0 TH&DA'ltY tiOOg 6AY TlKfeS, MARstiFIElD,-OREGON, TUESDAY, frUGUST Sti, 1907, A- 'iiipniucr! ilhUFMMr ,! ni.. cl t- .'"" "D l" ' PERSONAL JIENTION. H """ o6 uuvis iiaicerv immmrimm mFifij0miHwulmtt, i iJWurBloof-KmMlfty--n The Steamer' F. PLANT uuanesta Inn leave nNs a. m. siiai,. na- "-ir- i North Phil Krtiso of Coos Ulver was h yesterday. t pirpf then Mrs. Harris of Llbby was In tills city Monday. , Mrs. E. Hoilson of Coos Rlvor wtfe Sails from Marshfield Irjrfesaay at noon. wHli bask 111 bo cui'salo pji sale at WSMffl nowstanil, nil. the iirlce.wlll bo .... Tw1t. i A RS DOWAg-ent tlckaf: which es you the fth what eveji Mrs. Gottln's returned from Coo; MARSHFIELD, : : : OREGON Iliver yesterday. Mr. nay Dowron and wife were In this city yesterday. aaaddttlLtfZJKraam.KBaimBS i-sno an& .. -: . -." straff; 1 Vo .ifoats 1JK uonu anojBm ainhe Rood, uivi unapiestortvBayb ejofi, whpre all H ?T Secjffg your M lay noiftiNierc H canhvb a gooOVlraC tlckctSlofore SaMfitfay wlllbo iWhyorvedV ncwm.Sherc oO'ou dol Electric poca uother Ma rpil.n... Hi p a icnvia . m M - WLO per fl estH ,.,.-.,. fin Mr. John Conklln was South Inlet yesterdny. up from Mrs. S. A. Lelby of Catching Inlet was in this city Monday. Fi-cd Kruso of Pleasant Valley wa3 In this city yesterday. Billy Smith and family from Coos River Monday. returned Mrs. John La3koy of Coos River was In this city yesterday. Mrs. J. J. Durris, of North Bond, was In this city yesterday, Mrs. Drews' has returned homo from an extoncd trty north. J. Lee Brown Is making repairs on Ills West Marahileld residence. Edgar Campbell and Dan Marsden spent Sunday at Coos River. Mr3. J. T. Collver, of Catching In let, wa3 in this city yesterday. R. P. Harrington has had estimates subniited for a now residence. Mr. Beckett returned from a busi ness visit to Coqullle yesterday. Mr. Handle the "Ten, Mile mer chant was in this city yesterday. Mr . Nordstrom, of the Lite Saving station was in this city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Noah of Coo3 River were in this City yesterday. Mrs. Gus Johncon of South Inlet was a Marshileld visitor yesterday. Misses Johanneson of the Life Sav ing station was a Marshileld visitor yesterday. Tom Harvey, C. C. Goins, Joe Denny and Hank Vclls spent Sunday snipe shooting. Mr. V. O. Pratt arid family and Mr. C. 11. Marsh returned from Charles ton Bay yesterday. Mrs. C. W. Hes3 left for Roscburg yesterday to bo absent for several weeks, with friends. Mr. Denny the Heyman-V.'eil Co. representative 13 on the Bay making his regular business tour. Miss Martha Bernett returned yes terday from Empire where sho has been visiting the last few days. Mi. P. Johnson, Esther Johnson and Elmer Johnson left yesterday to visit their relatives at Ten Mile. J. E. Cayou has rented and opened an offlco In the ofllce building over Merchant brothers' general store. Mr. E. B. Norse of Dunham-Kar-rigan & Hague Co. dealers in hard ware arrived in this. city from San Kajilcscc-,esterdsCy. J3y&.lai.ii3l YVOfJK rc REPROOurivM m"-w PM'WtTTil"Jm BONITA and FASTEST BOATS ON TI-lSjAY Half Hour Schedule Rut- llctwecn Marshncia -md Xorfh Bend Mnde in 12 Minutes. Prlv.Hi' Lnnilings. Fare: One wv, loc; rouod trip, arje. J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. WANT ADS ALL PARTS' OF THE W0R1 We use the necessary facilities for rts of .the nger or loss sending money to world; and witho al vA Ut 0L THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Marshfield, Oregon. LD S $7 WANTED By Mrs. J. M Goodwill, a few summer boarders; parties wishing a day on Sputh Cooa river can get dinner. Phono 20x8. Launch Tioga loaros 8:00 a. m. daily. WANTED Anybody hftTlnx good? to store call nt faylor'a Piano House on BroadWiy, near C. street. Largo warehouse Just completed Terms roasonablo. WANTED Two heavy teams to haul piling for Plat i wharf, oa con . tract or elx djlj&rs per day. L. D. Kinney. FOPv SALE Por baking uton3ll . no33"- care Ti irtalJlo ills) J bake ovon and ddres3 "B113I- WANTED Dishwasher an chamber maid, at Hotel OreWbn, North Bend. 0l$$ll?ll?S??SI???? ?3?SS?o$S$$4$S$$$4 A nice line of Souvenir Postals dKMarsMield NORTON & HANSEN oo w 40 y? 04 tt 3 I I i a Portland & Coos Bay S S Line J-' MHAIO? Sails for Portland and Aferoria Wery Thursday C F. McCoIIum, Agt. Fbone Main 34 - - - - A. St. Dock uuy.w-iu-isMmuir:Jcr-imj.JiJi iMnaiMUMKirrTTa WANTED Ten men to clear land on Plat B, by tho acr L. D. Kinney. AVAXTED A good.Iivc, energetic boy, ho is ii)thfrnid of worlc. Applj' to 'XiniesVonice. w " Airs. Morgan" of Daniels Creek passed through this city on her way to Ten Mile where sho will visit her daughter Mrs. J. D. Magee. Mesdames IVsnussen, Lightner, Misses Lottie, Lena and Phoebe Lar