Exmtn DAILY ww& EDITION - " MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS. VOL II. ji 111 M " JrywixjiiaMUii.nfc'Mnwegiapw mnitm ny ko r n w , mum m imruu Jirvnr irmrm oegonVrust and iQffs ln- stitutioh FailsTbugh L Carelesytoafis. AMOUNT yVEr$2,500,000 rnfs UimUle to Secure Loan mid DepjAitors l'k'iul fyjr Fluids. -Z. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1907. No. 41. EJ.JMJLMLiaJMILHiW.HJUm 1JJLI ' III IHI1I1.I1 UN '' ' i . wrM Conce JP XT tlioiflflstovjp markets, but failed. Its ctiWlitlnjP'wns known to v.io other llrSjifjV flip nltv. nml Inat nlr1i n f- (mv(F had been found that the only rej5rt left was an appeal to the IlOrtlaild Clearing House ARsnp.ln.Mnn. made Its anneal, and the executive committee of the association, con sisting cf A. L. Mills, W. Mackintosh and J. C. Ainsworth, requested an olllclal statement of the condition of the bank. The committee deliberated for hours over the statement and did not adjourn from its executive session In tho onices of the First National Hank, until after 2 o'clock this morn ing. Then the following resolution was passed unanimously, advising the association to refuso to extend any assistance to the bank. "Portland, Or., Aug. 20. To the Members of the Portland Clearing House: Your executive committee having made an examination of the sccui Ities of the Oregon Trust & Sav ings Bank, begs have to report that owing to the nature of these securi ties It does not feel warranted In recommending that the Clearing House Association render any as sistance. "A. L. MILLS, "W. MACKINTOSH, "J. C. AINSWOItTH." Nlulit Session Held. This resolution was placed in Pros- PERSONAL MENTION. ! LOCAL RAILROAD HAS BAD SMASH-UP Ames S. Johnston, ex-postmaster of Port Orford, is in Marshfleld. Mrs. U. F. Piper of Coos River was here yesterday. Misses Fanny and Ileno Getty were Ainit-hflcld visitor yesterday. Mr. Jay Mahoney paid a business visit to Libby yesterday. i i Nine Flat Cars Smashed in Uimiiwny Lawrence Saves Worse Disaster. One of the most disastrous smash ups on the local railroad in several years occurred yesterday about noon when a train of logging cars, Marsh- field bound, broke away from the en Mrs. Catching and daughters of ! gine on tho hill about a half mile Because of the bad judgment dis played by Its cashier in the handling of its securities, the Oregon Trust & Savings Bank went into the hands of Thomas C. Devlin, as reclever, this morning. Humors that tho bank was in a bad way were circulated about ..rn rnirlv In Min rfsiv. and when a clerk with trembling hand pinned a ldent Moore's hands at 3 o'clock this laconic announcement ot tno lauure lnornnm, uiu uu-uciurs iiuvum u on the door of tho bank, at 10 o'clock 'in session most of tho night. Noth there was already a crowd of about ing now remained for the bank to do 100 people, most of them anxious (but suspend operation. This tho di deposltora, huddled about the en- rectors decided to do. tr!nco According to an analysis of the 'president W. II. Moore says the bank's statement of its resources bank went under because it was un-lniado by experts, the indication is able to realize on certain securities. ' that the institution violated all the E 10 Lytic, vice piesident and dlree-Maws of conservative and substantial tor and Leo Freide, another dlrec-' finance in placing so large a bulk of tor Place the blame for the trouble j its available assets in one class of on the shoulders of V. Cooper Mor- ' scuiities, tho bank holding nearly ids cashier of the bank. Ho is ac- $900,000 worth of Home Telephone cused of buying recklessly, without bonds alone. t , , nnn m uithorlty of directors, securities The bank has about 14,000 sav whlch tied up tho bank's resources ' Ings accounts and over 2500 check honelessly, that he also had loaned ing accounts. Tho savings accounts arge sums to local and