-E InUUbAWU Southern Pacific Officials Say Many Are On Mexican Border. U. S. OFFICIALS ARE ALERT Coolies Ship l'rom Japan to Mexico To Work In Mines Thence to America. San Francisco, Aug. 11. One hun dred and six coollo Japanese wore brought to San Francisco Wednes day from Texa3 In custody of armed Southern Pacific railway guards, and were put aboard the steamer Man churia to bo deported today to Yoko hama. These Japs are but the vanguard, Southern Pacific railway oulcials say, of between 4,000 and 5,u00 coolies stationed just across thj Mexican border awaiting a chance to slip Into this country. The railway guards re port that largo bodies of Japanese are waiting near Laredo, Eagle Pass, El Paso and other pola's along the frontier. A &niallarn:y of 900 Japs Is reported to be assembled at Juarez natipntly watching fo- v. cha.ice to evade the authorities a.id get into tin United States. It has been customary, according to Southern Pacific information, for these Japancao to be sent back into Mexico again and again. Then about the fifth or sixth time they try to slip into Uncle Sam's domain they are no longer hustled back into Mexico, but aro rounded up, put aboard Southern Pacific trains under guard and sent to San Francisco for ilnal deportation back to the land of the chrysanthe mum, whence they cannot make a fresh advance. Acoordlng to Southern Pacific in formation, these Japanese belong to a lot that have been landed from time to time at Sallna Cruz, under con tract to work In the coal mines and work their way up to the border, hoping to get past the customs offi cers and safely into the land of promise. PERSONAL MENTION. IggjAjLYCOOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST ' 15, ,1907. I IfUl Wll' M IIMPliM IHW Hill 9 I 1H1 III lillll'l Wl lll If IHIII1 iitti ni asmmtimmiiin rrw Mrs. P. M. Wilbur of this city 13 spending a few days up O003 River. Miss Isabello Demnlng of North Bend was In this city yesterday. Mr. J. P. Hope of Ten Milo was a city visitor yesterday.- Mr. and Mrs. Sanford,of North Inlet was in this city Wednesday. Mrs. Mlilssoul of Llbhy was In this city yesterday. Mrs. B. J. Coffelt of Coos River was in Marshfleld yesterday. Mrs. Cook of the Life Saving Sta tion was In this city yesterday. Andrew Longqvist was In from Campbell's ranch yesterday. Miss May Kern of North Bend was In this city yesterday. John Hager of Ten Mile was a Marshfleld visitor yesteru'ay. Mr. John Schetter of Ten Milo was In this city yesterday. " Miss Agnes3 Hutcheson is spend ing a few days up Coos River. Mrs. Thompson of Empire was in this city yesterday. Mr Joe Yonker of South Inlet was In this city yesterday. Mr. John Robertson of Ten Mile was a city visitor yesterday. v Mr. J. Conklin of South Inlet was in this city yesterday. Will Kennedy Arrived home yes terday from a month's visit at his former home at, Twin Falls, Idaho. Mrs. E. L. Bessey of Coos River entertained a largo number of Marshfleld friends yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Chapman and Mrs. B. H. Smith aro camping at the "Good will" place for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Matson and Miss L. Johnson spent yesterday at Rocky , Point. Miss Helen 'Doble leaves for Port land today, after having visited for several weeks wltli Miss .Helen Chandler of this city. Mrs. Frank Rougers, Miss Leah Rocers. and Mr3. A. M. Prontiss left yesterday on ai hunting trip in the mountains surrounding Smith s baslu. , Father Donnelly of Marshfleld and Father ,Curle7of North Bend re turned from Portland yesterday, where they have been attending the "Retreat." Mrs. Murray, formerly of this city, Is again on the bay for a short visit. She will leave this morning for Myrtle Point and join her children in that city. Messrs. Will and Frank Smith of Fresno, Cal., are enjoying a hunt ing expedition through the Conuille country, Mrs.jottlns leaves today to visit at the Bradley Camp at Hollands Grove on'Coos River. Misses Esther Johnson, Marjory Cowan, Bessio Coke, Mildred Coke, Clara Myren and Edith Gulovson spent yesterday at the homo of Miss Lillian McCann of East Marshfleld. Mr. J. E Or-n Is having l.imbcr hauled for tho erection of two resi dences on tho tlto he purchased somo time ago on Sixth street, near the Catholic church. Mr. J. I). McArthur, who wont north for a vacation about a month since, arrived homo yesterday on the Breakwater from Carson Hot Springs. He had an enjoyable time and returns better sathlled with Coos Bay than ever. TONOPAH CLUB TO CLOSE DOORS Monte Carlo, of Xevmla Will Longer be the Gamblers' l'aratltse. Xo Reno, Nev., Aug. 11. The Tono pah Club, which for the past six years has been tho Monte Carlo of the Wost, has closed Its doors, and the games through which have been won nud lost many a bank roll have ceased operations. The famous gambling resort of Tonopah has, per haps, seen more wild games of chance rn.l experienced more fatal quarrels than any resort wc3t of tho Rockies. Employing over 100 dealers and employes and some forty tables, it was tho rom'esvnus of all who went to tho mining town of Tonopah. There Is hard'y p man of prominence In this state who has not stood nt the tables of the Tonopah Club, and many there a who have tried to break the brink", which have made fortunes f r tho owners, who have now deck1' d to close the resort aud retire. The gTT-bli "? palace was always crowded to the doors, as no other al lurements were present except tho the games of chance. Scarcely one cn'ered v!:o dl 1 not In a small or great degree tempt dame fortune with a play at tho wheel or faro Lank. HOUSE WIPES W?Q 1. It Is yourduty to watch for your hubby s welfare ami be cco!ium leal. H. It is yourduty to See that his health is peifet. 