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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1907)
'IHE DAILY COOS BAY TIM ES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29t 1907. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. C. LIghtncr was in the city r jesiL'ruuj'' J, E. Urcn reiurnuu irum uuquuio f yesterday. Miss May iungec is a guest 01 Miss Edna Wiedor. Mrs Norman of Norm inlet was a I cty .&Itor yesterday. Mr Jess Smith was down from Coos Hiver yesterday. Mrs. Wrenny of North Dend was In the city yesterday. Frank Marhoffer was over from Bay City yesterday. Mr Loggio, of North Dend, was a city visitor yesterday. Mrs. Magcnn, of Empire, Is visit ing Marshfleld friends. Miss Marlon Yoakum was down from the river yesterday. Mrs. Klahn of Empire was In the city shopping yesterday. Mr II. U. Furguson ofCoo3 Itiver Ms In the clty( yesterday. Mr. John Nellson, of Prosper is a dtj vlbltor for a few days. Mrs. McCann of East Marshfleld was 'a city visitor yesterday. Mr Truo paid a business visit to East Marshfleld yesterday. Miss Larsen of Day City was in the city shopping yesterday. Miss Spence Wilson left yesterday for a short visit at Ten Mile. Miss Hattie Bowron of Ilenryvllle was a city visitor yesterday. Mr. Jas. Forty returned from an extended trip north yesterday. Mrs J. J. Burns, of North Bend, wis a city visitor yesterday. Mrs. Enoch Holland of Libby was In the city shopping yesterday. Mrs. II. Gerret is spending a few dajs with Mrs. P. M. Wilbur. Mrs Flanagan of Empire was in Marshfleld shopping Wednesday. Mr Beckett returned yesterday from a business trip to Coquille. Miss J. Iloben Burns is visiting her father J. J. Burns of North Bend. Miss Gertrude Mandlgo, 'of North Bend, was in the city yesterday. Mis. Irving Smith, of the Life Saing Station was in the city yes terday. C J. Pickett and wife, of Califor nia, are spending a vacation in Coos county. Miss Mamie Gulovson returned home yesterday from a short visit at Portland. Miss May Stauff of this city paid a business visit to East Marshfleld yesterday. Surveyor Drown, of the Southern Pacific company arrived in from Curry county yesterday. Mrs. Iloben and two daughters of Portland are visiting Mrs. J. J. Tuins of North Dend. Mrs. CofCelt, of Coos River, was city yesterday after having had a In the surrounding vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Pickett of Stockton, Cal,. are visiting at Mr. Frank Dowron's at Ten Mile. John Coke sold a lot on 4th street, north of the Masonic Temple to Dr. T. G. Ilarrlman of Long Bea:h, California. Charles Watson arrived yesterday to see the Coos county merchants. Ho repiesents Wadhams, Kerr & Co., of Portland. Mrs. H. S. Smith returned to the city yesterday after having spent a three month's visit with rolatives In Ihe valley. Mrs. I. S. Smith" and family return ed to the city yesterday from their camp at the "Goodwill Place" on Coos River. Mr. W. T. Aerin, of Los Angeles is in the city for a few days, during which ho will investigate the various resources of Coos Bay. Miss Reglna Matson is assisting at the "Unique Pantatorium" having given up her position at the "Corth ell's Delicatessen." Miss Larson, of Pasadena, Cal., passed through the city yesterday on her way to Dandon whero she will visit with friends for a few week's. A. Moreen, manager of tho C. A. Smith Lumber and Maunfacturing company, arrived homo yesterday from a business trip in Washington. Mr. E. D. Norris left this city yes terday for the valley, where ho will make his regular business' tour rep resenting Dunham-Karrigan and Hague Co. Mrs. Haskins and Mrs. Tourtleout left this city for their homes in San Joso after having spent a few week's on tho Day as tho guests of Miss Grace Gould of "Elk Horn Ranch." Mr. O. S. Anderson and wife of Salt Lake City are in the city for a few days during which time they Tvill inquire in regard to business prospects. If favorable they will re main permanently. Mr. A. W. Hawley unci aaugiuui Kubv of Sacromento, Cal., are visit Joso after having spent a few weeks Van at their time will bo spent ex ploring tho Ten Mile country and Melting tho various summer resorts surrounding this vicinity. Today Hot chicken at Davis & Davis". HIGH CLASS I'OL'LTKV KGGS HATCH SKA' GULLS Story of Incubator nnd Its Surprising Product. .