- -fIT-TK"V""rW-f ' " - i-wVf.T'T ' m ,.n viA ROSElJUIlO Istage n ent talk to you. If you do. vn"" .,,.l,l you arc lost. Un ess von hnvn nn nn. . ir WAV Wfl LlllUUi UIUIIUMU ,, , .. H M Tnai i " . . wn wr a ionK THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21. 1907. nnohuri! And wo. wero a ions vfa- Broml5? Wo hit all the high tl,mB and some of tho low ones. S,Bno who comes over tho Rose Any Stage Lino will live to kick, If Z onrvlvea. I know because i iiavu h0.n, mod stories with several survlv BaPPln behalf of my fellow sufferers, I , ;,?iv seated ourselves In the 'Dus U? nosemirg before a little old man. at i no fatherly looking chap, such as a nl would pick out for a tathcr-ln- " wcarlnS oa his cap the Informa law, wluw b f(jr th0 tlon iiiui , red Dj anyone Stughto bo on the stage to Myrtle wish to go "u fflwd wo said To. Ho said he would L to the hotel and sell us our tickets En,i ho did. On tho way ho Imparted ? fnr mitlon In answer to our quea informat on us dlrect tQ t'0IU: .., ,,.. uSiiriMi iis that wo Marsiw ;-,., In ,uu .v .v, umuaa juu aavo an un usually strong mind. Lie to him. Any thing t( loso him. Then hire a priv ate coneyance and como nvnr tho v..vitn uuu uuiiio over me mnrvelds Coast Rnntrn in n inionmiv chrlstla way. stop and hunt and 11311 UU place li Yea, way. come b Mind w niemor knrtntf. nViofn t . i... morica to do any of these. )me to Coos Bay. Como any You nrf Roolinty njiif..niHn - - "t.ww.b UUVVUtUtU tile RngPlllirtr Otnrrn T tnn vw.ae3 uiufac uiui;. it I tell you, you will have a iu experience. Frank Fay Eddy. ABRCEN WATER MAIN FLCDS CHICAGO STREET The Steamer F. PLANT Sails from Marshfield Tuesday at noon."" F.S DOWAent MARSHFIELD, : : : : OREGON from ti 3G-lncl nue bu column ImtioHl : . -t.nii ni iihuuluu ito ......v .- - ........ i,i eo through in one day and I lng pr could fco """" M,nt hn sai,i wo thousai 0U1Y. 5rM,.tiv that he said wo rccau "" f ,in.-.tlniitlon by oulu urnvu ",,, Wn .!. 1 fUMVI'U II. " thousa The a roar sleepers w ten Fy. " r: ,mw i,t .lomon d0UVtC, tha feaalblll V with tho fine foufho se cams wfth which their foul """' .. , )r,ma thnt wero iSreaKinSsoiS SdaySomodayhewinseUa Saf naSonBer will return with a IhotKun. 1 hope this will not hap- for I regard him as a genuine peniJ5fv In hl- Hno. When we de vout a real prize-winner he ought n0,lP P iu st t Ploaio th4 caprice of sphere just to ipwa thQ game ??me I am illllnB to admit that he ought not to be turned loose upon the unsuspecting public. fc t ou:Voldfman eJoau nl had gatl.red K ri- Hagdran ft 55t "tab t thoTe : we scored on the KtYdold ba? offer to stay right tnerwumu . " ml mv UclteMfiUt. Chlc'A. Auk. 10. With flint. llllPllt frlrrVifnn,i "w -lC3- .1 ItaULIllIII II'I'IIH M beds for blocks arniind. n. ater main in Chlcnim nvs. early today, shootlnc a water GO feet into tho air, : ty to the extent of several luuars. or broke throiiKh tho brick pavomi in front of the Stockholm hotel, ' lng a panic among tho 500 I'UGStS. WaKon load of nnllnnmnn rushed ) the hotel and carried out the wo and children. The yard3 In that nlty are four and five feet bolow level of the street, and It was o a few minutes until the water lated them. Water quick ly Hooi blocks of fam nollce. Niiu the basements for two and west and a number had to be resuced by tho ses were drowned. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance Electric Power B. W. OLSON. Master. Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Of Sails from Coos Bav Tuesdays, at service of tide.v E, P. Baumgartner, Aat. L. W. Shaw, Agt. Q fj A .!PhonJ-l. Couch St. Dock, Portland, Oro, Marshfield, Ore., A Kltmtvs or former stu dents ; Monmouth Normal, now In Co unty, please send name and an to Miss E. A. RrloUsnn. Ifn nVl IIIUL Oii WJTADS WANr a wis can Lai dall By Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, mmer boarders; parties day on South Coos river dinner. Phone 20x8. ioga leaves 8:00 a. m. WAN' Anybody to CIltjaK"'" ' ,., . TJnsr. rt wo vfimw over u uuj ." "--- lei bavins WAN pil tra KW FOR ne: Tip-os. WAN PI no AJ 1)0 Al FOlt WA Fori hi A T" "" " ." r,V.r ind received conaoiencea uu. rvSnoX found out that wo we,e gol" g by stage to Marshfield. Go lBvatoSteamand take two .day, to tht trli) was uiu uuvii-u " ----But we had our money invested two pieces of paste-hoard. V,c aat ed to get our money's worth, and wo did. . . , . ti,t n m. Well we starteu auuui. u."