The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 25, 1907, SUNDAY EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Coos Bay Times
mn-a - --' ,rTT i t i'
fTTs i . jay Times Poolisiiino Co.
The policy of The Coos Buy Times
xtfVL be Republican in politics, with the
independence of which President Horsa
volt is the lending exponent.
Entered at the potiOJce it MitrMiflold. Ore
con, for transmission through the mnlls as
second class innll:matter.
3inglo copy, daily, - - 5 cents
Per month, daily, - - 50 cents
Three months, daily, - f 1 25
Bix months, daily $2 50
One year, daily, - - f5 00
Weekly, per.year - - $1 50
Address all communications to
Marshficld, Oregon.
The Chicago and Northwestern
Railroad Company is still pushing its
lines westward and every Indication
points to the fact that they will be
definitely located Into Boise this year.
It Is not too much to expect that by
the end of 100S the road will be in
operation Into the capital city of
Idaho. It has been pointed out that
this lino to Boise is the one designed
to cross the state of Oregon as nearly
aa topography will permit, in a di
rection due west to the only available
deep water haibor on the Pacific
coast of southwestern Oregon, thus
making the shortest cut from Chi
cago to the ocean which any trans
continental line can claim and cut
ting down the distance between New
York and tho ocean six hundred
miles. This is understood to be the
policy which is inspired by the de
sire of the Vanderbilt interests to
own tho shortest and most direct
operating route between the two
oceans, and has been kept steadily
la mind ever since those interests
acquired the Fremont, Elkhorn and
JHssourl Valley railroad- through
Nebraska. In pursuance of this
policy the P., E. & M. V. has been
completed to Lauder, Wyoming.
Tho question which has -agitated
the people of central Wyoming, has
been whether the N. w. interests
would push on from Lauder in a
southerly direction through South
Pass city or whether they would
drop back to Blverton, at the con
fluence of the Big Horn and Wind
rivers, in Wyoming, and build up
Wind river to Dubois and thence
westward into the Salmon river
country. If the former, then Coos
Bay was to be tho objective point.
If the latter, then Seattle would be
tho obpectivo point. It now trans
pires that both points are within the
Northwestern's intention and that
the Gould and Vanderbilt interests
arc combined oh the Seattle plan.
But it is, if the advices received are
rorrect, tho purpose of both interests
that the Boise line, which has Coos
Bay as its ultimate destination, will
Tie completed before any active work
is begun on the line up Salmon river
to Lewiston.
It has been pointed out by the
Times that this Northwestern rail
road projection Is really tho cause of
ail the good fortune which Coos Bay
lias been breathing into its lungs in
the last eighteen months. It started
the groat strategist of tho Southern
Pacific to occupying tho Drain route.
It also stirred up that great con
structor and forceful general of
transportation J. J. Hill, to Investi
gation of the situation. It prepared
tho state of Oregon and particularly
central and southwestern Oregon for
a battle royal of railroad giants, and
made It certain that the greatest In
dustrial battlo of modern tlme3
would find its center at and around
Coos Bay. it would be fortunate in
deed for this center, if the people of
Coos Bay could and would measure
up to their requirements ami take
steps to meet the Northwestern.
This could and should bo done by tho
organization of a local company and
an active movement In the direction
of constructing tho line to Roseburg
with a view to extending it toward
"Boise. It is understood that If the
Coos Bay and Roseburg people, who
have agitated for an electric lino, and
havo agreed to subscribe for stock
iu nn electric company, would change
tholr plans so as to construct a steam
road instead, tho bonds could find a
ready market In Now York city
In circles which are expecting just
such a move. By doing this Coos
Bay and Roseburg both may haston
the advent of tho Northwestern sys
tem In this territory.
