The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 29, 1907, SUNDAY EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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The Myers Store
The Myers Store
The Myers Store
The Myors Store
nr Fall Campaign Has Begun m Earnest
y3w.MHi . JL I. J ' " ' "ilHiW'W I ! 'H i jW M I l " '." -i -,.
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AVe Give Premiums.
Ladies' Coats and Suits
Our Cont and Suit Salon Is filled with every
thing Unit is new and handsome for fall wear.
Broadcloths, Puiiamas, Kerseys, and mixed mate
rials in Skibo Serges and similar weaves prevail,
and the colors are principally black, with brown
Hid navy following.
There has been no end of comment on th. ex
ceptional values wc are showing this season. ImVe
know the prices were such that would iippc9&t
keen and careful buyers, but e never thouglibf t;
efforts to make low prices and high values ini
department would be quite so thoroughly ape
elated as they are. i
Several ladies from Portland came in thlsle-
nartment the other (lav and thev felt imsitlvekvO
must have a special sale on our Kail Coats ji'
Suits. They calimed they were so very miicjL'
lower than Portland prices and are just as beau
tiful and stylish. These Portland women: ' were
good judges of values and materials, and they
realized instantly the wonderful savings we have.
Prices oh suits range from $15.00 to $45.00 and
Coats $8.00 to $15.00.
Fine Silk Petticoats
Our Silk Petticoat stock Is now complete, and
some of the best values imaginable are here for
your selection. AVe buy these petticoats from a
large New i'orw manufacturer, whoso reputation
for turning out the best values is known to every
large buyer hi the United States. In fact, this
manufacturer refuses to sell to any but the very
largest stores, and we compliment ourselves in be
ing able to get his line. These petticoats are all
handsomely and stylishly made, the best quality
of solid and changeable silks nre used, and the
prices range from $0.00 to $15.00.
Our First Anniversary Sale is over. It has been the most all around successful
sale we have ever held. Among the hundreds who visited us during the celebration,
there wasn't one who had a discreditable word to say about us and it is difficult to
please everyone.
We are only human, although some would have you think otherwise, and when
we put forth our best endeavors to give you the best of merchandise at lower prices,
and entertain you as we did during our celebration, we assure you we appreciate
your kind comments. You may be sure they will not spoil us, but they do spur us
on unceasingly 10 nigner meais ana nopes,
. ra"U
So then, to all those who so kindlv sooke words of oraise about us our con
genial selling force, our decorations; our low prices and our musical programs we
thank you; to the newspapers who joined in the universal sentiment of the people, in
expressing words of praise, we thank you; to the musicians who made it possible
for the multitudes to enjoy such rare musical treats, we thank you; to all the em
ployees of The Myers Store who joined with the management in making the occasion
one long to be remembered by all, we thank you.
And now, throughout the Fall season, we wlsh'to assure you the low prices that
prevailed during our Anniversary will be maintained. We are determined to sell you
merchandise lower than ever; we are determined to show to vou that we can and do
sell merchandise as low and in many instances lower than San Francisco, Portland
and Chicago stores. All we ask, in making comparisons, not to confuse our stand
ard qualities with inferior ones now placed upon the market. We positively main
tain the highest quality of merchandise of any store in the country, and the prices
are as low and lower than what you would pay elsewhere for inferior goods. Give
us a trial.
AVe Give Premiums.
Trunks and Suit Cases
' Underpriced
Trunks and Suit Cases are two other Items in
wjiich we excel, when it comes to price and qual
Ity. AVe have told you before, and we repeat, lest
you forget, wc buy our trunks and suit cases from
one of the world's greatest trunk manufacturers
at Racine, Wis. The chain of stores we buy with,
takes their entire output. AVe ship in car-lots only,
and this is why we can sell you your trunk or suit
case for from 15 per cent to :) per cent lower than
other stores. Let us prove to you the veracity of
this statement.