- ---; the blowing day. Wo arrived at Sumner at two a. m. tho after. But that does not toll the with mail bugs and baggage Jho natrons- of this interesting lnotj 1... ',:". this tnunllng load and v bom-no" through the chill og banks across tho marshes to a damp and uncleanly muu. "',:,,", aml they wero too tired and chilled ana bumped to resist any furt hei lnuiB A. nlty an uncrupuious p u, . - no Xut fnfllof' ConauUy thoy wef e no .uSrtaod to And tbomwlvoB lost and adrift on the Bay c heard tho man who was onslneoi ana captain and also -too w "TJ "' just after running upon a mud banK. and soulfully say. "Dam the . fo. That was exactly what o wanted to say but ono of us s a Pieacher and tho others wero too tired to ejaculate. Wo arriveu, a u-oo.-and weary lot, at Mrfrshfle Id at five n m to find that In town thero was not a room in which a PBrlm could find sweet rest and oblivion from a otrnnnnB world. But that is an xnyt iiviftni haveTeffout W tho fllUnB Jetween departure and arrival. I 1 " mentioned tho walking wed id out o pity for tho broKenwum" ---one of the teams. I aren't even es tiaated the number o stones on the road. I did not aescnua ""'-:,. e ed tho stage out of a hole because the hors.es balked. Nor have I told descending in tho darkness to pusn telegraph wires out of ? 'ad'fnf,eS Interest attaching to rolling a raii log irom our uii "- an. witching hour of m d-night was an other incident. I alm,osti?,ri;. etogo adventure of passing uy nt n ,.innn whoro ono wagon roan needed all tho road. , e No I have not told it all. in not described tho solemn beauty o tho deep still woods. I way thousand scenic wonders of tho ww for how can words that are "" but clumsy symbols de scribed itTHx is some of the most w0" gCenery most wlerd and enchanting scenery thnt. Natfcra in her most boumuu and capricious mood can i I j i Here is a trip worth crossing the co tlnent to make. . Pon8truct- If there was a good road const! ed and an up-to-date staBe line, w a Tally-Ho coach '"'"JBWould ter yet an automobile line tins be one of the famous tiips oi i" tlnent. . . . t crrv that I On tho wholo l am "- - nnsaburg camo to Marshaem ny .- blu0 Stage Lino. As the black an spqtB fade away my """, , t the kinder, I avo now . 'r BUre in stage where I take a j real pleas recalling those portions oIwJ ney that I madoon loui. " . ,n I expect to reach a siaiu . f which I will see tbroush the ubw t intervening years not the . incidents but ns in a dream in dure covered gorses. the ... --ater. falls drop) b "- sen rocks, the majestic trees. Btaaini, tlnel in the eternui p"""- ,n Marsh After a weeks experience n a field I am wllllp B : to sa to tne of como to Coos Bay. " lna come largest opportunity. Come an tbat via, Roseburg. But aom- goods all at Taylor's Piano HoUroadway, near C. street. Lai ehouso just completed sonable. 'wo heavy teams to haul Plat B wharf, on con- dollars per day. L. D. ALL PART& OF THE WORLD f We use the necessary facilities for sending money to all parts of the world, and without danger or loss THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of C00SBAY Marshfield, Oregon. AAM&AA $$ o QO 0 Portable bake oven ant bamisils. Address "Busl- nice line of Souvenir Postals of Marshfield NORTON & HANSEN . WAN hwasher and chamber ma Hotel Oregon, North Be n men to clear land on the acre. L. D. Kin- pood, live, not afraid lies ollicc. energetic of work. Icht-room house and lot street, just north of Ai.i. rncs.', xouu, uusii. Js ds, North Bend, or F. L. Marshfield, Ore. 11 connected, sober. rejg man as fellow law