H:? ;u. untiiiilni.AiiwM.ijnNi-K.i.'ifMwM. THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1907. fi. - b ', ?SS !b -.. Coos Bay Times AN INDIVENUKNT KWUT" TVAPKR runuannn eveiiy day Kxcutirxa Mon day AND ALSO WNUCI.Y BY Tny i""oos P-v Timks Pcrmshivo Co. The policy of The Coos Hay Times will be Republican in politics, with the Independence of which President Hoose velt is the leading exponent. Entered at the poModlco at Mnrsliflcld, Oro eon, for transmission through the mails as second class mall.mattcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single copy, daily, - - 5 cents Per month, daily, - 50 cents Three months, daily, - - $1 25 fiix months, daily - ?2 50 One year, daily, - - - $6 00 Weekly, per year - - f 1 50 Local readers 19c lln first Inser tion, 8c line each Hucceading inser tion. Address all comiiiuiiicitiwis to COOS BAY TIMES VinkVdi Oregon. MONEV KOR RAILROADS. The Portland Journal contains a clipping from the Prlnevllle Review which would be Interesting to Marsh field, if some mysterious influence did not touch and kill all local en terprises In the nature of railroads in this locality. Whether some Southern Pacific emissaries start these electric lines between North Bend and Marshfiold and between Marshfiold and Itoseburg, and then walk off Into oblivion with the whole project Is hard to say, but some blighting influence gets busy when the enthusiasm Is most pronounced. Nobody knows who is holding the Marshfield-North Bend proposition down or where it Is hidden. Tho Journal comments on the Review clipping as follows: The Prlnevllle Review says: "The city will subscribe $150,000 to stock in a syndicate formed to build an electric line from some out side point cither Detroit or Shanlko that will serve Prlnevllle, the Agency Plains country, tho Des chutes Irrigation & Power company's segregation, Redmond and Bend. So much has been learnod In an Inter view with some of our leading citi zens; and we want to find out how much money the outlying districts, and even other counties, would be willing to Invest In such an enter prise. In view of Mr. Ilnrriman's In difference to our future, tho Review thinks it would be only a measure of prudenco to form such a corpora tion and build our own railroad for tho purposo of promoting settlement of central Oregon, In order to bo freo from tho dictates of Wall street, instead of floating bonds wo must raise the funds within tho borders of our own state, and incur not moro than trifling Indebtedness." We expect to hear or read of a good deal of this kind of talk dur ing tho next year. Prlnevllle is a comparatively small town, and if It cau ralso ?1G0,000 for a railroad outlet, how much, under a system atic, organized plan, could bo raised In Oregon, in stock, for railroads that would break tho shackles of tho Harrlman tyranny? At least various towns and well settled adjacent or contiguous dis tricts can build or securo the build ing pf electric lines, and theso will help a good deal. Development talk 'Nls very well, but in Oregon's predica ment tinder tho Harrlman reginio Oregon people must mako their money talk. A few million dollars of Oregon money building railroads would inuko Harrlman "stop, look and listen." A AVOID) TO THE JIAKIIOlt. Is it tho North Bond Harbor or tho Coos Bay Harbor? At any rate It has a talented editor and If ho will do his best for Coos Bay without trying to diminish tho brilliancy of any other port, ho cau and will bo a groat force for tho future. Tho Times is anxious to see North Bend become so populous that it will havo to over flow Into Empire, and to beo Emplro grow Into Marshilold and Marshfiold Into tho other two. North Bond, Marshilold and Emplro each has bomo shortcomings, but they liavo soinuny merits that this paper has not tlmo to point out defects or mnko compari sons. So when tho Harbor calls at tention to tho fact that idle men aro numerous on Marshfiold streots, it shows an inclination to narrow its own sphere. it should romomber that tho beaton track runs to Marsh Held ut present. Tho mnrkot men, farmers, sailors ashoro, loggors In town, shoppors, men and boys going and comlug, capitalists, tourists and tho many participants in metropoli tan Ufo aro dully thronglug Marsh fiold streots, and whou men nro at work on n building or basomont, they stop und watch tho work. Tho samo scoues con bo observed In any large city. Thero aro no ldlo men on Coos Bay, and this Is true of both Marsh field and North Bend. It will also bo noticed that tho Times never belit tles its sister city and the Harbor will please take notice that if there were any men in Marshfiold who were