2 THEflAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1907. IU: iU A' in: cc 1c 11 It D :3' X ii Coos Bay Times AN INDEPENDENT JUSetfWW "r,B?ArBB PUBIT4UHD EVEKY IUT UCCHTTINa MON DAY AND ALSO WtXiXT kY Tna Coon Hay Turns Posuamxa Co. The policy of The Uooa Bay Times will be Republican in politics, with the independence of which President Hooae relt is the leading exponent. Entered at the postoQloo at Murshflcld, Ore gon, (or trniipmlssiun through the lnnlls ai e ecu ml class mall mutter. SUBSCRIPTION RATE Single copy, daily, 5 cents Per month, daily, CO cents Three months, daily, 25 Bix months, daily - $2 50 Ono year, daily, - - - 5 00 Weekly, per year - fl 50 Local renders 10c lln first inser tion, 8c line each succeeding inser- ff lion. Address all comniunk'utiwiH to COOS BAY TllttS I'urWidd, Oregon. CHANGING SCHOOL HOOKS. It is notorious that there Is such a thing nn a school hook trust in this country and that its influence lias reached without any check what ever all parts of the United States. The American Hook company is only less gigantic than the Standard Oil company, but its effect is to enrich Its members and tax its patrons as much as they will stand. Possibly Marsh Hold has had occasion before now to mnrmer against the School Book Trust, but whether it has or not, parents liavo now new cause to record their murmurs again. The school children have been compelled to change their books again, and par ents have been unnecessarily bled to supply now books where the old ones which they bought and paid for sonio time ago would have done just asivell. Of course tho people who are responsible for tho change claim that education must keep up to the standard of progress and that tills renders old books obsolete and new hooks and new systems necessary. Conceding the statement to bo true, & not necessarily an approval of the argument. Show tho people first, where tho new hooks and now sys tem, so called, constitute an advance on what must now be thrown aside and lost. There are soveral things which Marshfield pcoplo may well consider in regard to these changes. Ono of ihem is that they will come thick and tulck hereafter. Another is that Marshfield school authorities are not responsible for It, as tho law of the state provides for a uniform system and tho state authorities have de creed tho change. Still another is tfhat It is very profitable to tho school took trust and to nobody else. Then again tho pretence that tho exchange at old hooks for now on tho basis of 30 cents on tho dollar allowed on tho ii Id. books, is a farce. In families of two or moro children it is usual for Ihc second child to tako tho books Soft over by tho older brother or sis ier, and n largo saving was made tn poor and honest people. Tho "quick Thango" school book trust cures that leakage from Us Income by getting tho stato authorities, by some method, to co-operate. Thousands of dollars go out of (lie stato for school looks and ovon If they happen, in Mine instances, to bo printed In tho tfate, all of tho profits from tho .paper mill to tho print shop go to Men who may ho enjoying llfo In London or I'aris. Hut what are you going to do about It? Tho remedy? Well, thero 4j ono, but It may bo tho pcoplo aro afraid of It. Perhaps it is better to sleep quietly in tho lion's mouth, .limn to keep awako outsido tho Jaws of clangor. Tho remedy Is for tho itato to provide, prlnf. and distribute ijs own school books, on tho plan of integral production, from tho paper sntll up. Tho extension of the 3vmedy is for all of tho peoplo to stand tho oxpenso of furnishing the school books to tho children and re lievo tho parents who hear tho bur den of this generation and tho next, too. Of course, this remedy must bo an academic one for somo timo to ctimo, hut one of tlieso days tlto ma jority will ceaso to lot n school book Irust graft tho stato or city. ready elevated must obtain permits from the city engineer, whose duty it Is to grant them if the specifica tions which must be filed with him for ills protection, comply with the ordinance. The violation of tho or dinance may result In the city au thorities proceeding to abate the de ficient structure by tearing it down and punishing the wrong-doer. Tho ordinance is well adapted for tho purpose for which it was de signed, but its terms are broad enough to prevent the erection of a shed or other temporary structure, if the letter of the law shall be ob served. As it is not tho letter but the spirit of the law which the city government will Insist upon, no doubt it will grant permits for such temporary structures as may be nec essary in connection with construc tion work. Tho council should not stop with simply defining fire limits. There are