aSSSSwanaJB1 "yq irjnswoBa. -aJliWiar5'G8 THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY) AUGUST 17, 1907. Uf h t J hi H J. ' SENATORIAL CANVASS iROSEBURG FAIR TO BE SHOWS SIGNS OF LIFE HELD SEPT. 10th TO 14th Senatorial canvass Fulton mid Mulkcy Visit Salem Principal DusIiicsb Seemed to Be Calling on Friends. Frederick W. Mulkey, of Portland, arived In the city Tuesday, but mys teriously disappeared and has not been seen since In the customary haunts of public men and politicians. Last night Senator Charles V. Ful ton arrived on the late train, and registered with his rival at the Wil lamette hotel. He too slid out early to see his trusted friends. To a Cap ital Journal reporter he admitted after a tour of eastern and Southern Oregon that his fences were In fair order, and that he wel comed compteltlon from other can didates, 't Is an open Held, and the more candidates the merrier. It I had not conducted myself so as to warrant the people In giving jne a second term, If I have not at tended to their public business In a way to commend me to their favor able consideration, I ought not to be Senator from Oregon and have no claims upon the ofllce. The peo ple of Oregon are entitled to the best and the best man In the party Is none too good to servo a great" state like ours. My chances I consider very good for suceedlng myself, and after seeing as many of the peo ple as possible, I shall leave it to them. There will be no barrel cam paign on my part. I was chosen the other time against all kinds of mon ey influences and used no money my self to influence a single vote, not even so much as buying a cigar for a member of the legislature, and I have no money to make this cam paign with In the sense of any more than having mv personal expenses to get around and see the people." Senator Fulton was busy all Tday seeing his personal friends and met a great many of them considering that he slipped Into the city entirely unannounced. There is a pretty strong sentiment in favor of not breaking up the present delegation in Washington, and It is the belief even of those opposed to Fulton that he will be the nominee and can be elect ed against anyone the democrats put up. Capital Journal. Good Speed Program for Kvcry Dny Agricultural Kxhibits from Four Counties. BRUTE LETS WIFE AND BABY GO HUNGRY Mrs. liacom Hud Nothing To ICnt For Tluce Dnjh. HiisIi.ukI Placed Under Arrest. The Second Southern Oregon Dis trict Agricultural Society will hold Its fourteenth annual fair at nose burg, Oregon, September 10th to 14th, Inculslve, 1907. Liberal prem iums are offered for live stock, farm products, nnd various articles raised In Lane, Douglas, Coos and Curry counties. Speed Program. Wednesday, Sept. 11. Purse 1 Pacing, 2:35 class ?200 2 Running, -milo dash (for 3-year-olds and under, own ed In district) 123 3 Running, -mIle dash 150 4 Running, -mllo dash (for ponies under 800 lbs.).... 25 Thursday, Sept. 12. 5 Trotting and Pacing, 2:25 class 200 C Trotting (for 3-year-olds and under, owned In dis trict) 100 7 Running, -mile heats, best two In three 125 8 Running, -mile dash, for saddle horses only 50 Friday, Sent. 13. 9 Merchants' Stake. TrottlnK and Pacing, free for all... 250 10--Matrons Stake, Trotting and Pacing, open to all brood marcs that have ever dropped a foal 150 11-Running, 1-mile dash 100 12-Running, -mlle dash 100 13-Running, -mile dash (for ponies under 800 lbs.) .... 25 Saturday, Sept. 14. 14-Trotting, 2:30 class 200 15-Douglas County Derby, iyB- mlle handicap 200 16 Running, -mile, consola tion for non-winners 100 17 Running, -mile (open to saddle horses only) 50 FOUNDATION FOR COOS BUILDING IS STARTED The concrete foundation for the Coos Building Is well under way and a force of men aro busy at the work. The Myrtle Point gravel, which Is bq lng used, Is arriving dally and the street in front of the building is covered with great quantities of this nnd other material. Masters Mc Laln are furnishing crushed rock for the concrete mixture. The building will be 50 x 100 feet, and the work Is started around the whole building. HUNTER