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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1907)
FHc-zorrj 'iAiyHlUWMi, t, fWyvUJKi mt ' 'M,WjTJt?in' y' basses prinonAV tlMfPiMl Rte i. ISSSHpI iSri THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1907. 3 " '55 LiKXl.Sl! " ZI Fresh Demand for Capital . v t The decline in tho price of Brit ish consols, and the high rates paid by New York city for money, are two among many symptoms of the demand for now capital. One of the best evidences of its magnitude is afforded by tho statistic?, just made public by the British board of of tho organization of stock com panies in Great Britain during the past twenty years. It appears that the number of "going" companies, after throwing out those which have disappeared as the result of incom petent or dishonest management, Increased from 10,491 in 1SS7 to 23,728 In 1S07, and 43,038 in 1007. Tho increase in numbers, however, is less significant than tho increase in amount of paid up capital. This stood at 501,508,G92 in 1SS7, 1,. 280,012,021 in 1S97, and 2,001, 010, 5SG in 1907. It would be misleading to inter pret tills remarkable increase as ac curato men sura of tho growth of Industry. While such a growth is a factor in the increase of corpora tion wealth, the Inrger part undoubt edly represents tho conversion of private partnership into joint stock companies. British Industrial en terprises, therefore, have appeared in tho money market during the past twenty years with an average an nual appeal for about 70,000,000 of new capital, the actual needs be ing probably larger In tho last few years than in some of the earlier years. It i3 not surprising that with this demand for company capital encountering demands from tho gov ernment for about $SOO,000,000 In now conslos and similar securities since 1898, there was sharp bid ding for tho supply in the market. Consols suffered in price, and rates tor money rose. This acute demand for capital has not boon limited to Great Britain. Tho computation which is made an nually by I,o Monltour des Interest Materlels of tho output of new se curities throughout the world placed , tho amount of such Issues in 190G, , outside of tho United States, at $$, 350,000,000, subject to reduction1 by refunding and conversion opera tions to about $2,500,000,000. If to this is added about $1,000,000, 000 for tho United States, the net new issues of 19 0G stood at about $3,500,000,000. These figures in i themselves are a sufficient explana tion of the scarcity of capital at tho present time, and the difficulty of floating new enterprises. Other in fluences may have accentuated the disturbance in the stock markets, especially in our own; but even very favorable political conditions would be incapable of calling out capital adequate for meeting tho great demands of recent times. That British consols have falllen sharply within the past ten years, until they havo reached tho level of 1848, is explained in part by tho competition of other securities in tho market which was formerly re served almost exclusively for them. Permissible trust investments havo been extended in Great Britain to i i $ . x o v . i I Wpa W M R wmm tJM SsM w m $fflW.d$y& m" 11 f H 'i s W$G ;'- IIP :,;" ' XTRAGQpp oys' Clothes that m Is 1 1 erve II o i ! I ,y XZXXX0O$0&S$$O$O&$G$$$O$ spaced twenty feet apart j HE discriminating efforts of this store are di rected toward the selection and sale of such merchandise in every department as to safe guard the interests of each individual customer and make all purchases fulfill his or her expectations, The results of this policy appear especially in our boys' department. If you want to be sure of the boys' clothing you buy sure to get the kind that will serve most faithfully and look best while it serves you must buy XTOAG0 n. All kinds of inducements will be made you in behalf of other makes. Cheapness will be argued as an apology and substitute for the better quality and superiority of XTRA000D. Don't be misled, Buy XTnAG00D; be protected by the makers and our own double guarantee, It means economy and satisfaction, 11. MarsMielcPs Leading Outfitters 'iiiii'i. r r "" XG$X$$$$$$$$Q$00$C$ttC)&&!, The Australian Passion Fruit The account In the Pall Mall Ga zette ono evening last weelc of the unfavorable reception of tho first consignment of Australian passion fruit at Covent Garden aroused my .interest, and hoping to secure at a reasonable prlco I went next day to the market to make inquiry. A representative of the firm, who i had received the consignment, which was ono of about thirty cases, told colonial, municipal and other stocks mo that, finding few buyers on the which seem to afford adequate secu- previous day, they had actually rlfv jitwI nav hlcrher returns. Tho given all the fruit away, but were bonds of tho United States would I regretting their hasty generosity, as probably havo suffered in a similar manner if their exclusive market had been Impaired. So large has .been the issue of new banking capi tal, however, with the accompany numbers of people had since been wanting it, and ono of the Agents General had made an offer of 12s a case for tho whole lot. "Tho people who know tho fruit want to get it," ment of the Issue of circulating-) ho remarked, "and I dare say if any notes, that considerable amounts of more is sent we shall be able to sell united States bonds could still prob ably bo floated without sending down their price sharply. New York Times. Dr. J. G. Goble, the well known optician, of Medford, Ore., will visit all Coos Bay towns during Sept. For dates see this paper later. EAST MARSHFIELD. it. The big hotels are asking for it now it has been written about in the newspapers." To my question whether I should bo likely to find any at the leading stores, ho replied: "None of them bought nny. Indeed, so Httlo was sold I can't tell you where it went." Still intent on my purpose I look ed at tho window of every