out of work, North Bend would be after them; for North Bend Is a busy, stir ring place and Is after all the men who are willing or need the work. I'UIJMCITV AND PROGRESS. It is said that some people have found fault with The Times for of fering its services to help the city council to take the people of Marsh field Into its confidence. The Times repeats the offer In this Issue, sug gesting again that when a special meeting of tho council is called If tho council will telephone The Times' office a representative will be pres ent to report the meeting. Of course this is on the theory that the cpuncil is not holding an executive session, but is willing -to have its work known. Tho city government is showing itself progressive and sa gacious as is shown by its fire ordi nance and Its work in connection with some of the necessary public Improvements. There is a great fu ture opening up to the council and In order that It may have full justi fication for Its undertakings it should adopt a policy of making Its sessions known to the people through the ave nues of publicity by the newspaper press. Notice. Holders of Kinney & Walte con tracts for lots in Plats B, C and Bou levard Park aro herbey notified to call at First National Bank of Marshfiold and aettlo all payments now due or suit will be commenced at onco. F. B. Walte. Forests and Mines of the South. Away down south in Dixie are many unused gifts of nature. Min eral wealth and timber are the two main iiems. About one-seventh of tho mineral production of the entire country comes from the southern states. Of bituminous coal, the most valuable mineral, the south produces one-fourth, and of Iron one-ninth. Its total coal resources amount to nearly GOO, 000, 000 tons) or moro than one-fourth of our estimated coal reserve. The showing in iron ore reserves records a safe minimum of over 3,000,000,000 tons, or near ly one-third of the nation's total. Of workable iron ore the south con tains ono and one-half times as much as the famous Lake Superior dis trict. And this does not Include the deep lying southern ores, unworkable at present. The forests aro chiefly of two kinds, southern pine and hard woods. The finest hardwood tim ber left in the country, and the chief source of present supply, is found in tho south, mainly in two bodies, the Appalachian forests and the vir gin hardwoods of Arkansas and tho bordering states to the southwest and north. There aro about 50,000, 000 acres of swamp land in tho south. Reclamation of the Ever glades of Florida is an important project being investigated by the stato and federal departments of ag riculture. If, as it seems probable, it can bo carried through, tho result ra Waterman's Ideal fountain Pens the best onHhe market absolute guarantee, far sale at the RED CROSS -- ? Meet mo at tho I 1 "CRYSTAL" j OCT. 6th, 7-30 j Cook with Gas - - use - - Electric Power and Flatirons TEe Coos ( COOS BAY ACADEMY OP MUSIC Students may graduato in Volco, Piano or Plpo Organ. Rapid and thorough method for boglnnors. Classes in Hnrmony, Counterpoint, etc., vocal sight rending and piano onsomblo. Slngors coached la oratorio, opera, or concert work by tho director. ELMER A. TODD, will be to add to the state 18,000, 000 acres of most fertile land, equal , to one-half tho entire state. Por tions of tho Everglades which have been drained have produced phe nomenal crops in ono case 40 tons of sugar cane to the acre. Immigration in Citnmln Increases Canadaward the tide of immigra tion wends its way. The returns for the first four months of 1907 show a total Immigration into Canada from all sources of a little over 80,000 as compared with 56.3G9 for tho first four months of 190C, an Increase of about 43 per cent. If the same rate of Increase Is maintained for the rest of the year as now seems probable, the 12 months will bo close to tho estimate of 300,000 made some time ago by tho Immigration department. Although final statistics for tho month of April are not yet available, it is predicted that the total for the month from continental and Ameri can sources will bo in the neighbor hood of 3S.O0O, an Increase of about 70 per cent as compared with A.pril of last year. Of this Increase by tar the largest part comes from Grekt Britain and tho continent, Scotland especially. But immigration from the United States is falling off con siderably, owing to tho lack of trans portation facilities offered by the railways of the west. During the last few weeks the railways have been getting in better shape to han dle settlers' effects so that it Is prob able that henceforward Immigration from tho United States will record