iy iE5L-:-i23saa:- . -jJiti.3S THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1907. Coos Bay Times AN INDEPENDENT nKPtE' WV wwsrArKR nJBLMIIKD KVKRY DAY EXCKmKfl MON DAY AND ALSO WEEKLY BY 32 Bv Times l'uui.isiu.sn Co. Tho X)licy of The Coos Bay Times viil be Republican in politics, with the Independence of which President Koose relt is the leading exjwnent. I X&$0$&&$&$Q&&X&0&XX $$$$$$$$ The Steamer M. F SAILS FBOM M PI AIJBIIFIilfil) ANT TIirilSDAY, SEPT. 5th. F. SMDOW Agent 3ntcrel at the postofllce at Multifield. Ore 8M, for transmission tliroiiRh tlie lnalU m oecund class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATLS Single copy, dnily, - - 5 cents Tut month, daily, - - 50 cent? Three months, dnily, f 1 25 Bis months, daily - $ 2 50 Due year, dnily, - - f 5 00 Weekly, per year - - 1 50 Local readers 10c line first inser tion, 8c Hne each succeeding insertion. Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES Marshficld, Oregon. A DEMOCRATIC PRINCn. Some Englishman, we have for gotten his name, recently asserted that the bluest and most exclusive aristrocrat in the world was to be .found among tho wealth Inheriting descendents of the Puritans and Cavaliers of Ameria. He was, so claimed tho writer, the most unap proachable the proudest and the most pronounced exemple of Caste. Now ' Mesdames Vanderbllt, Ber wind and Goolet who spend certain months of the 50cial season In fashionable Newport do not, In very Iruth, bear names which can be di rectly tracqd to either Puritan or Cavalier, blit they have been nur tured In the atmosphere of the most exclusive aristocrat who docs, and it Is not suprlsing if they have ac quired his pride and habit. Prince Wilhelm, after all, is only a descend ed of one of Napoleans' Marshals, the fortunate Bernadotte, who be came Sweden's king only a little more than a century ago, and Napoleon said he made his marshals cif mud. So possibly, Wilholm was not so much of an aristocrat as his hostesses. At any rato It appears to have been a shock to the Vandebllts, the Goelets and tho Berwinds, to discover that their royal guest actu ally left their gorgeous ball room and danced with the servant girls. And the horror became more ter rible, for the servant girls were wearing their mistresses cast off finery. The news reports say that from Mrs. Vanderbllt down to the lowest eligible parasites of Newports elite scarcely one of the fashionable set spent less than a fortune to show Prince Wilhelm that America is able to entertain more reyally than any court in Europe. They have mis taken, however, the aim of breeding. TnL monarchs of Sweeden and Nor way have always been somewhat Democratic. They do not live In riotous luxury. They occupy royal position as a legal selection, not with the idea that it is a right di Tine. Bernadotte never lost his head to that extent. Servant girls become American queens sometimes in this country and when 'Wilhelm choso to dance with the Sweedish servant Sirls he was not unmindful, perhaps, 4hat they wero as good as the great crandmothers of tho Vanderbilts, Berwinds and Goelets or oven of the Prince himself. Modern aristocracy 2s not admirablo except in tho ranks f those who havo for a motto "Service for Service." MARSHFIELD, trWJUTZiW OREGON M EQ&XUtZARu MARSDEN'S HOIBAL E UQU0R nssmmnnmnsnmt mmmrnmrnmut a n A nice line of S " St Souvenir Postals oKMarshfieM NORTON & HANSEN I S litttttZtttZZtttttcttZttttitttttttt-ptttt WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builders HOUSE JACK RICE, MANAGER SOLE AGENT .FOR Z ! Office fixtures a specialty. Jdtore fronts, Counters, Shelving. Let us work outlyourplans. See us be fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street COOS BAY tter wfk at lower prices, olsewiicri;. Do not order on havo -. MONUMENTAL WORKS ft M jfSAl J S ifskwrSH e guarantee b ) I (nmiKH jftTFVirr than can be iiat 5 (V $$& wffillW ftr?ri&gil monumental wctk untilrt l W'mmmWW seeus I St Stewart & IMcheil W$rlk Wl Corner 3d & D Sts. .