The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 26, 1907, THURSDAY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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j OCT. 6th
Mr. C. Llndsoy is iu this city for
a few days.
jlr. W. Aldrlch is In this city for
a short time.
Miss Mary Yoakum was in Mnrsh
fleld Wednesday.
.... ti ir irll. l .. r n.. !..
jur. u. ii. i-iBu 10 uu uua uaj mr
some few days.
.... 4 lt....l...Mn l n nli.. ..!-!.
mt. a. iiuiiuuwi in u ku) wsuur
for a short time
MIs3 Mildred Rogers was a city
visitor yesterday.
Mr. W. Liiisc wis aown rrom Coos
Rher Wednesday.
Miss Wallace wns in Marshileld
shopping yesterday.
Mr. Overton, of Boulevard Park,
was here yesterday.
J. J. Stanley, mayor of Coqullle,
Has here yesterday.
Mr. Van Zile of North Bend was a
city visitor yesterday.
Mr. Ralph Oakley was up from
North Dend yesterday.
Mr. Wrenny, of North Bend, was.horses which will race for the first
a city visitor Wedesday.
Mr. S. Gordon, of North Bend, was
In Marshileld yesterday.
Mrs. Nels Peterson, of Ten Mile,
was here chopping yesterday.
Mr. High Behnke was a business
visitor in this city Wednesday.
aiV. John Stelnllchtner was in
Marshileld on business Wednesday.
Miss Marlon Yoakum spent yes
terday at the Sand Hills with friends.
Attorney Walter Sinclair, of Co
qullle, spent Wednesday in Marsh
field. Mr. Rohrer, the Bandon real estate
dealer, is in Marshileld for a tew
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour H. Bell ar
rived in from a visit to Tacoma, yes
terday. E. Judell, a cigar salesman from
San Francisco, is calling on1 his Coos
Bay trade.
B. Fenton, proprietor of the Rose
burg stage line, was in Marshileld
Mr. Beloate, of the Coos Bay Auc
tion House, is carrying a badly
sprained wrist.
Mrs. La Palme, of Minneapolis,
arrived in this city yesterday on the
James Scott and George Snyder
are painting the Robert Herron
house on Broadway.
George Thomason has ordered
lumber for another residence build
ing on South Broadway.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ferrey return
ed to Marshfleld yesterday after a
few weeks' visit in Portland.
Mr. Ray Ollivant returned to this
city Wednesday after having spent
several weeks traveling through the
G. J. Kahn, who will open a mov
ing picture show here soon, will
leave on the Breakwater, and will
bring his family to Coos Bay.
Mr. E. A. Eickworth, Mr. ChaB.
Llchtweek and Mr. Hagenmyster
and son are spending a few days
hunting and fishing on Coos River.
Mr. Reebie and family arrived in
this city yesterday. Mr. Reebie in
tends entering business in Marsh
fleld and making this his permanent
Mrs. Peterson of East Marshfleld
who has been seriously. Ill for some
time past has not improved what
ever, her condition remaining very
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denning and
Ray Olivant returned from a month's
trip through the Willamette valley
and while absent, attended tho State
fair at Salem.
Mrs. Murphy and daughter Mary
leave today for Salem where they
will remain for some timo visiting
relatives thence going to Washington
where they will spend tho winter.
Walter Nelson, tho Bandon man
who recently sold his saloon business
to Robert Marsden, was In Marshfleld
yesterday. He is looking for a busi
ness location, and said he will not
enter the saloon business again.
N. T. Thorne returned yesterday
from an extended trip through the
Northwest. He reports business
rushing in all parts of the country ho
saw, and says building and business
ls behind time everywhere.
Mrs. S. A. Yoakum returned yes
terday from Salem where she at
tended the State Fair. Mrs. Yoakum
remarkes the stock showing was fine
and that the milking machine depart
ment was running full force.
Dr. J. G. Goble, the well known
optician, of Medford, Ore., will Yisit
all Coos Bay towns during Sept.
