THE DAILY CfrQS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1907. PERSONAL MENTION lulver ii r, was Ii'om aXln Mrs, J. T. Collver of Coos ffag in this city yesterday. Miss Martha Dernett Is spenBlng a lev days in umpire. jlr. Geo. WItto of Cooa Rive in this city ycsieruay. Mrs. R- l Dcsscy was down Coos lliver yesterday. Mrs. Cantinc of North Inlet v this city yesterday. Mrs. Worth of C003 River was this city yesterday. Mrs. Enoch Holland of Llhhy was In this city yesterday. Mr Default of Mlllington was In this city yesterday. Mr Defreeso of C003 River was in this city yesterday. Miss Grace Kruso was down from the Isthmus yesterday. Mr. C. A. Gould of Riverside was a Marshfleid visitor yesterday. Miss Krick of East Marshfleid was In this city shopping Thursday. I,. Lieby of Catching Inlet was in this city yesterday. Mr. Greenlau and family left this city for San Francisco, where they lll reside permanently. Born To Mrs. J. W. Hildebrand, of Noith Bend, on Thursday, August 15, a daughter. Mr. Cal. Wright enters on his du ties as stato deputy game warden this morning. Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Wm. Haglund ara at Mr3. Horsfall's ranch at Jordan Lake. Gene Wickham, of CalUc, was here yesterday, to cone alt Dr. Straw Tilth regard to eye trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Throne of Hoseburg, Oregon, are visiting tliPlr relatives Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Wright of thla city. Miss Tonrtillot of (Jan Jose iu visiting Mrs. Herbert Ilogou of C003 River. Mr and Mrs. ar.J :,l. and Mrs. E. Baker left yesterday for a few days' outing up Coos River. Mrs. Elrod has left for San Fran cisco, where she will purchase fall supplies. Rev. W. R. F. Browne and family returns from several weeks' outing up Coos River. Mrs. Savage and daughter,1 Madge, arrived in this city overland after an extended trip through the east and California. Mrs. D. Keating left this city yes treday morning for Myrtle Point, whore she will visit for a short time iith her brother. Mr. Arno Moreen departed yes terday for Portland and Tacoma where ho ha3 business matters to look after. .,. Mr. Ileoppner, of Butte, Mon tana, an electrical engineer, is on the Bay, and thinks some of locating in the Coos Bay country. Mr. M. Wiggins, of Bloomingdalo, Michigan, an old time friend of F. B. Waite, who lived In Michigan thirty years ago, is on tho Bay, a guest of Mr. Waito. Mrs. Mlddleton and Mrs. Kline, who had been with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Dovers for several weeks, started on their return to Portland yester day on the Breakwater. The Smith company has received a large consignment of railroad rails from the cast and will soon have them laid on the docks here and at Bay City. Robert Lang, who was camping at Sunset Bay with relatives, had the misfortune to dislocate his arm the other day. He was attended by a physician, and is Improving. Dr. W. C. Sehlbrede who had been with his brother C. A. Sehlbrede for a month, started on his return trip to Billings, Montana, yesterday on the Breakwater. He will spend some time in Portland and the Willamette valley. Kniuhts of I'ythlns Picnic. Myrtle Lodge No. 3, K. of P., of Marshfleid, and Posedion Lodge, No. 95, of North Bend, will on Sunday, August 2G, give a joint picnic In Pipers Grove, North Coos river. Boats will leave North Bend and Marshfleid at 8:30 S. m. (weather permitting). Knights of Pythlans and members of the Rathbonc Sis ters have the privilege of inviting as many friends as they care to. Tick ets will he on sale at Norton and Hansen's, Marshfleid, and North Bond News Company, North Bend. No tickets to bo sold after Friday, August 23. Price 50c. COMMITTEE. R Ink I COOS RIVER NOTE J. W. Russell's new gasoline launch Is at last in operation. Mr. Russell Is to be congratulated