large monthly Increases. During tho fiscal year ending March 31st last tho total number of immigrants into Canada from the United States was 20,043, of whom 2,502 were return ing Canadians. Most of these set tled In tho western provinces. -Danco at Su'mnor, October 5. Lots In West Bunker Hill at $100 to $230. See J. D. Johnson & Co. T WANTED Girl to do general house work. Apply Mrs. John S. Coke. WANTED A girl at once. Apply Corthell's Delicatessen. PARTNER WANTED In gilt edge boarding and rooming house, guar anteed Income. Coos Bay Auc. Co. Notice. To all members of Western Star Rebekah lodge requested to meet October 1 at Odd Fellows' hall for purpose of meeting president of Re bekah assembly S:30 sharp. By order of noble grand. Anna Farrln. Removed Billee Taylor has re moved candy factory to A street, cor ner west of tho O'Connell building. A trial is all that is asked. If Gasone Soap does not satisfy better than any you have ever used, your grocer will cheerfully refund the pur chase prlco. Show cases in stoelr and to or der, cheap. At Corthell's Delica tessen, C street. Eay Gas Electric Co. O'Connell Bldg., Marshfield The Steamer M. F. PLANT Snlls From North Bend at 1 O'clock, Thursday, Sept. Ofltli. No rcbcrvntlon will bo held after the iiitItmI of fct mls ticket I bought. RS DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : : : : OREGON Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line BREAKWATER Sails for Portland and Astoria every Thursday C. F. McCollum, Agt. Fhone Main 34 CURREN BROTHERS CONTRACTORS All Kinds of Work Done PHONES 543, 146 and 271 North Bend, Oregon 1 Mew Harness Stop j K iinwwiwiiiiiwiiww iiiwiwiMMWtiM nw winiwiiin iiiiwwwEmim fc iM lWHM 1 SU.BII HWBMi UtlM II MM IIIHBI IWM H C i I .". Also Shoe Shop . I have just opened a new Harness shop next door to Dow's ware house on Broadway and am prepared to mako now harness or re pair old. Also boot and shoe repairing. My experience in the large lumber districts of Wisconsin and other places fits me for what you want and how to do it. WORKMANSHIP THE BEST MATERIAL THE BEST my specialty is logging SHOES. Ten I O O LUND 1 Broadway - - - Marshfield ! jJ "m'l"" 111111 Mil I II I.I. II We Pride Ourselves In Dining Tables, Dining Chairs, Library Furniture- and Kitchen Fur niture; nil kinds of Fancy Furnltve ami Special Orders of Fixtures. Prepared to mnko nil kind. ot Fanfxy and Store Fixtures. Wo do nil kinds of Repairing nnd Rclhilsh ing. Call us up about your orders. Coos Bay Furniture Co. North Bend, Oregon. L SSBHaaSBSaSIIIlSEilBHillBSBISISSBSSSBSBSSSllBSBaiBilBESSSEISBSSSSaHSSlillSiBKIBSBSlBB urn w mnMr ad 1 Cures Coughs, Colds, tou, L fttffve, Asthma, Throat The aemitao u u th , and Lung Troubles. Paente FummmIr and Consumption vgi.ow paqkaoji RE CROSS MAIttUOY .JWMll,tlIMMC A- St. Dock I Years' Experience. 0 Coos Bay Steam Laundry OF w MARSHFIELD nd NORTH BEND All work now done at the North Bend Plant Edgar Mauzey Agent, Marshfield North Bend Phone 1031 Marshfield Phone 180 aiGSE Flanagan & Bennett Bank MAItSIIFIELU, OIIEOON. Capitnl Subscribed JW.OOO CupitRl I'nid Up $10,000 Undivided l'roflts JT5.000 Does a general banking business and draws on tho Bank ot California, Ban Kranclsc CftilL,rii5t National Bank Portland Or., Kim National Dank. Rosobtirg, Or., Hanover Na tional Dank, New York, N. SI. KothohlM & Bon, London, England. -' Also noil change on nearly all th principal elites of Europe. Acoounts kept subject to check, safe dfposlt lock boxes for rent at 6 cunts a month ot (5. a jear. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS GOW WHY ' Always has on hand a good stock of Genera! Merchandise AT PRICES THE CHEAPEST All Kinds of Groceries and Clothing f. J. HAYES RESIDENT OPTOMETRIST Eyes tested Free, Broken Lens Replaced. Work Guaranteed. North Front Street. CAB CALL SERVICE AT ANY HOUR GOOD HEARSE and VEHICLES. 1IEISNER, MILLER & CO. Livery, Feed nnd Solo Stablo Third and A Sts. Phone, ISOl Marshfield. m:nttttmmmttttmxttmr:tti All Parts of the World We sse the necessary facilities for sending money to all parts of the world, and without danger or loss. .. . ? FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF i S COOS BAY, Marshfield, Ore. : ttttmttttnrnmmmmmtt8tMmtmt 8 MePherson Ginser Co. Wholesale liquor dealers Cigars and saloon Bup plies. California Winex a Specialty Front St., Marshfield uMxivmm i-ws'.w;nrtwr,.Tir.M BLACKSMITH 4th and E St. G. E. NOAH G. E. Non.li has, just opened a first class blacksmith shop nt comer of fourth and B streets, South Marsh Held. Patronuge of pulillc respect fully solicited. Horseshoeing a spe cialty. CONTAINS NO HARJMfrttL r i