For dates see this paper later.
Largest line of photo postals at
Prentiss & Co.'s.
O OH )
Coqullle, Sept. 25.
Mrs. Josephine Bolster of Marsh-
field purchased this week a house
' ...
aim lot, ana seven and one-half feet
of lot S in block 20 of Elliott's ad-
lid. -
union to UoquIIlc, for $1,700. A
good bargain
Property 13 looking up and in
quiries for the same are Increasing
as winter draws near.
Rev. Phlpiu of Portland was here
over Sunday aiul gave two very able
addresses In the interest of the Sun-1
day school work. I
m. . , .. , lt
t J o'c rf , Tff ' n
and 2Sth are looked forward to with
mitnh lntprp.t i.v h, , f n. . ... , , . ,. ! ... .
qullle and vicinity. There will be
2 1 or 25 horses to take part in the
races, and some of them arc expected
to surprise somebody. Some are new
time at this fair. There will be
RPVnrn 1 lr nfla nf nmnonmonf Imclrlao
t. . , .. .. ., .. .
the races, dancing all the time it is '
Mr. Ferris and wife, who have
been on a visit to the east for the
last two or three months, returned
today. He thinks the Coqullle val
ley country is far ahead of the east
for a home. Mr. Ferris is looking
well and says he hda a good time.
Judge J. H. Cecil who moved to
California last winter, has returned j
to Coqullle. He says the Coqullle
valley country Is good enough for
him. Mr. Cecil is looking very well, j
uetter man wuen ne leu nere last
Dance at Sttmnor, October 5.
Insure against wear and tear of
fine fabrics by using Gasene Soap.
lllnnco: B. R. Crandall, C. A.
Peters and wife, E. Judell, San Fran
cisco, W. Sinclair, Coqullle, B, Fen
ton, Roseburg, H. Thomas, San Fran
cisco, Chas. A. Phipps, Portland,
Ollle Klnnecutt, Myrtle Point, Amy
Kinnecutt, Myrtle Point, R. J. 'Dean
and family. Coqullle, S. Dow, H. S.
Hatcher, Portland, Walter Nelson,
Bandon,, Jesse Nelson, Bandon, Al
fred Olson, Port Orford, J. P. Dim
mitt, Coqullle, Harvey Pemo, War
rens, Wis., Mike Bartlme, S. Inlet,
James Richmond, Coqullle, E. H.
Fish, Portland, F. T. Moon, Port
Huron, Mich., C. E. Slocum, R. I.
Hepburn, Portland, d- L. Llndsey,
Portland, C. Doemralck and wife,
Denver, Frank Gould, Chicago, G. D.
Witmer, D. R. Atlinson, K. P. Far
ley, Portland, F. W. Ingle and wife,
Woodburn, Mrs. Del Saunders, Bay
field, Wis., Mrs. G. W. Harrington,
C. Carlson, Portland, D. Vance, H.
Waller, J. Dergman, J. J. Stanley.
Central: Mrs. Englehart, Oak
land, W. W. Gage, Coqullle, Robert
J. Jones and wife, Los Angeles, J. H.
Pickett, Myrtle Point, W. H. Caug
hlll, Wedderburn, Tom Harvey, L.
W. Saunders, Chas. A. Phipps, Port
land, J. V. Hodson, John McPherson,
C. M. Rhodes, Joe Stynwich, F.
Ginder, J. M. Foss.
Lots in West Bunker Hill at
$100 to $250. See J. D. Johnson &
Breakwater In Port.
The steamship -Breakwater arrived
in yesterday morning from Port
land and will leave this afternoon at
1:30. Following are passengers she
brought: Miss R. Allen, A. Young,
Mrs. Booth,. T. J. Whittaker, T.
Zimmerman, E. Ferris, K. Henricks,
Mrs. Taber, IL Lauer, F. Dugle, Mrs.
Smiley, J. Smiley, H. Smiley, C. Llnd
sey, T, Cowart, E. Langworthy, O.
