.! fidfij, 1 1 f rJiitfi 1 ttvwu ijij THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1907. "-.'" I Coos Bay Times AN INnWUNIJlINT llEPf?"''- """?Ar8 rUBLlOTBD EVERY UAY RXeBrriNO MON DAY AND ALBO WEEKLY UY Tf": Oooa Pf.y Times Poiimsiuxo Co. The policy of Tho Coos Bay Times TiH bo Republican iu politics, with the Independence of which President Kooae velt is the leading exponent. Takes 50 Pound Salmon. Otto Schetter and J. W. Mtllner wero out near tho entrance to the Bay yesterday and whll trolling, Mr. Schetter landed a GO pound salmon, which Is likely the largest flsh taken this year by hook and line. Dr. J. Q. Goble, the well known optician, of Medford, Ore., will visit all Coos Bay towns during Sept. For dates see this paper later. Now lino ladles' coats, suits and skirts at Prentiss & Co.'s. dii$oo,t&ootovoooc5 Bntcrcd at tho ilostoflleo nt Mnrshflclil, Ore gon, for transmission through the malls as second class mail matter. SUDSCKHION RATES: Single copy, daily, G cents Per month, daily, - - CO cents Ihrco months, duily, - - ?1 25 Six hionths, duily - . - ?2 51) One year, daily, - - - $5 00 Weekly, per year - - f 1 50 Local readers 10c line first Inser tion, So lino each succeeding Insertion. A. St. Delicatessen asid Bakery Address all eoinmuniei'.tiotis to COOS UAY HUES Marsiifidd. Oregon. THE ANIATU' PROBLEM. The Caucasian raco has, until the last century, devoted Its time and at tention to the subjection of the black and red races and the education ot tho yellow and brown. Its Interest in the yellow race as represented by tho Mongolian and tho brown race as represented by the Japanese, has been in the nature of curious inquiry and experiment. The Hindu has been educated on the theory that to "spare the rod Is to spoil the child." Wow, however, the problem has be come difficult, puzzling and oven startling. Japan has learned practi cally all she can and has graduated. She feels able to teach school herself and to use the rod, too, If she thinks host. China is in school master Cau casian's school, In tho senior clnss, and is learning tho art of war, dip lomacy and progress. Tho Hindu has not been qulto as apt a scholar. Perhaps his teacher has depended too much on the rod. But with Japan making its own way, China prepar ing to do so, India may feel hopeful. To China, Japan and India, Ameri ca offers an Inviting field. The de mand for labor and tho good wages paid, presont a picture of luxury which, to tho mind of the man who has hitherto been contont with a hovel and a small portion of rice, and whoso wages have been from ten to twonty-flvo cents per day, one, two or three dollars per day is wealth untold. No wonder that the com paratively few who avrlvo on these shores aro anxious to remain even In the faco of opposition. It is a Roal worth dying to obtain. No wonder that ho sends word back to Ills countrymen at homo that he has found a place where abundnnce calls him. No wonder that tho mil lions whose condition Is regarded as isroree than hopeless become In terested 'and that they seek a way (to reach so delightful a aavon. That missionary bishop who said tho other day that a great movement of Chinese, Japanese and Hindus Is already astir, with tho ob ject of transferring millions of these human beings to these shores, has spoken from a fullness of fifty years experience In India and an Intimate knowledge of what they intend. The situation In Bolllnghnm and British Columbia is strong proof of its truth. The Hindus havo disappeared from Vancouver and Bcllingham, but they havo faded into tho mountains, the forests and tho plains. What of tho millions which may como? The largo liberality of some might say, "lot them come." They aro men. But Is It not a thousand times better to resist their coming that wo may pre serve those institutions which make this country tho fit abiding place of a freo people? These strange races do not understand American Institu tions and they como with no design to exchange their customs and sys tem for ours, but rather