THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 47, 1907. i l' Coos Bay Tiroes AN INDKI'K.VUENT RUPl"""" vn'SAPKR PUBLISHED EVERY DAY KXCEITKN'O MON DAY AND ALSO WEEKLY DY The Coos Bvy Times I' Co. The policy of The Coog Bay Times will be Republican in politics, with the independence of which President Koose velt is the lending exponent. Entered at the poitofllcc at Marhficld. Ore Ron, for transmission tliruugli the inallii a? tccond class mall mutter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES- Single copy, daily, 5 cents Per month, daily, 50 cents Three months, daily, $1 25 Six months, daily $2 50 Ono year, daily, - '- - $5 00 Weekly, per year - - ?1 00 Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES Marshfield. Oregon. THE COOS 1JAV DAIRY. The action of the Marshfield Cham ber of Commerce in holding weekly meetings and arranging a program which Is designed to extend the use fulne33 of tho Chamber and 'at th6 same time keep the people pro foundly Interested In its work, can not be too highly commended. It is just such movements that bring suc cess to a country and this one can not fall to acquaint our home people with the &everal important Interests of Coos Bay and afford accurate In formation to tho outside world. In deed, it is easy to foresee that this weekly lecture plan which involves a discussion of some one of Coos Bay's interests and the relation which each bears to the public wel fare will sooner or later, if persisted In, result in a permanent exposition Which will enlighten the world. The address of Dairy and Food Commissioner Bally last evening was one which was listened to with in tense interest and proved to be very Instructive. While It Is not neces sary to doubt that the Gravensteln apple Is the leader among the pro ducts of the farm, it must be ad mitted that tho cow and her pro ducts aro of prime importance. As shown by tho address of the com missioner, the rich bottom lands, hitherto called marshes, are In all respects as rich as those of Holland which Is one of Europe's greatest dalty districts. There the bottom lands are worth one thousand dol lars per acre because, of course, they havo been brought to a high state of cultivation and are surrounded by a dense population. But the lands of Coos county which aro peculiarly adapted to dairying ate capable of returning far greater profits than those of Holland. We have no doubt of the future. Lands now selling at a comparatively small price in tho urrounding coun try when devoted to the ubos of the small farmer will be the backbone of Cooslan pi osperlty. It Is the duty of those who have the best interests of the city of Coosbny at heait to direct the world's attention, as far as may be done, to its fruit and dairy possibilities. Let it be remembered that Eureka, on llumbolt Bay, south ot this city, Is a place of j. 4,0 00 peo plo and has no railroad. It depends on its timber and dairy Interests ex clusively. Tillamook, without this great bay and harbor which Coo3bay possesses, will became a great and rich district through her dairying pursuits. Coosbay must let no re gion, less favored, excel her. TIIK It. 1). INMAX. The Oiegonian of August 14th contains a large cut, showing the steamer B. D. Inman at the water front In tho Willamette river at Portland. Beneath the picture, which Is a creditable one, Is an Item referring to tho formal christening which took place Id fiont of tho In man, Poulson & Company mill on the 13th Inst. It nppears from that Item that this splendid boat Is regarded as ono of tho finest lumber carriers which ever entered that port and sho la designed to operato between Port land and San Francisco. Tho It. D. Inman was built on Coos Bay for tho Portland company. The Oregonlan artlclo does not mention tho fact that this magnificent ship was built here. It would havo been a simple act of jubtlce to give ner little sister of tho sea tho credit which would pleaso and encourngo that little sister. But tho Oregonlan is a great paper of tho old school which has llttlo lntorest In Coos Bay or Southern Oregon. Possibly It was not intended as a slight. Perhaps tho editor forgot that Coos Bay was on tho map. It may bo ho preferred Portland to gee tho reputation