Are Women Braver Than Men? Or Don't They Know Any Better? Modern wor.inn, especially the modern city womnn, running about nniong the death dealing marvels or the twentieth century civilization, is absolutely deficient In sense 01 dan ger. She threads uor way through perils with a recklessness which makes her a subject of eternal won der for her bravery, or reiteruted condemnation for her stupidity by the more cautions male sex, accord ing as they happen to bo chivalrous or captious. It Is only fair to say that It seems to be woman's Innate Instinctive bravery displaying Itself in swift, lightninglike flashps which Is partly responsible for a lack of a quality of cautiousness which is particularly the trait of man In civilized life. The most interesting phase of her gift of running Into danger, however, is her entire lack of a knowledge of me chanics. Men Think Women Stupid In McclinulcM. For this tho man, bettor trained in the mechanical workings of things and quick to tnko advantage of his superior technical knowledge, dabs her "stupid." Partly from both those reasons, as Is easily proved by the news columns and tabulated records, it Is woman who plays tho prominent part In all tho little danger comedies and tragedies. It is tho policeman at the corner, specifically at the corner of Lake and State streets, who knows that It Is the new, long car, which swings far on Its trucks, which now gives as good an opportunity to femininity for getting into troublo as was once furnished by getting off the car back ward. Tjhis is one of the corners where the track was built for old fashioned short cars and where the turn haa not yet been changed to suit the new ones. A block farther down the street, where the State street cars go west in Randolph, the curve has ' been chanced, and also there are other corners where even a long car takes a lass Insidious course. Here, at the Lake and State street corner, however, it is the exceptional woman who Is prepared f)r the reach and direction which the car will take as It goes around tho corner. The car go ing east and then south finds the wo men crossing toward the south crowding up near, to get across as quickly as possible, and tho young police officer at this corner leads a particularly strenuous life. His arm raises automatically at intervals to keep the crowd at a safe distance from tho protruding platform, and ho' says ten female passers have to be warned to one male pedestrian. Encounter Many Dangers in Streets. It was Just before tho course of the South State street cars was changed from the turn that they used to make around Madison street that a woman was brought into one of the department store hospitals who had . gotten an ugly knock by standing at shade too close to the car. At the opposite corner of this square tho re versed direction of the west side cars, also an altering of the shape of the curve, has improved matters from the standpoint of the attendant po liceman. As they turn now, going west, tho long reach of the car comes out Into the middle of the roadway. Formerly it encroached directly on tho foot crossing. The rule here was that the part of the crowd going north would press up to the middle of tho car, In a position to be hit neatly in the shins as the end came around. Tho warning, "Stand back," chiefly given to women, is less fre quent, now, so says tho policeman heroand the post is fully a quarter less arduous than formerly. Another vulnerable spot is where the Ogden avenue cars come west In Randolph street and turn north In Dearborn street. Hero is an old fashioned short curve. The rear end of tho car here comes out to the cen ter of the crossing in Randolph street. "Occasionally," says tho oiu- cer at this corner, "a countryman lias to be warned, as woll as the women, RMADA AROUND THE HORN Great Fleet Under "Fighting; Bob" Evans Will Sail Next Month-What Japan Could Do In Magellan Straits. The American Armada will sail through the Straits of Magellan into the Pacific next month under Fight ing Bob" Evans. The authorities are careful to say that this is a practice cruise and a peaceful mission, bo it is if the Japanese behave them selves. Nevertheless every ship In tho most powerful fleet that ever sailed under one Hag will All coal bunkers Just before entering the straits, and when their steel ram prows plow the Pacific the great guns will be swinging free in their turrets. the ammunition hoists will bo fresh oiled and smoothly running, and the heads screwed to the torpedoes In tue UThis Is a peaceful mission because Japan Is not ready to fight. ar debts and Korean troubles have filled both the Japanese hands full of all tho trouble they can hold. Never theless this