other enter- are with but very few except Ions less rises in which he was financially In-1 than $1000, tno average being onl crested doing this also without au- $57 per depositor. The bank has for ..:..' V. ' ,i.... n,.n Cnva iiia! months nast been making a wide- inoruy. ivyi.wi.ci 1.." ""'": , --, . . m m,nl1 MV- policy will bo to uegm to realize uv i--"u '"i"""" " --- - - -- once on the bank's securities for the ings accounts, and did a land-office uusinesa uy wuu. Among the hundreds of depositors who clamored at the door for admit tance were poor women and girls, old men, laboring people mostly. There were shop girls, waitresses and clerks, there were Italians, Greeks, Chinese and Japanese, and in many cases, the savings of years had been wiped out. Tears fell freely from tho nvns nf scores of women and piris who wero hit the hardest. lionnnt. of creditors and depositors, with as much expedition as is con sistent with the best Interest of tho latter. Ho will do this as soon as he has been able to reach an accur ate idea of tho exact condition of the bank. , Is Not Wow to City. The failure Is an isolated calamity. It-will have no effect whatever on the stability of other financial institu tions of tho city, nor will it redound as ins of the city, nor will it re u u whoM H trombled a blow at Port and s credit In to cheekg ,ed whon the money markets oi me uiuuu, '..V., closed and barred door broke tho bank is one of the youngest instltu- cose ax tions in the city, having been in busl- usn nfc bank g,oom 1)re. ness Init three years, and its inauiity , the o((lce forco o a SCOre, to open Its doors today is of no Mtai wJo w(jro bugy oyer books consequence to other biislnossm in-, t answering telephones, dustrial institutions of Port land It accou n , , tnntontl and harshly. is just like the failure of any other "t,c"d together in little groups individual business, inisu-"" -iul tal,.e(1 ,n BUbduod whispers. Most of them had not oniy iosi men jobs, but their savings, which they had put Into their own bank. In front President Moore, Receiver Catching Inlet wero nere yesterday. Mr. Gus Peterson of Empire was in Marshllcld yesterday. Mr. Ed Noah of Coos River was hero Friday. Miss Winifred Rood of North Bend was in Marshfleld yesterday. Mr. Rnab of North Bend was in this city yesterday. Miss Anderson of North Bend was here yesterday. Mrs. Wilbur returned from Ban- don yesterday. Miss Margaret Fox of Maxwell was a city visitor yesterday. Mr. J. D. Defreeso of Coos River was hero yesterday. Mr. A. Nicholls of Libby was a city visitor yesterday. Mr. J. Landreth of Coos River was liprn Frldav. Mrs. Gordon of East Marshfleld was hero yesterday. Mrs. Mahaffy was down from Coos River yesterday. Mrs. Munson of Ten Mile wa3 in Marshfleld yesterday. Miss Lillian McCann and Miss B. Jennings were in this city yesterday. Miss Sadie Kruse returned yester day from a few days' visit in Bandon. Mr. and Mrs. Horton, Rev. Brown and wife and Mrs. Ingram spent Fri day up Coos River. Mi-3. Albert Matson and Miss L. Johnson are spending a few days at Pleasant Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Norton and Mr. and Mrs.-Frledberg spent yesterday up Catching Inlet. Mr. H. D. Wallace of Catching In let was a Mar3hfleld visitor yjester day". Mrs. Wilson and daughter, Spence, returned from a few days' outing Jit Ttandon. Miss Stella Wicklund passed through Marshfleld yesterday on her way to her home in Empire. Miss Alice, McCormac and Mis3 Jessie Chase left for Coos River yes terday. Miss Annio Wlckman passed through Marshfleld yesterday on her way to her home in Empire. Mrs. D. Morso and Miss inompson PRIZES FOR PRODUCERS from tho station and plunged along at a thirty mile clip headed straight for a long string of cars on the sid ing next to the station. But for tho timely work of Con ductor Ned Lawrenco of the train, the