The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 27, 1907, FRIDAY EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Don't be Misled by Flashy Adds and
ice Tickets.
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rP Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffner &? Marx
Good goods at legitimate prices is what will win out every time.
Our increasing business, built up by good honest treatment and the goods to back it up with proves that it pays to
handle the best. ..... . ,. ,
Look over all our departments and you can see represented there the best houses in the business.
No matter what you purchase in this store we will back it up and refund you the money if unsatisfactory or defec
tive. We mean to serve you right and are not afraid to back up our convictions.
WE have just received a big line of HART SCHAFPNER & MARX Clothing, we claim this
line to be the very best Clothing put on the Market To-Day.
In style, fit and quality they far out-shine anything to be had. We guarantee them to be all wool and free from
any cotton. Cloth is all shrunk before making up, thus insuring you that they will retain their shape and not look shabby
as most clothing does after a few wearings.
Any suit not coming up to our guarantee can be returned and we will gladly refund you the money.
Our long experience in the clothing business insures you the very best attention and quality for your money.
Every department replenished with the season's latest. Our line of Dress Goods, Waistings, etc., is so much larger
and better than ever before. We take special pride in showing you what we have.
Every season a new fad is introduced. This year the Silk Scarf has become a very prominent factor in the make
up of your attire. Comes in all colors: blue, pink, champagne, corn, maze, gray, black, white, cream etc., in danity stripes
and figures, 21a to 3 yards long and ranging in price from $1.25 to $5.00.
in gray, white, blue and red, also Muffs, Scarfs, Leggings, Gloves, Caps, Purses, etc., to match any coat you buy. Every
style introduced this yeai can be seen here.
Among the many new things we have to sh:; you this fall is our line of Hats. The very latest styles of the sea
son are being shown here. We have them as extreme lz thev make them, also the conservative kind. A big line of CLUETT
SHIRTS, also KLING BROS.' FANCY VESTS. Underwear in any weight and sizes complete.
Sees America Will Control the
Pacific Japan-American
Tuft's Journey Around tho AVorld
Creates Deep Interest To
Be Saloguni-ded.
St. Potorsbuig, Sept. 2G. Secre
tary i'aft's tour of the world is being
roilowed with unsual Interest hero.
Tho government la taking measures
to surround tho journey through Si
beria and European Russia with tho
attentions usually reserved for
rulers of states, and tho press Is
busllj speculating on tho likelihood
of tho adoption by Russia of tho
Amorican convention. The object, it
is alleged, Is to negotiate nn agree
ment between tho United States and
Russia. Tho conviction provalls
hero that war between Japan and tho
United States Is Inevitable, though
perhaps in tho distant luturo. Tho
Novoo Vromya today published an ar
ticlo entitled "Now "World Rowers,"
picturing tho man clous growth of
America as a sea power during
President Roosevelt's administration,
and warning Russian diplomacy not
to bo caught unawares by coming
ovents. Tho Nooo Vromya adds that
tho day when tho United States Meet
passes out of tho Straits of Magel
lan and moves proudly into tho
watois of tho Pacific- ocean, It will
open a now era for tho eastern world.
Official courtesleH add a temporary
lull In war, talk does not conceal tho
fact that America is reaclhlng out for
master) of tho Pacific and Is nl
iead stiong enough to obtain it.
-Di- J. O. Goble, the well known
optician, of Medfoid, Ore, will visit
all Coos Hay towns dining Sept.
For dates si? this paper later.
-raphers Resort to Last Moans i Jl.okcu in Health, the Aged Stntes
ot Jlope lot; Winning Their MllI1 Must Xovv Earn
New York, Sept. 2G. Tho Now
York local of tho Commercial Teleg
raphois' union tonight voted to call
out all wire operators employed by
tho press and brokers' offices In this
city. If said action shall be sanc
tioned by tho national officers. Ac
tion by tho national officers will bo
awaited before anything further Is
done. It was voted also to ask tho
national officers to issuo a call for
broker and press telegraphers
throughout tho country to quit work.