Tho Oregon Trust & Savings Bank
of Portland, which closed Its doors
on tho 21st Inst with liabilities of
$2,553,927.35, was merely tho victim
of bad hanking. It does not yet ap
pear that enough asstes will not bo
found to liquidate In full, but
whether found or not it does not
change- tho conclusion stated. It Is
shown that this savings institution
had invested In Independent Tele
phono Company bonds a largo sum,
aggregating about $1,300,000. In
other words, whilo it was hold out
3H a savings bank. It was In largo
measure scarcely more- than a hold-
...,,.,.,.... Cm- n tnlnnhnno ontor-
iim 1,-jiiiiu.'... . .-.--- ----
prise. Such investments do not con
stitute safe banking and it is not
aurprlulng that tho institution came
to griof. Hut It Is not necessary to
take alarm, from, this Incident, at
the goneral situation. That is not
sUTootod, and Portland and Orogon
ana still high up on tho lists of pros-
IKJBuV thoro is n lesson to bo drawn
from tho disaster which has come to
tho On'gon Trust & Savings ,Bank
xiuJ Its depositors. It Is impossible
to safoguard tho sacred trust or
franklin? too effectually. Tho Hfo
earnings and tmvlngB of the people
aro there dopositod and such earn
ings and savings should never be
It Is not in harmony with tho
onirit of tiir-Mnipa Hint. savlnirs Insti
tutions should bo allowed to con
duct their business In secret. i'uu
llcity is the feature of such institu
tions which, more than anything else,
it 111 Imon Hinrn within iirnlifir limits.
They should, as national banks are
required to do, make periodical state-1
monts of their asstes and liabilities !
and bo subject to examination by
some commission or public investl-1
gator. Depositors anu investors
have a right to know what is being
done with their money. The bank
ing laws of tho state of Orogon havo
been revised to some extent, but, now
that the state Is entering the lists
of greatest Industrial" activity she
needs to ndont the strictest anu oest
system of banking. No part of the
United States can Do regaruea as a
new country. It Is all more or less
settled, and has Its local character
istics and customs. Lax laws were
once regarded by some people as
necessary for the advancement of
new sections. Whether such policy
could be Justified then or not is un
important now. It can ue toierateu
no longer. Happily this county is
not at present concerned in sucn
questions, except so far as they ap
pertain to the future. Coos county
is fortunate in having her banking
Interests In the hands of safe and
conservative men. But the future
1-r.nma n n lipfnrfi lis hie With DOSSi-
billtie3 and other and less conserva
tive financial methods and men may
appear. Safe and sound methods
and strict government surveillance
for all such institutions are neces
The London papers have been mak
ing extended oditorinl comment on
the recent speeches of President
Roosevelt and Secretary Taft and all
of them unite In the expressed be
lief that the stand taken by these two
American statesmen on the subject
of the trusts is both honorable and
sound. The London Times rejects
the view that the president 13 on
dangerous or unjustifiable ground in
relation to the railways fond says the
purpose which the president proposes
to attain Is that public control which
has long been the English policy.
It states that In England no rall
yay can issue fresh shares or bonds
mininnt i-invHniYipntfirv sanction. The
Times' economic and flnanclal expert
agrees with Mr. Roosevelt that while
the markets of the world aro de
pressed, there is no reason to sup
pose it would have been otherwise
If the president had avoided the trust
problem. , ,
if co-i-n-io in Americans obvious
enough that the time has arrived to
put the flnanclal and stock operations
, crmn ii-isij more substantial than
that of a juggler. The depression of
the stock market was natural wneu
its distention a3 caused by air or
water; and if many who invested in
securities which were bulging by
reason of being supplied with those
elements have lost now, they have
simply scored today what was cer
tain to reach them tomorrow. The
government control, through state
and Interstate commissions, of rail
roads and their securities, can not
but result In rendering investments
tn bonds and stocks safer. No rail
road company should bo permitted
to Issue fresh shares or bonds unless
It flrst makes a certificate of the pur
pose of such issue and files it with
the proper railroad commission, and
in the case of Interstate railroads,
with the Interstate commerce com
mission. Such commission should
be charged with the duty of see
ing that such funds were not divert
ed but wore used for the purpose
designated. This would nrake such
diversion into tho pockets of un
scrupulous promoters impossible,
and would devote such funds to the
betterment of the roads and incre.ise
the value of the securities. Then,
too, there should be no loss to the
business Interests, the railroads or
the investors if such stocks and bonds
should go to a premium.
