THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1907. Lota in West Dunkor Hill at $100 to 260. Sco J. D. Johnson & Co. Notice. Holders of Kinney & Walto con tracts for lots In Plats B, C and Bou levard Park are herboy notified to call at First National Bank of Marshfleld and settle all payments now duo or suit will bo commenced nt once. F. B. Walte. Notice. To our patrons, commencing the first of October, 1907, all laun dry work will be placed on a cash basis. Thanking you for past busi ness and soliciting continuance of the same. Signed. Coos Bay Steam Laundry. Either phone 1451, or leave ord ers at Lockhart & Parson's for all kinds of transferring. O. S. Torrey. Lunches served at Cortholl's Delicatessen. , Toys, shells, notions, at Prentiss & Co.'s. I 8mBmuu:tJttnmu8mttrJ!t 1 All Parts of the World I "CRYSTAL" J OCT. 6th J S ., ....,., w gMMM1MBiimaMiiii 11 ii win ii mm iiiiBnimi.nHWJiwii I PERSONAL HENTI ( Mr. Nels Munson was In from Ten Mile. V. Tom Summerlln of Sumner was In Mnrshfield Friday. airs. Win. Luso was down from Coos River yesterday. Mrs. Ilodson of. Ross Inlet was a city visitor yesterday. Mr. Lister Smith was a city visitor Friday. Mr. Frank Black was down from Sumner on business yesterday. Mrs. W. F. Plpet was a city visitor Friday. Mr. W. A. Smith of Coos River was a. city visitor yesterday. Mr. Sailing of Allegany was a city visitor yesterday. Mr. F. B. Newton, the I. C. S. man, Is at Gardiner for a few days on business. Mr. Breckenrldgo returned last night from Laird's Station whore he secured a new team for l)is delivery' DiisinesM. f The A. N. W. club meets for the first time this season on Thursday at the residence of Mrs. Jack Flana gan at Plat B. Misses Ida and Lizzie Wabbly of Portland are visiting In this city for a few weeks with friends. ' Mr. Enpler of- Portland 13 visiting with friends In this city for a few days. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Major Tower closed their summer homo on Coos River yesterday, returning the same day to their home In Empire for the vinter. Miss Ruth Allison passed through this city yesterday on her way to the Coqullle country, and to Bandon. Miss Allison intends remaining in the latter through the winter. Miss Lucy Garver of Grant's Pass is in this city attending to several investments slfo has made on the Bay. After a few days in this city Miss Garver will go to North Bend, and Bandon, from there on down tlie coast to San Francisco. H. G. Butler, a civil engineer of San Francisco, is a guest of his friend, Claude Nacurg. They at tended the University of California together and both were members of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Mr. Butler thinks of locating on Coos Bay. Mr. S. W. Stambo, an Oklahoma capitalist, has been visiting his niece, Mrs. N. A. Owen, of this city, for a few days. Mr. Stambo leaves today for Rosoburg after having made sev eral investments on the Bay. From Roseburg he will go south, returning nero in the spring. Mr. W. B. Nessby of Tacoma, Wash., is In Marshfleld with inten tions of making several investments. Mr. Nessby has found Coos Bay just as he imagined it to be,-a new thriv ing city as he remarks, thus includ ing all towns Into one under the same of Coos Bay. It seems that on the outside ono never hears of Marshfleld, North Bend or Empire separately, but Coos Bay Is known by all. Dr. J. G. Goblo, the well known optician, of Medford, Ore., will visit all Coos Bay towns during Sept. For dates see this paper later. Professor Reynolds is entertain ing large crowds every evening on the A street dock with his comical stories and sleight of hand perform ances. He certainly does some queer things in that line. Every dayand every evening his wife Is busy teach ing large classes of pupils in the beautiful art of painting on glass. It will surprise you how easy it is to learn and tho very moderate prices charged for teaching. The pictures made by some of the Marshfleld pu pils are more than excellent. You do not have to be an artist to learn. Call at their tent on First street, north of Merchant Brothers. Show cases in stock and to jr der, cheap. Corthell's. Dixie Will He Launclicd Today. Tho Dixie, Dr. McCormlc's new gasolene tug, will be launched today at tho Timmerman boat building es tablishment. Tho tug will be em ployed in towing logs and lumber on tho Bay, and is a thirty norso power craft. Tho C. S. Holmes In I'ort. Tho sailing schooner C. S. Holmes was brought in yesterday afternoon by the Columbia and is at the local wharf waiting for a load of lumber. N,cw Land Office Order. Tho Commissioner of the General