The demand upon the men who are
now working under contract Is made
in tho interests of those who havo
struck against the Western Union
and Postal Telegraph companies.
Toys, shells, notions, at Prentiss
& Co.'s.
A mendicant who has been work
ing tho various towns about tho Bay
was taken dangerously ill at North
Rend yesterday, and tho only re
course was a good long sleep, lu
which tho fumes of boozo and tho ac
companying effects woio supposed to
oozo away In largo and copious
quantities. Tho man took a borth
on O'Kelly's wharf and proceeded to
sleep tho sleep of lndifferenc. Ills
generous boozo bottlo iondly clasped
In his arms, slipped dangerously near
his mouth and spectators wondered
It It would not awaken him and
tempt him farther. Rut all their
speculations wero put to rout by his
sliding off into tho Ray and then
tho curious ones had to turn In and
rescue him. Upon bolng taken from
tho chill wateis, tho lctlm of tho
unwolcomo bath protested ho had not
been undor tho intluoaco ot liquor,
but tho assembled pasbcngers simply
winked tho other oyo and foigot tho
London, Sept 2G. Count Witte is
at Cauterots, among the Pyrenees,
seeking for lost health. His arduous
duties in the Czar's service and tho
tremendous responsibilities put upon
his shoulders as Finance Minister,
maker of peace with Japan and first
tPieiulor of re-organized Russia In
most troublous times, wrecked him
It is gieatly to his credit that ho Is
still a poor man, though unlimited
possibilities of wealth wero in his
grasp if ho has been disposed to be
other than strictly conscientious.
Now what means he had are gone,
and ho must find something to do at
which he can make a living. Already
some positions havo been offered to
him by persons who know his present
stialts. Ho has definitely lesolved to
abandon all connection, direct or In
direct, with political affairs. Ho will
no longer servo even a3 a member of
the Council of the Empire. He finds
no place suited to him in tho present
Russian political system, being out of
sympathy w lth the alms and methods
of the aristocracy and tho rovolutlon
aiy patties, too.
Ul! l,uik siivtn
I V'
The Modern Woodmen of Amorlca
had ono of tho most enthusiastic
meetings ovor held at tholr special
mooting on Wednesday ovoning.
Thoy had flvo now applications and
four transfers, and thoro will bo
thirty moro transfers at tholr not
mooting. If hustling will do tho
business tho order hero will havo
over 100 members by tho first of tho
The Enipiro Rinmntic company,
composed of residents of North Rend,
will present at Eekhoff hall on Fri
day evening the stlring military
drama, "The Confederate Spy," in
tle acts. On Saturday evening it
will be presented to tho Jlar.lifU'ld
public at tho Masonic hall. Popular
prices Tickets are now on sale at
iKvt'Utt'b pharmac). North Rond, and
at Hutlor b, In Mnnmleld. Good
specialties hot w eon acts.
Outgoing Passengers.
Tho bteamer Rieakwater, bound
out for Poitland, jesterday took tho
lollowlng passengers: L. D. Spooner,
S. Ireland, Mis. Rarkman, Mrs. L. M.
Noble, C. S. Wood. J. C. Murray, G.
J. Knhn, O. Arnsplgor, Frank Irwin,
II. 1. Schlegel, Mis L. W. Fiey, Mrs.
M. A. Fahe, F. W. Inglo and wife,
G. 15. Wltmei, J. W. Jacobson, C.
Domnlck and wile, Cyrus Happy, O.
F. Cad), Mis. M. Murphy, Mrs. Mary
Gills. C. A. Peterson and wife, II. 13.
Hatcher, A. W. Raitlett, A. C.
Abbott, Charles Sloeum, 13. It. Cran
dell, Mrs. W. O Cooper, Mrs. Nelson,
Charles A. Phlpps. J. W. Mitchell, C.