Ye Olde Tyme Comfort
Nursemaid Shoes $ 1 .75
Several weeks ago we announced through these
olunms that we had taken the exclusive agency
for Ye Olden Time Comfort Shoes. AVe explained
the- merit of these shoes as best we could, and also
low it is that we sell these shoes from Si." cents to
50 cents per pair less than other stores. Since
the first appearance of this announcement, wc
i.avc been more than flooded with buyers for
.Vursemaid Shoes. The business on these shoes has
been something enormous, and it has more clearly
hown us that the people in this section appreciate
n good thing when they sec it, and accordingly go
after it. These Nursemaid Shoes arc made by the
only original Comfort Shoe manufacturers, up In
the New Kngland States, and we have the exclu
sive rig to sell these shoes for the wnole of Coos
County. There are other makes on the market
wluch nr,c Interior imitations 01 the original Olde
Tyme, mid these inferior makes are sold i.y stores
In this section and in Portland at $2.00 and $2.25,
and hy the Chicago mall order houses at a; 7c
$1.00. AVe sell the original brand at, pair P -
Coos Bay's Greatest Store
For this season, we will be -showing the fine pure
while all wool Vests and Pants that have been called
for so frequently last fall, and which we were unable
to supply. We had great difficulty in obtaining these
garments, but finally succeeded in contracting with
the Elliott Knittina ComDanv. of llew Enaland. to make
these up for us. They have done so. The garments'
are now here, and Vests come nicely trimmed with silk,
and have either high or low necks, long or
Ishort sleeves. The price per garment is only. .$2.25
"Merode" Lisle Union Suits
The "Merode" fine mercerized lisle Women's Union
Suits, with high neck, long sleeves, and knee length,
tight fitting, are now here.- This advice will be agree
ably accepted by those who have been wanting this
underwear. These garments have all the resemblance
of silk, are nicely trimmed with silk cords and rib
bon, and the sizes range from 5 to 9.
Suit, only $1.65
A. AV. Myers & Company, Coos Bay's Greatest Store
Our Great, Premium Offer
Have You Secured a Punch Card?
Did you see the -12 piece Monogram Dinner Set in our show
windows? Did you ever sec a really more dainty and attractive
set of dishes? Did you ever buy a prettier and better 12 piece
Dinner Set for a cent less than $10,00 and then, the pieces
didn't have your initial stamped on in gold, either.
AVe consider this the most remarkable Premium Offer that
was ever given out by any store in the country. It is an offer
that is full of merit and consideration, and must appeal to every
woman, no matter of what station in life.
AVhen your total purchases with us amount to $50.00, for
$2.38 in cash you get a set with whatever initial you desire.' Or,
should you prefer, the set will he given you absolutely FREE
when your total purchases amount to $100.00.
Get a Punch Card Now
If you haven't already started on a punch curd, don't lose
any time In procuring one and get started. Every purchase you
make from 5 cents up will he punched off of this card, and every
purchase goes toward assisting you in getting a set. SO, AVE
Coos Bay's Greatest Store
Women's Raincoats for Fall
Our fall line of Raincoats represent the greatest
values that were ever assembled by any store in the
country. We might be more explicit, and say coats
that sold in past seasons at $18.50 we are selling iden
tically the same quality of material and workmanship
this season at $12.50 to $14.50, and other genuine
Cravanette Coats that formerly sold around $20.00
and $22.50, we are selling this fall at from $16.50 to
$18.50. And all through the line, the same great
savings are evident. So, by all means, look over our
Raincoat line before buying. It will pay you. We
guarantee everyone of our coats to turn water.
Prices range from $7.50 to $22.50
All-Linen Handkerchiefs
3 for 25 Cents
These Ladies' Handkerchiefs are warranted all
linen. They are neatly hemmed, are of a fine grade
of linen, and would sell elsewhere at about 15 cents
each. We have them priced at 1 0 cents
each, or three for 25c
Wilson Divorce Suit Followed
by a Startling Human
Artist Dickmaii Involved, but Is Soon
Evonerated of Complicity.
San Francisco, Sept. 28. A coun
terpart of tho widely discussed Carlo
caso of affinity in Now York 1ms been
developed In San Francisco, with tho
saxes of tho principals' rovorseil, as
far as tho rolntlvo positions of the
spouses tiro concerned, but with
proinlnonco of tho principals exceed
ing cvon thoso of tho Now York nf
ilulty discoverers.
Tho dramatic porsonno nro AV11
Haxa A. Wilson, a tea Importer of
this city; Ills wife, Ida Mansflold
AVilaoc, a notod actress of great
beauty, now In London; Charles
Dlckuian, tho artist aud local club
man, who was al first bolloved to
liaro boon Mrs. AVllson's affinity,
but watr not, and AVnltor Oluey, a
ausfe teacher, halt tho age of Mrs.
AVitson, who turned out in tlrao to
la tho real affinity.
