The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 08, 1907, SUNDAY EDITION, Image 6

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-. fWCTitaawn.t.jrRmw'ww;'-'- r -mfmssim0i!iv"x'nKmim,'lmf','i
undreds of Savings in Every Section
New, Crisp Merchandise Now Being Shown in All De-
- - .. t am m
nrtments. m Spite of Advanced Prices of Raw Materials,
e Never Were Able to Name Lower Prices. Be at the
Store This Week and See for Yourself.
I Beautiful Creations m Autumn Coats
Coos Bay's Favorite Shopping Place will show some Wonderfully
'ifrxquisite Things in Women's Coats the Coming Week. Don't. Fail to see
hemi and Incidentally Note the Low Prices.
Never were woman's boats more beautiful than those
shown for Fall and Winter.. And never in all our experi
ence did we see better values offered for the money.
Last week was an exthemely busy week for us in our
woman's coat section. Coat after coat was sold, until
our initial consignment was practically sold up. But the
last express that came in over the Breakwater and Plant
replenished our stock again, and now we are showing
more exquisite garments than ever.
Plain colors are the vogue. Black first, with brown, .
wine and blue following in the order named. The ma
terials are the finest of chiffon bVoadcloth, kersey and
Skibo serge. Practically all coats are trimmed profusely
with embroidery or soutache braiding, rendering the
i"3' ' garments exquisite productions indeed.
Prices range from $10.00 to $50.00, and everyone of them represent a very
ireat value. Look over the assortment NOW.
hi szg
SmJ. h ' U '
Hunting Season Now On
Many Interesting Requisites to Add to the Enjoyment of the Trip,
at Very Commendable Prices. See "Hunting Window" Display.
To make your hunting trip complete, you should allow us to fit you out with Khaki coat and
pants, wool shirts In blue or tan, and leather or canvas leggings. Our stock of this class of goods
was never more complete.
Men's Khaki pants are from ?2.50 pair to $ 1 .25
Men's Khaki coats, each ?5.00 to ". $ 1 .50
Men's leggings, ?1.5o to '. 50c
Men's wool shirts in blue, tan and brown, each ?4.00 to SI .25
Men's fine "Merino" shirt, this season's new fad, with or without collars, in all colors, each. $3.00
yYe 0!de Tyme Comfort SSsoss
' The shoe of perfection itself, for women, either old or
lung, who have to be on their feet constantly, or have
jig since had feet TROUBLES.
aAfter a most thorough search and the indulgence of
ijch correspondence, we succeeded in closing a very
ticesssful deal with the only original Comfort Shoe
"Tiufacturers, to supply us wholly with this class of
Jtes. We say "successful deal," first, because of a
y special price they quoted us on every shoe they
anufacture, and, secondly, because of our ability to
ecure the agency tor these shoes.
"Ye Olde Tyme Comfort Shoes" are qenuine hand-
urned soles, absolutely no fillers or composition of anv
jkind are used in the general make-up of the soles or any
'part of the shoe. The result is they will wear again as
long as other shoes you have been buying, and what is
more, you don't have to pay more money for the REAL
ursomald Juliotts, elastic sizes, hand-turned soles, rubber heels,
Bold elsewhere at ?2.00 and $2.25.
Our price, pair $ 1 .75
ursomald Juliotts, samo as above, without rubber
heels, and with fancy patent tips, pair , $2.00
ursomald, bal. lace, rubbor heels, especially comfort-
able, hand-turned soles, pair only $2.50
,01(1 Lady's Comforts in vlcl, Dal lace. Hand-turned
solo. Only $2.00
'Old Lady's Comfort oxfords, hand-turned soles
Pair only $2.00
Boys' Tan High Top Shoes
Sizos 3 to 5 1-2, only $3.50
No shoo Is moio ptacilcal for a boy to wear than a high top logger.
Especially is this true, just as tho wot season is coming on. Tho
ono wo aro showln is 10-inches high, in blucher stjle, seam
less folng, with sowed and ilvlted sldo seams. Welt soles rein
forcod with biass llvlts, This shoo is tho rago among nil school
boys Just now, nnd hotter get your boy a pair beforo the stock
Is sold up. Woith fully $1.50.
Our price pair $3.50
The New Trimmings
'crclnn liaiuls, fanry ami pull hllk braids, appliques, nnd eory
thlng concoUnblo in tho lino of tires trimmings nro now bote
for jour selection. Wo bolloxe, without doubt, mo luuo tho big.
gesl, (lu giuudcst an dtlio most fascinating lino of trimmings
oi or shown by any store In the country. Wlmteter ou may le-
, qui iv in dross trimmings, don't fail to consult us. We luuo It,
nid Juno it MIGHT, too.
Very Popular for Fall
We are now showing some exquisite creations in voile skirts.". The last express
from the east brought ua a gorgeous shipment of the genuine "Beverly" make.
These skirts are known by practically every carefull dresser from the Atlantic to
the Pacific oceans- They do not only conform to every dictate of fashion, but they
are made so perfectly that when worn, they have the proper hang and set that
makes them appear like strictly tailor-made-to-order garments.. Ask to see them.
Nw BeardoUa Coats
For Children
At no better time than right
now can you buy bear cloth
coats. First, the assortment of
shades, sizes and "price ranges
are complete, and secondly,
prices are actually twenty to
fifty per cent lower than the
same qualities and style can be
bought elsewhere.