Gavnor, 15. Kllnk, J. E. Lvons, M. C.
Fit!, .1. Rongulss, M. It. Decker, Joss
Nolson, F. W. Lindh, Miss A. Kinni
cutt, Miss Klnnlcutt, W. I). Ordway,
M. H. Coombb, J. Hall, Walter Spado,
F. Klnnlcutt, E. Schromher.
President In Washington.
Washington, Sept. 2(1. Prosldont
Roosevelt and family roturued to
Washington this afternoon from
Oystor Ray.
WANTED Roy to learn press feed
ing an'd the printing business. Ask
for Kramer.
Fine Job for Labor Commissioner.
Washington, Sept. 20. Piebldent
Roosevelt said toda ho had consent
ed to receive some documentary
statements fioni tho striking teleg
rapheib and when these are in Ids
hands he undoubtedly will call Into
consultation the lommlssioner of
labor. Furth-1 than this ho said no
arrangements had been made for nnj
conference regauling tho strike.
Thomas Xicols Fire Chief.
At tho mooting ot tho city council
hold Wednesdav evening, Thomas
Nlcols was appolntd Hro chief in
placo of Ed. Colgan, who has given
up his residence in Marshfleld.
Dance at Sumnar, October B.
A pretty wedding took place on
Coos River Wednesday evening at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs Robert
Rooks. The happy couple who will
reside In West Maishfleld woio Mr.
Peter Breier and Miss Edith M.
Rooke. Rev. D. W. Thurston, pastor
of the local Baptist church, oiliclated
and tied the knot. There wero over
a hundred guests present to witness
the ceiemony and enjoy the festivi
ties accompanying the wedding. The
wedding supper is said to have been
of tho highest order and the decoia
tlons for the event were supberb,
chief among which was a fancy wed
ding bell. The presents weie numer
ous and valuable and the event
marked an era in Coos River social
La 'I-
i on ve no
-Read the want ads.
Dr. J. G. Goblo, the well known
optician, of Medford, Ore., will visit
all Coos Bay towns during Sept.
For dates see this paper later.
Idea How Pretty
Launch Sunk By Whale.
San Francisco, Sept. 2G. Tho
Launch Warrieror was struck by a
whale off tho end of tho Howard
street wharf yesterday and so badly
injured she sank a few minutes after
reaching her wharf. It Is though
hor propeller struck a whale and that
tho whale struck back with his tail.
Tho blow nearly jarred tho engluo
from its bod and started seveial
Dr. J. G. Gobio, tho well known
optician, ot Medfoid, Ore., will visit
all Coos Hay towns during Sept.
For datos seo this paper later.
Daughter at David Rice's.
Dr. Mingus reports the blrih of a
daughter to Airs. David Rice, en
Wednesday, September 25th
Lots in West Bunker Hill at
$100 to ?2o0. Seo J. D. Johnson &
t 1.
O. O. F. Hull Friday Evening,
September 127.
Given by the Epworth League of
the Methodist church. An entertain
ment will bo given and refreshments
Boned. Many invitations havo beeu
sent through the mail, those wh i
have not received invitation cnids
with enclobed sock may procure the
bamo at the door.
After Winter Goods.
J. W. Mitcholl. of tho FIup, loft
rfii tho Rroakvvator for Portland to
lay In a supply of wlntor goods.
Read tho want ads.
Read tho want ads.
yoe see
Don't make the mistake of letting ns good an investment as Bay
Park "get by you" without at least giving out-self n chance to
see its merits.
We don't want you to take out- word for it.
we uo want joxt to see ana judge it for yourself.
Lots only $00.00 to ijiOO.OO, nnd on easy installments.
p too.
g Others nic having every day.
$ If it is good for them it is for you.
9 Tilllr (l lis iilini.r It
Across From Chamber of Commerce
iwwiiiii smmmmmmmm
sSBSBiaSu. ''" .L'. limi1 r.i
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