RETURNS FROM GOULD NEIGHBORHOOD Dr. E. E. Straw returned from his hunting trip in the Gould neighbor hood. He left the remainder of the party, Messrs. Will Ford, Ivy Con dron and Mr. Deubell at the hunt ing grounds, and they returned last night. Before the doctor left, the party had seen 36 deer and had kill ed three. The Wilson stage wMl' Marshfleld next Monday. yu eavo Quarterly Meeting. At Mosner Chapel, August 24 and 25, Rev. A. R. Laady and Bishop Barkley officiating. Preaching at 11 a. m. Basket dinner. Preaching nt 2:30 p. m. R. Miller, Pastor, fe n l.t TTHI Ulfc.1.X. i.Ia iieuiuiiiuuri nut day at Davis & Davis Illler, Pastor. t chifckon pie to ' Balery. Frank Bacom, a young man of this city was arrested yesterday on a war rant charging him with not support ing his wife and child and he is now Incarcerated ln7 the county jail, says the Pendleton Tribune. He prac tically admitted the charge against him, to District Attorney Phelps yes terday and will be arraigned before County Judge Gllliland this morning, at which time It Is expected he will plead guilty and receive his sentence. This Is the first arrest of this kind under the new law and as Gllliland as county judge, has had abundant opportunity to witness the suffering and misery caused by the neglect of criminally shiftless husbands and has frequently expressed himself very strongly on the subject of what should be done to them, it is very probable that young Bacom will fare rather badly at his hands this morn ing. Under the terms of the law he may be sentenced to servo from 30 days to one year In the county jail and bo put to work on the county roads. During tho time that he Is thus con fined and made to work the roads, the county will pay tho wife not to exceed ?1.50 per day. A jail terra may not necessarily be imposed however as it is possible for a person convicted of non-suport of his wife to agree to pay a certain sum weekly and to glvo bonds for tho raltniul performance of this agree ment. Failure to comply with it however, will place him agin under tno power or tho court, when n jail sentence can be Imposed. According to the story tdld the dls trlct attorney by Mrs. Bacom her husband has utterly failed to care for hor or their little boy, a baby of six months. She said that she, had not had anything to eat for three days. Her case seemed such a pitiful one that the district attorney took imme diate action and filed the Information in tho county court. Bacom was then arrested by Sheriff Taylor. HOLLAND'S MEN ARE'BUSY COOKS AND WAITERS' MASK BALL TONIGHT Tonight the Marshfleld cooks and waiters will have their grand mas querade ball in the Odd Fellows hall. Tho originators of tho ball have spared no pains in making elaborate plans for a most excellent time, and beyond doubt the attendance will bo the largest of the season. The prizes have been on exhibition for several clays at Preuss' drug store, and among these aro; a silk umbrella, silver cork-screw, chatelaine -gold watch, fountain pen, lady's gold bracelet, silver shaving mug, cut glass perfume bottle, sterling silver grip tag. OPERATED UPON FOR APPENDICITIS Will Merchant was operated unon yesterday at tho Marshfleld hospital for appendicitis. Drs. Mineus. Straw and Richardson performed the opera tion and last night the patient was in comfortable condition. The doc tors are reasonably certain the pa tient will soon recover. ATMOSPHERE IS S00LER AT NUTWOOD The Nutwood has Installed an electric fan and Instead of the us ual hot air dispensed from behind the mahogany there, a cooing breeze wafts Itself toward the customer. TO OPEN UTTER BRICK KILN EARLY NEXT WEEK Mr. Moran and Mr. Watson, two members of the Utter brick firm, were in Marshfleld yseterday. Mr. Moran stated that they had closed the kiln on Thursday and It would be about six days before they will open it and find what success they have accomplished in making brick. Several buildings about the Bay are awaiting tho showing made by this company and in case the brick aro of good quality, tho company will have more orders than they can fill. ED