Evidence Before Oil Inquisition. FREIGHT IS CASH WITH THE STEAMERS The new order of things which went into effect with all the steamer lines which do the business between Coos Bay and San Francisco and Portland is causing some Inconven ience to the Marshfield business men. Everj thing In the way of freight which comes to the merchants must be paid for in cash before the freight will be released. This necessitates the draymen carrying around a big sack of cash, and they pay tho freight and then collect It from tho merchants when they deliver. Tho steamer officials say they havo adopted this system to save the ex pense of a collector, and besides they will save a number of dollars yearly which get away from them through poor collections. we are selling lots there every day, And all who see the property are pleased with it S. Kaufman & Co. Across from Chamber of Commerce. WOULD KEEP 'OTHER ROADS OUT OF OREGON Hurrlninn Trying to Appropriate All the Avnilablo Entry Ways Into the State. Tho Victor Talking Machine re cital given by tho Taylor Piano House last evening waB attended by a large assemblage of those who en Joy a musical treat. Tho selections were from such noted singer? as Emma Enmes, Ernest Caruso, Mme. Patti and Antonio Scottl. Myrtlo souvenir boxes, napkin rings and darnors nt Prontlss.' Johnson Not a Candidate. St. Paul, Minn, Oct. 5. Governor Johnson is out with a formal state ment to tho press that ho is not and has not boon a candldato for tho presidential nomiuntion. Ho also states that ho knows Bryan is and has been a candldato for that nomi nation for tho past threo months. You will always get the best eat at tho Pjilfu on Sunday evenings. r$G&XX$$$f&&&V$$$tt&QGGGi o McArthur's Pharmacy Song- Successor to Henry stneken. Respectfully call your at tention to tho fuct that tho storo is undor a now roan s' agement and prepared to tnko caro of all branches of S a first-class Drug Business, v PerecrlptlonB. Wo Wiuit Yonr Business. ?eoe04 New York, Oct. 5. W. S. Tarbell, tresurer of tho Pure Oil company and unuea states npo Liine company, was a witness today in the hearing of tho government suit to dissolvo the Standard Oil company and told of tho troubles of his two companies In their competition with the oil com bine. Tarbell said the Standard fought tho United States Pipe Lino nt every Btep to prevent it from reaching seaboard with its pipe line. Tarbell Is a brother of Miss Ida Tarbell, who has written extensively of the affairs of tho Standard. When tho pipe lino reached Handock In 1S9 4, tho Erlo railroad objected to it passing over its right of way at Wllkesbarre, and tho Pennsylvania and Lnckawana railroads tried to prevent tho lino from passing under their tracks. GOOD BYES Parents Should Know s . It Is tho duty of parents to ascertain jj,lf tho eyesight of their children Is it tney aro uerectlve it becomes criminal neglect to rofuso them pro tection from strain and nervo drain. Save tho Pieces. We can duplicate any broken Ions you may bring us. F, J. HAYES Optometrist, Marshfield, Ore. Portland, Oct. 5. Tho Oregonlan will say tomorrow that threo survey ing parties of tho Harrlman system recently have been run Into south eastern Oregon, these being In addi tion to the three Union Pacific par ties at work between Natron and Walker's range In the Cascade coun try, and another working between Klamath Falls and Lake View. The paper also will say that surveying parties from both the Union Pacific and Denver & Rio Grande lines aro being poured into northwestern Col orado, locating routes parallel to that of the Moffat route which Is building through that country Into eastern Utah. Tho Oregonlan do ducts from this that the Harrlman system proposes to put up a stubborn fight against both tho Gould and the Moffat roads gaining entry Into Ore gon by appropriating all the avail able routes. . r HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Whist Club Meeting. The Evergreen Whist Club met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. Haz ard, Tho first prize was takfyn by Mrs. C. W. Tower, and tho consola tion prlzo went to Mrs. J. T. McCor-mac. nuildlug a NcwUIoue. Harry Noblo Is building a seven room house on the lot bnck of his resldonco on Broadway, u will be occupied about tho first of Novem ber by a, Marshfield f3ally. Have You Ever Thoiight of Buying a Victor Talking c Machine? Perhaps you have. And did not want to spare tho ready money Wo aro selling Victor and Columbia Talking Machines on WEEKLY nnd MONTHLY installments. A few dollars down and one dollar per week and yoy will soon own your machine. An Evening at Home Wliat could please you better thnn a pleasant evening at home listening to tho very lntcst songs nnd tho best singers thnt money can hire. This is what you get in the Victor record. Wo always liavo the largest stock and the latest HITS OF THE SEA SON on hand. Give us n cnll and get our prices nnd terms. Taylors Piano House KTJI BROADWAY Waterman's Idea! foHBlaln Pens tfie best on the maricet absolute guarantee, for sale at the ...... -- RED CROSS -- A c - t i S t ? V Jm ,hi KPKf