Government control, not govern
ment ownership, Is not only neces
sary, but without tho slightest doubt
meets tho full approval of an over
whelming majority of tho people of
tho United States. The ngitation of
tho populist party of ten years ago,
Is bearing fruit. They may havo been
radical then because tho time had
not arrived for action, but like tho
abolition party, they paved the way
and their sanest views are now the
principal features of the policy of the
present administration.
Tho bubonic plague which Is sus
pected to havo been Introduced from
Asia Into San Francisco is ono of the
dread diseases which spring out of
overcrowded districts and antiquated
nitli nut It primes to our shores in
spite of our sparco population and
nuro atmosnnero. it is sam to uu
Infectious and always fatal. Up in
Antnrin It hns lieon decided to tako
all proper precautions to prevent tho
plague trom ueing mtrouuceu un
shipping entering tho Columbia river
fi-nm Smi TTVniinlson nr tho Orient.
Thoreforo such ships nro to bo placed
In quarantine ami runugateu ueioro
passengers or goods can bo landed,
Whilo this method Is troublesome, no
doubt It is necessary. People do not
a 10 but onco and when ueaci, wo uo
not understand that they have any
further Interest In tho upbuilding
and Improvement of towns. So, In
order to keep tholr Intorest in tho
ti-nlfnm nf tlin pltV. It Is nOCOSSnrV tO
tako precautions to keep them alive.
All seaports should protect thom-
o,.h-,io mrnlnat nlniruns. OllidOllllCS Uhd
posts, as host they can and, if As
toria Is In danger from tho shipping
of San Francisco ami tuo urtent -yuus
Buy. should also tako tho same meas
ures of solf-protcctlon.
Tho Chamber of Commerce of
Murshflold Is fully nllvo to tho ad
vantage of booming tho Coos Bay
Gravenstoin apple. Young Napoleon
Bonaparte was introduced to his su
perior olllcors In the army in tho fol
lowing torso words: "Th s young
man has merit. Advance him or ho
...iii .io., l.inifioif." So saya tho
Will HH-.4-H.---u -- - - .
Chambor of Commerce in regard to
tho Coos Bay uravonsieiu. '
It or it will boom Itself." So the
Chamber of Commerce has offered a
prize of five dollars for the best box
of Coos Bay Gravenstoin apples, pro
duced in Coos county, and delivered
to and placed on exhibition Jit the
Chamber of Commerce rooms on
Front street, Marshfleld. Mr. F. B.
Walte, in order to mnke the contest
still more Interesting has added
twenty dollars to that prize and Mr.
F. S. Dow will add to that. Other
nrlzes are to be given for the best
exhibit In other fruits and vegetables, )
out the uraven3tein is to ue um .
loader. It Is expected that all or-1
ehardists will take part in this con-1
test. It means much for Coos pay. j
It Ilie.lim lllllCll IU U1U i;.j,.w.;.v" ".
Its reputation as a fruit growing dis
trict. It means much for tho or
chard spirlf and the Interest which
will bo taken in lands which arc con
sidered adaptsd to fruit growing.
Dr. Withvcombo and other mem
bers of the faculty of the Corvallls
Agricultural College and. Congress
man Hawley wil be present at the
exhibition and It is especially de
sirable to Impress those gentlemen
with the greatness of Coos Bay and
Coos county In this line. Let every
orchardlst and gardener compete.