station building would have suffered, serious damage. Lawrence jumped, from the train at the switch which opens off tho main track onto the spur leading to the coal bunkers and threw it just as two of the runaway cars had passed. The two cars which had passed ran down the track, col liding with several which were on the switch, ditching seven or eight of them. The changing of the switch threw tho other cars off the track and live or six piled up in a conglom erated mass of twisted wood anfl broken iron. According to the story of the en gineer tho logging cars were In front of the engine and were being pushed along at a speed of about ten miles an hour. He endeavored to slack the speed and the strain broke a coupling which let tho cars loose. Men wore at work all day yester day cleaning up tho wreckage and from appearances several more days of hard work will be required to straighten out the tangle. CITY HALL TO HAVE ADDITION BUILT Chamber of Commerce To En courage Exhibits of Fruit and Vegetables. TO ESTABLISH SHIP YARD Mr. Carlson, of Port Ulakely, Desires To Locate Yaid In Or Near Mnrshlleld. There was a large attendance at the Chamber of Commerce last even ing and the business and addresses wero quite up to the standard of in terest. After President McCormac called the meeting to order and tho secretary had read the minutes of the last meeting, the committee on the Port of Coos Bay reported. Mr. Grimes, for the committee, reported that the committee had undertaken the work of raising thirty thousand dollars to build the dredge necessary to dredge the harbor and' that C. A. Smith Lumber company had sub scribed $10,000, A. M. Simpson Lum ber company had subscribed $10,000, and Bennett & Flanagan "Bank had subscribed ?2,U00; that no canvass had been made, but that it was be lieved the remaining funds would be subscribed by citizens as soon as re quested. The secretary stated that tno committee should report back to the two chambers of Marshfleld and New "Work Will Include IJetter C'ala-,North Bend in order to receive au- comiVittee the following list of premiums: Fruits-. Gravensteln apples, best box. . . $5.00 Best exhibit of other varieties, one box 5.00 Strawberries, 1 quart or more. 3.00 Blnckberrles, 1 quart or more. 2.00 Best box of pears 3.00 Vegetables. Potatoes, 15 pounds !"& Celery, 3 bunches 3.00 Other vegetables, best exhibit. . 4.00 Mr. F. B. Walte arose at tho closo of the secretary's report and an nounced that ho would add twenty dollars personally to the premiums offered for the best box of Graven steins. The secretary stated that an other member had also stated that ho would give an additional sum also for the best box of Gravenstelns, thus making ttie prize for the winner something more than $25.00. On motion, Messrs. Clarke, Lyons and Dow were appointed to act as a committee to see that the orchard ists of Coos county were notified of. the prizes and thnt the exhibition, was to be held at the Chamber of Commerce in September, when Dr. Wlth'ycombe and others of tho Cor vallls Agricultural School would ba present and address the farmers and others of the county. On motion the meeting aujourneu. loose and More Room lor Fire Department. anlmous opinion of leading bankers ...,.i ln.Mnaca mnn who have been asked for statements touching the failure. No other banks will suffer from tho crash of the Oregon Trust and Savings Bank, and none of thorn was In close financial relation with it. The appointment of Thomas U tu oa noivnv is looked upon as tho best possible move looking to- Devlin and Senator Josep aim on, counsel for tho receiver, discussed the bank's affairs. v,..iii.ii smn.noo Friday. If we could have secured $100, , J.i Tn..i.i,r T.io-i.t " r.nlil Presi- lUbV l1 I llliljf liifc,"-, . n n . . 1 T71..I .In.. ntffMT C!l III ri MM i Lfioi. luuw.ui- - ,... iiiiii innr nriii.lv nielli. mi. v. . - . .. " .i .! F fli nil 1 H aiwww - ..