Coos Bay Times ' "I 1 Ml Itllll.'l I Alt INDEPENDENT BEPCD."" VKWtrjLrXX mmniD etkrt dat jsxcarrura mox- AY AND ALSO WEKKXT BT iiriwru -" Tub Okh Hay Times Pdblihhino Co. The policy of The Uooa Bay Tiines will be Republican in politics, with the Independence of which President Roose velt is the leading exponent. Xntercd at the postofflce Rt Marshfleld, Ore Xtm, for transmission through the ustU s Mcond class mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES dingle copy, daily, 5 centa For month, daily, W cents Throe months, daily, f 1 25 6ix months, daily - - f 50 One year, daily, - - - $5 00 Weekly, per year - - $1 50 Local readers 10c line first Inser tion, 8c line each succeeding Insertion. Address all comrnunicarlbna to COOS BAY TIMES MarshficM, Oregon. THE COQUILLE VALLEY AND COOS DAY. The Bandon-Recorder has been complaining that some of the Bay Teal estate agents have endeavored to persuade visitors and investors who visit the Bay from going to Ban don and Coquille. The Coqulllo Sentinel also intimates' that it has long been aware that such an atti tude is taken by some of the Bay real estate men. This is certainly a surprise to us and we could hardly credit It if the charge did not come eo respectable a source. Why a Coos Bay man should knock Bandon or Coquille, or why a Coquille, Myrtle Point or Bandon man should knock Coos Bay is past the comprehension of the Times. The development of the country is needed for the ad vancement of any one of the quar tette of promising cities which lead the van in Coos county. By "quar tette" wo mean C003 Bay (embrac ing Marshfleld, North Bend and Em pire) Coquille, Bandon and Myrtle Point. In our judgment It would bo a magnifiicent stroke of com munity genius, if thl3 quartette would select one from each of its commercial bodies to constitute a advisory committee and proceed to advertise the agricultural, timber, mineral, coal and transpoitatlon ad vantages of the entire county. Every one of the quartette would re ceive an advantage not to be over estimated. Xaturally, Coos Bay, with her Croat harbor bosslbllltles, her six thousand population, her great local enterprises and her rapidly widen ing reputation, claims to be tho great city of tho country and the metropolis of Enthwe3tern Oregon. Will the Bandon Recorder and the Coquille Sentinel excuse us if we pause for a moment and admire that appelltlon "-Metropolis of Southwestern Oregon" Itza just this minuto struck us and wc are amazed that wo didn't think of so good a thing before. But it la very pleasant to realize it for it has really become a fact, or would be come one if the peninsular eltles could get to tho front and unite politically as they are united com mercially. It sounds so good that wo repeat it "METROPOLIS of SOUTHWESTERN OREGON." And in tho metropolis of Southwestern Oregon wo do not believe thoro Is a man who can bo considered above the grade of an idiot who does not Inow that "Bandon by tho Sea" is tho greatest sea-sido resort in tho state of Oregon. It is just what the metropolis needs In Its vicinity. Tho ireat ocean rolls up against its nnlquo and picturesque beach and 3caves there as nowhero else its marvels of sculpture. There tho surf tumbles in subllmo beauty. lhcro tho great ledges and boulders stand out to bewilder tho imagina tion. There tho sea shells Ho in pro lusion to speak in mystic languago of tho ocean deep. But Bandon its elf has caught tho spirit of tho sea and in tho bracing atmosphero of tho trado winds, she hustles, and bustles and nets, and there Is no more en terprising and promising city nlong tho coast. Whoovcr heard of a real estato agont in Coos Bay with as llttlo hniln capacity as n codfish, and yet If ahy agent of this metropolis evor tried to bolittlo Coqulllo, it must bo admitted that his brain capacity is much less than that of a codfish. Even n codfish couldn't do that. Tho Coqulllo valloy Is tho garden spot of Coos county. Coqulllo and Myrtlo Point aro its two beautiful and actlro market towns. The valloy of tho Tvllo and the low lands of Holland are not moro fertile. Broad and IcsraHIfuI are tho bottoms which jhavo tnado thoir farmers rich. Hot ter fruit and vegetables aro not pro dnewd unywhoro olso. Tho Coqulllo Tfivr, up which tho tldo flows from Ifandon to Myrtlo Point, past tho ilstorlc and happy homes of