to establish tholrs In place of them. Tho Asiatic problom In tills mild, unmiiltary and unarmed form Is nioro dangerous than all tho navies of Japan and all the armies of the orient combined. MABSIIkTeLI) 111(511 SCHOOL. Why Coos County, with a popula tion bordorihg on twenty thousand, cliould be without a high school ex cept at North Bond, Is explainable only on tho ground that Is people are more Interested in the accretions of the pocket than In uio itnprovomont of tho mind. Mnrshfield lias nearly, If not quite, 4,000 people, and yet she has not u full course high school. Even her two year course with three years' studios, Is not sustained. Tho efforts of tho able print-pal to main lain tho credit of Marshfield In tills respect have reflected glory on him end onublod him to fool that ho has ample troasuro "stored up In hcavon," hut he might bo excused If ho looked track at Mnrahfiold with eoutompt. Think of a high school with only ono teacher, and not able, on that siccqunt to nieot tho needs of ono dav's tuition! nut why? Beeauso. perforce, tho assistants are to bo witd only fiftv dollars a month! As Uiore aro only nlno months In the school year that means $150 i year. Ouo does not ask a cheap Chinaman lo work for that price and tho mus cular and healthy laborer can earn nearly twico that. Tho Marshflold school board evidently thinks it wiser to cultivate muscle and lot. mind trust to luck. Possibly they think the cll wi" Is so good, the soil so fortlle s.d li' claniB o easy to get. that tfi civ i no ubo in tills favored land fl fm got ton orchards, for the lilglui- forms of education. Fifty dollars a month! Four hundred and fifty a year! No wonder that tho eastern or the Portland Inqulror who fcxtnis tho prleo by wire, Is novor heard from again. Yet Mnrshfield is one of tho wealthiest cities of Its site fu the west. And a SEA POUT, too. Have a full lino of Delicatessen Goods for your Saturday order. MI III I II I ll IIIW Illl ll ! Sa.IadS"slrinil. Potato and Crab. RoaStS-llecf, Veal and Pork. Chicken' Itoast and Pot Pic. Beans niul jTnccaroni and P!cpfiKoSlton Cheese. Apple, Custard, Pumpkin and Mince . Pies. Pastry CakSS-Cocoanut, Chocolate, Angel, Etc. Old fashioned Ginger Bread and Doughnuts "Like Mother Used to Make." Remember- We Ser;e Appetising Lun'ciips nt "Noon anil Evenings during the winter W Cl m TO PT Tl if TT lion t fit Make you H .ungry &$KSO$S$OSSOS)0$K X&GOQ$&5&$&CXXXr i 'i55$7 Corthdrs Delicatessen 2nd and C Streets Phone 561 Has a Special Variety of Good Things to Eat. TRY THEIR . BOSTON BAKED BEANS , BROWN BREAD VEAL POT PIE FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER They Serve Lunches S j CTaM.ifjJmtimlHmvitfflMttf.Bi .& New Tonsorial Palors & ANDREW WOOD, Prop. Barbering Is Like Any Other Busi ness, YOU MUST KNOW HOW. Wo make a specialty of treating the scalp to prevent the hair from falling out, guaranteeing to stop It with a very few applications. Ladies specially invited to give us a trial. Mondays and Fridays are ladies' days. FACE MASSAGE AND SHAMPOO- ! M. j The Steamer F. PLANT Sails From North Bend nt 1 O'clock, Thursday, Sept. JiOtli. No reservation wilr bo held af tor the arrival of ship ulc ticket 1 bought. F.S DOWAgfent MARSHFIELD, : : : ESKESSKE&S OREGON ESEZsaszzzxazEZ jgraLiiaaai&'&iasiE'x -K -, nn. N . . $d. The Coos Bay Times, 1 year . . A Good Talking Machine, value . . 25.00 Six Standard Records, value .... 3JQ Total Worth, "$33.60 All For Only $25.00 E323S Special Tyr?g?