-.-., -w . ward tno resioiuv u.i ".",""- dent Moore this morning, -we. wimm confidence that they will be re m but the BtrlnBOncy bursed dollar for dollar. DoU to. not i ot Jn eagt , t through his long career " "ie " la uirom raising the money needed, auditor's office, close as socio, t on w 1th ,na ourbcashier is now in the local and Eastern banks in tho trans ' . ' t dii10se of some of our action of tho city's business i 1 il ilntl- r g 0 ent to Now York, mate knowledge of tho value of ec urn We had bonds and other seem "-., i""-.: a telegram f rom him yesteruay, say hlm above almost any o"er n. ?ng he .would be in Washington today could have been selected, In a post , b mission. I am not In a tion to safeguard o JnteieBta , on t os tl of tho creditors and deposltois w th pobk President Lytic and a- sure, Intelligent and conservative 1'"? Le(j Friede that Morris hand. ,, . I bought securities in large amounts Devlin Files llond. I without the authority of the direc- As soon as L. . Wilde, a director, ' t, t ho loaned pig sums to and creditor of the bank nan .-- connmnles and enterprises in w.- a full attenaance was recoraeu. .tv committeo consisting of Clausen Matson and Condron was appointed to have plans and specifications drawn for au addition to the city hall to give more room for the fire department and to accommodate a new jail building. Y street, from the center of Front to the harbor line, was ordered Improved according to plans and specifications in the hands of the city englneci. Ten days no tice was given of the Improvement of nAHP.intn niunnt) ntl1 TOll Hi RtrPO.t.. left yesterday for a few days outing The mattCr of employing a regular at Ten Mile. i engineer for the fire department was Charles Gilbert and Roy Troxtol dlfcusse(1 and waa turned over to of Roseburg are spending their va- Councllman Matson. John Golden, cation on Coos Bay. who has a residenco on tho extension Miss Ada Chapman ana jmiss beima i Qf y street wln be ordered to remove .Toh:-s-on returned to Marshfleld 03- Jt The cIty engneer was ordered to terday after having attended the 'epare plans for the Improvement Bandon Institute. r i)co street and B street, and Mr. Sid Klahn and wife left yes- OQ 'Front street to include Ailing to terday for their home in Portland, d d covorlng wlth flre clay, after having visited on tho Bay for . b several weeks with relatives. Mr. W. Perkins passed through this city yesterday on his way to North Bend, after having spent sev eral days on his homestead on the biuslaw. Mr. and Mrs. Winchester of Seat tle, but formerly residents of Coos Bay, havo returned to Marshfleld and are at present tho guests of J. W. Ui!U and family Victor Johnson, son of a member of tho C. A. Smith Lumber and Man ufacturing company, arrlvpd hero from Minneapolis yesterday and will : cumin for some time. WARDENS AFTER LAW BREAKERS WITH HOUNDS thorlty from them to Incur necessary expenses In the employment oi an engineer and an attorney. On mo- At the adjourned meeting of tho'tlon it was voted to approve and city council held on Thursday night, ' adopt the report of the committee SNYDER WINS SUIT FOR POSSESSION In tho suit brought by Eugene O'Connell against John Snyder for possession of the Pioneer building, tried yesterday before Justice Pcu nocktho jury found the defendant not pullij. This verdict Is In conformity wlth'the Oregon statutes which pro vide for such a finding where a land lord attempts ousting a tenant, ine jury was composed of Cnpt. Llghtner, L, R. Robinson, C. H. Marsh, W. J. Rust, John Dolan and Lee Edwards. Mr. Snyder's lease of tho premises does not expiro until the ISth of April, 1009. Farrln & Farrln repre sented Snyder, and J. W. Bennett had charge of O'Connell's side of the case. 1 Ulu"lu"'. ",!," fiiwnit Court i yu",1,tw" "" ;,,,. ih,Wpi1 Mr. . .