C0LGAN ENTERS ANEW VOCATION E. R. Colgan has sold his dravinc outfit and will devote his time here after to securing members for the Improved order of Red Men. Ho is now at Bandon working toward the organization of, a tribe in that city. PORTLAND MUSICAL ' DIRECTOR ON THE &AY Prof. Louis H. Ball, of Portland, a musical director, Is spending a short time on Coos Bay with a view of lo cating here should circumstances warrant. He is well pleased with the country and says he finds much musical talent here. SMITH COMPANY GETS MEN FROM THE EAST The C. A. Smith Lumber and Man ufacturing Company's working force was augmented this week by the ar rival of over twenty men from Minneapolis. DEMAND REPAIR OF BULKHEAD MUSIC FURNISHED FOR BOAT PATRONS Mrs. .7. O'Kelley has Installed a graphophone for the entertainment of the passengers who patronize the O'Kelley boats. Its cheerful and In spiring notes may be neard at all times of the day and evening and its introduction furnished amusement for a considerable crowd yesterday afternoon. STEAMBOAT READY' JUNO IS NEARLY FOR OWNERS. CONTRACT FOR POWERS RESIDENCE IS LET The carpenter work for the A. H. Powers residence on the corner of Main street and Washington avenue has been let to McGann and Sons. Bids have been received for the other part of tho construction but the con tracts have not been let. Tho exca vating for tho foundation will be commenced next Monday morning. The bids for the complete house ranged from ?3500 to ?4400. COOS BAY LAUNDRY HAS NEW MACHINERY Stockton, Aug. 15. Realizing that the situation is most serious, the Stockton Chamber of Commerce to day took up tho proposition of hav ing the destroyed bulkhead at the Robinson place, near Bellota, . re-i paired at once. Unless this leyee, which turns tho water in the Calav eras river, Is replaced, the freshets will surely sweep over the country and through the streets of Stockton again. Every effort to induce tho farmers in that vicinity to assist in paying for the work has failed. At present there is not a quorum of the board of supervisors In the county, one member being on a vacation, while there Is a vacancy on the board. Should the matter not be acted on until the next meeting of tho supervisors, which will be the first week of next month, much val uable time will be lost, and the chamber has sent a telegram to Chairman Wright urging him to re turn and call a special meeting to consider the bulkhead proposition nnd have the work started at once. Tho Chamber will also take up the proposition of having all oil tanks Inside the city arranged so that here after, In case of high water, tho fuel will not be liberated and mar the fences, lawns and trees. The Queen, a Powerful Gasolene Boat for Ilozelle, Ready In Two Weeks. Tho Holland boat manufacturing plant is a busy place these days and everything Is hurry. Tho steamboat Juno for tho Gardiner Mill company, which has been building at the Hol land plant for sometime, is about ready for tho sen. Its engines have been Installed and tho superstructure Is nearly completed. Tho Juno was built for towing nnd passenger ser vice on tho Umpqua river. It is a 25-ton boat, with a length of 65 feet, and will bo ready for service In two weeks. Tho Queon, a 60-horso power gaso lene boat of 13 tons, built for Roy Rozello, is Hearing completion and will bo turned ovor to Mr. Rozello within ten days or two weeks. Tho Queon is to bo used as a towboat on South Inlet, and has tho most power ful engines of any gasoleno -boat on Coos Hay. A fish boat Js on tlto ways, hnvlng a slx-horso power gasolono englno Installed. Tho now gnsolono boat Coos Is about ready for servlco and will bo taken to Astoria whou tho regatta is pulled off. W. W. Holland, F. L. Lowo and John Swing will take tho boat to tho Columbia river, by tea, oi course. H. F. McKosky, of Santa Ana, California, is installing the latest and most Improved laundry machinery In tho old Coos Bay Steam Laundry building in Marshfleld, and will have tho plant ready for operation some time early In October. Tho plant Is owned by Lyons & Holllster of North