many good reasons why no houso should be built in the city limits without a permit. Tho city engineer's office ought to bo in po sition to keep a complete record of all houses and structures which are erected. It would be no inconven ience to tho builder and would en able tho authorities to more easily estiamte tho police and sanitary re quirements of their charge. DEWEY OPPOSES SELLIMG ISLANDS Has No I 'car of Japan and Consid ers Islands Source of Strength, Not Weakness. r The Steamer M F. PLANT Tho Investigation of the Standard Oil officials, ail men or enormous wealth, has proven one thing if noth ing else. That one thing is that Americans who are anxious to train their children along financial lines should keep them out of school and teach them to know nothing. If they have a particularly dull boy In the family, tie to him. He is likely to become a millionaire, for the in vestigation referred to proves that the Standard Oil officials are the greatest lot of dullards and dunces ever haled into court. They knew nothing, had learned nothing, took no hints, couldn't be coached and had lost their memories entirely. The case furnishes no reason to be lieve that the fortunes of Rockefel ler, Rogers or any of the rest of them can be accounted for on any other ground than that of "a fool for luck." Use Baysido Paints and Im perial Varnishes and get the best. Flexo Ready Roofing never rusts, cracks or leaks. Mothers Club. The Mothers' Club will meet Fri day, the 27th, at 3 o'clock In the Baptist church. Subject for discus sion, "How to Secure Co-operation by Mothers and School Teachers." An Interesting program has also been arranged.. Everybody cordially In vited to be present. New lino ladles' coats, suits and skirts at Prentiss & Co.'s. WANTED Boy to learn press feed ing and tho printing business. Ask for Kramer. Washington, Sept. 23 Vdmiral Dewey Is opposed to the sale of the Philippines. He does not believe that his famous battle of Manila Bay brought the United States a posses sion which for strategic or other reason is to rise up to plague us. As chairman of the general board of the Navy, it is Admiral Dewey's duty to plan to meet the eventualities of war. The progress of Japan and the exposed position of tho Philippines ' have caused some experts to say that, I in the event of war, those islands would be a source of weakness. Admiral Dewey, viewing the question from all points of view, do03 not ' favor the withdrawal of the United i States from tho archipelago at this time. He is not prepared to discuss the measures adopted for tho defense of the Philippines nor will he express any-opinion concerning the move ment of the battleship fleet to the fa Pacific, but he does say: "Hold the Philil pines." He is fearless of any Injuring consequences following American occupation and declines to give any serious consideration S.o predictions that Japan is so set upon obtaining the island that, if neces sary to get them, she will go to war. In an interview today the Admiral sets out the reasons which impel him to insist upon the retention of the island. The strong point of his argu ment Is not based upon the military or naval importance of the islands, but upon the great value, present and prospective, of the Philippines to America in the extension of our trade with the Orient. Sails From North Bend nt 1 O'clock, Tlmrrtlny, Sept. 20th. No reservation will bo held after the arrival of ship unless tleket 1 bought. F.S DOWAent MARSHFIELD, : : : : OREGON 32EXBS2Z2X83RZ3BaEBXXBE32U 33SSO!SSXSSnSSSSSS!3SPXSSrSSLEBSXIX A r- N . . $ z.vv The Coos Bay Times, 1 year . . A Good' Talking Machine, value . . 25.00 Six Standard Records, value .... 3.60 Total Worth, $33. All For Oaly $25.00 i Leant to Paint on Glass. Professor Reynolds is entertaining an enormous crowd evenings on the A street dock. It's fine and he there explains to you how for $2.00 any body can learn to paint beautiful pic tures on glass. His lecture is enter taining and instructive. During the day lessons are given at his tent on First street, one block north of Mer chant Brothers. An Honest Hunter. A. H. Welling, the popular North Bend tailor, returned Monday from Ten Mile, where ho had been hunting and fishing. Welling is more hon est than most hunters. He confesses ho did not kill even one deer, but declares ho actually did see where thero had been a deer. reffgpftf?IF?.grP:nsn;XragK3 a! To Times Readers a week pays the cos u By subscribing to tho Coos Bay Times for ono year you can obtain a regular $25.00 highgrado Talking Machine and six records of your own selection included. Amount saved to you 13 $7.40. This Is the best combination offer and the most popular ever mado to the Coos Bay readers. Open only to those subscribing to tho Daily Times. Delivery is promptly mado upon payment of 2.00. Thereafter $1.00 a week until tho contract is completed. Send In your order at once. Call, phono or write. . . r- -.,. 