-.lAn'f-VI 111 I 1111 Ull Uv l.rt IlinO TIIIIIIH'.lil lit I11I.VI "" for a receiver, Presiding Judge Can-1 00Dwould not deny the charge was tenbein named Mr. "' "" V." ,.. T-n..iii ns soon as no ceiver. mr. uuvi... .-,- . , was i...n limtfOVPP "Wo believed tho other banks would como to our aMlBtnnce even UUi !- turn- notified' of his appointment filed his bond for ?50,uuu. i- """."" up till early tins in mediately approved anu uo ""- the Clearing housu a"'"" -"" charge S the affairs of the bank : at e us down WG were helpless. We 10:30 o'clock this m" ;" only formality attend In. the .change lunuuiuj --.. .. be, was a greeting uim """"-" -" "lver tween President Moore nl Devlin Tears stood in the eyes oi S.e hekd of the institution ae he , sat down for a confidential conference with the receiver. For two nB"B e has not slept a wink. The blow feu heavily on Mr. Moore, and ho Wancn ed with pain as he saw several no llcemen holding the impatient and jostling throng of depositors bacK nfoliSs notice was posted on tho door of the bank at exactly iu oclock, though that sin,nesaXr wrong was evident an hour earn" W,enBtho doors to the saving awoun depositors did not open at 9 o cIock, tlio usual hour. Notice on Door. "Portland, Or., August 21, l-0'-Owing to the inkbillty to realize on our slcurltles this bank is closed b order of the .directors. "The Oregon Trust & Savings BanKasSclosed by order of the Circuit Court of tho State of ure 5S'Jl H22T& bCeel?duly ap- pointed receiver .ffty and u-ni lmve charge ot Its properw effect. "and will conduct l ynp "Customers of tno al"JthQ lBide vault will Please come to the siae door on Sixth street. Whon the bank found that U wa becoming hard pressed " endeajoj e to realize on some of Ha securing Game Wardens Glenn Aiken and Cal. Wright left yesterday morning for Falrvlew, out on the Roseburg wagon road, where they go to look up a man who Is reported to havo been running deer with hounds. BECKETT WILL LEAVE BLANCO BAR SITUATION E. A. Beckett, the popular bar- .tender at tho Blanco saloon will sever . it f.l ..!.. ..Innn rt nis coimecuon iu vnuv ini.o vu nlght and prepare for opening busi ness in Conuille on the first of Sep tember Mr. Beckett has been at the Blanco for eighteen months and has never lost a shift In that time. He will open a saloon in Coquillo where he has a building about com pleted. SMITH LUMBER COMPANY LAYS TRACKS ON WHARF The Smith Lumber company forco Is laying tracks in their Marshfleld yard for the accommodation of cars which will be brought by scow from the Bay City and new mills. """Our affairs are entirely In Mr. Devlin's hands, but I am confident that under his receivership the cred -:". .,i .innnsltors will realize dol lar for dollar. It may take many J' fnr dollar. It will take many before the bank's affairs are entirely liquidated." Telegram. WILL HAVE SPEEDY RACERSAT ROSEBURG John Hereon departed' yesterday morning for Roseburg where he has a string of race horses In preparation for the coming fair and race meet Mr Horron has some good animals and he intends to bring back some Itosolurg monoy when he returns to Marshfleld. STATE SECRETARY OF , . LIBRARY COMMISSION Mrs. Kidder tho assistant secre tary of tho "State Library Commis sion" Is in this city for a few days as the guest of Miss Elizabeth Kaufman Mrs Kidder will spend Sunday with Miss Alyce McCormac at her home on Coos River, and leave Monday by Drain for tho vpUo. Remember! Hot chicken pie to- day at Davla & Davis' Bakery. NEWS OF NORTH BEND Doings as Recorded by Times' Regular Correspondent Tho Glazier Book & Muslp Com r.,r.v i Mia name of a firm, which In a few days will open its doors to the North Bend public, uneir sioro i situated just south of the Midget Cafe on Sherman avenue. Tho firm consists of F. E. Glazier and his son Fred. , , . . They will carry musical instru