-gg'?jg!rnT?T?A:ia-j Times s "$1.00 a week pays the cost By subscriaiug to tho Coos Bay Times for ono year you can obtain a regular $25.00 hlghgrado Talking Machine and six records of your own selection included. Amount saved to you 13 $7.40. This Is the best combination offer and the most popular ever mado to the Coos Bay readers. Open only to thoso subscribing to tho Dally Times. Delivery is promptly mado upon payment of 2.00. Thereafter $1.00 a week until tho contract is completed. Send In your order at once. Call, phono or write. Taylor's Piano House, Coos Bay Times Office, Broadway Phone 1331 Marshfield, Oregon. I I ESSTOSHEEESZ EK&a Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line BREAKWATER Sails for Portland and Astoria every Thursday C. F. MoCoIIum, Agt. Phone Main 34 A. St. Dock ING is one of ouu specialties. Grand Building North, Bend. .. q?jMraeraFgwHB8?jr5gBirww FOR SALE. Rough nnd Finished Lumber. All de liveries mado promptly. REYNOLDS LUMBER CO. North Rend, Oregon. t ' Phono 301. . WE ARE READY I : ! fixtures and woodwork. i Our plant is equipped especially I for this lino of work and our me- I To nuiko all classes of furniture,' fixtures and woodwork. Our plant is equipped especially for this lino of work and our me cluinlcs aro the best thcro is. AVe make all kinds of special furniture to order.. Also nuiko man tles, pantry furnishings, storo fu tures., iu fact all kinds of job work. Wo gumanteo our work and tho price is right. Get our estimate on your Job. WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50xJ00 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots arc reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. mmmmimmm tt nice line of tmmninnm tt tt tt OO- 466A.4AAAAAAA eo 040"64i 'Souvenir Postals of JMarshfield 8 0HH0 NORTON & HANSEN hJfWi'Jii -ipfp Coos Bay Furaiture Co. North Bend, Oregon. CURREN BROTHERS CONTRACTORS All Kinds of Work Done PHONES 543, 146 and 271 North Bend, Oregon California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance B. W. OLSON, Master. COOS BAY AND PORTLAND Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. F. P. Bauingartner, Agt. L. W, Shaw, Agt. Couch St. Dock, Portland, Ore, Marshfield, Ore., Phone 441, Business Directory Doctors. Mt. . V. INUltAAi. Plryslcian ant' burgoon. Offlc over SengBtnckcn's Drug Store. Phones Offlco 1021; realdowo 783. Lawyers. J. W. MENNKTT, Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshflold, .... Oregon Francis II. CInrko .Tncob M. Uluko Lawrence A. Ijlljeqvlst, CIjAHKK, IUjAKK & MLJKQVIST, ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW Times Building, Marshfield, Ore. Unitod States Commissioner's Ofllce. c. v. Mcknight, Attorney at Law. Upstalcs, Bonnett & Wal-v Block Marshfield, .... OregoD CORK & COKE, Attorneys at Law. Marshflold, .... Oregon Nasburg Block. Phono S10 J. E. O A Y O U, Architect Estimates fiirnibliod for nil kinds of buildings. Marshfield, : : Oregon. UIUGIIAM & HELL, Architects. North Bend, Oregon Real Estate Atjents. MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for learning of all kinds. Phono 1884. The C. B., R. & t R. R. and Navigation Co. THE C. B., R. & E. R. R. & N. CO. TIME TABLE. Subject to change without notice. No. 1. Daily, ox, Sunday Lv. 9:00a.m.lMarsh'd I Junction Coquillo Myrtle Pt No. 2. Ar.12 :30p.m. Lv.ll:30a.m. Lv.l0:46a.m. Trains to and from Beaver Hill daily. F. A. LAISE, Agent. and SI FASTEST BOATS ON THE BAY Half Hour Schedule Rui Between Mnrshuold 'uid North Bend Made iu 12 Minutes. Prlvnto LamUngs. Fnroi Ono war, 15c.; roupd trip, 23c. J. A. O'KEIiLY, Proprlotor. STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendergrass, Master and 10:30 a. m., and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 p. m. Leaves North Bend at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 a. m and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00 p. m. Makes daily trips except Sun days. Fare: One way, 15 cents; round trip, 25 cents. TIME TABLE. Leaves Marshfield 7:30. 9:00, . . ,j. , .$, ,$. ,j. .$, ,, .j. . J. L. KOONT55 Machine and Repnlr Shop. At Holland's Boat House Front St. Marshfield. $. .$. 4. .j. 4. .;. ,j. ,;. .$. .j. ,$. . i' ; 4. . .j. .j. ;. .$ PIANO STUDIO of LOUIS II. BOLL Is now open for reception of pupils. Parlors over Taylor's O O Piano Store. : : . . .. .j. ,j. .j. . . .. Steam Dye Works C Street. h idles nu.l lients'g.u infill .'Uan ed or tlyi., Philip Ri'dtfr, Propricloi. Pull tllq BELL CORD Wet Your Whistle Then Blow J. R. HERRON, Prop. tVont Street, t : AUribfUld, Oreeon 'J f"ff-