WSKHSHES 5BRS OREGON, WEDMESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1907. THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, ' " i Comtminlcntcd. Continued from page 2.) the Government over to Russell Sage honorable ill these proceedings and If there were, does It in any way re flect on the United Wireless and It's stock? But It Is stated by the Harbor that even this awful man White, who by the way, according to the same ar ticle In "Success" once committed the terrible crime of soliciting from the public subscription and cash for a gold mining proposition which he fathered and after discovering that tho prospect was not what he had anticipated It to be voluntarily re turned every dollar collected to the stock subscribers; even this man White is no longer connected with the United Wireless but Is devoting Ills time and attention at present to tne American DeForest Wireless Telegraph Company which (I am quoting the Harbor's words) 13 on a paying basis. But, the harbor con tinues, "Not one share of this block lias ever been offered (o the public." (The words in bold face are the Har bor's.- Instead of a paying property a party of unscrupulous promoters are offering this United Wireless stock. Now read well the following: "The United Wireless has absolute control of the American DeForest and subsidiary companies. It's exe cutive committee controls and oper ates the Atlantic. (Signed) C. C. Wilson, President, and again the following letter writ ten by Mr. White as president of the American DeForest Company after he had been forced to resign from the presidency of the United Wire less In answer to a letter of Inquiry -written to him by the "Seattle Bro kerage Company" which read3 as follows: New York, June IS, 1907. Dear Sirs: I have exchanged all my American DeForest stock for United Wireless. The American De Forest will not go ahead with any further improvements, such as equip ping of ships or erecting of stations. That will bo done by the United Company. The executive committee of tho United Wireless has full con trol of the American DeFor33t and the Atlantic DeForest and the oper ation of the same. They hold the entire capital stock of tho Atlantic except 0G shares They also have In their possession over a ma jority of the capital stock of the American DeForest." Instead there fore offering to tho public stock in "worthless" United Wlreles3 we are offering to them a share in what the Harbor is pleased to term a paying property. The Harbor says that instead of being able to send messages three thousand mile3, as some of the pro moters have claimed, wo are sending messages with a limit of COO miles. Well that limit would not be so bad for practical purpose but just In or der to get tho truth before Coos Bay readers, I want to state that on Juno the 18th tho wireless station at North Head iccelved three messages from tho steamer President return ing from her first trip to Alaska over a distance of 1G00 mile3, as reported in almost every paper in the United States on Juno 19th. And on March ISth of this year all the papers in the United States reported, "Wireless sent over 3000 miles. Navy depart ment sent message from Pensacola, Fla., to Point Loma, Cal. Longest distance ever covered in America. Naval experts elated over tho tri umph. Two mountain chains inter vened, but this did not hinder faatis factory communication." The Harbor says: "White himself tells his ti lends that land wireless can ncjver bo profitable until hun dreds of stations have been establish ed all over the country. ' Wonder ful, really wonderful. As you can not do a land business until a sufll clont number of stations are erected, therefore take warning and be not swlndlod by allowing them to start lu erecting any, tor as long as they "have no stations, wo can be sure that they can not send any messages. One -or two warships can not stnrt to op pose the English fleet, therefore be ware. O! American people, and do not allow any others to be built, for wo may eventually get a navy strong enough to opposo any foe. Just two more Instances of tho ab solute worthlessuess of United Wire less and its stock. Head these copies of two tolegrams by President Wil son: "Now York, Aug. 7th, '07. "Captain McGoldrlck of Associated Oil Company, San Francisco, has ar ranged with Matson Navigation Com pany to equip their ships running to Honolulu with our system. Just closed contract to furnish stations equipments for tho Japonese govern ment. "C. C. Wilson, Pies." "Now York, Aug. 7th, '07. "Just closed contract with New York Herald to tuinlsh stock quota tions and news service, tho greatest endorsement over given a wireless systom. "C. C. Wilson, Pres." Not a bad day's record for a busl n oss which after all is still In its swaddling clothes. I could go on for pages and pugos anil tell readers what Wlieless is do ing today and what It promises to do in tho future. But the object