ments, sheet music, school books, stationery, and talking machines. They already havo in stock a good lino of photographs, graphophones, and Victor talking machines, also a complete stock of records for these machines. If you can't understand English, German, French, Italian or any of tho Occidental languages they will sell you a Chinese record and you can pass away an hour or two listening to tho singing of the prima donas of tho Celestial umpiru. Your correspondent nau wi iu" ure on visiting their store of listen ing to music reproduced on tho best graphophono made. At present tho members of tho firm are busy unpacking the goods which are arriving on every steamer. Visit Sunset Ilench. H. C. Behnke and A. H. Derby shire took a trip to Sunset Bay 'ihursday. returning Thursday oven lng. They report having had an en joyable time. Mncliinery Is Moved. The machinery, which caused so much trouble to Mr. Bell of the Coos Bay Gas & Electric Company, was loaded on a dray, bolonglng to the North "Bend stables, yesterday after noon and hauled to Porter. Teachers Return from Institute. Prof. A. J. Raab, city superintend ent of the North Bend schools, Miss Grlfllth, principal, and Mrs. Bevler, Miss Kirkpatrlck and Miss Gamble, teachers, returned yesterday after noon from Bandon, where thoy had Deon attending institute. Arrive from Ohio. mirh Clover Miller of Breckrldo, Ohio, and Miss Ida Mitchell of Wor cester, Ohio, teachers In tho North Bond public schools, nrrived hero on tho stage Wednosday. Miss Miller will teach tno fifth grade and Miss Mitchell will give Instruction iu drawing and music. Returns from Homestead. Mr. Vincent Gamble has returned from a five weeks' stay on his homestead. Hnvo New Safe. Behnke Bros., the real estate deal ers, received a now safe yesterday. and to authorize the committee to incur tho necessary expenses for tno purposes mentioned. The president called on Mr. Flnne gan, a representative of tho Port land Journal, to address the Cham ber in regard to "Late Malls." Mr. Finnegan responded by making a clear statement which showed that tne Southern Pnclflc train, No. 13, was tho mall train and that it reach ed Roseburg too late to meet tho out going Coos Bay stage. He suggested that it would benelit both his paper and the business men of Marshfleld if the mail should bo sent down on number 1C as then tho C003 Bay, stage could get through on time. He also suggested that the secretary write to tho postmaster at Portland on behalf of the Chamber asking that the change bo made. Mr. Finnegan stated that ho was surprised at tho inquiries made on the outside In re gard to Coos Bay and that some twenty porsons in Portland wero waiting for his opipion of tho coun try on his return, to decido whether to locate here. The president called on Mr. Carl son of Fort Blakely, who was pres ent to state his intentions or wishes with reference to locating a shipyard 6n the Bay. Mr. Carlson stated that he was on the Bay for that purpose and that It was the Intention of him self and associates to bring their machinery, of which they had a largo quantity, from Fort Blakely and commence business hero if tho Chamber of Commerce and citizens would aid in furnishing a site. The site, ho said, had been practically se lected and was satisfactory, but ho would have to satisfy his asoclates as to tho price In order to obtain their consent. ' In this tho Chamber could help by contributing somo- On motion It was voted that tho president appoint a committeo of three to co-operate with Mr. Carlson in obtaining a suitable site and hav ing the ship yard established in or near Marshfleld. .Tiideo C. A. Sehlbredo of Marsh fleld, having just become a member was asked for a speech and respond ing in his usual graceful and inter esting manner discussed tho matter of tho Coos Bay-Roseburg electric road. He felt, ho Bald, that