;,iy,;iiaa ,ff.r) r- ?:"?&& n-.'-a. immiwinpi THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER,2VI907. aJ M I 1' I fe, 71 1 ?i h terr lllil vo atq tor vb 1 fluv do' IH, sea ho sl( iy s 4 1 HI tl cc -to 1 p. ? o i a T t S 1 1 1 1 . 1 I 1 I I i V Coos Bay Times AN INDWENWBKT BEPKJiVlr "SJArBB PTDU'inKD BVKItY DAT XXJBarTWO MON DAY ANB ALSO WKKKLY llY Tux Cooh Bay Times Pubushjko Co. The policy of The Cooa jJJay Times trill bo Republican in politic, with the Independence of which President Roose velt is the lending exponent. Bntcrcd at the postofllce at Mnnhfleld, Ore gon, (or trnnimtaion througli the inatib as eeeund claps mail. mutter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Single copy, duily, Per month, daily, Ihreo months, daily, Six months, duily One year, daily, Weekly, per your 5 cents 50 cents fl 25 $2 GO $5 00 ?1 50 Local' readers 10c lino first Inser tion, 8c line each succeeding inser tion. Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES MzrshiisM, Oregon. CONSOLIDATION. Tho cities of the peninsula, are growing rapidly and each is acquir ing a distinction which it is feeling proud to advance. There arc politi cal differences which are becoming moro marked as time rolls on and it is a question whether, If consolida tion is not effected within a year or two, it will not take twenty or thirty or even fifty years to estab lish that union which has been deemed certain to occur some time. Tho name of North Bend and tho name Marshfleld are, not particularly attractive and neither name haa be- como anywhere as famous as the name Coos or Coosbay. In fact one of tho obstacles to tho proper pre sentation of any question which af fects tho welfaro of Coos Bay Is that there appear? to be several cities and a division of strength and popula tion. While this division Is really Imaginary yet it may as well ho true- as it is so treated and the world fails In extending tho confidence to tho divided community which it would most certainly give the con solidated city of Coos or Coosbay. There is no question thnt the union will come some time. It Is equally well understood that If it should come now It would remove many confusions from the minds of both Investors and prospective resi dents. It would result In tho cities acquiring the full advantage of the famous name which is so widely known. It would unite the now di vided strength of a growing and promising community which, in view of Its Importance and tho greatness of tho mission which devolves on it an a sea port, needs all the strength It can got to properly regulate its af fairs. It has tho samo harbor, the Bamo extended water front, tho same question as to improvements of the bay, tho samo purposes and the same hopes. It Is Impossible for one to thrlvo without communicating Its activities and benefits to the other. They havo tho samo tributary country, tho samo resources, the lumo shipping interests, and, inter changeably, tho samo people. They arc only threo miles from center to 'contor and It is most likely that the water front street which Marshfleld has extended to Pint 11 will be met by similar street construction from North Bend to Marshfleld. When tho new street construction Is done It will bo only a few minutes auto ride or ovon walk from one city to Iho other. With both cities united undor one name and government tho progressive work which has been so well inaugurated will bo carried for ward with vim and permanency. Other streets besides Front street will bo pushed through. Tho outsldo world will no longer bo puzzled to know whero tho railroad will Btriko tho city. Ono great Chamber of Conunerro will do four times tho work that two Httlo ones can. One great namo will bo blazing through Iho land and Coos will bo the metrop olis of Southwestern Oregon. Moro than this. IT WILL ALWAYS BE THE METROPOLIS. Thoro Is now n crying need for now charters In both cities. Absurd limitations, designed to snvo pennies aud loso dollars, havo placed both in straight-jackets. North Bond can not bond itsolf or Incur Indebtedness greater than $7,500. Marshfleld can not Increnso Rs Indebtedness boyond ?2G,000. Every wlso and conserva tive community places somo limita tion on tho uso of tho public credit uut usually In au olnstic form so that It can meet tho exigencies of growth Their method is to fix tho uso of tho public credit within a limit of about flvo por cent of tho assessed valua tion. Then If tho city does not in crenso In wealth and population but La at a Btundatlll Its Inhabitants must reduco tho public Indebtedness be fore It can further pledge its crodlt. liut It Is not thought possible that a city can supply its needs and accom- nllah its mirooscs as a city unless It shall provide the common municipal necessities. North Bend ana aiarsn fleld are so bound in