Coqulllo City, ebbs again from Myrtlo Point through Coqulllo to Bandon, and steamboats of on mean capacity carry their products up and down. The railroad, too, from Myrtle Point through Coqulllo reaches Coos Bay where the larger ships of the sea sail In and out. Bandon is only thirty miles from Coos Bay, Coqulllo only twenty and Myrtlo Point only twenty-six. Great is Bandon tho Beautiful. Great are Coquille and Myrtle Point and great Is Coos Bay. Greater still are- they all destined to be and rapidly will that greatness develop If all unite and work in fraternal harmony for one another. rnn i ae "IT WILL HE BUILT." At tho Chamber of Commerce meeting last Friday evening Mr. Grimes, of the hotel committee, said that the committee would stay with the hotel proposition until Marshfleld had a hotel. Wo believe Mr. Grimes will do what he says. We might say It is none of our "funeral" whether wo have a hotel or not, because thus far we have managed to find shelter and hope to continue to do so. But the terrible absurdity of a city of nearly 4,000 people, with the cer tainty of getting 2,000 moro before another year, being without a hotel and shutting its eyes, so to speak, to tho disgrace which It Is suffering with the outside world, Is only ex ceeded by the shocking blindness to their own Interests on the part of the citizens. Every day bright in telligent traveling men visit Marsh- field, and when they have to run all over town wltH heavy grips to find a place to sleep and then fail to get accommodations, they go away de nouncing the city. Do the Marsh field people know that these men can do It great harm? Do they know that they are doing It? Is It not ab surd to advertise the city and bring people here only to send them away discontented and ready to state the reason why? The hoteU aro turning away from twenty to forty poople nearly every night and still It is doubtful if the men who hold the bulk of Marshfield's real estate in their hopeful g-ip, care. The worst of it is that hotels have been in the air for a year at least, but they never light. And here we are right up against the time when the colonist lates begin again. All over the east the people have heard tho call of Coos Bay and intend to take the chance of 'low rates to come. The report has gone out everywhere that the great mills on Coos Bay are soon to operate and that the for ward movement of the seaport toward greatness is begun. It is tho best advertised of places and the peo ple who have property here have a great opportunity. The boats, and the stages will be filled with visitors and men who might be Investors If they could eat and sleep right when they come to town. There are men In the city whose real e3tate holdings aro large enough to make them mil- lionairs, if they could be broad enough to see that a few llttlo public improvements are needed and put up the cash to help supply them. But a hotel of tho right size and kind would not only mako people feel good and enable them to get up in the morning and see things right, but it would be a paying investment. Still there Is no hotel. Waiting for some outsider to put It up: When an outsider comes to Marshfleld to con sider the hotel proposition, if, after a sea voyage or a stage trip, he gets no chance to eat or sleep, do you think he is in a mood to see anything good in Coos Bay? Doesn't it oc cur to you that while real estato is very cheap "In this sea port" that tho visitor will think your prices high at any figure if you treat him to in somnia and glvo him a regular diet of dyspepsia? Better quit talking dredges, and harbors, and railroads, and townlots, and water fronts until you get a hotel. Coos Bay Gravensteins. They nroj known In tho market as Coos' Bay Gravensteins. They came from Coos , Bay orchards over on tho Coqulllo ana ai uiana una l,uukius uiubs uuu even down in Curry" todnty. It does not hurt tho apple to have the name applied to ll which suggests the greatest merit that a Gravenstein apple can have. The Plant goes out I of this harbor noxt trip with 5,000 boxes of C003 Bay Gravensteins and . If you and yours will box up what's left and send them hither, tuey will pay well and find a ready market. The Steamer M. F. PLANT SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD THURSDAY, SEPT. 5th. F.S DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : . : .: : OREGON Business Directory Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M. D. t PHYSICIAN AND SUnciEON Diseases of the Eye. En and Throat a specialty. 