1 Taylor's Piano House, - - Coos Bay Tmies Office, - Phone 1331 Marshfield, Oregon. BEE23EIES55EEEE3SIEIH2 Business Directory Doctors. Ult. J. W. INGltAAl. Physician nnC burgeon. OUlc over Sengstacken's Drug Store. Phones Office 1C21; residence 78S. Lawyers.' J. W. UENNETT, Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshflold, .... Oregon Francis II. Clarke Jacob M. lllako Lawrence A. LII.iecjvlst CLARKE, BLAKE & LILJEQVIST, ATTOUNEVS-AT-LAW Times Building, Marshflcld, Ore. United States Commissioner's Office. c i Mcknight, Attorney at Law. Upstairs, Bounett ' & Waltfti- Block Marshfield, .... Oregon COKE & COKE, Attorneys at Law. Marshfield, .... Oregon Nasburg Block. Phono 810 J. L C A V O U, Architect Estimates furnished for nil kinds of buildings. Marshfield, : : Oregon. BIUGIIAM & BELL, Architects. North Bend, - - - . Oregon HJIBliiiJ! wiTwiTuryiVTv Piles For Gulovson Building. Workmen have the site of flhe Gulovson two story building at the corner of Broadway and C streets cleared and the pile driver is at work on the foundation for tho structure. Read the want ads. THE Flit H ORDINANCE. Tho city council have ordained Mint no building shall bo constructed or other inatorlttl than brick, stono xtt concrete within ccrtulu defined UiwltB, and by bo doing havo in ono iwaiug raised Marshfield to tho rtufc of a pormnnont modern city. It' will also glvo It reasonable rates lor lusuranco purposes, thus onnhl-3ng- capital to construct substantial buddings within tho limits pro .jurfbed and recolvo protection thoro Jor. Tho ordlnnuco goes into offect mt onco and all who have deslgnod structures which tlioy havo not al- Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line BREAKWATER Sails for Portland and Astoria every Thursday , C. F. McCollum, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - - A. St. Dock WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builders Office fixtures a specialty. Store Fronts, Counters, Shelving. Let us work out your plans. See usbo fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street r w ARE READY WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN (I BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. Real Estate Agents. MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds. Phono 1SS4. TheCB.,R.&R.R. and Navigation Co. THE C. B R. A E. . R. & N. CO. TIME TAIJLE. Subject to change without notice. No. 1. Lv. 0:00a.m, Lv. 9:45a.m, Ar.l0:20a.m. Daily, ex. Sunday Marsh'd Junction Conuille Myrtle Pt No. 2. Ar.12 :30p.m. Lv.ll :30a.m. Lv.l0:45a.m. Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally. F. A. LAISE, Agent. and nmtmmttmtttmm ttmtttmtmtnmtntt 8 H A nice line of Souvenir Postals of Marshfield NORTON & HANSEN H s tt mmtmtimj mtmmmmg To make all classes of furniture, fixtures anil woodwork. Our plant is equipped especially for tills lino of work and our me chanics aro tho best thero Is. Wo make all kinds of special furniture to order.. Also make man. ties, pantry furnishings, store fix tures, In fact all kinds of job work. Wo guarantee our work ami tho price is right. Get our estimate cm your Job. Coos Bay Furniture Co, North Bend, Oregon. CURREN BROTHERS CONTRACTORS All Kinds of Work Done PHONES 543, 14p and 271 ' North Bend, Oregon I FASTEST BOATS ON THE BAY Half Hour Schedule Itui- Detwecn Murshflold uiij North Bend Made in 12 Minutes. Private LanSlngs. Furoi One war, 15c; roma trip, &:. J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendergrass, Master and 10:30 a. w., and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 p. m. Leaves North Bend at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00 p. m. Makes dally trips except Sun days. Pare: Ono way, 15 conts; round trip, 25 cents. TIME TABLE. Leaves Marshfield 7:30, 9:00, .. .. .J. .J. ., ,. .J. .J. J. L. KOONTZ Machine and Itcpnlr Shop. At Holland's Boat Houso Front St. Marshflcld. i- .. ,.. j, .j. .. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance B. V. OLSOX, Master. COOS BAY AND PORTLAND Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. F. P. Baumgftrtuer, Agt. L W. Shaw, Agt. Couch St. Dock, Tortland, Ore, Mareliflekl, Ore., Phooe;l, $. t : .. .;. $. . 3. PIANO STvmo t "f v LOUIS II. BOLL V IS nOW Otien fnr roronflnn nf A pupils. Parlors ovor Taylor's v nano storo. f 4.J. Steam Dye Works C Street. Luiien'atnKientB'gai mfnle iiltmn ed or dyed. Philip Becker, Propricloi. PuU the BELL CORD Wet Your Whistle Then Blow J. R. J1BRRON, Prop. Broni Street, i AbnbOeU, Ortiroa J lagtiWfe VM yFyq'gj