their legal swad dling clothes that they can not stir. In a public sense, and it is not sur prising that they have been charged with having an almost total lack of public spirit. The need of new charters is not confined to the one objection re ferred to. There are others only a trifle les3 glaring. But the point is that at this time when new charters are so much needed the two cities could tako time by the forelock and unite under one name and govern ment. Not long ago a townslte on the other side of the bay adopted the niimo Coos Bay City and the people ct Marshfleld and North Bend both protested to the postofflce depart ment against the assumption of the na-no asserting as a sufficient reason that the two cities were about to coii solldato and adopt it. Was this a cry of wolf which having fooled the department once will not be heard again when the same locality shall renew Its petition and point out the neglect of the peninsular cities to make good? THAT FIRE ORDINANCE. It has boon understood for a con siderable time past that the city council of Marshfleld had under con sideration an ordinance which was intended to give the men who are erecting large and substantial bulll Ings In tho city and constructing; them of cement, brick or fire proof material, somo protection against the erection of fire traps in their prox imity. How long the city council has to have a proposition of that de scription "under consideration be fore they enact it into a law is a mat ter which v only the council can say. But the men who have put their money into substantial buildings havo a right to protection. It Is un fair and unjust to withhold it. They build of material which will appeal to the insurance companies to reduce the rates of Insurance and men who put themselves In a position to pay heavy taxes by improving tho city ought to have tho advantage which lower rates give. But before they complete their work they often have the chagrin of seeing a fire trap go up next to the costly building which they havo built and the danger of fire which they have sought to avoid returned to tho same locality in an enlarged form. It is a mistake. Es pecially Is this so when the value of the locality for tho business which is to bo carried on In the fire trap or wooden structure Is largely created SiiKgssE Waterman's Ideal fountain Pens the best on the market absolute guarantee, for sale at the RED CROSS -- Portland & Coos Bay S S Line BREAKWATER Sails ror Portland and C. F. McCollum, Agt. PJone Main 34 - - WE ARE To nmko nil classes of furniture, lKturcs mill woodwork. Our idnut is equipped especially for this lino of work anil our me chanics are tho best there Is. Wo make nil kinds of special furniture to order.. Also iiiuke man tles, pantry furnishings, store fix tures, in fact nil kinds of Job work. We gunnuitco our work and tho prlco is right. Get our estiumto on your Job. Coos Bay Furniture Co, North Bend, Oregon. I - mini i i i mmimmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmm by the very structures which It en dangers. It is important for the people of Marshfleld to realize that such a pro tective measuro as the council have under consideration and havo been considering for a long time, means that capital will be far more ready to invest in building up the city than where such protective measures arc absent. Some of the people think different at this time but we believe they are few and that they do not understand the demands of modern progress. The argument that con crete and brick must be Imported from a distance and that it is costly to make use of such materials does not help the contention that the fire ordinance U untimely. At least flvo buildings of large dimensions and costly construction are either being constructed or are in actual sight. The Bennett and Flanagan .bank building on Front street, the Rogers building on the corner of A and Ce dar, the bank building on the corner of C and Broadway, the Williams building on the corner of Queen and Broadway rao in process of con struction and tho work on the large $75,000 hotel will commence before ten days. Tho men who havo put their money into these buildings arc progressive and are all in favor of the ordinance and back of them the sentiment of the citizens is strong They want the ordinance passed. It is proper to state here that many little things which will in commode nobody and which require little consideration and no loss of time arc pressing for attention and ought not to be delayed any longer. The comments of the people on all sidles are becoming sufficiently strong to be recognized. It would ue a sim ple matter for the council to adopt a more rational system of numbering or naming the streets of Marshfleld. Tho crowds of newcomers as well as the old time citizens who throng the