$. A ,j, ). Some time ago, before Jack Flana gan left for Curry county on his hunting trip, his many friends were much worried at his very peculiar actions. It vn3 not an uncommon sight to see him walking dejectedly down tho street, apparently oblivious to nil surroundings, and scarcely re sponding to the cheery howdy of his multitude of old-time pals and life long acquaintances. He was at times seen In earnest conversation with Dr. Straw and Ivy Condron, but noth ing definite could bo obtained from cither gentleman, and at last the gloom seemed to settle upon every one. Suddenly the clouds were lifted nnd Jack appeared upon our streets a3 cheery and genial as ever, but no Information could bo obtained. When Anally, through roundabout channels tho story was consumated, and here it is. When Gow Why's last baby was born, Dr. Straw was the attending physician. The baby was very deli cate, and to save tho little one's life Dr. Straw wired tho Chutes In San Francisco to forward at once a baby incubator. It's wholesome effect up on the little one Is apparent today to all who have seen Gow's rolly- polly, husky little boy. Of course the incubator fell into disuse and was placed in stock by Gow. One night this summer, while the doctor and Ivy were returning from council meeting, Ivy complained to the Doc tor of the scarcity of spring chickens. When, like a flash., Dr. Straw pro posed that they raise their own chickens, saying: "Wo can borrow Gow's baby incubator and with the addition of an egg-tray it will work as good as any." Gow was consulted and gladly made the loan. The ma chine was at once removed to the Doctor's residence and placed In his back yard. So far so good. The necessary egg-tray was substituted for the little woolen baby blankets, and the gun was ready to load. De ciding tho best was none too good, Jack Flanagan was consulted, and tho Luther Burbank of the poultry world of Plat B sold them a setting of his new blend of chix, called tho "Sigma Chi Duckwings," and the en gine was started. One morning, about three weeks' later, Mrs. Straw heard the plaintive pip of tho new born, and rushing in she excitedly told the Doctor of the success of the incubator. The Doctor phoned Ivy, and it Was with great gusto and glee, they opened the drawer and there was the first little product. Before tho day was done, every egg had hatched, and Ivy and the Doctor kept various swinging doors on tho turn all afternoon and evening. The lit tle ones thrived, but their make-up seemed all to run to Bill. As they grew larger ana their bills developed, the Doctor became alarmed and took Jack up to see them. It was a new one on Jack. And the cause of his deep abstraction was trying to figure nut the reason. He was about to give it up, when, one morning he happened to run across one of Frank Walte's and Major Kinney's pet sea gulls laying an egg in a Sigma Chi nest. ' a The mystery was at last solved, and gathering a new sitting of his Oklahoma Reds he hurriedly came "to town and explained all to the Doctor and Ivy. Frank Walte' hitched up his team and hauled back to Plat B the motherless gulls, where ho and the Major aro acting as foster par ents to them. The machine was once more loaded and tl'e Doctor and Ivy are living in anticipation of winter evenings spent eating their fall springers. Truly, a happy ending. MAJOR KINNEY WILL HAVE OPERATION . 0 Major L. D. Kinney, who was down from Plat B yesterday was seen by a Times reporter and questioned re garding his going to a hospital for an operation. The Major said ho would not submit to any operation until ho was out of debt for he de sired that any sympathy arising from such a contingency should ho genuine and not out of anxiety over a possi bility of losing standing accounts. Mr. Kinney has been troubled with a malady which has been diagnosed as necrosis of the sternum and his phy sician says an operation is necessary for its relief. PEACHES ARE IN -THE LOCAL MARKET Tooni,oa Arrived on the Breakwater and are selling higher than was ex pected. The Crawford crop is about finished and the next in line will bo Muirs which will bo In market within a few days. Scarcity and heavy rains Which prevented picking, aro causes which have raised the prices. Remember! Hot chicken pie to- day at Davis & Davis' Bakery. The Steamer M. F. PLANT SAILS FHOM MARSIIFiniil) THURSDAY, SKPT. 5th. F. S DOWAent 1 MARSHFIELD, : : rrajgvmMKUacsaiggzaara WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50x100 fl with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. irIOT;iiTOrCT'g''W'mim)' WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builders