1'08' Offico in Lockhart'a Buildimr M.hfleld, ', LABOR DAY. Coos Bay will celebrate Labor Day with parade anil speeches for the first time In Its history tomorrow. It has entered tho Industrial system and will be hereafter a part of It. It would be well for all who live on y tho Bay to realize this fact, for to ' $ object and oppose or to murmur and J? belittle is merely so milch waste of time. Every other city of conse- & quence In the United States has sub-'v mitted to the new order as far as the ' joint demands of labor and capital j have been able to assert it, and it is a sign of metropolitan significance i for Coos Bay to be In the lists of those who celebrate on that day. ' Labor day will bo the occasion for pageantry and sports not only In Coos Bay, but In every city In the United States. Thousands will be in lino In New York, Boston, Chicago, ,San Francisco, and all other cities. Z Every great shop will be represented in the parades In the large cities and the floats will not only display a cordial sympathy on the part of the employer, but will show the Interest the employe has in advertising his employer's business. The time is not far distant when the same splendid cordiality will bo evident in tho me tropolis of Coos Bay. mtnnunnnmum nmnn:n:nm H A nice line of !j Souvenir Postals of Marshfleld ff NORTON & HANSEN H Eniinusmnimnmmmsnnmnntnnn )$&0$O$$O$$G$GC&&G&$0&Q&SQ. $&9SGOGO&$$G$&&$&GQO?Xrt ummm WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE A Law For Arbitrament. '$ (Astorian.) !$ When we become really wise as a I X nation and our common sense Is al- I V lowed to sway us and direct our gen- ! fi v JACK RICE, MANAGER eral course of life in relation to tho ,o lnw nrul flip lrwlnfrloa nnrl tVin inof 7 balances of human action and duty ' v one to the other, we will have a ' strong, federal statute compelling , 8 arbitrament precedent to all strikes, 1 4j as wo know them now. j Tho strike, as such, is a failure1 and has been for years without num- ? oer, it 13 used because there is no j 8 other wholesale and wholesome ex- J X pedient at hand for general use in v great emergencies of industrial ' S wrong, confusion, and rebellion, lt'X would be discarded utterly if only t ? there were other honorable, logical h and effective policies and plans at $ hand. It is justly unpopular because It involves everybody, sympathizers, j non-sympathizer3 and the rank out sider, and evokes the bitter disfavor X of tho people who lose and suffer O from no contributory cause of theirs, X and whoso sympathy revolts at the'$ strain put upon patience. The idea ; that the man who has to put up with J the delays, sacrifices and inconven-' iences Incident to a nrolonccd strike, i is going to swarm to the striker or 1 8 ally himself with the strike, is a ! piece of immeasurable folly, so proven in every case on record. The justice of the strikers' claim which he recognized, willingly at tho outset i simmers away to annoyance, and ul timately to disgust by the time he has borne the brunt of discomfiture and serlou3 impediment, in the pnnnan rtf tlio atiM?o nn1 nffonm. i ...ww .. w.v, v....w, ...... .w.. , ' t SOLE AGENT FOR "THE FAMOUS DR. W. IIAYDON Special attention paid to diseases of Skin, Digestive nnd Urinary Orgnns. Marshfleld, Ore. Phone 973 DR. . W. INGRAM. Physician and burgeon. OUU otot 8engstackon'B Drug 8tor. Phoaet Office 1621; residence 78 j. Lawyers. lfi. U C. Farrln Goo. N. Fartln FAIUUN & FARRIN Attorneys nt Law City Attorney, Dop. District Attorne; Will practice in U. S. Courts and boforo tho U. S. Land Office. Locklmrt Building, Marshfleld, Ore. Phono Main 41. J. W. DENNETT, Offloo oror Flanagan & Bennett Bank. M&rshfloH, Oregon Frond II. Clarko Jacoh M. Blake Lawrence A. LlljcqWst v CLARKE, HLAKK & LILJKQVIST, ATTORNEVS-AT-LAW Tlraoa Building, Marshfleld, Ore. United Statos Commissioner's Office. c f. Mcknight, Attorney at Law. Upotalra, Bonnett & Walter Block Mnrshflold, .... Oregon COKE & COKE, Attorneys at Law. MArshfiold, .... Oregon Nasburg Bloek. Phone S18 J. IC. CAYOU, Architect Kstlnmtos furnished for nil kinds of buildings. Marshfleld, : : Oregon. UIUGriAM & HELL, Architects. North Bend, ----- Oregon being tlw foil goods owing IMPORTED, BRANDIES, GINS nnd .WHISKIES. Also for family trado a choice Uno of tho celebrated Cnstlewood. Old Hickory, Yellowstone and Ca- nndlun Club Whibklcs; also mouths nnd cordinls. i ver- COOS HAY FROM COQILLE. Tho Coqulllo Sentlnal asks what those Coos Bay Gravensteins are which tho Coos Bay Times has been mentioning frequently and it ex presses a wonder, somewhat testily, whether they .aro tho same kind that have been rotting for years past under tho trees around Coquille. Yes, good friend, they aro tho same Gravonstolns. Coqulllo and Myrtlo Point and all tho country round about them produco tho Coos Bay Gravenstein and In former years have dono exactly what tho orchard ists around Coos Bay did, namely, neglected tho orchards and let the fruit waste. Then tho San Francisco npplo buyer found Coos Bay and camo sailing in. You can Imagine his delight when ho discovered that this apple which Coqulllo and Myrtlo Point orchardlsts and the orchard Ists In tho country round about and In tho vicinity of tho Bay hnd allow ed to waste under tho trees, was tho fiucst of its kind In nil the world. You did not know It but ho did. So ho loaded up and wont sailing out of Coos Bay and sold his wares to a world which jumped up and down with delight and seized them at a big price per box. Ho called them WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are reasonable For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. than not resolves itself intp rank op position to the revolting tradesmen and all his claims, in the end. No student of strikes will commend tho policy as being infallible or even reasonably successful. What we need today, In place of t S$$S$$SS$S0$$$0$$$$$O!',- tho hurtful and hateful strike, Is a legal and authoritative court of arbi trament, far removed from all con flicting or contaminating Influences, susceptible of tho respect and con fidence of all men, to which shall be duly submitted the Issues arising to gether with all the testimony and pleas and arguments, and whoso ver dict shall bo as confirmatory and as binding as any other judgment in law of equity. Tho composition of such a tribunal may bo left to tho elective franchise or may be reposed in tho cabinet, or tho president or some commission in which capital and labor aro uniform ly and safely represented. The main thing being that it shall be invlolablo as to cause, preceduro and verdict; otherwise it, tp will be a failure. Tho need of excluding the goneral public from tho losses and discom forts and actual sacrifices that em-1 anato from the ordinary strike Is among tho crying demands of tho day; and tho sooner tho Industrial brains and capitalistic brains of the nation devise somo alternative such as this tho better for all concerned and unconcerned. I Will Hold Preliminary Meeting. A meeting of the charter members ' of tho Knight of Columbus will be hold In the Red Men hall Monday ovenlng. Real Estate Agents. UK. ALDERT ABEL, Contractor for lemming of all kinds. Phono 1884. The C. B., R. & E. R. R. and Navigation Co. TJIH C. H., R. & E. R. R. & N. CO. TIME TABLE. Subject to change without notice. No. 1. st. i) :00a.m. Lt. 8:45a.m, Ar.l0:20a.m, Dally, ex, Sunday Marsh'd Junction Coquille Myrtle Pt No. Ar.12 :30p.m. Lv.l 1:30a.m. Lv.10 :45a.m. Trains to and from Beaver Hill daily F. A. LAISE, Agent, and FASTEST BOATS ON THE BAY Half Hour Schedule Hr Between Mnrfihflold nnd Norfh Bond llado In 12 Minutes. Private Landings. Fju Que way, lBc.; rouifl trip, J5. I. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. COOS BAY MONUMENTAL WORKS We guarantee better work at lower prices, than can be had elsewhere. Do not order monumental woik until vou have SEEN US Stewart & Mitchell Corner 3d & D Sts. Phone, Main 1731 Try a Times want ad. TRY A TIMES WANT AD. TRY A TIMES WANT ADV. AND GET THE DEST RESULTS. STEAMER. FLYER M. R. Pendergrass, Master v und 10:30 a. m., and 1:00, 2:30 Jid 4:00 p. m. Leaves North Bond at 8:18, 0:4B and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00 p. m. Makes dally trips except Sun days. Faro: One way, IB eonts; round trip, 25 cents. TIME TADLE. Loaves Marshfleld 7:30, 9:00, . Let A. J. COLVINT Firaro on vour flues. Gen 4 cral brick and cement work. Apply, IJhuico Cigar Store. ": i y 1253 jjr-j 3 jd&MII