streets want to know where they are and wish to be able to give clearer directions to one another. The street names are not only mixed, but ridicu lous and when a newcomer discovers how confusing they are ho cannot fail to look on the whole system with de rision and contempt. These latter matters do not need discussion and it would not consume any of the time of tho proper authorities to correct the deficiency at once. Attention, Modern Woodmen of Americn. There will be a special meeting of the Modern Woodmen of America next Wednesday evening, September 25, at their hall. Business of Im portance. Geo. N. Bolt, Clerk. Astoria every Thursday A. St. Dock READY The Steamer M. F. PLANT SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25th. No reservation will bo held nftor the nrrhul of ship unless ticket I bought. RS DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, MJATM.UlJWil'.tJ..ULl.lU'l H The Coos Eav Timest A Good Talking Machine, value . . 25.00 Six Standard Records, value . . . . 3.60 Total Worth, $33.60 AI! For Osily $25.1 ESSS2-EE Special To Times Readers $1.00 a weekcjpays the cost By subscribing to tho Coos Bay Times for one year you can obtain a regular $25.00 hlghgrado Talking Machine and six records of your own selection included. Amount saved to you Is $7.10. This Is the best combination offer and the most popular ever made to the Coos Bay readers. Open only to thoso subscribing to tho Dally Times. Delivery is promptly mado upon payment of 2.00. Thereafter $1.00 a week until the contract is completed. Send in your order at once. Call, phone or write. Taylor's Piano House, Coos Bay Times Office, - Phone 1331 fVlarshfield, Oregon. .i.n;i.iiiiwm'.j.w&wara,iJvHWHJMP trraE&2 i WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builders Office fixtures a specialty. Store Fronts, Counters, Shelving. Let us work out your plans. See us be fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Pw m m B WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN . SENGSTACKEN ADDITION BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. tmmmmmmmtm tt A nirA P . 8 H Souvenir Postals of Marshfield H I NORTON & HANSEN CURREN BROTHERS CONTRACTORS All Kinds of Work Done PHONES 543, 149 and 271 North Bend, Oregon California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance B. W. OLSON, MaaUr. COOS BAY AND PORTLAND Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. nt. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. P. r. BaumwrkM. Aat, U W. Shaw. .Aat. Cteacb. St. Dek. FortUiuI, Ore, OREGON 1 year ... $ 5. EHK5J222SEE2SSHEEn N-CfJW H - 3SfiEISHSZI2ia Stable, North Front Street mmmmmmmt linp nf WmhilaM, On.. Phoaa 411, Business Directory Doctors. DR. J. V. INGRAiU. Physician nuO burgeon. Office over Bengstacken's Drug Store. Phonei Office 1G21; residence 783. Lawyers. J. W. BENNETT, Offlco over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshfleld, - Oregon Francis If. Clnrkci .Tncob M. BInko Lawrence A. Liljcqvlst CIjAHKE, BLAKE & L1LJEQVIST, ATTOHXE YS-AT-L A W Times Building, Marshfleld, Ore. United States Ccfmmlssiouer's Offlco. c. f. Mcknight, ' Attorney at Law. Upstairs, Bonnctt & WaUsr Block Marshfleld, - OregoD COKE & COKE, Attorneys at Law. Marshflold, - Oregon Nasburg Block. Thono SIC J. K. C A Y O U, Architect Estimates furnished for nil kinds of buildings. Marshfleld, : : Oregon. UKIGHAM & filCLL, Architects. North Bend, ----- Oregon Real Estate Agents. MB. AL11EBT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds. Phono 1884. TheC.B.,R.&E.R.R. and Navigation Co. TIIE C. B., It. & E. R. It. & N. CO. TIME TABLE. Subject to chango without notice. No. 1. Daily, ex. Sunday No. 2. Lv. 9:00a.m, Marsh'd Junction Coquillo Myrtle Pt Ar.12 :30p.m. Lv. 9:45a.m, Ar.l0:20a.m, Lv.ll :30a.m. Lv.10: 45a.m. Trains to and from Beaver Hill daily. F. A. LAISE, Agent. and NORTH BEND FASTEST BOATS ON THE BAY Half Hour Schedule Rui Between Murshflcld -ind North Bend Mndo in 12 Minutes. Private Landings. Faro: One why. 15c; rouia trip, jS5o. J. A. O'lCELLY, Proprietor. STEAMER FLYER M. P. Pendergrass, Master and 10:30 a. m., and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 p. m. Leaves North Bend at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00 p. m. Makes daily trips except Sun days. Fare: One way, 15 cents; round trip, 25 cents. TIMK TABLK. Leaves Marshfleld 7:30, 9:00, $ 4 $ . .$ t fr J $ J. L. KOONTZ Machine mid Repair Shop. At Holland's Boat House Front St. Marshfleld. fr PIANO STUDIO of LOUIS 1L BOLL Is now open for reception of pupils. Parlors over Taylor's Piano Store. Steam Dye Works C Street Lidios'audUents'gannrnlBolean- ed or dyed, Philip Becker, Proprietor. Pull the BELL CORD Wt Yir Whistle Then Blow J. R. HBRRON, Prop. Praat&kwt. i t MartUoU. Orcaa .1 'JSSrJW-v... -r i J lMrUk fl LB