3. It is yovf duty tfi help him in the many wars pos-ahile to better Itiin&eK ilnanciilly iufil socially. I.. It is yottr uilR' to see tli.it Ins clothing and lutsRrc kept neat and clean. 5. It is your duty, if lilsliats or other eternal wearing apparel is not neat and clean, Unique Pants nci their duty. . Their duty u trf do lu-st-cias work and they do fly it. Goods called. lofnnU delivered ft) ?o Unique Pantaforium Phone 1444 ... ....,,, ... - wearing apparel is not ii, to boful tlfeiii to the peopleir.dlet tlicm do Ehit. ''and ( & Mercer I IYBl. 1 o "' " ' : K WANT ADS MARSHFIELD, : WANTED By Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, a few summer boarders; parties wishing a day on South Coos river can get dinner. Phone 20x8. Launch Tioga leaves 8:00 a. m. daily. FOR SALE Open launch; 19 feet long, 4 feet, 5 Inches beam; three horse power engine; nearly new and In fine condition; only ?250. a k. Miller. Marshfleld, Ore. ZWEfflM S3 1 H TO. W U Vi. 0 "Ly kskad JSi VIA W t& iii atkftl Our service is the bst of any restuarant in Marshfield. We have a restltf arant mat would XY. do credit to times the size M. our aimng ro privacy and a. pia him Pm :e or many irshfield In 70U can secure iet and the best of cuisine Experienced waiters will attend to your wants in the shortest possible time And our lunch counter is not to be excelled Everything is first class up-to-date and 'the cooking vies with that "Like Mother sssed to Make" f VI VAN T North Front Street Opposite City Hall K2 iyfl-i&;-i::,i The Steamer Sails from Marshfield Tu . RS DOAg-ent PLANT rcriftr o-f rufi 1 OREGON ffqgKgwgiKrerera WANTED Anybody having goods to store call at Taylof's Piano House on Broadway, near u. sireei. Ttirtro warehouse just Completed. Terms reasonable. FOR SALE Cufcumners jusl mu right size for ilclrellnfc at 25 cts. per gallon. C J. TiBbetts, Sum ner. Ore. Pho le 1218 or 121x3. a T FOR SALE Ranch of 158 acres lo cated 5 miles ibove Allegany. or particulars api ly toJHenijy Mlcii- elbrlnk, North Benai 1 WANTED Two fieavy tea nlline for Platl B Svhar trnct or six dollars Iper Kinney. i rns toAiaul 1, on con- dhy L. D. WANTED A godklglrl tor general house work. Kftbest wages ior right party. Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. FOR SALE Portable bake oven and baking utensils. ( Address -Business" care Times.' Y,Z..i'J it TTM COOS BAY MONUMENTAL WORKS We guarantee befter work at lo-sror prices, than can be hacf'elsewhere. Do not order monumental afcrk until you have . P Jf SEEN US Stvart & Mitchell Corner 3d & V bis. Phone, Main 1731 ,!$&&&$&&&aC5t& &2$Sfi&it!sS3i 0 sie a you a press otsse M Lumber is cheaper now on Coos Bay than.il: will ever be again But wo are not selling lumber. We are in the power and electric lighting business and are at work putting in a gas- plant. And when you put u pyour new building have it wired for ele for gas. If you have ver used elftric light you would hardlyhink ofJlng back to tallow candles or ouUfftellino kerosene; if the housewife lias ever used an electric flat iron she would not be disposed to surrender it. And if you have ever used a gas stove no one could induce you to go back to the old sooty, grimy coal stove. ;tric light and plumbed Marshfield and North Bend, rirn-tengrawBiHijiKac?ctwcagMTaciJgiiJisBga2Bar mv:aiimmii i3Mjjn'iiinMmiim.r " liM-irr-grr"""'Tce3gpczaaivi"i .-H'TTrTTrTmra3jggeapgag3nBmiauniH - ' ..r-TTTmrr!iyitw'vjinW,mil'il)t-isrj1WIJ-rJTmTTTTi;rjnW':i a V WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builders j f y. i y Sore Fronts. Coimtefs, ,our plans. See us be- Offico fixtures a spocialt Shelving. Let us work foro building. STWj&ijzszLjLaiszrBMsiwjmiesjttsiBigsm vr.Kr.tun ;cKssnS5asEixcn: mwj"ynEaa5Ji'ifTT5raBrraai;HA.i,A t Winter Clothing WANTED Dishwasher and chamher maid, at Hotel Oregon, Mortu Bend. FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment. Address R. B .C, care The Times. WANTED Ten men to clear land on Plat B, by tho acre. L. D. Kinney, FOR SALE A Victor No. 2 grapho phono and 23 records. Wanted to sell immediately. Call at Central Hotel, room C. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street FOR. SALE Neat and modern Heights. Best ASY TERMS ituated in North Bend on the peninsula, also vacant lots in tne same tract. Prices rea sonable and terms easy. WARD & HURD Successors to Wnrd & Ward. ON E yiflw d'orner Meade and Vermont Sts. We beg to announce the arrival of our new line of the Adler &L Sons Autumn and Winter Clothing We do business undey the motto, "T'is better a little eajy than a little late" and therefore halve ordered-ourriew sea son's goods soas to havethem as soon as the makers have dKra out and by this method fcaveliminaied all the vexatious delays caused by the conges tion of shipping in the months of Sep tember and October , . We have an exclusive line pi the J. cr b Sons Clothing. These lines are clothes celebrated iojy their wearing qualities, thehvfit and distinctive style. LANZ ROLANDSON Sacchi Building on 2nd Street KB H 41 ,q HI :iszxBn i T' u J SH