Berg, Mrs. La Palme, Miss Bolton,
A. Bolton, L. Bolton, Mrs. Barkman,
M. Compte, S. Santo, W. Dordway,
F. Cole, Mrs. pole, Mrs. F. E. Cole,
A. Girguonx.J. Mills, S. Taber, J.
Acheson, F. Gould, K. Farley, L.
Summerol, M. Dlmmlck, Mrs. Dlm
mlck, Mrs. Saunders, R. Oakley, Mrs.
Wlnsor, Miss Flanagan, Mrs. F. D.
Browne, Lloyd Spooner, T. J.
Spooner, Mrs. Spooner, F. Stlgtlch,
Mrs. Stigtich, E. II. Fish, E. Dorris,
Miss Dean, D. Atkinson, J. Ferrey,
Mr3. Ferrey, George Ferrey, Mrs.
Larrlbee, Mrs. McNear, W. Aldrlch,
A. W. Wetner, W. Fransenbach, T.
Moser, W. Carlisle, F. Donnelly, Mrs.
Donnelly, R. Olivant,, R. Heyburn,
Mrs. Herrington, 19 steerage.
Dr. J. G. Goblt, the well known
optician, of Medford, Ore., will Yisit
all Coos Bay towns daring Sept.
For datoa seo this paper later.
Outing at Ten Mile.
Mr. A. C. Richards, of Ecuador,
arrived on the Day this week, direct
from South America. He comes at
the Instance of his friend, Mr. Suplee.
These men have been friends for
many year3, and .Mr. Suplee has been
writing Mr. Richards for some time
regarding the opportunities for in
vestments on Coos Day. They, with
Mr. C. I Uorrian, went to the Ten
Mile country yesterday for a few
days' outing. Mr. Richards will look
over the country thoroughly before
leaving, and will likely invest.
Toys, shells, notions, at Prentiss
& Co.'s.
Alliance Lcucs Port.
The Alliance departed yesterday
afternoon for Portland with tho fol
lowing passengers: John Kellam,
Mr3. Kellam, James Lewis, II. II.
Fields, C. J. Pendleton, Geogro Rob
inson, L. Morrill, A. Demangeon, I.
M. Charlton, Mrs. D. M. Charleton,
Mrs. S. R. Charleton, E. Interman, A.
W. Barrett, L. Burk, J. Garup, A.
c.,i,i., v ... i- i t ..
Something Mv tor the Ladles.
Andrew Wood has opened up-to-
late tonsorlal Plors at North Bend,
Tf . .,, . . , , . .. ,
U ls tho only trul complete thing
of the kind on the Bay. He makes a
specialty of stopping the falling out
of the hair and It only requires two
or three applications. Mondays and
Fridays are the days for the ladles.
Scientific shampooing and massaging
are other specialties of his. His
contention Is that, "Barbering, to be
, , , , ,
you must know your
His parlor is certainly a
Read the want ads.
Holders of Kinney &. Waite con-
tracts for lots ln platB B c .., ...
ievard Park are herDev notified to
call at FIret National Bank of
Marshfleld and settle all pavments
now Uue or BUlt wln be commenced
at once.
F. B. Waite.
Notice to Bidders.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the recorder of tho city of Marsh
fleld, Coos county, Oregon, up to the
hour of 7 o'clock in the afternoon of
Monday, the 30th day of September,
1907, for the construction of an ad
dition to the city hall of the said city
of Marshfleld, according to the plans
and specifications therefor prepared
by J. E. Cayou, which said plans and
specifications may be seen at the of
fice of the said J. Br Cayou, in the
Merchant building, ln said city, up
to the hour of 4 o'clock in the after
noon of the said 30th day of Septem
ber, 1907.
By order of the common council
made and entered the 23rd day of
beptember, 1907.
J. M. Upton,
City Recorder.