Bend and they intend having as good a laundry as can bo assembled. Mr. McKosky, who has built flvo laun dries in California, has been secured to operato the locnl establishment. MC CORMAC'S TOW BOAT IS NEARLY COMPLETED At tho Tlmmerman boat establish ment, the Mayflower is being repair ed and Dr. McCormac's tow boat Is well on tiro way towards completion. fr f AT THE HOTELS. Blniico Nick Stambono, SlvIa Hansen; R. H. Insley, Portland; M. E. Blundell, Bandon; J. W. Barnett and wife, Myrtle Point; C. A. Lytle, San Francisco; Samuel Sorenson, Shingletown; C.B.Naglor, Seattle; G. Churchill, Thomas Wolf, Florence'; J. Berchardt, Lltchvllle, North Dako ta; J. A. Smith. Central O. C. Rice, Coqullle; C. A. .Rodlne, Allegany; I. A. Rodes, Robert Hulse, Myrtle Point; R. Frye, Black Rock; E. Bales, Tom Goffey, North Bend, Bert Johnson, North Bend; T. McNoel, J. K. McLeod nnd wlfo; Daniel Stelnnan, O. L. Ynr brougu, Roseburg; B. Yarbrough, Roseburg; W. F. Hulett, Portland; C. Johnson, Roy Rozell, O. R. Wlll nrd, Coqullle; E. D. Stuller, Coqullle. The Steamer Davis Today- Tint l hlckea at Davis & M. F. PLANT Sails from Marshfielfl Tuesday at noon.'' RS DOWAent MARSHFIELD, OREGON Knights ofyPytblns Picnic. Myrtlo Lodge No. 2, K. of P., of Marshfleld, and Posedlon Lodge, No. 95, of North Bend, will on Sunday, August 25, give a Jointpicnic in Pipers Grove, North Ooos river. BoatB will leave Nortlr Bond and Marshfleld at 8:30 a.n. (weather permitting). Knighhr of Pythlans and members of thy Rathbono Sis ters have tho privilege of Inviting as many friends as they care to. Tlck ots will be on sale at Norton and Hansen's, Marshfleld, and North Bend News Company, North Bend. No tickets to bo sold after Friday, August 23. Price 50c. COMMITTEE. Come go on hf5 Alert Sunday to Pipers Grove, 5 Ow round trip. ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD We use the necessary facilities 'for sending monelr toaBparts of the world, and TAfcthout danger or loss. THEPIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Marshfield; Oregon. tttttmtmtxttttmmu tmttmmtttf ""--"vw Nelson Iron Works P. B. NELSON. Prop We repair all kinds o( Machinery, Steam and Gas Engines, Guns and Bi cycles. Best of work out Specialty. : : We mnnuIiiotur(T(Jasfings In Iron and Bronze for Saw Jill and Logging Camps. Wo make the best Sheaves amd Road Spools for Loggers. : : : TKLEPHONE 921 MARSHFIELD, - - OREGON and & ATS AY edule Rui' Between Marshfleld -uid Noith Bend Made in 12 Minutes. Private Tjantllngs. Fare: One way, 15c.; trip, 5i'. J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. FASTEST ONTi Half Ho ur aon H 8 A nice line of Souvenir Postakjoidrshfield NORTON & MNSEN 5t U ntttmtmttmmmtttmntttmmntnttttttt Portland & Coos Bay, S. S. Line BREAKWATER Sails for'Potfland and Astoria every Thursday C. F. McCoHirm, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - . - a. St. Dock California and' Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance B. v. olso: VRoyE-.UAcrnJJfT) SpHONt . " Kk inn. 4 Mastfc' AJWPOK.TLAND Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. V. P. Baumgartner, Agt. L. W. Shaw, Agt. Couch St. Dock, Portland, Ore, Marshfield, Ore.. Phone 441. WORK FOH REPROOUtTlctJ Launch Express Will make regular trlnuetween South Coos river ndyIarahfleld Leaving the Mazqoc .oo a. m. and Marshfield It 4:30 p. jri. She will be open for charter between t a. m. and 4 p. ui. MASTER WYATT COFPBLT. Let f A. J. COLVIN, figure on your i$4si jeneral brick and cement work. Box 15 Marshfield Ore. Pulllhe belXZcord Wet Your Whistle Then Blow J. R. HERRON, Prop. Front Street, : : .Marshfleld, Oregon CORTH LETT'S DELICATESSEN 2nd and C St Special for Today A variety in Ice Cream. Halted Ueans and Drown lJread; Dolled Ham, Veal Loaf. A variety in Cakes and Pies. Picnic Lunches a Specialty. IftmmiMiipMmiiiiwiffnw I 7 l T "We came with a straight course unto Coos." Acta'Jll-I. Phone 1521. Front Street. w&m CONTAINS NO HARMFUL DRTTfiR Cures Coughs, Cold, Croup, La GriDte. Asthma tv. L. . . and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yellow packaok A