voyage, call It practice cruise or what you will, is a voago of actual conquest , on the Pacific Sixteen modern battleships will sail. Five more will welcome them, iwo of the latest armored cruisers will go, four will come home from the Philippines to meet them, and two will bo waiting on the Pacific coast. All tho resources of Japan cannot face such strength as this, and con gress is sure to see that the disparity never grows less. Japan carried ner diplomatic bluff so far that she frightened the United States into taking precautions. Of course this is to be a practice cruise, but no one expects to see tne THE DAILY COOS CHICAGO TIUIJUXK. but never the city bred man, while It Is the city bred woman w,o Is the constant offender." It only requires a glance at either or these corners to see the policeman with his arm raised in the attitude of holding people back as the car moves around the corner. Women Xot I'l-ightcitetl by Rushing Tiuliis. That the suburban woman doesn't know the suction of a swiftly moving uuin is accountable for accidents and deaths at tho grade crossings. Where the Northwestern fliers go through Austin women flguro much more fre quently in the accidents than men. Tho last accident reported was the death of a woman caused by stand ing too near the fast mail. The trains hero run on the opposite or left hand tracks, and the gates are not given any attention. What the man realizes that the woman doesn't, points out a man living near U1I3 par ticular crossing, Is that a train mov ing sixty miles an hour moves eighty eight feet a second. It Is apparent that she doesn't have any idea of the suction created. Fifteen accidents have occurred here In tho last four or live years, and in tho most of them women have been victims. "Why do you walk under that scaffolding?" said a man to his wo man relative the other day, drawing her out into the street. ' "O, It's all right or it wouldn't be there. They certainly wouldn't flx it -so that It would fall on people, would they?" she replied. That men do not share this confi dence is shown by a minute's obser vation at any building where work is going on above. Men turn out and go across tho street to avoid it. Wo men pass along under it in crowds, and they are not seen to look up as if alert to danger, but seem most in tent on picking their way through the dirt without getting soiled. Fair Ones Enjoy Kvhiltimtiug Sports. At the chutes and summer amuse ment parks It is declared that it is the feminine patronage that is most frequent on the faster of the sports. At Rlverview the giant swing is with in sight of the office of Thomas Prior of the executive staff. "I wouldn't go on the thing for a million dollars," says Mr. Prior, who would bo sup posed to be accustomed to uanger If anybody could be. "The sensation as you turn and start the come back Is something awful. I can only de scribe It as being like the eternal los ing of your soul. And yet as you see it here from the window there is no comparison in the number of men and women. It receives three-fourths of its patronage from women. "That women seem to like the sen sation of being thrown about and seek out the things with the bumpiest spots In them Is the report at all tho summer parks. And also that there Is not one woman in ten who with draws from a sense of danger, al though this is common with men. The whirling airship Is a favorite at ail the parks with women, arid is one of the things best patronized in the afternoons, when mostly women ace present. Night, too, finds many well diessed women in coupies, who pat ronize the roller coasters and chutes, Indicating in many cases that where there may be a man with them, he has stood on the outside while they go In together. At one of the parks the other night the usual crowd gazed at the awe Inspiring whirling airship. The center of attraction was a fine looking, woll dressed woman who sat up In one of the cars alone. Wider and wider grew the orbit, and swifter and bwifter tho revolution. Every eyo centered on the single fem inine occupant of the car, to see if she would quail. But even when she got above the heads of the crowd, high enough to thrill the onlookers at least, sho looked as cool, comfort able, and daintily dignified as when she started. Given both men and women who are making their first trip on the chutes, it is tho man who sizes up fleet come back. Instead congress will be asked to build a new one for tho Atlantic around the neucleus of some six battleships left, built and building. So 'Japan must dispute this challenge of the sovereignty of the Pacific in the Straits of Magellan un less she Is content to hereafter take second rank on home seas. Because of debts an lack