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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1907)
1 THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1 907. , b i j PERSONAL MENTION. Miss I. Black was In Marsh Cold shopping Thursday. Mrs. Piper of North Bend was a city visitor yesterday. Miss Nellie Uooke was down from Coos Itlver yesterday. Miss Childs of North Bend was a city visitor yesterday. Mrs. Gage of Alicgany was here on business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. V. rugh weib visit ors In this city Thursday. Mrs. Nowlln, of North Bend was here with friends yesterday. Mrs. Schleffelo of East Marsh flold was here shopping Thursday. Miss Adelaide SImbaul is visiting in this city with 'friends and rela tives. Alfred Johnson, of tho Johnson Lumber Co., of Coqullle is in Marshfleld. 1 Mr. J. A. Matson, Or. Mingus and Mr. Green are spending a few days at Ten Mile. ' E. A. Beckett, of Coqullle, was in Marshfleld yesterday to look after e6me business affairs. Miss Nellie Bennltt returned to this city yesterday after having spent a few days at Coqullle. Wm, Shoup, who was appointed assistant night .officer, commenced his duties on the first instant. Miss Vivla Douglas and Miss Mar grot Shirley are spending a few days up Isthmus Inlet with friends. A. L. Peter, traveling from Port land, arrived in Marshfleld yesterday to call on his Coos Bay customers. Miss J. Furor returned to this city Wednesday after having mado an extended trip through California and Mexico. Messrs. Bloon and Chase return ed yesterday from North Inlet where they had line success while hunting and fishing. Mr. Chas. Anderson arrived in this city yesterday and will -remain through the winter. Mr. Anderson intends entering into business. J. G. Klllgreen contractor, and Mr. Wilson, architect of tho Coos building, are here from Portland and will remain for two weeks. Mr. B. A. I3sacs is making a busi ness tour of this section, and at present is in this city, tomorrow Mr. Issacs leaves for Coijullle and towns in that vicinity. Mr. Cliff Roland and sister Vic toria left yesterday for their home in Salt Lake City after having spent a pleasant summer on Coos Bay and surrounding country. Mr. Clifton Lea is spending a few ' days on North Coos River with friends, later on Mr. Lea intends to visit Smith Basin and enjoy hunt ing for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Spooner left on the Breakwater for "Jennings Lodge," one of Portlands' suburbs, after having spent a few weeks with relatives in East Marshfleld. Miss Enid Arley of Portland pass ed through this city on her way to Bandon -where she will remain a few days attending to business affairs. Returning from there Miss Arley will then go to Ten Mile for a weeks outing. Mr. Chas. Major Is visiting In this city for a few weeks. Mr. Ma jor's friends are endeavoring to pre vail upon his remaining here. If not successful in their attempts ho Will leave for his homo in Portland on the 25th of the month. Miss B. C. Lawver returned to this city yesterday after having ispent three weeks with friends ov iCoos. River. Miss Lawver intends l-eturning to her home in Los Ange les tomorrow, going by way of Rose- urg where she will remain a few 'ivs with friends thence going on ,'itli. Notice. .Since the first of tho month Mr. Airs. J. E. Cooper have taken of tho Garfield. Tho house tn thoroughly renovated and, jpmted'j throughout. M. FJ Conferneco Appointments. Portland, Oct. 1. Among tho pastoral appointments announced by Bishop Moore of the Methodist . i.j.. .- nr Tl Wnlllnc- sir cnurcn iuuuy i. - - - lr head, presiding elder of Portlard dis- trlCt; 1J. J. HDwmuu, jntsiuMia -.