THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1907. y ! P- 5 2 $ $ J $ 4 $ J $ $ 4 t J "4 AT TIIH 1IOTKLS. ! 4"!' ! $ BLANCO Milan Wiggins, Bloom lngdale, Wash.; Louis II. Urel, Port land; T. II. Landswick, Portland; Prank Putnam, Chicago; A. L. Mil ler, Coqullle; G. Houston; W. T. Lay Ion, Portland; Frank E. Wyso, San Francisco Greater; G. II. Coombs, San Francisco; Ab Smith, Roseburg; Win. T. Bouscr, Portland; W. P. Hultet, Portland; J. Walhelm; O. W. Leo; J. T. Collver; F. C. Hoen pner, Helena; E. T. McDonald, Port land; Jos. Delangor, Minneapolis; J. L. Qulnn, Portland; John Kollock, W. II. Corbett, W. II. Insley, C. D. "Waters, Portland; W. D. Reedy; D. C. Gibson, Coqullle; Mrs. M. A. Dls Lrow, Miss Dlsbrow, Irene Dlsbrow, " Lyons, Iowa; Henry Large, Portland; II. II. Browne, Minneapolis; C. C. Springer, Chicago; J. II. Cerdlng, Verom, North Dakota; Mrs. J. T. Collver; Miss Lora Collver; L. J. Cody, Bandon; H. C. Dlers, North Bend; Edmund Croft, Tacoma; Geo. C. Bolt, Tacoma; T. O. O'Garr, Port land; J. W. Holmes, Portland; Frank Carr, Coqullle; P. Goldenberg; Matt Kerrlen, Coqullle; Andrew Hayter. CENTRAL Wm. Shults, Klon dike Camp; Raymond Haser, Seat tle; F. R. McNcel; W. W. Gage, Co qullle; Alvln Smith, Coos River; J. Merchant; F. Merchant; Chas. Swan son; Chas. G. Lee; Edith Haughton; Mary Chandler, Gardiner; J. A. Rodes; Dan Cameron; E. C. Os trander, Tomahawk, Wis.; J. W. Strang. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE J. W. Fisher, Eugene; F. F. Baird, Newport; Jay Avery, Salem; J. E. Cooper, Portland; H. S. Bailey, Port land; H. S. McGowan and wife, SI gourney, Iowa; Frank Miller, Port land; N. Williams, San Francisco; J. W. Bailey, Portland; J. A. Faulds, Newport; O. O. Lund, Grants Pass; Anton Arneson, Grants Pass; Aug ust Olson, Grants Pas3; Chas. Olson, "Weed, Cal.; Alb Palm, North Bend; Andrew Woods, Portland; Edmund Croft, Tacoma; Gejrge C. Bolt, Tacoma. STORY OF A CHICKEN AND HUNGRY- CAMPERS A good story Is told on a party who were camping on Btg Creek the past week. It seems the crowd became possessed of voracious appetites which the usual sea food would not satisfy, nor would the provisions thy had with them. Some one ttb clerglcal connections thouxtot of chicken, and it was ajrwfd tn chicken was the thin. AccorJJmjtly. an emissary was snt to setskbor ing farm house where a jtwod ft kw was secured for sixty cents. Tn luual work of preparing a cJiickw for the pot was quickly erempUhi. and the bird was put on to cook. The party then wandered about for a time uutii It was presumed the chicken was well done and they then returned to the feast. They approached the precious pot wlth highest anticipa tions, and great was their dismay upon finding the pot empty or nearly so. The chicken had disappeared and in the pot was the sixty cants. The woman who had sold the chicken con cluded she wanted it herself and so made the exchange, during their absence. SLAYS HUSBAND FOR A BURGLAR San Francisco. Aug. 11.' In the belief that he was a burglar, Mrs. Sdward Tarnhar shot and killed her iiirt at Hwr bom. Si 7 Twentieth T copb retired at S o'clock and Jere sleepin: In a room with their crippled son, who Is twelve years old Farqnaar arose shortly after 9 o'clock and went out. Upon return ing to the house his wife, hearing footsteps In the room adjoining, and bftlieving they were those of a burg lar, screaming at the top of hor voice and snatching a revolver from the side of the bed, fired at the door in the direction whence the sound of footsteps came. Farquhar 'was just turning the knob of the door when the bullet struck him In the groin, severing the femoral artery. He bled profusely and died before medical assistance could reach him. CHEF IS FINED IN MARSHFIELD COURT Cook From Plant Itested Over Night In Oiiicor Carter's l'alntinl Retreat. Steve Burke, a cook on the Plant, was placed In Officer Carter's asylum Tuesday afternoon after he had been drubbed into su'jmisslvene3s .by Car ter. Burke had been making