PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Lena Larsen was In this city yesterday. Mrs. Virgil Matson of Daniel's Creek wns a city visitor yesterday. Mrs. Roberts of Sumner was a city visitor yesterday. Mr. Bonebrako of Sumner was In this city yesterday. Mr Zach Tliomas was down from Allegany Saturday. Mrs. Frank Rogers was down from Coos Hlver Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Galo of North Bend was In this city yesterday. Mr. Morten of Llbby wasla Marsh field visitor yesterday. x Mrs. E. M. Smith was in Marsh fleld shopping yesterday. Mrs. Oscar Oilman of North Inlet was in this city yesterday. MIs3 Jennie Curren of North Bend was a city visitor yesterday. Mnlnr Tower nf Rmnlrn wna n Marshfleld visitor yesterday. Mrs. Morton Tower was down from Coos River yesterday. Mrs. Favaro of South Inlet was in this city shopping yesterday. Mrs. D. Wallace of Catching Inlet was in Marshfleld yesterday. Mr. John Esmond of North Inlet was here on businoss yesterday. Mr. Jim Watson of Coquille Is vis iting in this city for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith of Coos River were in this city yesterday. Mrs. VInegard of East Marshfleld paid a business visit hero Saturday. Mrs. Annie Johnson of North Inlet was in this city shopping Saturday. v Mr. W. F. Ray of Coos River paid Marshfleld a business visit yesterday. Mr. Neil Watson of Coos City paid a business visit to this city yester day. Ed Colgan returned yesterday from a week's business trip to Ban don. Miss Mamie Mahoney left yester day for a few days visit up Coos river. Mr. Warren Besscy of Coos River paid a business visit to this city yes terday. Miss Jennie Eickworth intends - spending today with relatives at Mll licoma. Miss L. Johnson returned yester day from the Kruse place up the Isthmus. Miss Susie Eickworth returned yesterday froih a few days' outing at Millicoma. Mrs. George Adams Intends spend ing today at the McCormac place on Coos river. Mrs. Nellie Owen has sold one-half A Interest of her store to Mrs. Copple of this city. Miss Bessie Flyo of this city re turned Saturday from a two weeks' visit at Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. Litchworth and daughter, Ella, are' spending a few days at Allegany. B. F. Wyatt of North Bend was transacting business in Marshfleld yesterday afternoon. $ Misses Uma and Isls March re turned yesterday trom a few days visit up Coos river. Miss Hazel Downing of Salem, who had been with C. A. Sehlbrede and family, has returned home. Editor Bennett, of tho Coos Bay News, returned with his family from an extended outing on Ten Mile. W. J. Butler and family arrived in yesterday from Ten Mile, where they had been camping for several weeks. R. K. Booth and Claude Nasburg left yesterday afternoon for an over Sunday stay at tho Sigma Chi boat house on Coos river. Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Cook passed through Marshfleld on their way to Empire yesterday. They have just returned from a short visit to Rose burg. AT THE CHURCHES. 4. .. !. .. A !. ! $$ .Methodist Church. W. R. F. Browne, pastor. Services for Sunday, August 25th: 10 a. m Sunday school. 11 a. m., Vermon, "Prophets in tho Pews." 7 p. m., Dp worth League. 8 p. in., sermon, A Boarding House Roomer Who Did His Duty." A cordial welcome is ex tended to all. k. A Firbt Baptist Church. W. W. Thurston, pastor, Services for Sunday, August 25th: 10 a. m., Biblo school, Alva Doll, superintend ent. 11 a. m sermon, "Good for Nothing." 7 P. m., Young Peoples service, Mrs. Marsh, leader. 