- If of Salem district; M. C. Wire, io- r siding elder of Eugene aiBtriii; a-hu- t rla, C. C. Rarick; seasiue, a. u. -.b- . i i. iiT tT CJrl r ner; Salem inrsi cnun-u, . n '. lock; Coqullle and Bandon, W. S. ? Cordon; Eugene, D. H. Trimble. Goes To Hospital. Joseph Mann, who has been night clerk at the Blanco for tho past year, went to the Mercy Hospital yesterday for treatment, Mr. Mann has made many friends during his Btay In Marshfleld, all ot whom will , ,,.i lonm of lilt speedy re- Wry. It is understock that his trouble Is not serious ami Uu ' ibe out shortly. I COAL OPERATORS GRANT INCREASE Montana Owners Raise AVngcs of Miners and Say There Is No Shortage. Helena, Mont., Sept. 30. Between 2400 and 2500 men In this stato and a number nearly as large In Wyoming will receive an advance in wages varying from 12 to 15 per cent, effective October 1. This, In essence, is the result of tho thr,eo weeks' conference In this city be tween tho operators and tho United Mine Workers for district No. 22, embracing the states of. Montana and Wyoming. Tho southern Wyoming wage scalejiad been agreed upon at a conference held In Denver in July. The scale Is to remain in effect one year. This will mean an advance in the cost of coal production to the oper ators of from 15 to 2 0 cents a ton, but It is not believed the retailers will increase their prices to the con sumers. In fact, as an indirect out come of the long conference, It is believed they will bo compelled to reduce their charges to the consumer. A prominent labor leader said today that a movement was on foot for the establishment of coal yards In Helena and perhaps other cities of the state, whereby they will essay to sell coal at more reasonable figures. He declared that Helena coal deal ers were making a profit of ?2,75 a ton on all coal handled by them, which is regarded as little short of outrageous. Several of the miners in attendance at the conference have splendid coal prospects and need only capital to make them shipping properties. This man said that all they wanted was a fair Income on the Investment and that they would cut out the retailers because of their alleged hoggishness in the matter. He mado a further charge that shipments of coal to tho city were being manipulated, so as to create the impression that there was a shortage all the time. At the con clusion of the conference with the miners, the orerators formed tho Montana Coal Operators' Association, which will treat with the men here after, Instead of compelling the In dividual operators to attend the con ferences. Notice to Mariners. San Luis Obispo, Calif., Oct, Z (List of Lights, Buoys and Dayrnark3 Pacific Coast, 1907, page 18.) Notice is hereby given that about October 25, San Luis Obispo Buoys Nos. 4, 5 and G, each a second class spar, will be established in San Luis Obispo Bay, California, to mark tho approach to Ollport Wharf. San Francisco Bay, California. (List of Light Buoys and Daymarks, Pacific Coast, pages 24, 25 and 28.) Notice is hereby given that the third-class nun buoy marking Anita Rock, San Francisco Bay, California, has been replaced by a second-class spar buoy, in IS feet of water, about 35 feet northeast from the shoalest part of the rock. Notice Is also given that Four and One Half Fathom Buoy, moored about 500 feet to the eastward of the Pacific Mall Wharf, and Castro Rocks Gas Buoy, moored about 500 feet southwest one half south from the entermost of the Castro Rocks, San Francisco Bay, California, heretofore reported extinguished have bpth been relighted. MAY CHECK THE JAPANESE TIDE Government Said to Have New Plan to Keep Out tho Undo- ( sirnblcs. Washington, Oct. 3. With the Japanese question uppermost In their minds, the president and his cabinet nave been discussing means for limiting immigration. More than 1,000,000 persons come to this coun try every year from the old world, and if all of them' were tho right sort all would bo welcome, for there la a dearth of white men to uo uie j world's work, but there is trouble for the government in tho undesira ble classes from Europe, Asia and Africa. How shall theso "undesira bles" be kept out? The president