Curly BearclolSi Coats
Ages 2 to 6, Prices $4.25 to $5.00
These handsome coats come in cream, red, brown, gray, light blue
and navy. Are well mace, and wonderful values at, a A &
each, only $5.00 to i$H.i,&3
Girls' Curly Bearclo&h Coats
Ages 8 to 12, only $10 to $11.50
No coat for girh within this age limit will be more popluar than
the curley bearcloth coat3 of this season. The ones we are now
showing come In cream, red, brown, gray and navy, and every
one is a ery exceptional value. Prices range from ef V
$11.50 to JjfcflU
' iy i (An
Fall Styles of the
American Lady Corsets
American Lady Corsets for
ican w omen.
And that means the
best corset made for the best women
on earth. Women who buy the
American Lndy liae long
abandoned the idea that it is neeos-
sary to buy imported corsets. They
well know that every ntlt untune
that money and brains can produce
is embodied in the American
Tito Pall models of these
world-famous corsets aio now
our Corset Salon. llae your
Tall and Winter dresses titled ocr
the corset you'll wear them oer.
Ages 2 to 6, Prices $3.50 to $4.25
At no other season were tho plain bearcloth coats sold so very
reasonable Indeed, wo may bo egotistic, but we believe no
..i0!,. ?t0,re ,n th0 co,lntr' will sell them as reasonable as wo
will this fall. Colors aro gray, navy, brown, red and fl T eg
cream, trices rnngo from $4.25 to t$s2.DU
And see to It 1UGIIT NOW that you
have the correct model for sour Ng
iirc and for this season's gowns.
We lune them in 87 dilleient styles,
for nil flgmes, light or heaiy bon
ing, and priced all the way from
$1.00 to $10.00. Our ntter willfie"
glad to demonstrate their advant
ages to you.
Cqqs 'BAY S.&frfcATgST 5T0R.
New Things In Wool Dress Goods
Very Reasonably Priced
"Exquisite" broadcloth, tho leading weight and best grade talked
of for Fall wear. We have it in black, navy bluo, brown and
other prevailing shades. G2-lnches wide, nnd sold in the cities
uuuuy m, ,uu anu $3.&n yard. Our price, through
out the season, yard
TCI.... 1:1 i. .r-,1.. i .. " " ' ' ' '
i., ',lm" "'"' m an prevailing shades. 42-Inches wide nmi
the finest grade of all wool voile shown anywhere !?
this season. A great buy at, yard p Jl . f J
Silk nnd Wool Crepe, in cream, champaign, navy' blue and black
42-Inches wide. Extremely dainty for costumes and tfi '
evening gowns. A very exceptional buy at, yard. fy & & 3
Albatross, all wool, 3C-lnches wide. In white, cream! light blue
navy, tan, old rose and black. Sold everywhere at t r
G5c and 75c. Our regular price, yard Q?2C
Whit Goods Reductions
The salo of all white goods at exactly HALF PRICK will continue
SHiM. T ,?S?" ?, very important to'lhSS X
nmh, ni "h(;"" riv".li,,iu uuvaniago or these values.
. .. .vw towvxa u at
Half Price
Fares on tho llarilman
lues I'romlso to Hrlng
C xnoiLsauus.
5 colonist' rates becamo offectlvo
day. Within tho noxt two
,ths, thousands of homosookers
enter Oregon, Washington and
ibo as a result of tho avorago ro-
xtlon of t0 per cent In tho cost of
Westward transportation put Into ef
fect by tho transcontinental railway
lines today.
Officials of tho transcontinental
linos aro looking forward to tho
greatest emigration this fall that tho
stuto has over known. Oregon has
beon wldoly ndvortlsod by tho rail
roads and commercial bodloa of tho
Btato, and thousands are but waiting
for tho advantages of tho colonists
rates to start Westward ho!
Tho local Harrlman lines today
shipped 20,000 leaflets to their
JF -..
agents In all parts of tho United
States. These will bo placed on tho
counters of overy ticket office on tho
Harrlman lines nnd wherever passen
gers aro sought for the Northwest,
nnd tho offect Is oxpected to bo a
record-brenker. During tho Spring
colonists rates moro than 14,000
people camo luto Oregon, nnd General
PaBsouger Agent William McMurrny,
of tho Harrlman lines, says ho looks
forward to a much heavier traffic this
A special inducement offered by,
tho roads to emigration is the prepaid
order plan. This Is a systom in gen
oral use among tho railroads whoreby
tho cost of a ticket can bo deposited
with any agent In Oregon nnd tho
necessary ticket will bo furnished
promptly by telegraphic instruction
to any person designated in any part
of tho East.
By arrangement any ono in Oregon
may go to a ticket office and by pay
ing tho reduced price of trnnsnortn-
tlon, have any relative, friend or em
ploye in the East supplied with trans
portation without tho delay of trans
mitting money or a ticket by mall.
Tho traveling passenger agents in tho
East will look after tho passenger
and see that he 1b placed on tho train.
lho colonists rates are good to all
parts of Oregon, Washington, and
Idaho, and tho purchaser of a ticket
to Oregon doesn't have to buy his
ticket to Portland. Ho can purchase
it to any point in the state. Tho
Chamber of Commerce will arrange
fn lfltk ft Anv.nAin..l -1 I.
. ...v u wiunicicui man at tuo
Union Depot to look after incoming
homeseekers nnd supply them with
nil Information desired as to count
and accommodations desired. Tele
t &
Edison Monthly Records no.
celved the 27th of each month, w.
K. Haines Music Co.
Drnim nnrl rrit a.-.
LockhartParion's Drug Co. M "'
Roast Chicken nf noil.
Sunday. Davis & Davis.
.JL. -'-
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