a show of himself on a public street and when requested to desisi, showed fight and told the officer to go to hell, or some other seaport. Burke paid well for his stubbornness, and was fined ?25 and costs by Judge Upton, who regretted the fine could not have been larger. The charge against him was "Indecent exposure." Burke Is known to be a quarrelsome character, as he was at one time lo cated in Marshfield and cooked at a local hotel. He hadn't the where with with which to liquidate his in debtedness to the municipality, and 1 S. Dow advanced the money for him, thus saving him the pleasure of -working on the streets for a time. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS TO GIVE A PICNIC Sunday, August 25, The Lodges At North Bend and Mur.shileld Go To Piper's Grove. The Knights of Pythias of Marsh field and North Bend will havo a joint picnic at Piper's Grove on the North Fork of the Coos River on Sun day, August 2Gth, weather permit ting. Members of the order and members of the Rathbone sisters are prlvllodged to invite as many persons from other orders as they choose. Tickets will bo on sale at Norton & Hansen's, nnd North Bend News Co's. placo of business. Those wish ing to take advantago of the excur sion should eecure tickets not later than August 23rd, for nono will be sold after that date. The boats which will convey tho plea'suro seekers to the picnic grounds will leave both cities at S:30 promptly and return when everybody has had enough picnic. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO HAVEG00D MEETING Tho Chamber of Commerce meet ing for this Friday night promises to ho one of the most interesting that lui3 been hold of late. State Dairy and Food Commissioner Bailey is to innko an nddross which should prove valuable to every person interested in agriculture. Mrs. Yoakum, who has u model dairy, is expected to bo present and explain many things re specting the conduct of a dairy which will be boneflcial to tho dairymen of Coos county. Other important mat ters will bo discussed and the meet ing should bo well attended. Ladles aro Invitod to this gathering, Bince there aro many who would profit by tho talk. CARELESS HUNTSMEN CAUSING TROUBLE J. M, Davis, .isfarnier at tho forks of Cooa livens, cofhpjains of tho enro lessness of hunters "who go up and down tho rlvor In gasoleno launches. Last woelc, somebody was shooting from a boat and killed a cow belong ing to Daviu. Fanners and other workmen In that vicinity havo been frightened several Union by having aimless ballots whiz past them while nt work, and sovornl havo become so incensed that they aro planning to detect guilty partlos and bring suit against them. FORTY ACRES OF EAST SIDE PROPERTY SOLD W. W. Graves and R. L. Edmon Bton, of Portland, havo ndded to tliolr Coos Bay holdings, 40 acres of land adjoining East Marshfield and tho Archer tract recently purchased by local company. This deal was closed on Tuesday and tho purchasers feol they havo mado a good buy. 30QUILLE RIVER MAY HAVE FAST BOAT There is talk of a new fast express boat for the run from Myrtle Point to Bandon on the Coqullle. There is a demand for through service and it is understood a new boat has been contracted for for the purpose named. This boat, it is said will carry only passengers and express and will make only the principal stops up and down the river. Knichts of Pythias Picnic. Myrtle Lodge No. 3, K. of P., of Marshfield, and Posedion Lodge, No. 95, of North Bend, will on Sunday, August 25, give a joint picnic in Pipers Grove, North Coos river. Boats will leave North Bend and Marshfield at S:30 a. in. (weather permitting). Knights of Pythlans and members of the Rathbone Sis ters have the privilege of Inviting as many friends as they care to. Tick ets will be on sale at Norton and Hansen's, Marshfield, and North Bend News Company, North Bend. No tickets to be sold after Friday, August 23. Price 50c. COMMITTEE. BOMB FACTORY FOUND IN MOSCOW SCHOOL New Missiles of Tremendous Power