ot this open communication Is not that of campaigning but that of refuting an unwarranted attacit ou my company and on myself. When one mlsteps so tar as to call me practically u bunco-steerer on a piopositiou of which he knows nothing without oven takiug the trouble to Inform himself on any question that lu his opinion ueedod explanation when at tho meeting of the Marshlld Cham-lim- of Commerce, at which he was present I Invited ovorybody to askJ so that l nujtiu navo an uiuiuriuun. to answer, It certainly behooves me to let tho Harbor's readers know that Its timely "Warning" was based on misunderstanding of tho offor I was about to make to tho North Bond Chambor of Commerce, ,of a lack of knowledge on tho subject in genornl and that tho Harbor will acknowl edge that Its youthful energy for onco, carried it too far. Trusting that this communication will bo given spaco in tho Harbor and thus ropair the Injury which It lias dono to me, I remain as ever, Tho public's obedient servant, DR. EMIL STOESSEL. jj jm ijiiiui iiiij. i mill mm imiUMI'M"''i''"""' Eckhoffs Hall North Bead, Ore. Thursday Evening Aug 15 "THE AMERICAN BIOSCOPE" With a series of the latest and timejy subjects in MOVING PICT! RES Illustrated Soncs. Jnd Music Music by the ' Prof. Songs, J Eminoat Q Ai Piano Soloist FCuiuliiF. Admission 25 and 35 cents After ihd performance a dance Admission to same tickets 25c n at gn'.Mj :i i mummttmumgHEl ?rrffTr:Trei.i'iiiyrej.iii'-H!lgytarwviiif" ALL PARTS OF Till u We use the necessarwfacilities for sending, money to all parts of, the world, and without danger or loss THE FIRST NATIONAl SINK Of COOS BAY iviarslmela, Brecon. M M oo oo oo oo GO Ad &' &OQ&ObOOOOS-4OOi'QQi-00 40$00000-0&G40'ZO I" JfP I V GO nme imem $s ouvenur n A 9 XT. J9 71 m i TS T roslsuybf m N0RTW& H amine ANSEN OQOOO SOOOtkQOObOOOOOOOO 0KOOOOOOOOOOO QOOOOOOO OQQ OOOQO0l'i00$000000000$i Ot- s-o x oo OO oo OO oo OOO , iiiii:. California arul Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance y B. W.-tDLSON, Masjfr. COOS BAY AND?ITLAW Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. F. P. IJaunigartnur, Agt. L. W, Shaw, Agt. Couch St. Dock, Portland, Ore, Marshfield, Ore., Phone 441. mmmtmmmmmmttnmmmmim:mnmmtttttjjj OO OO OO O H OO oo oo OO OO oo oo o oo OO J oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo tz oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo n oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo o oo oo oo oo oo n oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo 8 poo oo oo oo oo oo 00 00 00 Undisputed Excellence I ngnagBBaiBaMiihUJUiaia jj of the Henry F. pianos is due to the high artistic standard which has always the principle of its design ai manufacture, so that today Henry F. Miller s& Sons is syjion- vmons with all that is excellent in piano-forte construction. The best evidence of tl adherence to high Meal's years most of the have had the Miller We are exclusive mnt been me isJthe Millejf piano. a j& 'ft permanent length of representatives Southwestern Oregon. w. WW & ill wU' 21 a 4 Vv-acp i9 Music Street Between Front m4 Irocsdway TELEPHONE 144 &VOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOO0OOOOOO0OO1fOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOftOOOOOOOOO00j'l$ ooo5oooooooooooooeHooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovoooooooo Q32JE2SS2SKJ EC2C23mSK25'Effi7iIi!ffi5GISfiI r.rrmxTtiHiTimv&Am&Ti vi rv nrKvn sw. w V Portland & Coos Bay S S Line u- Sails for Portland and Asjpria every Thursday C. F. MtcCoHum, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - - - A. St. Dock Eookkeepin Actual busira iS Oidrilxyf at g by theml fcss fvdksk I "1 UaL . k'ii . iighlMi 'We came with a stn Phone 1521 irsc unto Coos." Acts' 21-1. Front Street. CTMrrcnmnffigsraTOniiTO&Mgfl rffl3j$8a32aSsCSE2j iss System the $tart CHARTIER SHORTHAND Easy to Iearn Easy to write Easy Yo read IT IS THE BEST Wre for Information MillerCleaver Business College NORTH BEND, OREGON We lmvo lini'pilii for you. This is what it is: 1(10 ucrc'jjjnjn'o'vi'd farm lnnd, 20 cows, home ilry stork, - mart's, SJ colts. A muubi'i' ot ciiicKcia, homo Ui, anil all iiiiidomeiits nucdcil to oper ate the farm. This much is located on jiavij-uhle water 1 niilclroupqi postollice, school house and coal mine. in .'.... c&n tti t( n'lift- ni'lnii i 111 Iwilil .KvjFi'.... .. r..... .1.... i.. For iiai' see y" STUTSMAN & CO. OFFICE ON CORNER OF FRONT and C STS PHONE I7II and s FASTlfSJT BOATS ON WE BAY Half Hour Schedule Hui' ltctween Marshfield Mild North Ueiid Made In 12 Minutes. Private Landings. Fare: One wav, lQc; round trip, 3c. J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKEN j (y BECAUSE It is choice insidcrcsidencopcrty, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well sXeltejpiKvith a good bay view and prices of lots are reirfable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. t 8 S a It n n 8 :: SI 7