Land Office has issued an order which requires the registers and re ceivers of all United States land offices to prepare all applications to make entries and filings on public lands when they aro requested to do so by the applicants. This order will insure greater accuracy in papers of this kind, and be a saving to the ap plicants who have heretofore been re quired to have their applications pre pard at their own expense. Many a Panama hat, which wa boon spoiled by dry cleaning process, would have lasted a lifetime if Gas one, water, and a nail brush had been used, nnd the hat left to dry. g. Completes Plastering Job. Tames Barclay, who had the con tract for plastering the Smith Co. office building, completed the work yesterday. There were four thou and yards In the job, Largest lino of photo postals at Prentiss '& Co.'s. Dance at Sumner, October 5. Use Bayslde Paints and im perial Varnishes and get tho best. Flexo Ready Roofing never rusts. cracks or leaks. Kates 3c Hue first time, 3c lino each succeeding insertion -., ., , Try a Times want ad. FOR SALE Pure bred Drown Leg horn eocxreis. $2.50 each. See Jack Flanagan. FOR RENT Half a store with n'ico largo windows. Call at Taylor Piano House. FOR SALE 2C feet new power fishing boat. Apply Max Tlmmer man. FOR SALE Household goods, com plete outfit. Call Times office. LADIES wishing sowing done call on Mrs. T. Nussel and Mrs. Jack Rico, Pine street. WANTED Good building lot or cot tage. Coos Bay Auction Co. FOR SALE Household furniture. Call at Times office. WANTED A gentleman to board with private family. Inquire at the South end of bridge on Cedar Street. t X. R. T. WANTED Young man about 17 assist on books, address In ' own hand writing, P. O. Box 426, City. WANTED Young lady, assistant iinni.i,nn.. ..i . ... 1 1 j 1 uuuaivcujjui, UlUfil Wlliu UVUI uuuu accurato and neat in figures. Ad dress, P. O. Box 334, City. WANTED Board and room for young lady. Private family pre ferred. ' Address box 314, Marsh field, Ore. For Sale Or exchange, a skiff. Coos Bay Auction Co. FOR SALE Billiard table. Apply Bob's Billiard Parlors. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished housekeeping and bed o-ooms cjose In. Reasonable. Coos Bay Auc. Co. FOR RENT Large front room, mod ern conveniences; Fourth and B. Inquire at Times office. FOR SALE 18 foot gasoline boat, 4 horse power engine. Address box 446, North Bend, Ore. LOST Small gold watch, Initial "M" on fob. Return to Times office and receive reward. WANTED Mickey, the North Bend furniture man, wants all of your old household goods. See him be fore you sell. FOR SALE Family mare, ,900 pounds, drives singls or double, and good under saddle. Almost new buclcboard and set of harness. ! O. O. Lund, near harness shop, Broadway, next door to warehouse, j FOR SALE Fivo choice lots in Scngstnckcii's addition nt n bar gain. Address P. O. box 131. FOR SALE Or exchange for real es tate, a 22 foot launch. Call at Times offlco. ' WANTED Men for grading. Apply to Flanagan, on Second street, Marshfleld. WANTED First class salesman, lady or gentleman. See F. S. Dow. FOR SALE Household goods for four rooms. Inquire at J. T. Mc Guire's barber shop, North Bend. , WANTED Boy to learn press feed ing and the printing business. Ask for Kramer. FOR RENT Blue and red room, sulto of parlors and buffet kitchen in newly furnished and strictly modern Arlington House. Plumb ing of tho best. Call at Times of fice. LOST Friday, on the water front, I lames nana purse, containing ; money, accounts and letters. Finder leave at postoffice and re ceive reward. WANT A IK Dr. J. G. Goblo, tho well known optician, of Medford, Ore., will visit mi coos liny towns during Sept. For dates see this paper later. Tho Empire Dramatic company, composed of residents of North Bend, will present .it Eckhoff hall on Fri day evening the stlring military drama, "Tho Confederate Spy," in five acts. On Saturday evening it will be presented to the Marshfleld public at the Masonic hall. Popular prices. Tickets are now on sale at Everltt's pharmacy, North Bend, and at Butler's, In Marshfleld. Good specialties between acts. Notice. To whom it may concern: I. J. D. 1 Johnson of Marshfleld, Oregon, do ncreoy publish and declare that I have emancipated my son, James O. Johnson of same place, aged 18 years, for and during the remaining I portion of his minority and hereby renounce an claims lor ana on ac count of, and all interest in and to his sorvlcos during said time; and all persons dealing with the said James O. Johnson ar.o hereby re quired to take notice that I am not responsible for his contracts. Dated at Marshfleld, Oregon, this 27th day of September, A. D. 1907. J. D. Johnson. Notice to Bidders. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the recorder of the city of Marsh fleld, Coos county, Oregon, up to the hour of 7 o'clock in the afternoon of Monday, the 30th day of September, 1907, for the construction of an ad dition to the city hall of the said city of Marshfleld, according to the plans and specifications therefor prepared by J. E. Cayou, which said plans and specifications may be seen at the of fice of the said J. E. Cayou, in the Merchant building, in said city, up to the hour of 4 o'clock in tho after noon of the said 30th day of Septem ber, 1907. By order of tho common council made and entered tho 23rd day of beptember, 1907. J. M. Upton, City Recorder. MAUDE L. PAINTER Is recolving pupils in Voico Culture Homo Studio, Broadway. Phono 175C. BLACKSMITH 4th and E St. G. E. NOAH G. E. Noah has just opened n first cIurs blacksmith shop nt corner of fourth nnd E streets, South Marsh tield. Patronngo of public respect fully solicited. Horseshoeing n spe cialty. Launch Express Will make regular trips between South Coos river and Marshfleld Leaving the Maze at 7.00 a. m. nnd Marshfleld at 4:80 p. m. She will bo open for charter botweon t n. "ra. and 4 p. in. MASTER WYATT COFFELT. D TB ALERT will leave at 7:30 a. m. and T at 6:00 a. m. PIPER'S Returning will leave PIPER'S GROVE at 4 p. m. Fare on round trip 50 cents Children half fare H S - C - H - N - E - l - D - o II THE DRAUGHTED DUTCHMAN x IS ON THE BAY iThe Empire Local Taleni: of North Bend vvHI Produce the Comical Military F9 rrnij gjTTOftrmarewreKTrjKiw.nday-jk n :nuti!i C!ifee At North Bend Friday Evening, Sept. 27th At Mnrshfield .Saturday Evening, Sept. 28th At Masonic Opera House in Mnrshfield. There will be good music and a there will bo soino fine clog and North Bend performance all go to tho Mercy Hospital. Prices of admission for Xorth Iicnil 35 and 50 Cents for Reserved Seats. BIG BARGAINS IN' WALL PAPER For ono week beginning Monday 23d 25 per cent off our entire lino for cash to ninko room for our NEW STOCK SANITARY FELT for lining nt 5 Cents per Yard.' BAYSIDE PAINT CO. F. E. MONROE, Manager Sherman Ave. Phone 1251 & North Bend, Ore, r&GO&XrC-'OGC'&C't Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens the best on the market absolute guarantee, for sale at the RED CROSS - 09 MS Eedric Power IE Coos lay Gas &-tA Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat The Genuine is in the and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yellow package RED CROSS rilARMAOT E - L - B - E - C - K - E - R 4WV FOR TWO DAYS Dramatic Co. : n e rat splendid show. Between acts jig dancing. Proceeds for tho Yx o tt mmmtm $0 $z OOOOSCOS' &QCZ?, KWZKtOOWOSOOttOOiKH&i k with Gas 9 CO and FSatiroias etne Co w&f f WAHID IM i a mi- - Wc use the necessary facilities for sending money to all parts of the world, and without jj danger or loss. .. . fIRST NATIONAL BANK OF I COOS BAY, Marshfleld, Ore. if n:a::wtnmwmj Bank of Oregon Capital Stock fully paid up $50,000 Transacts a General Banking Business North Bend, Oregc CAB -CALL SERVICE AT ANY HOUR GOOD HEARSE and VEHICLES. HEISXEK, MILLER & CO. Livery, Feed nnd Snlo Stnblo Third nnd A Sts. Phone, 1201 Mnrshfield. f. J. HAYES RESIDENT OPTOMETRIST ' Eyes tested Free, Broken Lens Replaced. Work Guaranteed. North Front Street. GOW WHY Always has on hand a good stock of ' General Merchandise AT PRICES THE CHEAPEST All Kinds of Groceries and Clothing Flanagan & Bennett Bank MAUSHFIELD. OREGON. Capital Subscribed W,000 Capital Paid Up $10,000 Undivided ProflU $35,000 Does a general banking business and draws on the l!ank ot California, Han Francisco CallL, First National Bank Portland Or., KJrut National Hank. Roseburg, Or., Hanover Na tional Bank, New York, N. M. Kotbchlld St Bon, London, England. Also ncll change on nearly all the principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe doposlt lock boxes for rout at fi cents a month oc $5. a year, INTEREST P'AID ON TIME DEPOSITS Coos Bay Steam Laundry ...OF MARSHFIELD and NORTH BEND All work now done at the North Bend Plant Edgar Mauzey Agent, Marshfield North Bend Phone 1031 Marshfield Phone 180 1 ' CONTAINS NO HARMFUL DRUG': JkJv I"-"?"".""1""1 1.1 11 ' Ii gTwrmrj-Miiimmiii "n 1 i'-p-ii -nyiriMtOTw nm hi U I McPherson Giiiser Co. I U Wholesale liquor dealera 1 Pw ll Cigars and saloon aup- 1 IF I? H Plies- I S2 I 1 MBHSIE3 $. H wuwlUM"a hws " cymanj m .wfljm&jM Front St., Mnrshfield 1 T"V jr. .-I'm -IZM-Am.sOl MVKi7 X tUTIt i '. 173T JiUt 4m m Mil 1 m tr .(-