Tho story was told in an affidavit
filed yesterday in Judge Morgan's
court hy Attorney R, AV. Uovce, coun
sol for Wilson, dunng tho hearing
of a motloitfrfor payment of alimony
brought by Mrs. Wilson. According
to this affidavit, a year ago troubles
began to arise between tho husband
and wifp, especially after tho com
plaint ruado by tho former of tho ex
trumo attontion paid to tho wife by
Artist Dickmnn. When, In tho
spring of 1904, Wilson rented a
summer place at Pacific Grove, Dick
man was a frequent visitor. When
Wilson remonstrated with his wlfo
In regard to her coldness toward him,
she replied that sho had discovered
an affinity whom sho could not re
sist, and asked that sho be permitted
to got a divorce. Wilson told her to
think Tho matter over for a year;
taking a trip abroad In tho mean
while, while considering tho situation.
Is Not tho Affinity.
This sho did, going to Now York,
then to London, with her mother and
child. Dlcknian remaining hero, tho
truo fact camo out that DIckman
was not tho affinity at all, and DIck
man was cleared of all complicity.
Further discoveries enlightened
Wilson. Ho learned, continues tho
nffldavit, first, that his wlfo had
boon accompanied on tho steamer
which took hor abroad hy Walter
Olney, a youthful music teacher.
Still later ho was informed that his
wlfo had dostortod his child and
inothor In Loudon, and was living
In npnrtmonts near tho Crystal
Thoso discoveries woro followed
GR a suit for dlvorco brought by Mrs.
Wilson. Pending tho suit tho court
awarded her alimony and also $1000
with which to return to this country
and defend tho suit. Yesterday's
proceedings were based on Mrs. Wil
son's counsel's claims that she did
not get tho alimony awarded by tho
court nor tho $1000.
Wilson resisted tho demand for
alimony by filing tho affidavit, In
which ho cited tho foregoing allega
tions, and added that ho sent tho
money, not to her, because sho had
deserted tho child, hut to her mother,
with whom tho child was living, In
order that tho child might bo sup
ported. Tho motion was submitted.
Drops from Sight In Switzerland and
Not a Clew Is
Holders of Kinney & Waito con
tracts for lots in Plats B, C and Bou
levard Parle aro herboy notified to
call at First National Bank of
Marahflold nnd settle all payments
now duo or suit will bo commenced
at once. F. B. waito.
Wisconsin Men In Trouble.
Milwaukee, Sopt. 25. A Eau
Clalro special from Wisconsin says
warrants woro served todny on J. P.
Barber and S. E. Moon, persunnt to
action of tho grand jury of Idaho In
timber land cases In which conspiracy
la alleged they gave bonds of flvo
thousand ench. Tho hearing Is sot
for October 2Cth.
To our patrons, commencing
the Urat of October, 1907, all laun
dry work will bo placed on a cash
"basis. Thanking you for past busi
ness and soliciting continuance of
the sumo. Signed.
Coos Bay Steam Laundry,
Berne, Switzerland, Sept. 2R.
Harold Telford, a young American
from Gainesville, Ga., who was a stu
dent at the University of Zurich, and
has been missing slnco July 30th,
was at Engleberg, near Lucerne,
when last heard from. On behalf
of his family, Congressman Thomas
M. Bell of the Ninth Georgia district
has cabled to tho American consu
late at Berno to Institute a search
and to notify all other American con
sulates in Switzerland. Tho police
aro also Investigating aud tho Swiss
press Is also Interested In tho case.
Thero aro letters for Telford at the
Zurich and Paris consulates. It Is
hardly possible that ho has boon tho
victim of a mountain accident, as no
unidentified bodies havo been discovered.
Washington, Sept. 2G. Official
word of tho arrest of conspirators In
Havana reached tho war department
today In tho following cablegram:
"A wireless by Gov. Magoon to act
ing Secretary Oliver. Information
more specltio and certain than here
tofore received was socured last
ulght that Mazo Parra, angered by
his failure to bring about an upris
ing, threatened to dynlmlto some
buildings In Havana and then escape.
Tho local police arrested him and
two of his gang, named Mlret and
Dacaz and they aro now In jail.
All Kinds of Work Done
PHONES 543, 146 and 271
North Bend, Oregon
tt tt
it Arnice line of
Souvenir Postals of Marshfield
tettmm muttuttttttztttmnU
Waterman's Ideal fountain Pens the best on the market
absolute guarantee, for sale at the
plife w? niV'-jfea , Htli
fllfc -mmnn