-rstlS ph0ne, Main 1731 D UCA T O N CP - sma m your exp 's nome use my c . e refo a fewdft offxg resent- ys at W. F. E. NEWTON am. famous All Handling Hie following Business Directory Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DiBcnB of the Eye, Ear, l.m and lhroat a specialty. Oilico in Lockhart'B Building. Marshfioltl, Oregon' DR. V. 1IAYDOX Special attention paid to discuses of Skin, Digestive and Urinary Organs. Marshfleld, Ore. Phone 973 DR. U. V. INURAAi. Physician nnt' burgeon. 01Hc over Songstacken'a Drug Store. Phones OlHce 1621; residence 7gj Lawyers. gooes 8 IMPORTED, BRANDIES, GINS and .WHISKIES. Also for family trade a choice lino of the celebrated Cnstlcwood. Old Hickory, Yellowstone and Ca nadian Club 'Whiskies; also ver moutlis and cordials. :s$sso$$$oi&ss FRONT ST. NEAR C. fWT.jTTTTTB KHfSKtt9C9 THE COAL SUPPLY. Tlie magnitude of tho undertaking to send tho grcnt fleet of American Trarahips to the Pacific, becomes evident to tho ordluary citizen when le learns tho vastness of the coal shipments necessary to keep tho fleet afloat as it proceeds on its long Journey. Naval experts estimate ttat 100,554 tons of coal in ndditlon to what tho battleships will carry in tticlr bunkers when thoy start will to required to mako tho trip. Be sides this tho torpedo boats will iLurn 13,000 tons. All told tho quanlty required is In tho neighbor Hood of 125,000 tons. On tho way to San Francisco tho fleet will coal JIvo times and tho fuel must bo dis tributed Mining tho sovoral stations equally. Tho first placo is at Trini dad, tho next Rio Jnnero, tho next Sandy Point in tho straits of Ma xolan and then at Calhio, Peru, and last at Magdalona Hay. To supply this coal to tho sovoral stations, .many colliers and chartered ships tvIII bo required. Tho fact Is emphasized that tho yuSac coast can furnish no nntivo coal for tho uso of tho navy. This is a decided disadvantage and tho naval department would rognrd any TaiSwial solution of this problem of (supplying this necessary munition of war; aB a boon of inestimable value. At Coos Bay la to be found tho only coal which is available south of Puget Sound on the Pacific any where, but this Is not sufficiently developed nor, as yet, up to tho naval standard. Great hopes are based, however, on the recent ex periments at Jamestown which con clusively show that tho Pacific coals, of which those of Coos Bay are the most prominent can bo brlquetted and tho elements supplied which will bring them up to the standard. Those who realizo how scarce coal really Is on this coast, appreciate the exceptional value of Coos Bay coal and understand why this must be made a coaling station. AVHIPPIXG CONVICTS. Should a convict be whipped? In ancient times It was thought that no other method could bo employed to correct tho wrong door. But in those days tho theory was that tho law had some scheme of revenge for any In fraction of its provisions. Tho old Idea was that force only could bo successfully applied to tho criminal. It was not expected that any man should lovo the state and so tho state presented a forco of tenor and stretched forth tho arm of affliction. Tho old Mosaic law prescribed "an oyo for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." That law was repealed by a greater man than Moses who enacted a substitute In these words, "Lovo yo ono another;" "Do unto others as yo would that othors should do unto you." The law of lovo was substi tuted for forco. Up to that time tho progress of tho world had been but slight. Men hunted and plundered ono another. War was their occupa tion. Tho bruto dominated. SInco tho law of lovo was given to tho world, progress has been possible. In Its light and under its Influence all that makes tho world fit to live In has grown Into being. What men havo dono to help ono another through tho state and by Individual action, has brought happiness and comfort. In all enlightened states, where this law of love Is recognized, the brutal punishment which was Inflicted In