Jas. H. Flanagan hereby gives no
tlco that between September 21st and
September 30th, 1907, inclusive,
sealed bids for the construction of a
draw bridgo across Coal Bank slough
at a point where Pennsylvania ave
nue Intersects said slough, said
bridge to be ln accordance with
plans and specifications on file and
open to inspection ln tho office of
said Jas. H. Flanagan ln Marshfleld,
Oregon, will be received and con
sidered at said office. Bids shall
cover cost of material, labor and
everything in connection with the
construction of said bridge. The
right to reject any or all bids Is
hereby reserved.
Notice of Assessment.
Coos Bay, Oregon, Coal company,
location and principal place of busi
ness city and county of San Fran
cisco, state of California.
Notice is hereby given that at a
meeting of the directors held on the
11th day of September, in the year
1907, an assessment of twenty (20)
cents per share was levied upon tho
capital stock of the corporation, pay
able Immediately to the secretary of
the Coos Bay, Oregon Coal company
at its office at room 1017 in the
James Flood building, at the north
east corner of Market and Powell
streets, in the city and county of
San Francisco, state of California.
Any stock upon which this assess
ment shall remain unpaid on Fri
day, the 25th day of October 1907,
will bo delinquent and advertised fci
sale at public auction, and unless
payment is made before, will bo sold
on Monday, the 25th day of Novem
ber, 1907, at the hour of 12 o'clock,
noon, to pay the delinquent assess
ment, together with costs of adver
tising and expenses of sale.
J. L. Wlllcutt,
Secretary of the Coos Bay, Oregon,
Coal Company.
Location of office room 1017,
James Flood building, northeast cor
ner of Market and Powell streets,
Ban Francisco, California.
Itntcs 5c line first time, 3c line
each succeeding Insertion
Try a Times want ad.
FOR SALE Pure bred Brown Log
horn cocxreig. $2.50 each. Sco
Jack Flanagnn.
FOR RENT Half a store with nice
.largo windows. Call at Taylor
Piano House.
FOR SALE 26 feet new power
Ashing boat. Apply Max Tlmmer
man. FOR SALE Household goods, com
plete outfit. Call Times office.
LADIES wishing sewing done call on
Mr3. T. Nussel and Mrs. Jack
Rico, Pino street.
WANTED Good building lot or cot
tage. Coos Bay Auction Co.
LOST Row boat from Marshfleld
dock, painted red. Reward for in
formation leading to recovery.
Julius Larsen.
FPU SALE Household
Call at Times office.
WANTED A gentleman to board
with private family. Inquire at
tho South end of bridge on Cedar
Street. X. R. T.
WANTED Young man about 17
assist on books, address in own
hand writing, P. O. Box 42G, City.
WANTED Young lady, assistant
bookkeeper, must write neat hand
accurate and neat in figures. Ad
dress, P. O. Box 334, City.
WANTED Board and room for
young lady. Private family pre
ferred. Address box 314, Marsh
field, Ore.
For Sale Or exchange, a skiff.
Coos Bay Auction Co.
FOR SALE Billiard table. Apply
Bob's Billiard Parlors.
FOR RENT Elegantly furnished
housekeeping and bed rooms closo
in. Reasonable. Coos Bay Auc. Co.
FOR RENT Large front room, mod
ern conveniences; Fourth and B.
Inquire at Times office.
FOR SALE 18 foot gasoline boat,
4 horse power engine. Address
box 446, North Bend, Ore.
LOST Small gold watch, initial "M;
on fob. Return to Times office
and receive reward.
WANTED Mickey, the North Bend
furniture man, wants all of your
old household goods. See him be
fore you sell.
FOR SALE Family mare, 900
pounds, drives single or double,
and good under saddle. Almost
new buckboard and set of harness.
O. O. Lund, near harness shop,
Broadway, next door to warehouse.
FOR SALE Five choice lots in
Sengstacken's addition at a bar
gain. Address 1. O. box: 131.
FOR SALE Or exchange for real es
tate, a 22 foot launch. Call at
Times office.