of having built this boat. Had tho christening boon in San Francisco, big, metiopolitan, cosmopolitan and liberal San Francisco would have gladly patted Coos Bay on tho head, as it were, and said to tho world, "Such things aro dono at Coos Bay, tho city up on tho Oregon coast whoso business San Francisco goes after and gots." That's why San Frnncisco is a metropolitan city and why Portland has had so much dllll culty to grow whon nature- intended hor to bp great and Iter jealously or ubsent miudedness and littloness of spirit kept her down. But Portland is outgrowing thnt littleness. Tho old nauownoss is disappearing. Af tor a while- sho will bo wlso ouough to glvo du s credit to all parts of tho great stat- whoso daughter sho is. Our Handicapped State. (Telegram.) Orogon has many handicaps. They mllltato against hor growth. They contrive ngalnst hor progress. They lost to hor tho Important place on tho map bho desorvos. Her peoplo do not understand her. They mag nify her limitations, and minimize her possibilities. They haven't fa cilities for packing her fruit, and have to ship it to Washington to be taken care of. They Import tinned strawberries but ought to export them. They Import eggs, they im port butter, they import cheese, ba con and lard. All these things they can beat the world in producing. A reason why they don't Is that they do not know Oregon, and what sho will do in production If they will only give herthe chance. This is a bad handicap. It is a reason why Oregon 13 not more populous and more thrifty. It means that the state should be studied, her capabil ities be learned and powers be utilized. But there is a wor3e handicap. It is the criminal discrimination by railroad owners against Oregon. By them sho Is made the tag end of the country. She Is Ignored and neglect ed. She Is miserably and wantonly maltreated. In means of transportation sho Is at the lowest level. She has a small er percentage of railroad mileage than has wild, desert New Mexico. There are only three statos in the whole union that have a smaller rail road mileage. Notwithstanding her great area, she is in the same class with Rhode Island, Delaware, Ne vada, Connecticut, Vermont, Wyom ing, New Hampshire, Idaho, Utah, Arizona and Oklahoma. For every 100 square miles of land, Oregon has 1.82 "miles of railroad. Only three states have less. They aro Wyoming, 1.27; Arizona, 1.19; Idaho, 1.72. Oregon has all told 1,720 miles of railroad; Washington, smaller In area, has o,275. It Is an ugly fact, but It Is true. We may hate It, but we are at the foot of the list. The discrimination against us Is a trag edy. Why should we wonder at our slow growth? In tho presence of the stubborn truth, shall we not open our rlver3? Mr. Hawley, Mr. Ellis, ' Senator Fulton, Senator Bourne, what is the answer? Sign Writing Of all d riptions. House; p ting, pa- per hang: g, grain- ing cam ge paint- ing etc. Strictly pure stock sold on all jobs. J. B. Rohr Opposite Bear's Livery Stable iiio Kodak on yout anting trip; a tult lino with supplies nt tho Red Cross STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendorgrass, Master and 10:30 a. ra., and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 p. rto. j Loaves NorW Bend at 8:15, 9:45 and lliAa. m and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:0 p. m. Makes dally trips except Sun days. Faro: One way, 15 conts; round trip, 25 conts. TIME TABLE. Lenvos Mnrehfleld 7:30, 9:00, McPIierson Ginser Co. WholesitloUianor doalora Cigars aucisaloon dup plies. VV Califorsla Wiaex a Specialty Front St., Marshfield I I ' I. Sw aw i j1 w ""-'- " " ' ' -' '' r ' ' ' ' '' 'mb " Dcm't lprget j Business Directory Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKC1EON Diseases of the Eye, Ear, I oat and Throat a specialty. Oilice in Lockhart'e Building. Marshfield, Oregon DR. IIAYDON Ofllce opposite Union Furniture Store. IJnui 10 to lnnd 2 to fi Special attention pafd to diseases ot tnc c. urinary and dlpcsthCorgans U. 3'. Pension exnminei i Marshfield, Jregoi DR. J. XV. lAUIU.Vi liysician nne" burgeon. OlHc over Sengstacken's Drug Store Pboree Office 1621; residence 783 Lawyers. E. L. C. Farrin Geo. N. Farrln - FARRIX & FARRIX Attorneys nt Iav City