on getting his boat to running at last. Ho has been waiting several months for the arrival of his engine. Miss Elizabeth Cox and sister, Myrtle, of Marshfleid spent a few days last wpek visiting friends on South Coos river. Judging from the number of camps to be seen along the river this sum mer, Coos river is surely proving it self to be a delightful camping ground. Never before has there been so many people camping on tho river as there are this summer. Two Coos river nlmrods, J. A. Smith and S. B. Cutllp, stand In need of the heartfelt sympathy of all their friends. After spending a week on a hunting trip in tho mountains, they were forced to return horfie without having caught sight of a stagW deer. However, we extend to thein our sin cere sympathy, and wish them bet ter luck next time. Daniel's Creek farmers are becom ing very much pleased with the fact that the county road in that vicinity is being made Into one of tho finest .in the county. For two or three years past they have been graveling the road, and at present, all of the worst places are covered with a coat of durable gravel. The community Is exceedingly fortunate in being able to obtain good gravel, for though It has to be hauled quite a distance, when tho roads are covered with it, the Improvement Is found to bo permanent. Launch Express Is Will make rbgular trips between South Coos I'lwr and Marshfleid Leaving thciMazo at 7.00 a. m. and Marshfeld at 4:30 p. m. She will be open for charter between t a. tn. and 4 p. xa. MASTER WYATT COFFELT. VY""a"CnftUMl. -J IS.-.. fc H , Nl,1 I'" i m. 1 vRyfe WORK ro'- R:priODoci HOUSE WIFES 1 1. It is your duty to Match for your hubby's vtelfm-c and bo econom ical. 2. It is v-h:? duty to sc that his health is ieiu,c!'. . It is your duly to ifielp I1I111 in the many v.iifs Jossilrfe to belter himself fl'.ar.cI..Ijlnniloclnly. 1. It is ! (jfity j)f aee that his clothing ni.d Imt'f nreiitent neat and clean. I 5. It is v-HrfutiHr, if his hats or other external Mf-nuiig apparel Is not neat and cli';t.:,ttfseiiI them to the I'nhpie I'uiits Ltgc and let them do their duty. IB (I. Their dfJf is to do first-class work and tlicjfiio do it. Goody enlleif for and delivered. Bayliss & Mercer Unique Pantatorium Phone 1444 WANT ADS WANTED By Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, a few summer hoarders; parties . .wishing a day on South Coos rfver can get dinner. . Phono 20x8. Launch Tioga leaves 8:00 a. m. dally. FOR SALE Open launch; 19 feet long, 4 feet, 5 inches beamj three horso power engine; nearly new and in fine condition; only ?2j50. G. K. Miller, Marshfleid, Ore. WANTED Anybody having goods to store call lat Taylor's Piano House on Broaaway, near C. street. Large warehouse just completed. Terms reasonable. FOR SALE Ci cumbers lust the right size for llckeling at' 25 cts. per gallon. C J. Tibbets, Sum ner, Ore. Phcne 1218 qfr 121x3. FOR SALE Raflch of 1178 acres lo cated 5 miles above Afegany. For particulars aply to Henry Mlch- elbrlnk. North! Bend, Plat WANTED Two piling for tract or six do Kinney, FOR SALE Potftab baking utensl ness" care Times. I t 1 1 Bieavyteams to haul B yharf, on con- lars per day. L. D. bake oven and 'Address "Busl- WANTED Dlshwafher and chamber maid, at Hitoli Oregon, North" Bend. FOR SALE Hbmfestead ment. Add: Times. WANTED TerJ Prat B, by t ney. ft. B rellnqulsh- Che In to clear land on aero. L. D. Kln- LIST your roor Hellesath's renting; real speedy service 2nd and A str ,C, careyrt and houses with ency House for nablo. rates and guaranteed. Cor. ts. I CAN start any ordinary young man that likes to travel In his own business for $15 to $20. Informa tion free. Hellesath, 2nd and A street. Inclose 2-cent stamp for correspondence. AVANTKI) A good, lfve, energetic boy; who is not afraid of work. Apply to Times ollice. FOR SALE Eight-room house