the peo ple of Coos Bay had not done what thnv r.mild do and that they should bestir themselves. Tho people of Roseburg had been led to believe that if Roseburg would subscribe 12G,000 tho same amount would bo subscribed at the Coos Bay end. Ho had been at Roseburg recently. Ho felt rather ashamed to bo obliged to meet tho people thero and explain why Marshfleld and North Bend had fallen down, when the Rosoburg end had subscribed $125,000 in three days. Ho believed that road was of vital imporatneo. If it wero built there would not need to bo any de layed malls. More than this tno riuo so well described by tho man who wrote tho letter for tho paper the other day, would bo relieved of its bumps and Its charges. Tho peoplo of Coos Bay should rise to tho oc casion. Roseburg had done so, and Hosoburg was confident that tho road could bo built. Ho had consulted a largo financial houso In Portland who wore anxious and willing to help finance tho road if it should bo push ed. Tho Judge was enthusiastically applauded. Mr. Clarke asked for a .report from tho committeo composed of tho offi cers of tno unamuer whu cih I charged with the duty of offorlns ' premiums for the best exhibit qt cer tain fruits and vegetables to bo left at tho Chamber of commerce, TEACHERS' INSTITUTE CLOSED WITH BANQUET Bandon GatlierhiK Was Success from All Views Elulity-slY Teach ers Were l'l-ebcnt. Tho annual Teachers' Institute at Bandon adjourned Thursday night, after tho Bandon Commercial Club had entertained the teachers wltn a banquet and social dance. The ses sion commenced on Tuesday and tho Institute held each day from nine in tne morning until four In tho afterr noon. Thero was a total attendance of eighty-six, which -was up to the usual attondanco upon Coos county institutes, iho program is said by returning teachers to have been ex cellent and tho institute was greatly beneficial. There, were lectures two evenings of tho three and some very good addresses wero given. The Marshfleld and North Bond teachers arrived homo yesterday on the noon train, among them being the follow ing: Marshfleld Miss Adah Chap man, MISS Uivaruu isniiauii, una Selma Johnson, Mrs. "Wilbur, Miss Alico McCormac, Mis3 Chaso, Miss Bradley, Mr. Reedy, Miss Kaufman, Alifcs Mary Mln )t. Miss Laura Escolt, North Bend Mr. Traver, Mr. Rob inson, Miss Anderson, Miss Winifred Rood, Mr. Raab; Empire Mls-3 An nie AVickman, Miss Nettle Morse, Miss Stella Wlckman; East Marsh fleld Mrs. Gordon; Miss Thompson, of Ten Mile. W. G. PERKINS PROVES ON TIMBt-R CLAIM W. G. Perkins returned yesterday from Florence where ho had been to appear beforo the U. S. Land Com missioner and illo his proof for his timber claim which is situated in the neighborhood of Gardiner. Mr. Per kins has a fine claim and has had sev eral flattering offers for It. CHARLES LEE OUT AFTER HIS ILLNESS Charles Lee, who had been under n .inrtnr'H cure sincfi last Sunday, was out for tho first timo yesterday, sinco his Illness began. Ho Is greatly im proved and with a few day's quietudo should be as good as. ever, and per haps ablo to Umpire Sunday's ball game. MR. SHERMAN RAISES ENORMOUS CABBAGE Mr. S. W, Sherman was down from "Sunny Nook Farm" Frlduy bring ing with him a head of cabbago one month old -and weighing 21 pounds It Is on exhibition at tho office of tho Chamber of Commerce; where those iafinc cau notice Its remarkable growth. START ON EXTENDED -CAMPING VACATION Mr J. R. BunlU and family started yesterday on an indefinite tour with two teams and a camping outfit. Thor aro taking tho road for tho purpose ot Ef.eklng lioal'h. Mr. Bunch owns two farms on tho east fork of Coos uivnr nnd has been In this country They will journey uy Rlnr.e 187G. easv stages and expect ultimately to reach Klrbyvlllo, Oregon, beforo ro- Tho secretary reported for tho J turning to Marshfleld. HfjB,...;. ..., ' .:i5a