of ships Japan is not likely to do any disputing. Naval experts, however, are now pointing out that If the Japanese de sire to strike a sudden and effective blow at the American navy, they can do it when the ships are passing through tho narrow and tortuous straits. It was here the Spaniards were expected to put tho Oregon out of business. But tho Spaniards are children in naval warfare compared with the Japanese. The latter, It will be remembered, opened fire on the Russian ships at Port Arthur before a declaration of war, secretly, sud denly and effectively. It is claimed that torpedo boats and destroyers, hidden in the numer ous bays nnd coves In the Straits of Magellan, might He In wait for tho American warships and, making a sudden assault upon mem, imv uu at their mercy. Tho warships would be caught in a place where they could not maneuver, wliero they would have to follow In single file, and where their heavy guns would be practically useless. A well-concerted attack of this kind would, it Is claim ed, prevent the American fleet ever reaching the Pacific, and those who BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. the action of the machinery Immedi ately, It seems, and It Is the woman who have to bo most carefully di rected as to how to got on and off tho movable sidewalk. At tho White City the caution of tho attendant Is to make the woman take hold of tho movable rail. It was only the other night that a girl persisted in grasp ing tho stationary rail. She was thrown down, and described the sen sation as "feeling her feet going up hill away from her." Getting their feet off at the top Is also a bugbear to the women, who do not seem to have any sense of the need of ac commodating their step off to the pe culiar motion. 1 Accidents Do Not Deter Venturesome Women. An accident on one of the roller coasters one afternoon, In which sev en or eight people were taken out , badly hurt, was seen plainly by tho I people (mostly women) waiting to get Into the next car, and yet the i usual htampedo occurred, the next j ones fairly tumbling in to get places. Having tho same significance is an other report from Paul House, the manager of the White City: "In get ting both men and women for the un pleasant stunt of being thrown from th windows ivnrl rnnfs fit Robert I I.- T nn l,rii ' col'D Tf Tlnncri "If la much easier to engage women than men. Although they are tied by ropes, many of the men whom wo see won't take the work, but the women don't demur." It remains for women to practice another thing fearlessly that tho or dinary man would regard with posi tive horror. It is the "dry shampoo" not the "so-called" shampoo made of powder, but the real gasoline ar ticle, ns it is practiced in Paris. In one of tho exclusive south side hotels lives a woman with soft white hair, which she does fashionably and takes a great deal of pride fn. "How do you keep It such a beautiful color and such a beautiful wave in it?" she was asked. "Because I don't have to take the wave out of It when I wash it, and yet I always keep it clean. I Just shampoo It in naphtha whenever it feels the least bit harsh or dirty, and it is dry in a few min utes, with tho wave in it Just the same as ever." It turned out that the little bath room where the dry shampooing was given had to be lighted at all times by artificial lights. "There is posi tively no danger, you know," said the woman, "with tho electric lights." And yet a man points out that there is much danger, because of the heat blown from the bulbs. Brave Peril to Preserve Beauty. In Paris, where there are little open air booths provided with con stant air circulation, the popularity of tho "dry shampoo" is scarcely Imaginable.- Women engage It wher ever possible on account of its quick ness and comfort, and recklessly ob livious of the terrible consequences to beauty if ignition did occur. Can a man be Imnglned who would even suggest the possibility of doing such a thing? Not long ago a woman aggravated at having two or three electric cars pass her signal ran and attempted to board one of them a3 she had seen a man do. She was plucky enough, but had made no calculation of the speed sho would have to make and only learned this necessary item by being rolled over two or three times in the dust. Few meiT would care to ri3k being hit by tho heavy doors that are now put in stores and oillces by coming out in the middle of tho passageway as they are flying in each direction. And yet the frequenter of the depart ment store will attest that "right through the middle" is the way that the majority of women go out and in. The woman who keeps out of range of tho opposite door by keep ing strictly to the right side seldom