Ofike fixtures a specialty. Store Fronts, Counters, Shelving. Let us work out your plans. See us be fore building. m Shop opposite Bear's Livery PTfltl .. IU"H .nui.Liw'MllJim. - L - 'JJJ'H tttnttt 00 oo 9w A nice Postals ouvemir ztzzzwmz xoS-tj5' WANTED A waiter at Hotel Ore gon, North Dend. WANTED By Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, a few summer boarders; parties wishing a day on Bouth Coos river can get dinner. Phono 20x8. Launch Tioga loaves 8:00 a. m. dally. WANTED Anybody having goods to store oall at Taylor'i Piano House ou Broadway, near O. Btreet. Large warehouse 5et completed. Terms reasonable. WANTED Two hoavy teams t( piling for Plat B wharf, on . tract or six dollars per day. L. D, Kinney. FOR SALE Portable balco oven and baking utensils. Address "Busi ness" caro Times. WANTED Ten men to clear land on Plat B, by the act. L. D. Kin ney. FOR SALE Eight-room house and lot on Mead street, Just north of M. E. church. iTlco, $1800, cash. J. S. Edmunds, North Bend, or F. L. Sumner, Marshfleld, Ore. FOR SALE 2G feet new power fishing boat. Apply Max Tlmmer-man. WANT APS t lPr i yaress muixui m- mtJ FOH TRY A TIMES WANT AD. Steam Dye Works ' C Street. k Ltiliep 'UwUienU'gtumftuHiHoon- et or ayoa. Philip Becker, Proprietor. PuUtfco BELL CORD ' (i Wet Your Whlstl Ttien Blow J. R. HERRON, Prop. Front Street, 1 : MaMhtleld, Oreeon Dealer in Pure Cream Milk and Buttermilk. Free de livery to all parte of the city. North Bend, Oregon 1 W.' A. HAR1NG ,' ffllVf W?W fe BSE M M W awt i M W : : ORbUUIN I .t,ut-Tj.-au,iu.mmM JHUlUMMHI will HIH"irWH?.VMM Stable, North front Street - WUirJNWVI'IHHIJilBjmjaMJ $$$ wwwv line of of WWW Are the Best WANTED Cranberry pickers. J. H. Plnkerton, North Inlet. WANTED A Japanese wants a pri vate Instructor to teach plain Eng lish, between 7:30 to 8:30 p". m. Box 1C3. Geo. E. Yatsufuji. WANTED A boy; must bo polite and neat. Apply Unique Pant atorium. WANTED Girl bookkeeper for gen eral merchandise storo. Address box 29, Marshfleld, Ore. 'TT!n An pldnrlv lndv tn cook eating club of eight men. Ad- Box P, North Bena. RENT Nicely furnished front room; gentlemen prefered. Ap ply at Times office. WANTED Good farm and dairy hand. Wages $40.00 per mo. and board. E. L. Bessey. Phone 208. FOR RENT Ten-room house in South Marshfleld. Apply to A. B. Campbell, Finnish Co-operative store. WANTED Young lady assistant bookkeeper must write neat hand and be accurate. Box 334, City. WANTED Man and wife or widow woman, no objections to child; or good girl for general house work. Apply Mrs. F. Rogers, Coos River. Phono 207. Try a Times Want Ad. 4..$. .j. .J..... .... j. MAItSIIFIKM) DETKCTIVE AGENCY. W. II. Davis, Mosngcr. B Will take up any kind of de tective work entrusted to mo by those desiring first- class work. All correspond- ence confidential and prompt- ly attended to. My work always satisfactory and terms right. Correspondence ao- liclted. Address all matters to AV. II. DAVIS, Marshfleld, - - - Oregon. V 4. .J. A 4. A .. gmmmt? m Marshfleld 1 .. ,rw 9 HANSEN (Hi WIIW tt I WW LI BS COMPANY. 1 WATSlff I il i II W 1 w Mm Ffv Juli JLfi Ii Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat The Genuine is in the and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yellow pakaos Attention Logging Camps! Mills! 'Restaurants! Motels! Boarding Houses! DOES THIS LOOK GOOD TO YOU? Wc Can Supply You! Johnny On The Spot! With The Fol owing Lines. SINGLE AND DOUBLE OVEN RANGES HmHB9HNHI' t mmmBM, mMmMmmmm ' Hotel Crockery, Heavy Steel Cooking Utensils, White Metal Table Ware, Kitchen Cutlery, White and White Enamel Ware, Tin Ware. FURNITURE AND ALL LINES TO FURN ISH THE ABOVE TRADES 00 sffij -9-1 1- H ttttttttt M COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS m 1 m Marshfield, Oregon. Ml i 1 1 mmBBmmmsfsmsmsMWBwwam CURREN BROTHERS . . CONTRACTORS All Kinds of Work Done PHONES 543, 149 and 271 North Bend, Oregon California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company.. Steamer Alliance B. W. OLSON. Mastf r. (y Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. F. P. Bautngartner, Agt. L- W. Shaw, Agt. Couch St. Dock, Portland, Ore, Marahfleld, Ore., Phone 441. ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD We use the necessary facilities for sending money to all parts of the world; and without danger or loss. THE PIRSTATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Marshfield, Oregon. . Or CONTAINS NO HARMFUL DRUGS : 'iff ;' I i s