and lot on Mead street, just north of M. E. church, frice, $1800, cash. J. S. Edmunds, North Bend, or F. L. Sumner, Marshfleid, Ore. FOR SALE Small water pump. Ad dress X V Z, Times office. FOR SALE Furniture and lease of the Marshfleid Hotel; 22 rooms; all occupied. Inquire at tho Hotel. WANTED Well connected, sober, reliable young man as fellow law student, evenings. Address R. L. J., Times ofllce. D. L. Avery, Mnimgei. nursday and balance of iiie week "THE AMERICAN BS0SC0PE" Under tho direction of Mr. G. A. Ilager, Will present a long series of tho Latest aryf Timely Subjects in MOVING PICTU JF Of PARIS" jr f THE EXCEEDINGLY FUNNY COlfEDY FILM. "THE SLUMS illustrate! Songs Music by the Eminent Piano Soloist Prof. C. A. Oumliir. A refined entertainment for Ladies, Children and Gentle men. One performance every evening. Change of pro gram Monday and Thursday. Box office opens at 8 p. m. Performance at 8:30. Admission Children 15c, Adults 25c. ibaasnizzrasccxrocsszsaisazxzssanssaj l!UUUA!UX 11 Kn; 1Hl.W'MTP--TtlPJ-iS.B.iRfH -J W'TfU-WtTiyW'. tjj There never will be a b Ooie to build you e Iv than ali; the present b'l Lumber is cheaper now on Coos than it will ever be again ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD We use the necessary facilities for sending money tx all naifts of the world, and'wit HE to5ut danger or loss NATI(M BANK OF COOS U Marshfield, Oregon. But we are not selling lumber. We are in the power and electric lighting business and are at work putting in a gas plant. And when you put u pyour new building have it wired for electric light and plumbed for gas1. If you have fever used Giectric light you would hardly jfiink of going back to tallow candles or foul-smelling kerosene; if the housewife has evecused an electric flat iron she would nonie disposed to surrender it. And if yjpufiave ever used a gas stove no one could induce you to go back to the old sooty, grimy coal stove. is s WHY DO PEOPLE BUY EN ' SENGSTACKEN ADDITION. BECA, It is choice inside residence oroperty, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well shelterewUJfa good bay view and prices of lots are reasonabor particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. ianuwmMui 'twh Mm if Tm iu wa.fl r. "? m TRfci-j COOS BAY MONUMENTAL WORKS We guarantee botj(!r ork at krnrer prices, than c-vft be hfldrelBewiiere. Do not order monuentaLjTOrk until vou have SEEN US I S r. . r .. . a. w I tewart & rviitcneii Corner 3d & D Sts. sas"" Phone, Main 1731 Marshfield and North Bend. tbsg$&mw33m$&&mKtf&i tsussti BtfSTIESHfUTCnXXIftTlCK E IVUXQ FTWT'WWglqjr?gMgTrTti?jyr.TMy.y-.vj.-g-r?tT EaB5KKZEE33CX3CZ3'. New Autumn and (At inter Uothinf T"ffirfflHllVfi-wrira an'mymmwsmwfMwvii WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builde JF J" Office fixtures a specialty; Strfe Fronts, Counters, Shelving. Let us worhr outpour plans. See us bo fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street NEW HOUSES FOR. SALE ON EASJTERMS Neat and modern. Situdfed in North Bend Heights. Best mwjm the peninsula, also vacant lots in the feline tract. Prices rea sonable and terms easy. WARD & HURD Successors o 'Ward & 'Wnrd. Comer Meade nnd Vermont Sts. We beg to announce the arrival of our new line of the Adler & Sons Autumn' and Winter Clothing. We do business undeijf the motto, "T'is better a little earwthan a little late" and therefore havie ordered our new sea son's goods so afe to have diem as soon as the makers have themout and by this method have elimmaied all the vexatious delays caused by the conges tion of shipping in the months of Sep tember and Octbberi We hnvo an eyfluslvo lino of the Miclwcli'Stcii-n Clothing. These lines uru clothes celebrated for their wearing qualities, their fit nnd dis tinctive style. T PLANZ m ROLANDSON Sacchi Building on 2nd Street qammmmmwrn fl A1