and his cabinet ad viora imvo had some discussion of tho possibility of limiting the num ber of immigrants mat woum uo ie ceived in any one year from each country. Those countries which are sending desirable Immigrants might be permitted to send as many as they wish to spate. Countries which send to the United States criminals and paupers, incompotents mollycod dles of various degrees might bo oln formed that they must find other dumping .grounds for such undesira bles. Perhaps congross might have to pass special legislation to compass I this end, and possibly the suggestion that certain countries were to uo uis- ,iminntPd ncalnst would prompt them to keep their undesirables at home without further action. PLAN BATTLESHIP OF GREAT SIZE Navy Department at Work on De signs of n Moiibtcr Fighting Machine. Washington, Oct. 2. In order to bo ready for anything which con gress may ask, the navy department Is preparing plans for a 30,000-ton battleship having 40,000 horse power engines. Her draft would be about 30 feet. She would bo tho biggest and finest battleship ever planned by any navy. It is said this theoretical man of war would have eight turrets and sixteen 12-inch guns. That the plans are being made for such a le viathan Indicates tho belief of naval men that the limit has not been reached, and will not for some time yet, In tho size of fighting craft; In fact, only the depth of the harbors and tho fullness of treasuries is like ly to place a limit on the size of bat tleships. Another battlesliip of 25, 000 tons 13 being planned by tho navy department, but what will be the actual recommendations to con gress has not yet been agreed on. Body Heady for Shipment. Tho body of Sandford Richmond, who killed himself at the Central hotel on Saturday, has been pre pared by Undertaker Lewis for ship ment to San Francisco, where it will be re-shipped to Eureka for burial. Rates 5c line first time, 3c lino each succeeding insertion . Try a Times want ad. FOR SALE Pure bred Brown Leg horn eocrtreis. 52.50 each. See Jack Flanagan. FOR RENT Half a store with nice large windows. Call at Taylor Piano House. LADIES wishing sewing done call on Mrs. T. Nussel, Pine Street. WANTED Good building lot or cot tage. Coos Bay Auction Co. WANTED Board and room for young lady. Private family pre ferred. Address box 314, Marsh field, Ore. For Sale Or exchange, a skiff. Coos Bay Auction Co. FOR SALE Billiard tablo. Apply Bob's Billiard Parlors. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished housekeeping and bed rooms close in. Reasonable. Coos Bay Auc. Co. FOR RENT Largo front room, mod ern conveniences; Fourth and B. Inquire at Times office. FOR SALE Or exchange for real es tate, a 22 foot launch. Call at Times office. FOR SALE Household goods for four rooms. Inquire at J. T. Mc Gulre's barber shop, North Bend. FOR RENT Bluo and red room, ulte of parlors and buffet kitchen In newly furnished and strictly raodorn Arlington House. Plumb ing of tho best. Call at Times of fice. FOR RENT 40-acro ranch, fur nished or unfurnished, 3 miles from Marshfleld; good house; phono; 3 daily boats. J. C. Doane. WANTED Girl to do general house work. Apply Mrs. John S. Coke. PARTNER WANTED In gilt edge boarding and rooming house, guar anteed income. Coos Bay Auc. Co. FOR RENT Modern furnished front room. Apply Times office. FOR SALE Cheap, Bay View Board and Lodging House; 10 rooms furnished and all taken. E. E. Harris. WANTED A girl at once. Apply at Corthell's Delicatessen. WANTED Apprentice boys at Mat- tress factory. Apply Coos Bay Bedding & Upholstery Co. THE Courteney Lumber company wants fireman, trlmmerman, off bearers, cog-deckman, yard and millraen. Phono 246, or apply at mill. FOR RENT 45 aero ranch on tho Coqullle-Marshfleld road, 2 V miles from Marshfleld; good house and good Improvements. Address Chas. Sneddon, Sr., Marshfleld postofflco. GIRL WANTED Corthell's Delica tessen. Apply at once. FOR SALE A Vose piano. Cheap If taken immediately. Phone, 413, North Bend. WANT ADS M. It. SMITH, Agent For Charles A. Stevens CLOAK AND SOT HOUSE ? Cl'TAGO Cor. First & 11 St. .Marshfleld 4.0 0'V Bank of Oregon Capital Stock fully paid up $50,000 Transacts a General Banking Business North Bend, Oregon Pull the BELL CORD Wet Your Whistle Then Blow J. R. HERRON, Prop. Front Street, Marshfleld, Oregon I Mpet Me at the 1 -"CRYSTAL9' I OCT. 7th, 7:30 j SHMESE Waterman's Ideal fountain Pens the best on the market absolute guarantee, for sale at the RED CROSS -- 5$$$$$$$?