Is seen. Chicago Tribune. call attention to the danger say that such a proceeding would ue exactly In lino with the extraordinary man ner In which Japan opened the war with Russia. These, however, are regarded as the views of alarmists. American naval officers cay that none of the warships of the Atlantic fleet would be permitted to enter the straits un til tho latter had first been scoured free from end to end In daylight by scouts and torpedo boats that might be hidden amongst the numerous Islands at tho western end and that the channel was free In all directions from submerged mines. The Armada illustrates the de velopment of American naval strenght since the Spanish war that the fleet left behind in Atlantic waters, after sixteen battleships go to the Pacific, will be stronger than was the Atlantic fieet In 1898. And the Atlantic fleet in 1898 was prac tically the whole fighting navy, as fighting ability is rated, except the battleship Oregon. For the fleet of light, protected cruisers with which Admiral Dewey took Manila would not bo regarded as a -factor in a war with Japan. Indeed the naval ex perts who are now busy comparing the American and Japan naval power leave out of all account our score and more of Just such cruisers ns the nivmnln TlnlHmnrn find Rnloiizh. It will be remembered that In lb-98 the Oregon's trip around tho Horn to Join Admiral Sampson was regarded as vitally important. One battleship held the balance of power between two contending nations. Now tho United States sends sixteen battle ships, each much stronger and larger than the Oregon, Into Pacific waters, and there Is still a nucleus for n sturdy Atlantic fleet to stay behind nnrl Innlr nfipr the Monroe doctrine. The sixteen battleships to go are the 17,G50-ton Minnesota, Kansas and Vermont, the 1C, 000-ton Connec ticut and Louisiana, the 15,000-ton OREGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, nnm$$nmnmmtmmnmnnmnmtstntnnnnntm$mt o- - tt o o tt tt o l.VM VJTCKiH3Ti,,.,;VJ)l-.Krara effect its richness This is because o piano. o The GABLEIL Flm of oo Asa easy way to get the best 0 C street o W R. Haines Music Co. munnsininnnisnrtnnnnnsnsnsnsnmtinsnnnntnnntmti I Coos Bay ' Steam Laundry . fARSDEN'S LarshhnorthbendII wholesale liquor i I 'Ml vrk omv done at o 1 Edeai fVlauzey 1 $ 1 Ag!nt, Marshfield JACK JMCEMANAGER I I North Bend Phone 1031 i 1 Marshfield Phone 180 I $ Marshfield Phone 180 u8BCTBBgsBzuaaagaw:ntv "ffiw.M-iM Flanagan &. Bennett Bank MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Capital Subscribed J50.000 Capita! Paid Dp 10,000 Undivided Profits 35,000 noes a concral banking nfisiness aml'drawi nn the Uank ot Callfonil. Ban rancrsco Calif., First Naticaal BankS'ortl National Bank. Rosebtfrg, tional Bank, New York, Son, London, England. Also Bell change on nearly all tne principal cities ol Europe. Accounts kept subject to chock, safe deposit lock boxes for ren-t at 6 coitf a month o f 5. a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Bank of Oregon Capital Stock My pajdlip $50,000 7 Jf TrantacU a GQl Banking Business North Bend, Oregon Steam DyeWodis C SCrecL iMilieu HulOents'givni rule. 'lean ed or dyivL Philip Becker, Propiicfoi. Virginia, Georgia, Rhode Island and New Jersey, the 12,500-ton Maine, Missouri and Ohio, and the 11,500 ton Alabama, Illinois, Kearsarge and Kentucky. The slowest of these ships Is a sixteen-knot fighter, whllo four of them have a nlneteen-knot speed. They carry from eighteen to twenty four guns each, but the main batter ies of them are four twelve-inch guns and six or eight eight-inch. 1907. m f tm in O 8-4 ill H W A IP A QQ ( 3wuxiinu3znRsm;rRut: The "Gnblcr Tone" has been famous among piano users for more than fifty years. It gives the rare nnd delightful combination of SWEKTXKSS WITH l'OWKR, n pure, silvery singing tone under the light touch a rich, full resonance in the fortissimo prasuges. But this Is not nil. Tho tone of GABLER. PIANOS when new, is their tone year nftcr year except that It gains in quality with use. Age cannot make it weak 01 "tinny," the hardest use does not or depth. of Gnblcr Coiistrmtlon niul Gnblcr first the most scientific, the latter the most conscientious, Send for parLaaikrs between Broadway and t SOLE AGENT FOR THE EAMOUS GAMBIUNUS Handling the following goods IMPORTED, IIRAXDIES, GINS nnd . WHISKIES. Also for family trade u choice line of the celebrated Cubtleivood. Old Hickory, Yellowstone and Cn nudlun Club Whiskies; nUo ver mouths nnd cordluls. (VVVVV -VTj TRY A TIMES WANT AD. w Worlsi eve ej Purchase piano built 00 Front. H iKinsiup, uiu M mf titi o m . ni" m l V r v Marskfidd, Oregon H A A. 60SO0$$$$$O'$$0$''WJ' X 1 ; iJM I 3h 'I 1 Li ajiftjAirJl