fruit shop I passed; twice I was misled by some singularly fine purple plumbs; but at last my search was rewarded by discovering a basket of eight pas- Born Sept. 9, 1907, at Coqullle j sion-frult in a little shop near the City, to tho wife of Roy Watson, a , Haymarket. They were not of so daughter. rich a color as I expected, and my Twenty young people of this place impression on looking at them was went up to give Miss Nellie Major a ' that thoy had not been sufficiently surpriso party Thursday evening, this being her lGth birthday, where all were given a hearty welcome and entertained with games. Refresh ments were served, after wishing her many returns of tho day. Then to make tho evening more complete, on tho way home tho crowd charivarlod a supposed bride and groom who had been married tho evening be fore. The neighbors at least are glad there is not a wedding near them ovory day. Charles Edman 's many friends on tho Bay will regret to hear that he has suffered tho second stroke of paraylsls since reaching his old home in Sweden. Pianos stored, tuned and cared tor. W. R. Haiaee Muelc Co. ripo when picked tho fruit as I re membered it was of a rather deep purple and of a fuller flavor than these proved to be but with the fa cilities we now onjoy for transport ing fruit in fit condition great dis tances oversea it should be easy to remedy this fault. The cultivation of the pasBlon frult is increasing largely in Austra lia, particularly in the Glenorio and Arcadia districts of New South Wales, where It has been found to thrive on poor sandstone soli that was formerly considered useless for anything. It is an increasing cus tom when planting an orange or chard to put in. passion vines at tho same time. A light trellis to sup port the Tines lq run , midway be tween the rows of trees, which are in each direction. This arrangement en ables the orchardist to get a return from his land eighteen months after planting, and in six or seven years, when the orange tree begin to bear freoly, the life of the vine is no tho wane and it is dug out. The aim of overy grower Js to get a winter or off-season crop, and In good seasons as much as 100 an acre has at times during tho past ten years been realized. By prun ing about the end of October and heavily manuring early In Novem ber a luxuriant growth is forced out of the vines, and the flowering and fruiting are hastened, so that the crop Is ready for picking in April or May. The usual way to eat passion-fruit is to cut off the top and scoop out the contents with a spoon. The pulp Is not unlike tho inside of a choice gooseberry, but has a fuller and moro piquant flavor of a curious pleasant sharpness. Gazette Subscriber. HENRYVILLE ITEMS. O ......... - ttt Miss Sadie Kruso was a Marsh field visitor Tuesday. Mr. M. J. Bowron of Henr'yvillo was in Marshfield Thursday. Tho diamond drill at Henryville is down 250 feet. Miss Muriel Lewis of Marshfield is visiting at Henryville for a few days. Mr. Tulley and Mr. Courney, Jr., of Flagstaff, were Marshfield visit ors Tuesday. Notice. Jas. H. Flanagan herpby gives no tice that between September 21st and September 30th, 1907, inclusive, sealed bids for tho construction of a draw bridge across Coal Bank slough at a point where Pennsylvania ave nue Intersects said slough, said bridge to bo in accordance with plans and specifications on file and open to Inspection in tho office of said Jas. H. Flanagan in Marshfield, Oregon, will bo received and con sidered at said office. Bids shall cover cost of material, labor and everything In connection with the construction of said bridge. The right to reject any or all bids Is hereby reserved. Attention, Modern Woodmen of America. Thoro will bo a special meeting of the Modern Woodmen of America next Wednesday evening, September 25, at their hall. Business of im portance. Geo. N. Bolt, Clerk. Talesman Fined Fgr Contempt. San Francisco, Sept. 20. Tho work of securing a jury for tho trial of Genl. Ford was continued today. Tho juror temporarily accepted yes terday was challenged for cause and excused. Thirty-eight of tho forty talesmen summoned were present. One of the absent asked permission to bo lato and tho other was fined ?25 for contempt. ssatf Portland & Coos Bay S S Linef BREAKWATER Sails for Portland and Astoria every Thursday' C. P. McColIum, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - - - A. St. Dock Notice. To our patrons, commencing the first of October, 1907, all laun dry work will bo placed on a cash basis. Thanking you for past busi ness and soliciting continuance of tho same. Signed. Coos Bay Steam Laundry. TELEGRAPHING EUPROVES. Reservation Orders Withdrawn For Jlost Eustern Territory. New York, Sept. 19. Superinten dent Brooks of the eastern division of the Western Union Telegraph Co., today Issued Instructions withdraw ing reservations subject to delay which was placed on telegraph mes sages during the strike. Tho with drawal was extended to territory east of Buffalo and Pittsburg, and north of Washington and Includes the entire eaBt. . BRICKS! KKS! Preni apn c ?i el's. ctyies, ( UntornSjt, Kitchen utensils at Prentiss', F. S. DOW Will have a steamor load arrive Wednesday next. Place your orders at once as the supply is limited. Dr. J. G. Goble, tho well known optician, of Medford, Ore., will visit all Coos Bay towns during Sept. Fortdates m this paper later,- Home aaado bread at Corthell's Delleateiseo. "CRYSTAL" SCHOOL SUPPLIES! SCHOOL SUPPLIES! Monday morning next school begins again and ovory boy and girl will need something As this year all books aro ox changed and you start In with an ontlro now series. Wo havo them. Also Writing Tablets Pens and Pencils Ink and Blotters In fact everything you need to start and sco us. school with. Como 8 ifjfixBjlKJ&Qiz2&X&Si Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co., Corner A and Front Streets. $$$$S0$$$aOGO$$$$$$'$00$e'00$$$$- U, r ikl f a t r tfA ijtAfe y- yt IPttKMki --