sitings. Address R. L. J. Ice. WAfl bookkeeper for gen- endiso store. Aaaress bitshfleld, Ore. rnnm cottasre with housekeeping rooms. office. LlSpms and houses with gency, 2nd and A ay servlcp. Wl 11 anything to a sec- on you get his price fiyou sell it through I jency House you get yice. I buy or sell a you. Hellesath's Anmisslon Houae. -'d a vA A or four furnished rtt housokeeninK. In- i Iwo lots In Bandon, 40 x 100 eacn. ?170 net. .Stuts- Willderly lady to cook i of eight men. Ad- North Bend, FOdertaking business Apply Hotel Norm FC rnituro for three e. Also ono wan Qom house for rent, Jlotel, North Bend. . f- i j Ginser Co. tquor dealers II ealoon riup- . I 4- ii let a Specialty I Marshfield 1 t casxsxssuBtTttxsxiujesKssac Portland & Coos Bay S S. Line 14- MN fK Jill dLd " 1 vi LA i 11 The Coos I - IlllwwfL'WWgl.aFUgttJgtWBFIlllFlljiwjjAMT'lB'lTOi imiwuftHdJw1!'' 3 Sails for Portland and Astoria every Thursday C. F. McColIura, Agt. Phone Main 34 A. St. Dock WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50xJ00 , with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and ' prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. fm 3fSrww?y7 COOS BAY - MONUMENTAL WORKS 'We'tjuarantoo better work at kwer prices, than can be hod elsowliere. Do not order monumental vrork until yon have SEEN US Stewart & Mitchell Corner 3d & D Sts. Phone, Main 1731 1 Shop WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builders Office fixtures a specialty. Store Fronts, Counters, Shelving. Let us work out your plans. Seo us be fore building. opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front ' I IB Street Let ff. A. J. C0LVIN fipure on vour flues! brirk and cement Work Box 15 Marshfield Ore. t-rh-f fill R.TJii I 1 ff Pudthl I U. ofc ii r rn r to U'U L Ut V J 1 U "let Your WhUtle Then Blow ' J. R. HGRRON, Prop. Pront Street, I AUribfleld, Oregon There is no power so clean, safe, flexible in ap plication and ready for in stant use as an electric motor. It is more econom ical than steam, both in in stalling and operating. Your expense stops the sec ond your machine stops. Bay Gas tfH33&3 ($33&23-3$&Zti I I fgBaii3cs?TfT7rTirnwffrjn;wEgi aanpiTnn,Yryx5JgaasBL taesrmiv; i i ', i iinzrcmgigHim mw thbbk I New Autumn and' f Winter Clothing We beg to announce the arrival of our new line of the David Adler & Sons Autumn and Winter Clothing. We do business under the motto, "T'is better a little early than a little late" and therefore have ordered our new sea son's goods so as to have them as soon as the makers have them out and by this method have eliminaied all the vexatious delays caused by the conges tion of shipping in the months of Sep tember and October Wo have nn exclusive lino of tho David Adler Sons Clothing. Theso lines aro clothes celebrated for their wearing qualities, their fit mid dis tinctive style. . PLANZ ROLANDSON Sacchi Building on 2nd Street ific ( in n: I MS y mn ut in 0$ ed, M it o. oi 11 e calu 11 i 3. islie Treaty! irvlew ' ndurl ire and 'age cH l ?!.& lore f ot tM (xhaut I, in oiB ,000,BJI more aro ajl j payro nilR nttK u.ooo.oi b not m i. tho ti fcnlth 8 the HhUl i nav d the marl locical r h are ti ,cal rcwq tho Boj .hey ea hv In rk It U! t np.COB: mlng ! hen we sffects. t rptrula it this UC1 j a period! traceuujoi agitauoia tn both. iion of ge oi gold i arty in p i wmnvt ,ur Industry silver at Unmnloned hoth PftTtj b survived ! t alarm, T3T ,hrco At t our flns,n f wm ". monius. 'speed at w, .lnatrnhlG. is has probi nnlltrA a .mi rnnra ment In on nnot ue w in ho forced nnvor RG6A canity wa "w ieing. cken at Davil 3unduy, to CImh InnVfl at Inn lit Nti ion nt tho K4 'heacn. where ue. ecur cd, bo you dl basKets. j LocKiiari. m ,ho price will vhlch insure t over wa3, ...i.i TMcnilk. ETK-otfRj iseuion uu. i ...ill nn Sum fa joint plcnld torth Coos Vl Mrh nond ,0 a. m. (weal Ights 01 rm .. nntlilinnn -llego ot invltlnj .11UJ v-". - J illeld, and Nl ,pany. u i , sold after FrK 10 bUc6MMiTTB Hot chlck&R'pl'l avls' Daitory. H