6 P',m;j sermon, "Arguments Against Sin. .Special music at tho evening service by the choir under tho direction of fSL AY.' ,so sol to Mrs. Ellen ? ff-- 03ri, Gently Lord; O, Gently Lead H, Ha8tInBS- Strangers especially i?V.?d V?, a11 8orvces. Rev. J. A. icttlt will conduct evangelistic ser vices, beginning September 1. The First Pivshytcrlaii Clmich. H. II. Brown, pastor. Announce ments for Sunday, August 25th: A cordial imitation is extended to Strancera tn vlslf mr nn.i. i,..i which convenes at 10 o'clock a. m! A bible elflss fnr niltilto la .r.rw1....l,wl by tho pastor, which Is growing In numbers because It Is being mado helpful and suggestive. There are also classes for every grado of pupils, where the boys and girls of the parish are welcomed. Tho morning service is held at 11 o clock at which the pastor will preach on tho theme, "The Great Sacrifice." Tho subject of the sermon at the evening service at 8 o'clock will be: "Wandering Stars." Whether or not you have seen tho new comet, you will bo interested in this sermon. One of tho most interesting and helpful services of tho day is the Christian Endeavor service at 7 o'clock. Young pcoplo and every body interested In young people's work are welcomed at this service. Leader, Miss Lucy Horton. Tho special musical features,at tho preaching services will be a solo by Mrs. Jessie W Ingram, and the an- them-hvmn. "Tlin Klni? nf T.nvn AIv Shepherd Is," by tho choir. LODGE DIRECTORY Meeting Nights and Officers of Coos Bay Orders MASONIC. Blanco Lodge, No. 48, A. F. & A. M. Richard Walter, W. M.; Norls Jensen, Secretary. Meets third Thursday of each month. Masonic Temple. Ar.igo Chapter, No. '2.'i, R. A. M. H. Lockhart, High Prl'st, Albei t- WANTED Millwrights and laborers by the Courtenay Lumber Co. Phono 24G. WANTED By Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, a few summer boarders; parties wishing a day on South Coos river can got dinner. Phone 20xS. Launch Tioga leaves S:00 a. m. daily. WANTED Anybody havlns good3 to store call at Taylor's Piano House on Broadway, near 0. street. Largo warehouse just completed. Terms reasonable. WANTED Two heavy teams to h piling for Plat B wharf, on can tract or six dollars per day. L. Klnnoy. FOR SALE Portable bake oven afl baking utensils. Address "Busr ness" caro Times. WANTED Dishwasher and chamber maid, at Hotel Oregon, North Bend. WANTED Ton men to clear land on Plat B, by the aero. L. D. Kin ney. FOR SALE Eight-room house and lot on Mead street, Just north of M. E. church, price, $1800, cash. J. S. Edmunds, North Bend, or F. L. Sumner, Marshfleld, Ore. A BARGAIN Two lots in Bandon, one a corner, 40 x 100 each. Price for both, $170 net. Stuts man & Co. es WANT AIS TRY CORTHELL'S DmCATCSSEN 2nd andcstjts For good things ojmi. Special va riety in ICE CREAM, Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread, Boiled Ham, Veal Pot Pie. A variety, in Cakes and Pies. CURREN BRO CONTRACT All Kinds of Work Done PHONES 543, 149 and 271 North Bend, Oregon THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, Seollg, Secretary. Meets fourth Wednesday of each month. Ma sonic Temple. Pacific Coniinniiclcry. C. W. Tower, Eminent Commander; Albert Sco llg, Secretary. Moots fourth Mon day of each month. Masonic Tem ple. Doric Chapter, No. 53, O. E. S. Mrs. Marsh, W. M.; Mrs. O. Macarty, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Tuesday. Masonic Temple. ODD FELLOWS. Sunset Lodue, No. 51, I. O. O. F. L. Planz, N. G,; I. S. Lando, Secre tary. Moet3 every Friday in Odd Fellows Hall. Sunset Encampment, I. O. O. F. A.. Hagonmoloter, C. P.; I. S. Lando, Scribe. Meets first and second Thursdays. Odd Fellows Hall. Western Star Lodge, Itcbckahs. Mrs Anna Farrin, N. G.; Mrs. Lizzie Butler, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Wednesday, Odd Fel lows Hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Myrtle Lodge, No. 3, K. P. Chas. Nordstrom, C. C; Tom Hall, "Keep er of Records. Meets first and third Mondays, K. P. Hall. Pythian Sisters, Laurel Temple, No. 3S, Mrs. Bessie Nicholson, M. E. C; Mrs. Nellie Whereat, M. of. R. and C. Meets first and third Wednesdays. AVOOD.MKX OF THE WORLD. Camp. No. 100, W. O. W. W. P. Murphy, C. C; W. U. Douglas, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Coos Bay Circle, No. 1C4, Women of Woodcraft. Mrs. Nora Daly, G. N.; Mrs. M. Cowan, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Odd Fellows Hall. IlED MEN. Koos Tribe, No. 33, improved Order of Redmen. Hugh McLain, Sa chem; George Farrin, Chief of Records. Meets Thursdays, Red Men's Hall. Degree of Pocahontas, Sacajawea Council, No. 9. Meets first and third Thursdays. Nora Daly, Po cahontas; Ora McCarty, Keeper of Records. FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA. T. Nicols, F. M.;Mrs. Nellie Owen, Secretary. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Arc the Best WANTED A boy; must be polite and neat. Apply Unique Pant atorium. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, with bath. Mrs. T. S. Mlnot. WANTED Two or four furnished rooms for light housekeeping. In quire at Times. WANTED Girl bookkeeper for gon eral merchandise store. Address box 209, Marshfleld, Ore. WANTED An elderly lady to cook for eating club of eight men. Ad dress Box P, North Bend. FOR SALE--Undertaking business at NorthyCend. Apply Hotel North Bend. NT Nicely furnished front gentlemen profored. Ap Tiines office. WANTED Good farm and dairy hand. Wages $40.00 per mo. and board. E. L. Bessey. Phone 208. FOR RENT Ten-room house in South Marshfleld. Apply to A. B. Campbell, Finnish Co-operative store. WANTED Young lady assistant bookkeeper must write neat hand and be accurate. Box 334, City. WANTED Man and wife or widow woman, no objections to child; or good girl for general house work. Apply Mrs. F. Rogers, Coos River. Phone 207. Try a Times Want Ad. n r j FOR RK l uuyi , ,d pyat THERS (DRS OREGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST Call for tliose screw J nil ' MmJ 1 I jn0USIIIXUK3' 'MM1 I 1 34 y 3 I above all things wish to give their children pure, healthful food. Indigestion sufferings are caused by the use of cheap. "'ST wl 1 $3m k L (MM . nave baking Made lis WB mmMmmkmmmm and recomenaea t MARSHFIELD: THE BAZAAR HERBERT LOCKHART F, A, SACCHI CHAS, STAUFF C, W, W0LC0TT JAS, B, HIBBARD FINNISH CO-OPERATIVE CO, and FASTEST ON THE Half Hour Kur UetHeen Marshlicld 'ind North Bend Made in 12 Minutes. Private Imn:1lnj;5. Faro: One wav, 15c; roinxl trip, S5v. J. A. O'KELIiY, Proprietor. rfcr.fcBMHonxs' WORK rati REPBOOWnw? J $ $ $ $ $ t i? $ $ $ $ $ Let I A. J. COLVlX Figure oh your ilifes. Oen- eral brick and cenjjru orlc. Apjily, Hlanco Clpir Store. $ $ $ J $ J J iragrsrcawmif iW wwmitiwim $ $ ! 5 $ PIANO -STUDIO of LOUIS II.OLT "Will open for !io breeption of pupils about fear 8, 1907. Parlors abovo iTiyfor's Piano SJore. j. j $ $ $ .j $. $ ! .j j .j .j. j $. ftelYSBlffilOll Makes Kidney S'nd Bladder til a lit BEND Iqats Suredule ft0 MCHf NCAV r,okmHa ) xfLfcUAciP) P"0N6 S. " - WtiBii.y 1 - ZZZZIZZ a Sholvang. Let us work out 0Wr plans. Soo us be- I y foro building. NEW I j : , - lyShop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street Warehouse , M Just completed in larskfield KmmEsaaaaamarsBaa for storing your fortsehold ) m , HAWni2ii iirnnin goods. Best of care guaran- A MONUMENTAL WORKS teed. For terms Call at- ' ; M Wo gnarateo beur Tvork at lower prices, 1 i JiHoHffrPWC; "mn Cftl hatWTlhewliero. Do not order rnHSt'iilPBI inonunijtaljpiwk until you havu Taykrs Piano Ml Stewart & Mitchell House I ;C3 Corner 3d & D Sts. Broadway m&' Phone, Main 1731 25, 1907. top cans, 3 lbs. unwholesome baking powders. Don't risk health to save a few cents in price. That is not economy. You cannot good, neaitnrul rood unless' you use pure powder. from a Superior grade of Pure EVEii(ND!5 SUMM' WORTH BEND: COOS BAY GROCERY CO, GRIMES & COMPANY -RUSSELL BROTHERS AUG, H0ELING PATRONIZE THESE GROCERS ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD We use the necessary facilities for sending money to all partof the world, and without danazr or loss THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Marshfield,, Oregon. California and Oregon Coast Steamship1 Company. ' Steamer Alliance D. V. OLSON, Jttater. Sails from Portland Sails from Coos Bay Tu F. P. Baumgaitnor, Agt. Couch St. Dock, Portland, Oro, nagrjr7?WMrara'.rnrar!ra 0 WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builders 1 j fl Oflioo fixtures a specialty, etorogjrfffontfl, Countora, $1.00, 5 lbs. $1.65 X Cream of, Tartar. ays, 8 p. m. 's, at service of tide. L. W, Shaw, Agt. MaishlleVd, Oro., Phone 441. ibtpq &u3 1 3T- 1 .Vj Uttk,'fc-ltti mi.-. Vj-- LL:J