Districts which are or have been
inn isnlntnrl cultivate habits which
are not always cordial and adopt ex
pressions whlcn ao not always seem
to be inviting. There are many such
regions In tho remote portions of
Kentucky and Tennessee, of Arkan
sas and Mississippi. These districts
are sometimes caueu me airuuKur
Country." One of the reasons why
they receive this peculiar name is be
cause they do not welcome new com
ers. All such are looked upon as In
terlopers. They are called "strang
er.?" and treated as such. Their
names are not readily caught and
they are addressed directly by the
title "Stranger" and no other.
One of the things about Coos Bay
which attracts, 13, that although the
district has been isolated for many
years, the people who arrive are not
treated or called by tho name
"Stranger." They are received as If
they belonged to tho country. They
are not introduced as strangers, but
as probable citizens. In fact one
year has wrought a great change in
this respect and the Bay cities have
Yit nniv tniron n r.nsnmnnlltan char
acter, but havo developed a Coos Bay
Spirit. A man Is not asked, as form
erly, how long no 13 going to stay uu
Coos Bay, but It 13 assumed that he
could not be so unwise as to leave it.
So it is no longer a "Stranger Coun
try' and the true uoosian win uiui.
tho wnr:l "strancer" out of his vo
cabulary and substitute "visitor" or
"new comer" in us place.
Capital Journal Man Has Experience
ami Turns It Into Good
Business Directory
B. E. STRAW, M. D.
niVSICIAN and suiioi:un
DiscaFes of the Eye, Ear, Lost
and Throat a specialty.
Oflice in Lockhart's Building.
Marshfleld, Oregon
Oillce opposite Onion Furniture Store. Houu
lOtolaiul 2td5
blipclnl attentfon pufd to rllo4hC8 of tlic .
urinary mid dl?L'tivo organs
U. h'. i'tnslon cxamlnei
Physician nnc' burgeon.
Olilc over Sehgstacken's Drug Store
Phones Office 1621; residence 783
E. L. C. Farrln Geo. N. Farrin
Attorneys nt Ijaw
City Attorney, Dep. District Attorney
Will practice In U. S. Courts
and before the U. S. Laud Officcf.
Lockhart Building. 'Marshflohl, 0re
Phone Main 41.
Office over Flanagan
Francis II. Clarke
trfnvrence Al Llljcnfist
Times Building, 1 Mashfleld, Ore
United States CommisslAner's Office.
(Capital Journal.)
The horse editor notes the arrival
In the city yesterday of a band of
bunchgrassers. They were about six
dozen of the cayuses, and they cer
tainly had as much fun in the city
as a boy on circus day. They took in
all the sights as the "buccaroos"
chased them through the streets, not
forgetting to make a critical exam
nation of the postofflce grounds,
which, although they pased over
them hurriedly, they left their O. K.
on In many places, and well distrib
uted; for the southeast corner of
the grounds look like they had just
recovered from a case of confluent
smallpox. They also examined Wil
son avenue, and seemed pleased with
it, as they scattered through the
grounds, but were Anally herded to
gether and held In mass, so to speak,
aud very properly at the Catholic
church. One of them lay down in
the street at that point, and refused
to travel further. The cowboys left
him and took the balanco of the
bunch out toward the fair grounds.
Some time later the boys camo back
for the weary one, and gave the cit
izens of that neighborhood a genuine
show of the circus variety, in per
suading the cayuse to "move on."
Those who saw the cayuse sprawled
out on his side In tho sun supposed
he was dead, but they didn't know
tho nature of the untamed bunch
grasser. That cayuse lay perfectly
still whilo n teamster lifted up its
head and looked at Its teeth, and it
let tho head drop back utterly limp
when tho teamster let go of It.
"13 It dead?" asked a bystander.