Attorney, Dep. district Attornej Will practice in U. S. Courts and before the U. S. Land Office. Lockhdrt Building, Marshfield, Ore. Phone Main 41. J. W. BEXXETT, Ofllce over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. ' Marshfield, - Oreeon s: Francis II. Clarke JncobM. Blake Lawrence A. Liljeovist CLARKE, BLAKE & LWJEQVIST, ATTOnxmrSfAWLAW Times Building, WKtrshQeld, Ore United States Commij&Ioner's Ofllce. C. P. McKX Atto at La Upstairs, Bon & WaU'jr Block OregoD Marshfield, COKE & COKE, Attorney at Lajv. Marshfield, - Oregon 1'IXLEY & MAYBE' Attorney at Law. . Office over Myers' Store. Phone 701 - - Iforth Bond, Ore. BItlGIIAM & BELL, Architects. North Bend, ----- Oregon Real Estate Agents. DIEIt LAXB COMPANY, Real Estate Brokers. North Bend. Oregon Mil. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Tt&mlng of all klnda. Phone 1884. TheCB.,R.&LR.R. and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCHEDULE NO. 2. In Effect January 1, 1007. AH previous schedules aro void. Subject to change without notice. W. S. Chandler, manager; P. A. Lalse, freight agent; general offices, Marshfield, Orogon. No. 1. Trains. Dally Excopt Sunday, j Stations. Leavo 9:00 a. m Marshllold. II. Junction. 9:45 a. ni.lofcqulllo. Arrlvo 10:20 a.m.JMyrtlo Point. No. 3. DaUy Excopt Sunday. Leavo 10:45 a. m.Myrtlo Point. 11:30 a. m.Coqulllo. B. H. Junction. Arrlvo 12:30 p. m.Mnrshflold. fr Extra tralnsqvlll run on dally speclnl ordors. Trains to and from Boavor IIH1 dally. MARSHFIELD GENERAL I HOSPITAL MISS ftl. BLACIv, Matron Hospital foVYjurgical and Medical cases, Itea reason- ablo. ICIIT, lnewat LaV nW IM :tmmnu:ninn$iintnninntiinumnimmnuntj ( w oo o oo oo oo oo oo oo We will agree oo ot i Babsom Bros, of OO oo oo 0-0 oo oo oo order Sioiase at a oo oo oo oo oo .ft jot oo o oo oo lOO IOO oo oo .oo 'o 'OO oo oo in the freight alone. We have Victo Disc machines in mahogany with two t to select from. oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo son and Victor monthly records. Opne in and hear them. Complete stock of Harmonicas. , Strings for all instruments. Violin strings from 5c to 75c each. Special inducements on frank Holton Cornets this week. , OO OO oo 'oo oo oo n oo C street Flanagan & Bennett Bank MARSIiriELD. OKEQON. Capital titi tcri bed ?5J,ooo Capital Paid Up J 10,000 Undivided Profits j'ii.OOO Does a general bnnktnf business and draws on tho liank ot Califoiliin, San Krancrsco Calif., Kirst National Baik V6rtland Or., First National Bank, IlosobuYiyfOr., Hanover Na tional Bank, Now Y4rK Vf- M. Kotbchlld & Bon, Londou, England Also sell chance on nearly all tbo nrlnclpal cities of Kuropo. Accounts kept subject to check, Bate dcioslt lock boxes lor rent at 5 cents a niontu or (5. a ear. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Bankof Dregon Capital Stock fulv paid up $50,000 W Transacts a Gnfcral linking Busineu North Bend, Oregon Dealer In Up oom Mk and Butten? k. Freo do livery to all p: ts of Che city. North Bend, Osegon Steam DVe Works c saW bv-lion'MnUTent? grt?firnl ilen el or dyixl. PWIIp Becker, Proprirloi. I oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo OO ' loo iOO oo oo oo Y T iL II oo oo o nu.v.Ba ii,awi.JiiJ. w oo oo oo Vooooooooooooooooooooooo 0000000000000000000000 I Coos Bay 1 1 Steam Laundry $ MARSHFIELD an NORTH BEND g A 11 wojp w done at B K he North E end Plant 1 IEdgai Mauzey 1 1 Agent, Marshfield I North Bend Phone 1031 Marshfield Phone 180 I w. a.Aarinq I TV- I iiovronm MUk 1 t ' to duplicate the Chicago or any other eastern mai! saving to yois of We have pst received aines Music Co. between Broadway and Front. sniniinnstnmiiiinninnmtninmmnnuo MARSDWS WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE , " JACK RICE, MANAGER SOLE AGENT FOR THE FAMOUS GAMM.1NUS BEER Handling the following goods IMPORTED, nitANDira, GINS nntl .WHISKIES. Also for family tnule n choice line of tho celebrated Castleuood. Old Hickory, Yellow stone nntl Ca nadian Club Whiskies) also ver months and cordials. Swc g?o TRY A TIMES WANT AD. 8 p 8 n prices qiMed by o n o tt n S-ijT d Cotabsa g usand records 8. 0 oth the Edi- I! &O0& I i i $ I ft ft s ft ft s ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ! I ft i ft ft ft ft ft Oreg