sen and Messrs. Kennedy, Lightner Rogers spent Sunday at Pipers' fi-eve, Jimmy Cowan, Al. Sleep, Billy Lynch and Nick Stambono started out for Bandon and Curry county yesterday whore they will spend a week in hunting. Mrs. J. Mills and family, Mrs. Nagle and family, and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moore leave tomorrow for "Beatty's Beach" whero they will camp for a few weeks. P. E. Allen and family, Howard Savage and family, Mr. Bolt and fam ily, Leo Brown and wife, Mrs. Bodine and son Miss Maude Brown and Mr. Hazen spent Sunday hucfrleberrlng. "Billy" Cox, chief engineer of our mly railroad in Coos county, spent his Sunday in this city, and train dis patcher, A. Abbot with hi3 family enjoyed the healthiest climate on earth at Charlston Bay. $ Mr. A. H. Powers departed for Duluth and Minneapolis on Sunday whero ho goes to close up business affairs preparatory to making his per manent home at Marshfield. Ho will he gone for about five weeks. Dr. Stokes, of Dallas, Texas, Is a guest of D. Y. Stafford, having ar rived on Sunday. These gentlemen were formerly residents of Decatur, Illinois, and Dr. Stokes is hero to visit and look over tho country. JL. Le A. J. figure on yourllues, general brick and cement work Box 15 Marshfield Ore. FOR SALE Eight-room houso and lot on Mead strectfJ'ust north of M. E. church. Prijfe, J1800, cash. J. S; Edmunds, North Bend, or P. L. Sumner, Marshfield, Oro. , WANTED Well connected, sober, reliable yoking myn as follow law student, evenings Address R. L. J., Times office. WANTED Girl bookkeeper for gen eral merchanoia store. Address box 209, MarsSfield, Ore. LOST BetwcA P. A. houso audtorner a shiallulack p, talnliKblank ch'c tionarBank and al wawf for ofjfee. SAnk ana al irNtitrn Uf FOR RENT 5-roony cottage with bath, also 4 hoilitkeoping rooms. Apply Times ofiie2. LIST YOUR rooms and houses with Hellesath's agency, 2nd and A street. Speedy service. WHEN YOU sell anything to a sec ond hand man you get his price for it when you sell it through Hellesath's Agoncy House you get your own price. I buy or sell anything for you. Hellesath's Agency & Commission Houae. 2d and A streets WANTED Two or four furnished rooms for light nousoitecping. in quire at Times, p JtUtX tii A BARGAIN Two lots in Bandon, ono a corner, 40 x 100 each. Price for both, $170 net. i-jw..i.r3zyy?Tvgana5 McPiierson Giaser Co'. Wholesajo ljuor dealers B Cigarsuipetfrls-tflJ" 1 1 plies. I I 1 California Wine a Specialty I Front St., Marshfield y PfcOPLET BUY IN ADDITION WHY DO SENGSTAG b: It is choice insMe agidence property, lots 50x100 with alleys, ia well sMjered with a good bay vfew and prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. There is no power so clean, safe, flexible in ap plication and ready for in stant use as an electric motor. !t is more econom ical than steam, both in in stalling and operating. Your expense stops the end your --" WaT machine stops is wtj n ! vmmrumm HjMjti5Wij o 'o Sj5Ife?33JiJSiC3!ii3 S!3Sa5f?9KJftSDiel lJ3ggmiaiCT5gPEgC3IICflW3IJUS BrasmyrgsTrg untPSuziSvxiVirt fuc? wai. ras&jj'f n jHPTslly il!PifiCnPi2 m j coos AY 1 j f MONDMENTAJk works 1 hl$c$!M AVegtmmntoe betwrwork nV lower prices, a i J(iMvaf??Cfc l'iau Cftn'ue cMhvlicre. Do not order Jj TOKmyW''jft monumontal TrafKuntil tou ha"o 'A S SWari & Mitchell I Gulden's new KiF- W1 r- w f. n Cw- S C afl Broadway, &sj3jJsi fra V-Ul "Cl JU " " 00 is M6tbool?)viron- t WZgVV Ph(HlC, - - - '- - Matfl 1731 (Ann VlrRfVJn- 6 S fimii pins ite- trvsTTiisvissgYww--" I WILSON & THOMAS 1 I Contractors anduildera Office fixtures ft specialty. Stqor Fronts, Counters, Shelving. Let Ufl work out your plana. Seo us be fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery StaMe, North Front Street NEW H OUSES FOR. SALE ON EASY TERMS Neat and modern. Situated in North Bend Heights. Best view oiMfe peninsula, also vacant lots in the samrfcract Prices rea sonable and teriT&eSsy. WARIJ & HURD Successors to Word & Ward. Corner Mende and Vermont Sts. rrazcsnacTMsvumic c wjKsaaEffESFBasinvcj e gcatHaig.'naiaj3a We beg to announce the arrival of our new line of the David Adler & Sons Autumn and Winter Clothing. We do business under the motto, "T'is better a little early than a little late" and .therefore have ordered our new sea son's goods so as to have them as soon as the makers have them out and by this method have eliminaied all the vexatious delays caused by the conges-x tion of shipping m the months of Sep tember and October. If --J"' Wo have An exclusive'! Bap!?! tho Dnvlil A die Sons CJafrWng. Thejso lines nro clothes cnHiratctl for their wearing UunUlfes, their flt nnd dis tinctive style. V LurJrh. m ROLANDSON Sacchi Building on 2nd Street tmmm 4 i'