Eectric Power
IE Coos
Students may graduate in Voice, Piano or Pipe Organ. Rapid and
thorough mothod for beginners. Classes in Harmony, Counterpoint, otc,
vocal sight reading and piano ensemble. Singers coached In oratorio,
opera, or concert work by tho director.
ELMER A. TODD, O'Connell Bldg., Marshfield
Cures Coughs, Colds,
( and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption veltTqw PACKAoy
To our patrons, commencing
tho first of October, 1907, all laun
dry work will be placed on n cash
basis. Thanking you for past busi
ness and soliciting continuance of
tho same. Signed.
Coos Bay Steam Laundry.
C. J. Hcdunll
II. C. Borhus
Wo have just opened our office ln
Marshfleld and respectfully solicit
your patronage.
Wo will draw your policies cor
rectly and guarantee prompt and fair
settlement of losses.
We represent tho following old ana
reliable companies:
Sun insurance Oillco of London,
Norwich Union Fire Insurance Soci
ety of England,
National Union Insurance Company,
of Philadelphia.
Adams Building. Marshfleld, Ore.
Orer Telephone Office.
.... 4 4. . . .;. v
W. II. Davis, Manager.
Will take up any kind of de
tective work entrusted to
me by those desiring first
class work. All correspond
ence confidential and prompt
ly attended to. My work
always satisfactory and terms
right. Correspondence so
licited. Address all matters
Marshfleld, - - - Oregon.
Flanagan & Bennett Bank
Capital subscribed fSO.000
Cnpltnl I'ald Up 140,000
Undivided Troths J35.000
Docs r Reneral banking business and draws
ou the Bank ol California. San Kranclsco
CaltL, First .Notlcaal Bank Portland Or., Flrbt
National Dank. RoscburB. Or., Hanover Na
tional Rank, New York, N. M. llothchlld &
Son, Jxmdon, England.
Also sell change on nearly all the principal
cities of Europe.
Accounts kept subject to cheek, safe dposn
lock boxes for rent at 5 cents a month or
(o. a year.
Launch Express
Will make regular trips between
South Coos river and Marshfleld
Leaving the Maee rt 7.00 a. m.
and Marshfleld at 4:20 p. m.
She will b open for charter
between t a. m. and 4 p. in.
Always has on hand
a good stock of j
General Merchandise
All Kinds of
Groceries and Clothing
Is receiving pupils In
Voice Culture
Homo Studio, Broadway.
Phono 1755.
with Gas
Electric Co.
Croup, La Grippe. Asthma.
Either phono 1451, or leavo ord
ers at Lockhart & Parson's for all
kinds of transferring. O. S. Torrey.
j All Parts of the World j
H Wc use the necessary
i faciirtio6 for sending
I money to all parts of
H the world, and without
II danger or loss. .. .
8 COOS BAY, Marshfield, Ore. fi
Bank of Oregon
Capital Stock fully paid up
Transacts a General Banking
North Bend,
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Third and A Sts. Phone, 1201
Eyes tested Free,
Broken Lens Replaced.
Work Guaranteed.
North Front Street.
I oa ma, rati u aocoani in mil DUE Wlla
any amount you wish oret $ 1 .00. Send check,
moary order, eiprm ord of by tecutered lm
and by rrtura miil you will receive your bank
book. We pay 47o rateieit and compound it
twice a year: on June 30 and December 3 1,
Capita and Surplus
Over $3,000,000.00
Total Aueta
Over $12,000,000.00
Send for our Booklet oa Banking by Mail
Ceos Bay
Steam Laundry
All work now done at
the North Bend Plant
Edgar Mauzcy
Agent, Marshfield
North Bend Phone 1031
Marshfield Phone 180
Throat The aermine u i. th.
a McPherson Ginser Co.
U Wholesale liquor dealers
H Cigars and saloon tiup-
I California Tmzi a Specialty
!j. II Frolit St., Marshfield I
r - 1 1 1
-- rvt -i ,.