"Dead, h 1," was the reply. "You
couldn't kill a cayuso with a pile
No ono behoved him, however, un
til tho herders camo back after tho
"dead one." Ono of them took a turn
about the cayuse's head with a riata,
while another tickled him with a
quirt. Tho cayuso know a quirt and
., annimvlint Inp.TKleSCOllt English
with which ho ;ns invited to got up
and move, also seemed familiar. Ho
stealthily opened ono eyo, and hop
ing tho man with tho quirt was with
in reach, kicked, but tho only thing
ho reached was tho quirt, which soon
convinced him that ho would bo just
as comfortable some place else. Ho
gavo a bounce and was on his feet
instantly. Tho buccaroo with tho
bow lino took a turn around tho
horn of his saddlo nnd started. Then
tho circus commenced tno cayuse
bucked, plunged, kicked nnd did
some stunts that tho names have not
been Invented for yet. Tho audience
was largo nnd appreciative com
prising nearly all Salem east of
Winter street and north of any place,
it was no use, however, tho "bucca
roos" had him nnd ho had to go,
which he did, but- ho certainly kicked
about it.
urn vim Rnvkv'fl statement that
tuo Amorlcaus are "a Bllont, gloomy
nooiilo" nroves conclusively that ho
aidn't attend any colloge football
games whilo in tho country.
Advlco on housohold economy is
nicely offored by Charlos M. Schwab
In a recont intorviow. It would seem
that Mr. Corey ought to bo moro of
an authority on topics of that kind.
' Attorney at Law.
Marshfleld, - - - -
North Bend,
No. 1.
Lv. 9:00a.m.Marsh'd
Lv. 9:45a.m. Coqullle
Ar.l 0:20a.m. Myrtle Pt
r B H
Oregoi H H jj (I H 8
i OSltSa i
' Shoe$,
! nn a m L f
ii kj t.1 m iivk r iuu wi wi mi n
A tavj j j
1 TS&TT B fl r Jr 8
j- necKicps,
& Berfnett j I I
. -LSoJ Uiderwegir, etc.
JncoVM. Blake i I TP n U B 1 UU R
I j X a.tanttaMm.T!A PM 'JMA ML fxrn't
nwrwamaup me .sjk&b. .
& LILJEQVIST, ; ; 4-y i
i UUALllI.
If if
ilTiiirFliA 4 R
41 AAJU S A f 11 ill f
I r Cf l?nG-vtrAiar Kvorfriroir nnn Fvnnf
' J V. Ul. JJCtVTCGlA JLI WHU ly WSJtia A avail
pa""''' II llll I III I P"" Mi.ii.,..Nprv-rrir,7ripimigll'J'"-inillllT1linti"'''"''l''''fl N
m i rtt iii;ii
j I I
I have leceived a ship- J
merie of teaiij&ful hand II
l SI
Attorney at Ilaw.
Upstairs, Bonnett & VaU"5r Block
Marshfleld, - - l - OregoD
Real Estate Acjents.
Real Estate Brokers.
North Bend. Oregon
Contractor for Teaming of all kinds.
Phone 1884.
The C. B., R. & t R. R.
and Navigation Co,
THE C B., K. & E. RyR. & X. CO.
Subject to change lthout notice.
No. 2.
Ar.12 :30p.m.
Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally.
F. A. LAISE, Agent.
Hospital taf Surgical and
Medical cases. RateB reason
able. Phone 99L
M. P. Pendcrgrass, Master
and 10:30 a. ml, amf 1:00, 2:30
and 4:00 p. ml
Leaves NortDmJond at 8:15,
9:45 and 11:15a. in., and 1:45,
3:15 and 5:00 p. m.
Makes dally trips except Sun
days. Faro: Ono way, 15
conts; round trip, 25 cents.
Leaves Marshfleld 7:30, 9:00,
I have leceived a ship
merie of aeaujjfiul hand
painted chinadirect from
Old Italy This superb
work is all in fruit designs,
beautiful to behold and de
lightful to the eye Come
in and inspect this stock a
glance means so much more
than colums of space
Launch Express
Will make regular trips between
South Coos river nd Marshfleld
Leaving tho Mazat 7.00 a. m.
nnd Marshfleld at 4:30 p. ra.
Sho will bo c5n for charter
botweoR C a.ia. and 4 p. ui.
JM yQJ J Hftr i -fcJMMMBjttMBB k