Are Recently Seized by the Police. Moscow, Aug. 11. The police to day searched the Imperial technical schools and discovered the central revolutionary laboratory for manu facturing bombs of a new pattern and tremendous explosive power, regular supplies of which were being shipped to various interior points. The police seized a number of bombs, 600 time-fuse appliances, a typo graphical outfit and some forbidden literature, and arrested twenty stu dents of the school. Hot Chicken pie today at David & Davis' Delicatessen. ri Eckkof f Hall North Bend, Ore. Thursday Evening Aug 15 "THE AMERICAN BIOSCOPE" With a scries of Ihe latestjand limely subjects in 'ING BCTURES illustrated pngs, and folusic Music by traeJEminent Piano Soloist Profile. A. Cumliir. Admission 25 and 35 cents After tha performance a dance Admission to same tickets 25c u M U j Sfrflrryfr-y?' uumgaascma r t ii1 sw m l sssvuxjxai r.TTTra Q ALL FARTS OF THE We use the necessary facilities for sending money to all parts of the world; and withoutjUanger or loss THt FIRST NATIORAt BANK OF COOS BAY Marshfield, Oregon. Iimmmmmnmmmmmmsmmmimiminmmmmmmttii K o - The ndispute t in 0 iwXC alienee aseBnsaaass&sgsBzaaatg' of the Henry F. Miller and Sons pianos is iue to the high artistic standard which has always been the principle of its design and manviacture, so that today the Henry F. Miller d& Sons is synon yE&otss with all that is excellent in piano-forte construction. The best eviaence or the permanent adherence to high ideals is the length of years most of the Miller representatives have had the Miller piano. We are exclusive agents for S 1 is Lr 5ireeE m n Ifjmmms Heine oiithwesfern Oregon. s music Co. tweea Front and Broadway TELEPHONE 1441 QXS2S3SSC1J22C3II tmwmmt&toiwmamft&e AVe lmvc a bargain for you. This is wiiut It is: lOO.ncrcs improved fnrin lund, 20 cows, sonic dry stock, 2 marcs, 2 colts. A number of chickens, some bees, and all implements needed to oper ate the farm. This ranch is located on navlfinblo water 1 linlo frorf a postofllcc, school house ami coal mine. All goes for $0,000.00. This price will hoil gooif for a few days only. - For puticuUrs see STUTSMAN & CO. OFFICE ON CORNER OF FRONT and C STS PHONE I7II fy$a&gm$m&s&1&2 ft CJV. 2 tfin QONTAINS NO HARMFUL Bah II .i. ffillir wra it i u je i5E ) m S 3 fci Ul Matt i tfi"zr 3 h &?&&& cs&jc&s vw chuz- vjr&'Q 3sSJI&S&r dh& Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat The Genuine is in the and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yellow packaos DRUGS HTiimiMi ! !' igf-wi f lrMLHtJ",?iT7t1'mJ A llfVi iriritttfw,'7VLMrriummiJ,Ka and NORTH BEND FASTEST ,BO. ON JHW&A Half KpuriEchmile Um lletweenlMihfiehl tncl XorMi Uelid huKin 12 Allnutes. Private Ijnutlln(;s, rare: One wav, 15c; roinid trip, 5o. J. A. O'KEIJiY, Proprietor. rr WHY DO PEOPLE BU IN SENGSTACKEN ADDITION BECAUSE , .i.l -1-1 L-S-. f-i- rnn It IS cnoice msioq rejiucncc property, iuis auxiuu with alleys, in well shltecd with a good bay view and prices of lots arc reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. Nelsori Iron Works P. 12. KULSON, Prop Km, m HnMwrjwmaWi i n i mi$tTmm mm Wo rcpnlr all mJ A Mnulilntiry, Btcrtm nuil o.u- l'.ljMjjtrv (mi nnil III eyelet. Hot ut woik ourUiiucbtll)'. : ; Wc mnnulactuto ( Hroiuo (or Eaw Cami'S. Woiunke HouJ Spooh tot U) lltiuTn M1IIB lOI yie b'jfl. "'jr Iron nnd il JiKKlnif Shmvn tii : i TKLKl'HONK Wl MARSHFIELD, - - ORECON immmmmmn smmmsmssstsms: A nice line of ouvenir Sostms m larslineM NORTON HANSEN thntmnnmtimtttmtmmnmtmmitni nt Of California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer. Alliance 11. W. OI. SON, Mastr. Sails from Portlaadturdays, 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. V. P. llauniKiuliicT, At. Ctmcli fit, Dink, l'ortliuul, Ore, L. W, Sliaw, Agt. Jlarshfiold, Ore., rhone HI. Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line BREAKWAa'ERy Sails forPortland and Astrina every Thursday C. F. McCollum, Agt. Phone Main 34 A. St. Dock IJkTk .V