the dark ages, has been abolished. Not so, It seems, In Ore gon. Why not? Is Oregon still ling ering on the verge of barbarism? Is it still within tho shadow of the dark ages? Why Is corporal pun ishment Inflicted In the prisons of the state? Why was a convict whipped till ho fainted from pain and ex haustion? Is this Russia? Has not tho grandest of all states of the union, Oregon, progressed beyond tho standard of the Turk, or the Per sian? There is no rfrong or evil which can not be corrected by im prisonment better than by tho brutal Infliction of the knout or the whip. The New Piano Store will be open soon. In the meantime if you looking for a piano see tore are Jr in the new Deubner Bid?, cor. C and Broadway E. L. C. Parrin Geo. N. Farrin FA1UUN & PARRIN Attorneys at Law City Attorney, Dcp. District Attorney Will practico in U. S. Courts and beforo tho U. S. Land Offlco. Lockhart Building, Marshflold, Ore. PhonoXMnin 41. J. W. DENNETT, Offlco over Flanagan & Bennett Bahk. MarfihOold, Francis II. Clurke Law rence A CLARKE, BLAKlia L1LJEQVIST, ATTORNEY Times Building, United States Comj Oregon Jacob M. Blake Llljeqtist 1-ATfliAW Mafshfleld, Ore. ilsaioner's Office. C. F. McKNIGHTJ Attorney Upstairs, Bonnctb Marshflold, -aw. Walf Block Oregon COKE & COKE, Attornejrsat Law. Marshflold, Orogon Nasburg Blocla Phono S10 J. 13. CM. YOU, ArclBtect Estimates furnished for all kinds of buildings. Marshfleld, : : Oregon, imiGIIAM & UELL, Architects. North Bend, ----- Oregon Real Estate Agents. MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for 1 taming of all kinds. Phono 1884. Cook with Gas - .- use - p Electric Power and Hatirons The Co say Gas TheCB.,R.&LR.R. and Navigation Co. THE C. II., R TIMJ; Subject to ch No. 1. L7. 9:00a.m. Lt. 9:4Gn.m, Ar.l0:20a.m. d E r TAB rfngoyS Dpi x ex jSjRiday n.jf. & n. co. ifiE. ithout notice. Mfarsh'd Junction Coqulllo Myrtle Pt No. 2. Ar.l2:30p.m. Lv.ll :30a.m. Lv.10: 45a.m. Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally. F. A. LAISE, Agent. Dr. J. G. Goble, tho well known optician of Medford, will visit Coos Bay towns during September. Dates given later. . TURKS SLAUGHTER WOMEN AND BABES Teheran, Aug. 27. General Do wleh and other officials, according to reports received, havo been captured and afterwards killed by invading Turks. Many inoffenslvo Persian vil lagers, including women and child ren, havo been slaughtered. Many women wero carried off and property destroyed. Turkish regulars with artillery wero within four miles of Urmlah, August 15, and continue to occupy Persian territory. Tho Turks aro reported to bo occupying Mervlan Persian Kurdestan. Tho Inhabitants havo telegraphed that the govern ment Is powerless and tho people beg Russia to assist them. ( ectric Co Portland & Coos Bay S-S. Line BREAKWATER Sails for Portland and Aforia every Thursday C. F. McColIum, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - - A. 9L Dock and H BEND n BOATS THE BAY FASTE5 ON HalfHdmchedule R Between Hurshflcld und North Bend Mode in 12 Minutes. Prirnte Landings. Fwo: Ono way, 15c; round trip, sB. J. A. O'lCELLY, Proprietor. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that I will not bo responsible for any debts con tracted by my wife Maud Frey, signod: L. A. FREY. WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKEN ADDITION ECAUSE rcsidencrproperty, lots 50x100 Itered jsvith a good bay view and For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. It is choice insid with alleys, is well sh prices of lots are reasd STEAME1R. FLYER Hi P. Pendfrgrass, 1 , Master and 10:30 a. if., and UffO, 3:30 and 4:00 p. n. Leaves NoruiJraend nt 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00 p. m. Makes daily trips except Sun days. Faro: One way, 15 cents; round trip, 25 cents. TUIE TABLE. Leaves Marshflold 7:30, 9:00, .4,4.4.4,.4,.,. 4,4, 4, 4. 4. --Let J A. J. COJfN Figure on b-mirllucs. Gen- eral brick fcflu cement work, Aunlr. Blanco Clear Store. 4,4.4,,4, 4., 4, 4 4 PBU rafliMlBliHMB