$S$$$$$$$$$30G$$$$5t SEP' EVERYTHING IN-' ' THE PAINT -,. u ,i AND WALL PAPER. LINE AT - BAYSIDE PAINT CO. F. E, MONROE, Manager ShermanTAve. & Phone J 25 J North Bend, Ore, stooo-ts-wjo 1 ! FOR 'SALE. Rough and Finished Lumber. All de liveries 'nindo promptly. f REVNOLHS LUMBER CO. North Ilcnd, Oregon, ( Phono SOI. 9 Contains absolutely NO artificial coloring. A hounhsU AIXBN it LB WIS, I I . !!5S?5ilU J- 'IZXf. !.,rA-,-a' TfiizA'orin..zzsir 5 rrw."- I 'WmSSHW i mwmemmmsi paa Lunches served at Corthell's Delicatessen. MAUDE L. PAINTER Is receiving pupils in Volco Culturo Homo Studio, Broadway. G Phono 1755. PHONE 92 Preferred Stock Catsup, in class, is manufactured especially to order for us by the most approved methods Preferred Stock Canned Goods rt.ciawuMTti-uBituOrova f are uniform in their high quality and purity' ntctuity Pnftrrtd Stock -Jrom your Croctr Wholes! Groctri, PORTLAND, OHBOOIf , U.8.A. II Mil Miru I " m , dRAC,t Mm (7 orc J SEE" -!," w j. j .ii, ii."'.,"i w 'Sh PRlJ -Jrj.V ". '.-iZi". s. j- , -..AWUm VTtl-. Business Directory Doctors. DR. J. W. IA'QUAai. Plrj-Hlcmn am' Burgeon. Offlo over Songstacken's Drug Store. Phones Office 1621; residence 78S.. Lawyers. J. W. BENNETT, Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshflold, - Oregon Francis II. Clnrko Tncob M. Blake Lawrence A. LHJcqvist CLARKE, HLAKE & LILJEQVIST, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Times Building, Marshfleld, Ore. United States Commissioner's Office.'' C. F. McKNIGIIT, ' Attorney at Law. Upstairs, Bennett & WaUrw Block Marshfleld, .... Oregon' COKE & COKE, - t ''j $ Attorneys at Law. " Marshflold, .... Oregon Nasburg Block. Phone 81S J. E. OAYOU, Architect Estimates furnished for all kinds of buildings. Marshflold, : : Oregon. BRIGnAM & BELL, Architects. North Bend, - - - Oregon. Real Estate Agents. Charles II. Pratt. TIMBER LANDS. At Mr. Greenwood's, B St. Beyond 4tli. MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds. Phone 1884. The C. B., R. & L R. &. and Navigation Co. THE O. 11., R. & E. R. R. & N. CO. TIME TABLE. Subject to chango without notice No. 1. Dally, ex. Sunday No. 2. Lv. 9:00a.m. Marsh'd Ar.12 :30p.m. Junction Coqulllo Lv. 0:4Ga.m. Ar.l0:20a.m. Lv.ll :30a.m. Lv.10 :45a.m. Myrtlo Pt Trains to and from Beaver Hill daily. F. A. LAISB, Agent. BONITA and NORTH BEND FASTEST BOATS ON THE BAY Half Hour Schedule Rni Between Marshflold -nd 'Noirtb, Bend Mndo la 12 Minutes. Private Landings. Fare: One mir, lBcj round trip, Jttk. J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pcndergrass, Master and 10:30 a. m and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 p. m. Leavos North Bond at 8:i6, 9:45 and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00 p. m. Makes dally trips oxcopt Sun days. Fare: Ono way, 15 conts; round trip, 25 cents. TIME TABLE. Leavos Marshflold 7:30. 9:00, J ! ! $ $ $ $ J .J J J $ J J t $ 1 J. L. 1COONTZ 5 Machine and Repair Shop. t 1 At Holland's Boat House Front Bt. Marshfleld. J $ $ $ $ i $ $ $ $ $ $ J 5 ! PIANO STUDIO nf LOUIS H. BOLL Is now open for recoptlon of pupils. Parlors ovor Taylor's Piano Store. $ t ! J J $ J f J J ! $ $ $ i t1 Steam Dye Works C Street, LidioH iuuUients'grtimt'iiledean- ed or dyivl. Philip Becker, propdptot. Try a Timea Want ' rr a L T 1 i N f Try a Times Want t Try a. Times Want Adv. Adv. H gRCwr X?l